Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 34 Change of Mind

"Of course it's here," Meier said angrily, "You can enter the divine world and the demon world from here. If you want to go, go quickly."

Lin Tingyu saw that she seemed to be a little angry and quickly asked, "Which side is the demon world and which side is the divine world?" She knew Liu Huifeng's purpose before she came here, so she was not as anxious as Caifeng.

"How do I know!" How do you know that Meier still doesn't look good? "I haven't been there. If you want to go, go quickly. Those people just now have gone."

Liu Huifeng nodded and was about to do the previous work, but Meier shouted at this time, "Wait a minute!"

Liu Huifeng turned around and looked at her, waiting for her follow-up.

Meier seemed to be a little hesitant and gritted her teeth before saying, "This well of gods and demons is very demanding on people's physique. If ordinary people's physique is not enough, they can't pass."

After hearing her words, Liu Huifeng smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, none of the three people here is a real person."

Liu Huifeng himself is a demon clan, Caifeng is a demon, and Lin Tingyu is a spirit beast. After he said this, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Ten years ago, it was for this reason that those practitioners had to kill him, and he didn't expect that it was for this reason that he would rely on this identity to look for him today. Yuwen Yaoguang, who lost because of this identity, seems to be a hit in the dark.

After hearing Liu Huifeng's words, Meier was stunned. Seeing Liu Huifeng's sad smile, she still gritted her teeth and said, "If you can come back, I will marry you."

After saying this sentence, he turned around and ran away, not giving Liu Huifeng a chance to answer.

Liu Huifeng was really stunned at this time. He didn't expect Meier to say such a thing at all, but the stunnedness was just a momentary thing, and he was soon interrupted by the mood of looking for Yuwen Yaoguang.

"Let's go," Liu Huifeng said and jumped into the well of gods and demons first.

Lin Tingyu naturally followed without hesitation. Caifeng hesitated a little and thought, "That's all right. I'll follow you, and also jumped into the well of gods and demons.

As soon as Liu Huifeng jumped into the well, he suddenly felt a wind wrapped around his body, and two whirlwinds seemed to tear him apart.

Liu Huifeng felt awe of heart and suddenly remembered something, "There is a whirlwind!" The positive and negative whirlwind in the well of gods and demons is the most powerful place here. If there is no extraordinary physique, it will be blown away by this positive and negative whirlwind and fall into reincarnation.

When Liu Huifeng thought of this, the first thing he cared about was not himself, but grabbed Lin Tingyu into his arms and hugged her with one arm. Lin Tingyu didn't expect that the whirlwind here would be so powerful. When pulled by the whirlwind, his whole body almost lost his aura. At this moment, he hugged her tightly with one hand and held her firmly in his arms.

Lin Tingyu was surprised and happy. What surprised her was that the whirlwind here was really powerful. If she was not careful, she might really become a lonely ghost. Now she finally understood why the well of gods and demons was in the ghost capital. What is happy is that since the incident of Yuwen Yaoguang ten years ago, she and Liu Huifeng have never had such such intimate contact. The scene of holding Liu Huifeng's neck in the past can only become a good memory in her mind. Now she is held in Liu Huifeng's arms and can feel the strong masculinity on Liu Huifeng's body, almost I almost fainted, of course I fainted happily.

After jumping into the well of gods and demons, Caifeng only felt a strong suction coming and pulled herself down. She immediately moved her mana up to resist, but unexpectedly, a force suddenly came from the top of her head, as if to tear her apart. If she didn't investigate for a moment, she was almost killed by this The wind tore it into two sections.

At this moment, a strong force came from her side, making her involuntarily leaning over to her side and turning her head. Liu Huifeng's one hand held Lin Tingyu, while the other hand hugged herself tightly. Originally, she wanted to thank Liu Huifeng, but suddenly found that something was wrong. Liu Huifeng's hands were covered in her protruding chest. In this well of gods and demons, the three were inconvenient to move. Because Liu Huifeng had to take care of her and Lin Tingyu, he only kept from being torn in half by the positive and negative whirlwind, so Physical friction is inevitable, so...

Caifeng only felt that Liu Huifeng's hand covering her chest seemed to open a secret field in the depths of her heart, which made her involuntarily tremble. The feeling of shame made her want to scold Liu Huifeng loudly, but she knew very well that Liu Huifeng was not intentional, but just physical **The feeling of being held in the hands of a heterosexual... She doesn't know how to describe it in words. It's exciting and embarrassing, but the pleasure from her body still makes her unable to stop.

Lin Tingyu and Qingluan, like Qingluan, are both dream civets in the demon clan. However, their bodies are the most **. At this time, it seems that their whole body strength has been pulled out, and they almost fell into Liu Huifeng's arms.

I don't know how long it took, and the three finally reached the bottom of the well of gods and demons. At the moment when they were down-to-earth, Liu Huifeng let go of the two women, but they did not expect that Lin Tingyu and Caifeng fell directly into his arms without exception.

Liu Huifeng was shocked, and Caifeng was fine, but Lin Tingyu can be said to be the only person in his heart who wanted to protect forever after Yuwen Yaoguang left him. Liu Huifeng was not willing to let her have an accident at all.

I quickly checked, but I saw her eyes blurred, gasping, her chest was also undulating up and down, her face was red and red, and her whole body leaning weakly on herself.

Liu Huifeng was strange in his heart, but he didn't understand what had happened. Looking at the Caifeng beside him, the situation was similar to Lin Tingyu, but it was more serious than Lin Tingyu, and his legs were also twisted together.

"What's going on?" Liu Huifeng asked in a low voice. He thought that the positive and anti- whirlwind was really powerful, and Caifeng's strength was also at the forefront among the demons. Not to mention Lin Tingyu, if it was more powerful than her spiritual power alone, she was stronger than herself, but after this positive and reverse whirlwind, both of them had lost their ability to act. It seemed that if it weren't been because of demons Physical fitness, coupled with practice and diligence, spiritual power is full of the body, which may be more unbearable than them.

Lin Tingyu was still the first to wake up from this situation, and her eyes also regained her clarity and understood what she had just thought. She looked at Liu Huifeng and said shyly, "Huifeng, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Liu Huifeng interrupted her, "Don't say that, are you all right now?"

Lin Tingyu thought that Liu Huifeng already knew what she was thinking and whispered, "Okay." The voice was so low that I could hardly hear it myself.

At this time, Caifeng also reacted and felt ashamed. During this period, countless shy pictures appeared in her heart, and the protagonist was the man in front of her without exception. So when Liu Huifeng turned his head to look at her, his mood changed, and his eyes when he looked at Liu Huifeng were different from before. He was a little less disgusted, but a little more curious and shy.