Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 30 Three Flowers Gather

What caught Lin Tingyu's eye was a neat row of medicine cabinets, with a strong smell of herbs. Seeing a guest coming, the owner of the pharmacy quickly greeted him, "I don't know if this girl wants to take medicine or see a doctor?"

Lin Tingyu's eyes turned around the pharmacy and couldn't help but be a little disappointed to see that there were no compartments or stairs, because at present, there was only this man in his 30 years old in the pharmacy.

She planned to leave like this, but she still asked with a glimmer of hope, "Excuse me, do you have anyone else here, such as... daughter?"

This man listened to Lin Tingyu's words and wondered, "This girl is so strange. You came to the pharmacy without taking medicine or seeing a doctor, but asked about Chu's family background?"

Lin Tingyu shook his head awkwardly and said, "It's my fault, sir." Most of the education she has received in the past decade is Liu Huifeng and Li Qiang Wangjiao and his wife from Lijia Villa. Liu Huifeng is silent, while Li Qiang and his wife are very polite people. The so-called those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black, so Lin Tingyu is also a very polite person.

Seeing Lin Tingyu like this, the man surnamed Chu laughed instead, "Girl doesn't have to be like this. Why can I say that I'm still alone? I don't even have a wife. Where can I get a daughter?"

Hearing his words, Lin Tingyu also knew that the person's name was Chu Nan. After receiving his affirmative reply, he also knew that he had made a mistake. The little girl had nothing to do with this person and couldn't help shaking her head regretfully. "This bothers me." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Seeing Lin Tingyu's appearance, although Chu Nan was strange, he didn't say much about it. There are many strange things in the world. The girl in front of her is extraordinary. If it hadn't been for her extraordinary determination, she really couldn't help talking to her more. However, even so, she still had a good impression on her.

He saw Lin Tingyu leave, but saw that she seemed to be a little distracted and kicked over a flower pot at the door.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Lin Tingyu also reacted and quickly squatted down to hold the white flower. She was indeed a little distracted, so she accidentally kicked down the flower pot. Fortunately, it was not damaged and quickly apologized to Chu Nan. I'm so sorry that I kicked your flower down.

"It doesn't matter," Chu Nan smiled and waved his hand. "This is a medicinal material called Shilian. Although Shilian looks like a flower, it is actually not a flower. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification..."

He was waiting to continue to explain the benefits of Shilian, but Lin Tingyu was shocked after hearing his words, "What are you talking about?"

Chu Nan was stunned and didn't know what he said wrong. He explained, "I said that Shilian has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. Why is it wrong?" He thought that I had been immersed in this drug all my life, and this can't be wrong.

"It's not this sentence!" Lin Tingyu said urgently, "It's the previous sentence, the previous sentence you just said!"

"Previous sentence?" Chu Nan recalled slightly, "I said that this stone lotus seems to be a flower, but in fact it is not a flower..."

"That's it!" Lin Tingyu suddenly shouted and scared Chu Nan. She said to herself, "It seems to be a flower, but it is not a flower. It seems that a flower is not a flower, and the flower is not a flower. I know that this stone lotus is a flower!"

Chu Nan was stunned, and then reacted and smiled, "The girl is also interesting, but it is indeed reasonable. This Shilian really deserves the three words Hua Feihua." Naturally, he didn't know what Lin Tingyu was thinking, but when he saw her excited appearance, he was also very happy for her.

"Brother Chunan, can you sell me this stone lotus?" Thinking of this, Lin Tingyu immediately stared at Chu Nan with burning eyes. Anyway, he had to get this Shilian.

Chu Nan was a little embarrassed by Lin Tingyu's eyes and shook his hand repeatedly. "This Shilian is just a medicinal material. If the girl likes it, although she is good at it, the pharmacy in this city is not only Chu. Other pharmacies have this medicine. You and I are predestined to do not have to do so."

Hearing Chu Nan's words, Lin Tingyu stared at him deeply and nodded, "In this case, it's pretentious to refuse again. Thank you, Brother Chu. I have something else to do. I can't stay for a long time. If it's fate, we will definitely meet again. At that time, I will definitely thank Brother Chu."

Looking at Lin Tingyu's departure, Chu Nan couldn't help sighing that there are so many strange women in the world. Today, I met one. After getting Shilian, Lin Tingyu ran to the place Liu Huifeng agreed at the beginning. When he arrived, he found that Liu Huifeng was already standing there.

"In the wind, have you found the fluttering flowers?" Seeing that Liu Huifeng was the only one, but no Caifeng, Lin Tingyu knew that she had not arrived yet, and a feeling of pride rose in his heart.

"Well, is this a flower?" Liu Huifeng glanced at the flower pot in Lin Tingyu's hand and asked.

"That's right!" Lin Tingyu said proudly that she was very calm in front of Chu Nan just now, but she didn't know what was going on in front of Liu Huifeng, so she wanted to behave well, "Thanks to the help of a shopkeeper surnamed Chu." Lin Tingyu said everything just now. Liu Huifeng listened quietly. After the excited Lin Tingyu finished speaking, he said leisurely, "It's like a flower, it's indeed a flower."

"What is the floating flower?" Lin Tingyu asked curiously that since last night, Lin Tingyu felt that his relationship with Liu Huifeng seemed to have returned to ten years ago, without that kind of restraint. And this time she went to the demon world to save Yuwen Yaoguang. Thinking of this, Lin Tingyu suddenly realized a problem. Their goal should be the demon world. Why do they go to the ghost world now? However, Liu Huifeng will not ask. As long as she is with Huifeng, where can she go to the ends of the earth? Lin Tingyu thought so.

"That's it." Liu Huifeng took out something from his arms. Lin Tingyu looked at the palm of Liu Huifeng's hand and saw a red square flower, which was set off by several triangular green leaves.

"Flowers float and water flows..." Liu Huifeng whispered, "The master once read this word, but he didn't expect it to be this Hongling, a rootless thing, drifting with the water... Unexpectedly, I still touched it today."

Hearing Liu Huifeng's sentimental words, Lin Tingyu's heart moved and immediately advised, "Huifeng, we can definitely save Yaoguang's sister."

Liu Huifeng heard Lin Tingyu's comforting words and smiled at her, "Thank you, listen to the rain..." His hand gently stroked Lin Tingyu's hair, and Lin Tingyu stroked it gently, and a feeling of happiness surged up in his heart.

"She's here too." Liu Huifeng withdrew his hand and looked in the other direction. Caifeng rushed to them with an excited expression and said before he came to him:

"Ha, now I not only found the unintentional flower, but also know what the flower and the floating flower are. You two don't have to worry about it. The flower is Shilian, which is actually a kind of medicine. The floating flower is the diamond flower in the water. How about it? Am I'm good?"