Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 111

Yuwen Yaoguang had not reacted after hearing the news that Liu Huifeng was a demon clan, but when Lin Zhi said that she saw Liu Huifeng going to attack her with her own eyes, she suddenly had a thing. It was also not long after coming to Shushan, Liu Huifeng once told her that if I was not like this, at that time, although she I don't understand what this means, but I still replied, "No matter what you become in the future, I will always be with you."

And when Lin Zhi talked about this situation, she remembered what Liu Huifeng had once said, and immediately realized that Liu Huifeng was really falling into the devil, so she suddenly fainted. She knew in her heart that Liu Huifeng probably knew some omens, so she said this to her like this.

And now, she said this sentence again, hoping to make Liu Huifeng wake up from the devil's way.

Sure enough, Liu Huifeng was a little distracted after hearing her words. He grabbed Yuwen Yaoguang's hand gently touching his cheek and said, "... always be with me... Yaoguang..."

"Huifeng, do you think of me? Return to the wind!" Yuwen Yaoguang was surprised and happy. She quickly hugged Liu Huifeng and shouted happily.

"Hmm?" When Liu Li beside him saw this situation, he was also secretly shocked. He did not expect that Yuwen Yaoguang's influence on Liu Huifeng was so great. He could feel that the blood belonging to the demon clan in Liu Huifeng's body had a faint tendency to be suppressed again. At this time, he couldn't do it without taking action.

Liuli suddenly roared, and then the momentum on his body began to climb at a very fast speed. It happened to be a few little demons of the demon clan who were closer to him. They couldn't stand the attraction of this force and died directly.

As soon as Kong Zhang saw this situation, he immediately ordered, "White clothes, black clothes, gather our demon people and let them stay away from these two people. Hurry up!"

Kong Zhang's order was quickly executed, but even so, many demons were directly torn apart by the force before they could withdraw. The situation of the practitioners is not much better, and because there are many sects of practitioners, they can't execute orders immediately like demons, and more practitioners are involved.

However, all sects also reacted quickly, so in the center of the whole venue, there were only Liu Huifeng, Liu Li and Yuwen Yaoguang. The speed of Emei's disciple Sun Xiufang was a little slow and could not be withdrawn in time. Just as she closed her eyes and was ready to withstand this powerful force, she was surprised to find that it was the force that somehow bypassed her and only rolled over a few people beside her. All the people involved were killed without exception.

Sun Xiufang couldn't help looking at Liuli, but before she could speak, Yi Ziran pulled her back. "Xiufang, what are you still in a daze? Come back quickly."

Yu Wenyaoguang had already hugged Liu Huifeng, but was suddenly surprised to find that a force had also risen on Liu Huifeng's body. This force was not a spiritual power she was familiar with, but a strange force, but she could feel that this power was so powerful that it made her tremble.

"The Wind Back!" Despite this, Yuwen Yaoguang still held Liu Huifeng tightly and was unwilling to give up, but what she didn't expect was that Liu Huifeng pushed her away with surprisingly strong. Yuwen Yaoguang almost failed to grasp the balance and fell from the air.

Liu Huifeng pressed one hand on his forehead, and the other hand stretched forward, "Don't come over, don't come over!"

Yu Wenyaoguang was shocked and scared, but she didn't know what to do. "The wind back, what's wrong with the wind!"

Liu Huifeng maintained this action for a long time, but Liu Li, who was not far away, put away the momentum on him and slowly walked to Liu Huifeng. Yuwenyao saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately moved her body and opened her hands to stop Liu Huifeng. "Don't come here!"

Liuli shook her head, "Little girl, I don't want to hurt you, but it's impossible for you and him. After all, he still has to return to our demon clan. Get out of the way!"

"Impossible!" Yuwen Yaoguang said firmly.

"Alas..." Liu Li sighed long, "Then I can only drive you away." He pinched it with one hand, generated a black arrow out of thin air, and flew to Yuwen Yaoguang like substance. The speed was so fast that Yuwen Yaoguang didn't have time to react at all, but she still stood firmly in front of Liu Huifeng, maintaining the posture of opening her hands without even blinking her eyes.

Seeing that the black arrow was about to hit Yuwen Yaoguang, Jiang Chi and Yi Ziran, who had a good relationship with Yuwen Yaoguang or many kind-hearted girls, couldn't bear to look at it again and turned their heads. Lin Zhong also sighed, "As soon as she dies, Liu Huifeng has no hope of returning. Let's get ready." The tone is full of regret.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the black arrow was firmly held by a hand that was born, and the owner of that hand was Liu Huifeng.

"You!" Liu Li didn't expect that Liu Huifeng would take action at such a moment and couldn't help looking at him in surprise. Could it be said that even after raising his magic to the extreme, it still could not affect him? But just now, he clearly felt that the blood of the demon clan in his body resonated with him, and the demon spirit climbed to the peak? Even now, Liu Huifeng held the arrow tightly - this is the manifestation of his formal enchantment, and it is impossible to catch this arrow formed by his own strength with his human body.

Liu Huifeng smiled at Liuli, "Brother Liuli, she is my woman. You can't hurt her." Unlike Liu Huifeng, who was always calm before, his smile seemed to appear from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh," Liu Li was relieved when she saw this situation, "as long as you want."

Liu Huifeng turned his head to Yuwen Yaoguang. His eyes were blood-red, but his face was extremely handsome. "Yaoguang, even if I am like this, would you like to be with me?"

Yuwen Yaoguang was very happy to see Liu Huifeng protect herself. When she heard Liu Huifeng's words, she nodded, "No matter where you go, I will be with you!"

Liu Huifeng's smile became brighter. He stretched out his right hand to Yuwen Yaoguang. Yuwen Yaoguang did not hesitate to hand over and let Liu Huifeng hold him. Then he said to Jiang Chi, "Sister Chi, we're leaving. Take care!"

"Yaoguang..." Jiang Chi looked at Yuwen Yaoguang and Liu Huifeng and didn't know what to say, so he had to nod silently.

"Maybe this is also the best result." Many people present think so.