Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 27 Ghost City

Caifeng has always been a idle person. Seeing Liu Huifeng and other three people silent, of course, she can't say anything, but she is really panicked. There is nothing to say about Liu Huifeng. If it was ten years ago, some topics could be found between the two, but today, she was very reluctant to come with him. As for Lin Tingyu, it's better to go to Liu Huifeng to talk to her, so after thinking about it, she had to ask Liu Li:

"Where on earth are we going?"

Naturally, the relationship between Liuli and Caifeng is not good, but it can't be regarded as bad. After all, he and Kong Zhang still have some friendship. He looked at Caifeng with a curious face and said calmly, "Fengdu."

Hearing Liu Huifeng say these two words, Liu Huifeng, who had been silent, was slightly shocked, and these two words obviously aroused Caifeng's interest. She then asked, "What are you doing?" Is it possible that we are going to the ghost world?

She was originally just joking. The ghost world is not said to enter, and even the world knows such a legend. If you want to enter the ghost world, you must enter from the capital city, but no one knows whether this legend is true or false. The reason is very simple. No one who has been to the ghost world can come back. Since he has gone to the ghost world, he will naturally not be a living person. He has become a ghost. How can he come back? However, it is also for this reason that the capital city is also known as the "ghost capital".

She just said casually, but she didn't expect that Liuli would nod, "Yes, we are going to the ghost world. If we want to enter the ghost world from the human world, we can only enter from the ghost world."

Caifeng looked at Liu Li in a daze and didn't expect him to say such a thing at all, "We... really want to go to Fengdu City?"

Liuli looked back at her and said, "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"Well, go back if you're afraid!"

This sentence is naturally what Lin Tingyu said. She has always been at peace with Caifeng. When she hears Caifeng's voice trembling slightly, she will naturally not let go of such an opportunity to hit the other party.

As soon as she said this, it was like adding fuel to the fire. Since there was really fear in her heart, Caifeng had to hold on. What's more, she was just a little surprised. There was not much fear in her heart. Naturally, she snorted coldly, "I don't want to talk to ignorant people!"

Lin Tingyu was angry as soon as he heard this and was waiting to retort, but Liu Huifeng coughed gently at this time. Lin Tingyu stared at Caifeng fiercely, but stopped talking.

"It's here!" Just as several people had their own minds and were silent, Liuli's words refreshed Caifeng and finally arrived. Although she didn't know why Liuli took them to the ghost world, she was never a timid person. Naturally, she would not be afraid. On the contrary, she was a little excited to talk.

As Liuli landed first, the four people came outside an ancient earth city. Just looking at the bleak city wall, they already knew that the capital city was indeed some years old. However, although the wall of Fengdu City is also tall, it is far worse than the momentum of Kaifeng. When the four people walked into the gate, Caifeng was surprised to find that the other three people except herself had directions. When the soldiers guarded the city checked, they all took them out without hurry.

This made her very embarrassed. In the past, even if she didn't hurt people, she directly drilled over. She didn't expect that these three guys really regarded themselves as ordinary people, which made her embarrassed.

A soldier stared at her and saw that she did not take out the way, and her beautiful appearance, he suddenly became alert, "You! That's you, where's your path?"

Caifeng was furious and said that you were something. How dared to shout at me. She was about to reach out to kill this unknown soldier, but she didn't expect that she had been held down by Liuli before her hand was raised. He smiled and said to Caifeng, "Hurry up and give the way to this official!"

The soldier guarding the city was just a pawn. After hearing Liu Li's words, he unconsciously raised his chest and looked at Caifeng proudly. This appearance fell into Caifeng's eyes, which made her angry and funny. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. Although she didn't know the reason for Liuli to do this, it was obvious that he didn't let himself do it and scolded in his heart. Where did I get any way? Is it possible that I was really trapped by this little thing?

The soldier also found something wrong and his face darkened. "Where's your guide? If you can't hand it over again, I'll take you down!"

Seeing that a pawn dares to be so arrogant, Caifeng's temper can't stand it. Even if Liuli stops her, she will clean up this unso-good pawn!

At this moment, a road guide suddenly appeared in front of the soldier. He looked up in surprise, and it was the man who did not speak much and stretched out his hand to stop him. He took a look at the road guide in a trance and then looked at the Caifeng in front of him. He knew that this was her way guide. Although he didn't understand why it was on Liu Huifeng's body or why he didn't take it out until now, he still waved and let several people go in.

As soon as Caifeng entered the city, she couldn't help saying, "Liuli, what do you mean? You really regard yourself as a human. You actually use this kind of thing as a guide, and you, Liu Huifeng, why did you prepare my guide early, but you didn't take it out early!"

Liu Li smiled and said, "Since you have come to the human world, you naturally have to follow the rules of the human world. If there are no rules, you will not be square."

Caifeng knew that there was nothing to say to him, but she turned her eyes to Liu Huifeng and wanted to hear how he explained it. How could she know that Liu Huifeng said something that almost made her vomit blood, "Because you didn't ask."

Seeing Caifeng's appearance that she couldn't wait to swallow and peel Liu Huifeng alive, Liu Li's face smiled, "Well, let's go to Fengdu now. Don't waste time for such a trivial matter."

"Are you talking about trivial things?" Caifeng couldn't help saying, but Liuli said to him, "Rewind, you see, it's the little girl who wants to enter the ghost to find her."

Liu Huifeng followed Liu Li's eyes and just stayed on the little girl for a while, but immediately turned his head and said to Liu Li, "Do you mean that you are leaving now?"

Liu Li was stunned first, and then laughed, which attracted the people on the street to look sideways. When he stopped smiling, he said with a straight face, "It's worthy of the return of the wind. I even guessed what I want to say." He pointed to the girl, "She may give you a little test, but I don't think it will be difficult for you. Well, Liu Huifeng, it all depends on your performance. The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow for a long time. Let's say goodbye."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person disappeared out of thin air, but the people on the street did not notice that the person who was laughing beside them just disappeared on the streets of the capital as if he had never appeared before.