Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 70

Even Lin Zhi, who has always been dissatisfied with Tian Jiang's behavior, did not expect that Tian Jiang could do such a thing. No matter which sect he put it in, it can be called an unpardonable crime, which is almost equivalent to betraying the sect. Tian Jiang actually did such a thing that she could not deal with. She turned her eyes to Jiang Chi. At present, she is the only one qualified to deal with Tian Jiang.

Jiang Chi didn't expect to encounter such a thing this time. Could it be that he has been closed for decades, and the interior of Shushan has become like this? In order to cover up his fault, he can ignore the murder of his peers. If he doesn't come today, won't this matter be hidden by this person named Tianjiang?

Jiang Chi's eyes became cold, "Lin Zhi!"

"Disciples are there!" Lin Zhi was a little frightened. She didn't know how Jiang Chi planned to treat Tian Jiang, but it was certain that Tian Jiang's tragic end was doomed.

"Bring down this person named Tianjiang and let him guard him for the time being. After I finish dealing with the matter here, I will report it to Elder Lvde and leave it to him."

Jiang Chi's tone was som that Lin Zhi could hardly feel any emotional fluctuations, but after hearing Jiang Chi's words, Lin Zhi felt awe-inspiring, "Let it be handled by Elder Lude?" Elder Lude is Zuo Fuchao's master Jiumo, one of the five elders in Shushan. Generally speaking, only the second generation of disciples who violate the door rules will be dealt with by him personally, but this time... Lin Zhi looked at Tian Xinjiang with pity, and his result was predictable.

"Chu Ci, find someone to call Wang Ke for me and say that I have something to do with him." What Lin Zhi didn't expect was that the matter was not over, and Jiang Chi made such an order to Chu Ci. It seemed that Wang Ke would also bear an incongruous punishment.

Lin Zhi sighed and escorted Tianjiang away. Jiang Chi hesitated for a moment and said, "Take the four disciples and take them to the forbidden place in Houshan first. Your uncle Zuo happens to be there now. You can tell him about this by the way."

Lin Zhi nodded, walked to Tian Jiang, looked at him and said, "Let's go."

Tian Jiang is already blind and has completely lost his spirit just now. He doesn't know why the good things he arranged have become like this, but what he knows is that now his consequences are doomed. It is estimated that the lightest thing is to abolish his cultivation. He has thought about it and is forbidden for life. Hearing Lin Zhi call him, he looked at Lin Zhi, saw a trace of pity in her eyes, and followed her out of the sword room.

Looking at Lin Zhi leading people to take away Tianjiang, Jiang Chi then turned his eyes to these dead disciples. He looked at the four people who had been rescued and exposed Tianjiang, stared at them and said word by word, "You have to tell me what happened here carefully. There is no choice but to hide it. Hide it!"

The four people are all honest people "carefully selected" by Tian Xinjiang. They only know how to be ordered to carry bags. Jiang Chi's identity is several people's uncles. Naturally, he dares not hide it and tells everything that happened here.

It turned out that not long after nightfall, the lanterns in the sword room had been lit and all went out. When Tian Jiang arrived with them, the scene had become like this. It is estimated that someone attacked the disciples of the sword room and left. After that, Tianjiang ordered them to decorate this place in order to hide the facts, so that people could not see what was happening here, but unexpectedly, the lights in the sword refining room were completely extinguished and shocked others. In the end, the matter was a big deal.

After hearing this, Jiang Chi frowned, thought about it and asked, "Have you checked it? What have you lost here?"

The four people looked at each other and lowered their heads.

When Jiang Chi saw the expressions of the four people, he knew that the sword refining room had been stolen. Hua Luo saw that the four people were silent for a long time and couldn't help saying, "You are talking. Didn't you hear the uncle asking you?"

The four people, look at me, I look at you, and finally the first person to wake up before said, "The ice is gone."

"What?!" After hearing the four people's words, Jiang Chi's calmness couldn't help but change her face. She looked around and told Hua Luo, "Let the doorman leave, strengthen all the vigil, and inform Shushan's disciples in charge of the night vigil. The whole Shushan is in a state of alert." After saying this, she remembered another thing and asked, "That's right. Who has always been responsible for the night patrol in Shushan?

Hua Luo also knew the seriousness of the matter and replied, "It's Sister Lin who just sent Tianjiang to leave."

"Is it her?" After hearing this, Jiang Chi hesitated slightly, "She went to her brother's place, which is also an important thing... Well, you and Chu Ci will take on tonight's inspection task first, and the specific matters will be adjusted after we discuss."

Hualuo nodded and left with Chu Ci. At the same time, he also emptied the disciples around the sword room, so only Jiang Chi and Yuwen Yaoguang, and the four dull disciples were left here.

"Sister Chi, is the ice soul... very important?" Yuwenyao knew from everyone's eyes just now that the lost ice soul should be a very important thing, but she had never heard of it.

"That's the essential item we use to refine swords. The whole Shushan water spirit attribute flying sword can be refined by ice." Jiang Chi's face has an unconcealed sadness. Now that the ice soul has been stolen, and I don't know who did it. The world's flying sword comes out of Shushan. If something goes wrong on the ring of the flying sword, the foundation of Shushan will be shaken. Should I tell the master? Jiang Chi had such an idea at this moment.

"Didn't you guys listen to your master and arrange it here? Why did you faint?" Jiang Chi was thinking like this, but suddenly heard Yuwen Yaoguang ask. Naturally, the object of her question was the disciple Shushan who was still stupid.

Yuwen Yaoguang has been thinking about this question since just now. Since Tianjiang has arranged everything, how could they suddenly faint and let Tianjiang's preparations be futile... Tianjiang was full of confidence just now.

Yuwen Yaoguang glanced at Jiang Chi, and both of them understood that through Yuwen Yaoguang's words, Jiang Chi also understood that Yuwen Yaoguang meant that someone had secretly helped them.

Jiang Chi pondered for a moment and said to Yuwen Yaoguang, "Sister Yaoguang, do you mean that we may have accepted other people's feelings?"

Yu Wenyao nodded, "Yes, the situation of the four of them is obviously not expected by Tianjiang. Someone must have deliberately arranged this play for us to watch."

Jiang Chi nodded. She also agreed with Yuwen Yaoguang. She looked at the four people who obviously couldn't understand the conversation with Yuwen Yaoguang and said, "What are you still doing? Hurry up, what's going on with you?"

The four looked at each other again. Look at me, I look at you, and then shook our heads together. "We don't know. When we woke up, we saw two uncles."

The four did not know Yuwen Yaoguang, but when they heard that she called Jiang Chi as Xiaochi's sister, they thought it should be the same generation as Jiang Chi, so they also called her uncle.

Jiang Chi and Yuwen Yaoguang didn't care about this, but after hearing their answer, Yuwen Yaoguang shook her head helplessly. She was not a disciple of Shushan, but she was speechless about these four people, and Jiang Chi couldn't help shouting angrily, "What else do you know!"

Jiang Chi is also an angry word. After all, it's about Shushan. He was angered by the ignorant attitude of the four people. He didn't expect them to say anything. Unexpectedly, one of the four looked left and right and said, "One of us seems to be missing."

"Yes, what about boldness?"

"Yes, why didn't Zhang Dadan see you?"

Hearing his words, the other three also found that the boldest Zhang Daring had disappeared and couldn't help looking around.

"Enough of you!" Jiang Chi stopped their out-of-tune search behavior and asked patiently, "Who is Zhang Daring?"

Before they answered, they heard a weak voice from behind them, "Unclezu, I am bold."

Jiang Chi and Yu Wen Yaoguang turned around and saw an ordinary-like and characterless Shushan disciple standing behind them trembling.

"Where have you been again?" Jiang Chi asked angrily. Now she is angry when she sees such a disciple. Is Shushan's disciple really a fault? Their second-generation disciples can all be alone, and the third-generation disciples are not much different. How come the fourth-generation disciples are all dying?

What she didn't expect was that this disciple named Zhang Daring was really bold, but after calling her uncle and ancestor, she ignored her at the beginning, and said to Yuwen Yaoguang, "Are you a Yuwen girl?"

Yuwen Yaoguang was stunned and didn't expect that a Shushan disciple would recognize him, but he still nodded, "I'm Yuwen Yaoguang."

Zhang boldly heard Yuwen Yaoguang say this and happily handed a note to him. "That senior really said it well. This is what he gave you."

Yuwen Yaoguang took the note, but was stunned, "Senior?"

Zhang boldly nodded, "Yes, the senior said that as long as he was with Uncle Jiang and did not wear Shushan costumes, the beautiful woman was Miss Yuwen. It seems that the senior was really brave."

Yuwenyao was even more confused after listening to it. What happened to this senior who suddenly didn't know where he came out? And Jiang Chi also sank his face. Today, Yuwen Yaoguang has seen a lot of embarrassing situations of Shushan disciples, which made her a little embarrassed. At this moment, when she saw Zhang Daring come again, she couldn't help saying, "Zhang Daring, what the hell are you talking about?"