Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 12 Things are human

Ziya did not expect that she would be separated from others in this black dragon pool, let alone that she would get lost after being alone. If the previous things could be called accidents, then the next thing was something she had never thought about.

Although she is in the fog and can't distinguish things, her ** degree of demon spirit is still there. Near her, a very strong demon spirit suddenly appeared. Purple Cliff and others came here this time to find out the truth of the matter and find out what the purpose of the demon clan is, so naturally they can't let go of this. One.

But because she is easy to get lost here, she can only approach carefully. To her surprise, before she approaches, this strong demonic spirit has completely disappeared.

Demon spirit is an innate sign of the demon clan, so no matter how powerful or how weak the demon is, there will be demon spirit on its body. Unless this demon has grown up in the world since birth and has never come into contact with other peers, demonic spirit will make it difficult for them like practitioners to detect.

So generally speaking, there are only two possibilities for the disappearance of demon spirit. One is the death of the demon, the owner of the demon. Since the demon has died, it will naturally not emit demon spirit. The second situation is that there are very clever means to completely hide the demonic spirit. Although this is difficult, it is not impossible. However, although the demonic spirit felt by Ziya just now is very strong, it can be distinguished that it does not come from a demon, that is to say, it is the effect produced by many demons gathered together.

In this way, the disappearance of demonic spirit can only be the first situation, but what is the reason to make so many demons die in an instant? Ziya couldn't help thinking about it. Just as she was about to approach the scene of the incident, a trace of alert suddenly rose to her heart.

When the cultivation reached the state of Purple Cliff, any kind of vigilance similar to ordinary people could never wait for it, so when this warning came to her mind, Purple Cliff raised its vigilance, and the next moment, an arrow shining blue light suddenly appeared in front of her.

If it hadn't been for the vigilance in the heart of the Purple Cliff, this arrow would have shot her knee, but now, the Purple Cliff reacted quickly and took off the thunder sword from behind, and the sword flashed and cut it on the arrow.

The arrow that should have been destroyed in her imagination just paused unexpectedly, and then continued to shoot at her unrelentlessly, and the speed was a little faster than just now, as if it was more provoking her own attack.

Ziya was slightly surprised. It seems that this enemy is not simple. Just an arrow is so powerful, but... without demonic spirit, is his cultivation so high that it can completely hide demonic spirit? Or are you wrong at all, and the other party is not a demon?

But no matter what, this arrow has to be dealt with. Purple Cliff transported Kunlun's mind this time and cut it again with a thunder sword before the arrow hit him. This time, the thunder sword emitted a purple electric light and collided with arrows shining blue light.

Zi Ya only felt a chill going up the current of the sword, which made her spiritual power stop a little. Her alertness suddenly rose to a higher level. Who on the opposite side could actually transmit the power of water to her by relying on the arrows that had been shot?

But this time, the flying sword carrying Kunlun's heart method finally destroyed the arrow. After a crisp sound, the arrow disappeared. At the same time, Ziya seemed to be surprised to hear a whisper from the opposite side. Then, a figure quickly came to her. Before the person arrived, a fast sword had been taken.

Zi didn't dare to be careless. Kunlun's mind ran his whole body and rose from the sword. Now this situation can't be careless. This fog is not the right time. She can't see the other party, but the two sides can't see her, so she must be one step faster than the other party.

She thought so. Obviously, the other party also thought so. A flying sword flew up and down at an extremely fast speed, and the two swords intersected. Purple Cliff felt the same cold meaning as the arrows. It seemed that the other party should be a person with a water spirit physique, and was very proficient in the use of water spirit spells, and could use the five spirits. People who use the art to this extent are indeed very difficult to deal with.

Despite this, Ziya is not worried. What she lacks is patience. Since she began to practice, the water mirror has commented that she is a cautious and patient person. Although she has been rushing at this moment, she is also completely controlling her own rhythm and not attacking blindly.

Liu Huifeng is now slightly surprised. He originally planned to have a good rest, but he did not expect that he had just killed a large group of demons... Of course, the demon elixirs on those demons and the parts that can enhance cultivation for the practitioners have been destroyed by the water power of the arrow. He doesn't need this kind of thing. Even when he is still practicing as a human being, Xiao Beili once said that with the help of foreign objects, he will always make practice flawed. And now in another capacity, we don't need these things.

But what Liu Huifeng didn't expect was that the new opponent was not simple. The arrow he shot was actually blocked. From this point of view, if the other party was a monk, he should at least be at the level of a group of leaders, so Liu Huifeng immediately took his sword to battle after an arrow.

The bow he used is naturally a foreign treasure he got in the wilderness, and the sword is the flying sword given to him by Zuo Fuchao, which contains the power of pure water spirit. As for the Huifeng Sword, it is still inserted in Yuwen Yaoguang's tomb to accompany her instead of him.

Liu Huifeng only felt the power of thunder spirit from the other party's flying sword, and the louder the sound of thunder, the louder he could faintly hear the roar of thunder, which was also the performance of Lei Ling's spell. At this time, the other party's flying sword suddenly stagnated...

Opportunity! Liu Huifeng's heart moved. Even if you sell a flaw, I will show you!

When Ziya sold a flaw, she felt that the other party rushed over directly. She didn't know whether he had been deceived by herself or was fearless, but no matter what, she would not let go of this opportunity.

With a coquettish scolding, Ziya, who never liked to talk more, also opened his mouth at this time. The purple thunder sword in his hand stabbed the other party in front of him. At the same time, a flying sword shining with blue light also came to her. At this time, it is faster than anyone!

The wind stirred by the flying sword of the two blew away the fog between them. Suddenly, the situation of the other party was clearly seen!