Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 74

Lin Zhi didn't expect that things would change so unexpectedly. For her, there were indeed a lot of things that made her unable to accept it for a while.

"Hey, where on earth are you taking me?" Liu Huifeng pretended to be deaf and dumb all the way, which made Lin Zhi angry. Finally, he stopped struggling and asked this question. She didn't want to panic like before. After all, she could feel that Liu Huifeng was not malicious to herself, but where did he plan to go with Tianjiang in his arms?

Liu Huifeng still didn't answer her as if he hadn't heard it. Lin Zhi was about to speak, but suddenly his body sank, and his feet had stepped on the ground. Then he heard a plop, and Tian Jiang was also thrown to the ground by Liu Huifeng. To Lin Zhi's blessing, Liu Huifeng did not treat her like Tian Jiang. She looked around and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Isn't this a forbidden place?" Lin Zhi found that this was the place where Jiang Chi asked her to take Tian Jiang to find Zuo Fuchao. Why did Liu Huifeng bring her here?

"Hey, what did you want to take me here?" Since knowing that Liu Huifeng had lied to pretend to be a new disciple of Shushan, Lin Zhi has been calling him "Hey", and Liu Huifeng himself does not seem to be aware of it.

He glanced at Lin Zhi and asked, "You can't go in here, can you?"

Lin Zhi saw Liu Huifeng's expression and expression. Somehow, she suddenly got angry and immediately retorted, "Who said? Since Uncle Jiang asked me to come to Uncle Zuo today, I can naturally go in."

After saying this, she thought that she dared to look down on me. She must be disappointed.

What Lin Zhi didn't expect was that Liu Huifeng was neither surprised nor disappointed after hearing her words, but nodded calmly, "Then go in."

"Hey, you, you... what should he do?" Lin Zhi pointed to Tianjiang, who was thrown on the ground by Liu Huifeng. This guy hasn't changed at all. It's really annoying.

"Of course you brought it," Liu Huifeng turned around and said naturally, "He was the one you should have brought here."

"Bastard!" Lin Zhi couldn't help scolding in her heart. Doesn't this guy know how to help himself? After all, I am a woman, abominable guy. When she cursed in her heart, she saw that Liu Huifeng had strode towards the forbidden land. Somehow, a sense of fear suddenly rose in her heart, "Hey, wait for me."

Lin Zhi had no choice but to carry Tianjiang on her back and chased Liu Huifeng. She did not have the ability like Liu Huifeng. She could lift hundreds of pounds of people in one hand. If it is still possible for her to practice the sword formula, but she is one of the few people in Shushan who are not proficient in the five spirit spells, so she can only recite Tian Jiang.

Lin Zhi followed Liu Huifeng for a long time, and secretly scolded the teenager who didn't know where he came from countless times. Liu Huifeng, who had been lowering her head, might as well stop suddenly. She was unprepared and suddenly bumped into Liu Huifeng.

"Ouch!" Lin Zhi shouted in pain, staddled and almost fell down. "What are you doing? Why did you suddenly stop?"

Liu Huifeng turned his head, looked at Lin Zhi with a resentful face, touched his forehead and said, "Which way should I go?"

"Ah?" Lin Zhi heard Liu Huifeng's words and looked forward and found that there were three fork roads in front of him. It seemed that Liu Huifeng didn't know which one to take, so he stopped and looked at him angrily, "I don't know."

Liu Huifeng said, "I don't know?"

"Of course I don't know." Lin Zhi seemed to believe when she saw Liu Huifeng. "It's also my first time here. How can I know how to go? I thought you were so capable. It turned out that it was just like that..." The second half of the sentence was very small for fear that Liu Huifeng would hear it. She couldn't see through this name Liu Huifeng. The teenager, it would be bad if he was annoyed.

When Liu Huifeng heard what she said, he lowered his head and thought about it.

Lin Zhi looked at him curiously and didn't know what he was going to do. Is it to separate himself from him from him? Or choose one of them to be with him? Either way, it is possible to go in the wrong direction. She turned her mind twice. Previously, Uncle Jiang asked me to come here to find Uncle Zuo. If she encountered this situation, won't it be like this? Is it possible that Uncle Jiang doesn't know the situation here?

In fact, this was Jiang Chi's negligence. She forgot that Lin Zhi was only a three-generation disciple and had never been to the forbidden place. She took it for granted that she regarded her sisters before the retreat.

She was thinking about countermeasures, but suddenly felt a chill coming. Her body couldn't help shivering, and although Tian Jiang, who was behind her back, was still in a coma, she also trembled.

"What's going on?" Lin Zhi raised her head and was shocked. She saw Liu Huifeng standing in front of her, with long hair and windless, and his whole body... Lin Zhi was originally a practice of magic. She clearly felt how much spiritual power Liu Huifeng had accumulated around her body, which was pure and powerful water spirit.

"What is he doing? There is such a huge water spirit in his body. It seems that he is also a water spirit body like me. But...isn't this spiritual power too powerful?" Lin Zhi is really serious about Liu Huifeng's cultivation, which is a height that she can only look up to.

"What...are you doing?" Lin Zhi couldn't help asking that Liu Huifeng surprised her more and more every time. She was afraid that if she did it again, her psychology would not be able to bear it.

Liu Huifeng withdrew the surging spiritual power in his body and was very satisfied. After the rough training, the prohibition of Lingxing has been almost solved. I believe that if there is another time or two more grinding on the edge of life and death, the prohibition of Lingxing can be completely solved. However, you must take precautions in advance, so as not to be like the last Yuwen Yaoguang incident. If something really happened that time, he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Nothing, I'm just saying hello." Liu Huifeng was in a good mood at this moment and answered when he heard Lin Zhi's words.

Lin Zhi was slightly stunned. This seemed to be the first time Liu Huifeng answered her question. She put Tian Jiang on the ground. It was indeed a burden to carry this guy on her back, but she did not throw him on the ground like Liu Huifeng. Although she didn't understand what Liu Huifeng meant by saying hello, she was now more interested in another question and asked, "Can you tell me how much all the spiritual power in your body just now?"

Liu Huifeng took a look at her. He was still very fond of this girl named Lin Zhi. Just now, when he and Xia Yuan, of course, it was not the real Xia Yuan fought, it was just a puppet occupied in his heart. It can be seen that Lin Zhi was a kind-hearted person. A good girl. Now when I hear her ask this, I feel that there is no need to hide it and say, "It's probably half of it."

"Is it only...half?" After hearing Liu Huifeng's words, Lin Zhi was silent, but thought in her heart that such an amazing spiritual power was actually half of his strength. How strong should he really be?

Liu Huifeng seemed to see through Lin Zhi's mind and suddenly said, "The real cultivation is not only reflected in spiritual power. It is wrong to think that the greater the spiritual power, the higher the cultivation." Liu Huifeng thought for a moment and decided to say these words, "Your main problem is still lack of exercise. In fact, , all the disciples in Shushan have this problem.

Before Lin Zhi had time to refute, she heard a cheerful laugh, "Who did I think it was, but only you would greet me in this way?"

With this sound, a figure also appeared in front of the two people. He looked at Liu Huifeng, "Why did you come here?" His eyes turned and he saw Lin Zhi and Tian Jiang lying on the ground. He couldn't help but say, "Lin Zhi, why did you also come here? And what's going on?"

Zuo Fuchao naturally pointed to Tianjiang. Lin Zhi saw Zuo Fuchao appear and immediately bowed to him, "I have seen Uncle Zuo."

"Oc's it, don't be polite. Let's talk about why you came here with Huifeng, and what's going on with him?"

Lin Zhi unconsciously raised her eyebrows after hearing Zuo Fuchao's name for Liu Huifeng. It seems that this guy actually has a good relationship with Uncle Zuo. After sett down, I told Zuo Fuchao all the things that happened in the sword room today, and also told them all about meeting Xia Yuan on the road.

After listening to this, Zuo Fuchao pondered for a while and said, "Betraying the master, sacrificing the same family, the feelings are unprousable, the sin is unforgivable, abolishing the cultivation, and being banned for life. Let the master decide the rest."

Zuo Fuchao said and walked to Tianjiang and clicked his forehead with one hand. Tianjiang's body shook, and his cultivation dispersed and became an ordinary person. Lin Zhi had nothing to say when she saw Zuo Fuchao's punishment. It was kind enough that Zuo Fuchao did not kill him on the spot. However, for a cultivation, it may be more uncomfortable to lose one's cultivation than to kill him.

Liu Huifeng looked on coldly. Zuo Fuchao's expression was firm and not muddy at all, but Lin Zhi's face showed an unbearable look. He couldn't help shaking his head secretly. This girl was really not suitable for this task.

"Okay, that's all right." Zuo Fuchao also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He turned his head to Lin Zhi, "You haven't told me how you met Huifeng."

Lin Zhi was stunned and said hesitantly, "Uncle, what the hell is this..."

Seeing that Lin Zhi seemed to be a little confused, Zuo Fuchao couldn't help looking at Liu Huifeng, and his eyes were obviously asking, "Didn't you tell her?"

"Oh, uncle, this guy... This man said that he only arrived in Shushan today, but I was cheated by him."