Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 59 Argument of Artifact

Soon when it arrived, the four of them walked together and came to an open space not far from the psychic hall. Li Yan and Li Jing looked at each other, stood on the periphery, and said to the two, "It's time to start."

Liu Huifeng smiled and said to Li Gang, "Since it was proposed by Brother Li, please ask Brother Li to come first!"

Hearing Liu Huifeng's words, Li Yan couldn't help saying, "Li Feng, you say that every time. Hey, Li Gang, did you hear it? Struggle for it. I see you!"

Li Gang stared at him and said hatefully, "Why don't you bet me to win? A mouthful guy!"

Li Yan was not annoyed when he heard this, but said with a smile, "It's another matter to bet on you for a while. I don't want my things to be lost."

Li Gang snorted coldly and stopped talking. He picked up a hard bow without seeing him open the bow and pulling the string. He heard a swooping sound. A bird that had just flown over their heads flapped two wings and fell to the ground.

"Not bad!" Li Yan applauded vigorously. As people in the divine world, if they are still as ordinary as the human world, they will not show their level. Li Gang just had a movement to take out the bow, and the speed of pulling the bow is so fast that it is almost invisible. More importantly, after the arrow was shot out, he actually didn't see the track of the bow and arrow. Trace, I saw the bird fall to the ground. This ability, even if it is placed in the divine world, cannot be underestimated.

However, there is another reason why Li Yan worked so hard to cheer, that according to past experience, although Li Gang can win people first, the final winner is always Li Feng. This guy from the broken general will always bring them unexpected surprises. I believe this time is no exception. Look at his still cloud. You will know the light wind.

Liu Huifeng smiled and saw that Li Gang had put away his bow and arrow, so he said to him, "Brother Li, I didn't carry a bow and arrow. Can I borrow yours?"

"You don't have a bow?" Li Gang was a little surprised.

"Well, my bow was destroyed by some accidents, and I haven't had time to build a hand, so I still want to borrow the bow and arrow in Brother Li's hand. I wonder if Brother Li can give up his love?"

Li Gang hesitated for a moment and handed the bow in his hand to Liu Huifeng. "It's okay, but you may not be used to using my bow. I'm different from others, and I'm very strong."

Liu Huifeng took the bow in Li Gang's hand, stroked the bow string twice, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. "That's good. Then I'll make an ugly."

Liu Huifeng did not act as quickly as Li Gang, but picked up the bow, slowly raised it to the top of his head, and raised his head to the sky.

Seeing his action, even Li Jing, who had been standing next to him with his back to the two pretending to be cool, secretly turned his head to see what surprise Li Feng could bring him this time.

What surprised the other three people was that Li Feng did not put an arrow, but just pulled the bow string with his hand, heard a soft sound, and immediately planted two birds from the sky.

"...Isn't this too exaggerated, isn't it?" Li Yan opened his mouth in surprise and basically couldn't close it in the short term.

And Li Jing frowned, as if to consider what was going on. Where can there be a frightened bird in the divine world? Birds and beasts here have aura. Even if they are injured, they will not fall down just because of the soft sound of the bow string.

Among the three, only Li Gang looked depressed, "That's all. I admit defeat. My skills are not as good as others. I didn't expect you to be so strong." Only he understood the mystery. His bow, as he said, is more special, but this special is not only difficult to pull away, but the bow itself has another purpose, but he is limited to his ability to use it. He did not expect to be used by Liu Huifeng. In addition to bowing to the wind, he What else can we do?

Liu Huifeng smiled and said, "Brother Li gave in. In fact, I took advantage of the weapon, but I didn't win over Brother Li in archery."

Li Gang shook his head and said, "There is not so much truth. If you lose, you lose. What's more, this is my bow, but you have used a strategy that I have never been able to use. What else can I say?"

"Wind strategy? What is it? Hey, Li Gang, you are also so unkind. Don't tell us if there is such a good thing!"

Hearing Li Yan's words, Li Gang smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that I don't need it, but I can't even use it myself." He took the bow handed to him by Liu Huifeng and pointed to it and said, "This is a trick brought by this bow. As long as the spirit can highly fit it, you can be strong just by pulling the bow string. Injure the enemy, the power is better than shooting arrows directly. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach this level once. I didn't expect that Li Feng could use it as soon as he got it. It's really amazing.

Liu Huifeng said righteously, "After all, relying on external power is inferior. It's better to exercise yourself well."

Li Yan waved his hand when he heard Liu Huifeng's words, "Li Feng, I don't agree with your words, hey! Li Gang, don't want to run away. Li Yan and I will each pay two catties of fairy tea before we leave... That Li Feng, let's continue to say that a good weapon brings a qualitative leap to our own strength. Why don't so many people pursue magic weapons? Li Jing, right?"

"A gentleman is born to be different, and he is good at fake things." Li Jing said lightly.

"Hey, I just want you to say something. You start hanging your schoolbag again. It's so sour." Li Yan looked disdainful and then said, "But this guy's words are also reasonable. Thinking that Xuanyuan, the god general, also relied on Xuanyuan's sword to defeat Chiyou, can you deny the role of the artifact?"

Liu Huifeng shook his head with a smile, "Brother Li, you have wronged me like this. I have never denied the role of the artifact. I just said that relying on external forces will eventually get better. If you can reach a certain height only by your own strength, you'd better not rely on external forces."

"Isn't that the same?" Li Yan verbally did not admit defeat, and then said, "There is such an artifact, why don't you use it? If you have your own strength and a weapon, preferably an artifact, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings?

Liu Huifeng had no choice but to spread out his hands, "Everyone has their own ideas. Brother Li must not impose his ideas on others." One of the reasons why he didn't want to argue with Li Yan about this issue was that he had discussed this issue with Bai Qiuhan when he left Longkong Mountain. Another reason is that he doesn't want to expose himself too much. Although he has bet with Li Gang these days, he has not used his real skills.

"You are wrong. As a brother, I naturally want to correct your mistakes." Li Yan put on the appearance of his elder brother, which made Liu Huifeng laugh and cry. He called the other three brothers Li. One is polite, and the other is that they are really much older than himself. I'm afraid that any one will be hundreds of years old.

Just as he was about to say a few words to deal with Li Yan, there was a roar, which made the four of them look pale. "What's wrong?" Liu Huifeng didn't know why. He looked at the other three, and the other three were also surprised and didn't understand what had happened.

However, they quickly solved their doubts and saw a horse come quickly, stopping in front of the four people, and did not dismount. "Who shot the bird just now?"

The four were angry when they saw him being so rude. Li Yan took a step and asked, "Who are you and who shot the bird? What does it have to do with you?"

The passenger on the horse sneered, "If you don't deserve to know my name and answer my question, who shot the bird down!"

Hearing that this man's attitude was so tough, Li Yan's soft temper came up, "So what did I shoot? Is it a crime to shoot a bird?"

Li Yan was just talking. He didn't think it was a big deal to shoot a bird. Unexpectedly, when he heard Li Yan's words, the man snorted coldly, "You're right. This bird was raised by General Quan. Is it released today, but it was shot down by you guys? Come on, take it!"

As soon as he heard the three words of General Quan, the faces of the four people changed, even Liu Huifeng. In the past few days, he has probably figured out the composition of the middle and lower levels of the divine world. The status of this general in the divine world is probably the same as that of the broken army. Among the three people who killed the broken wolf, only the broken army has a real position in the divine world, and the other two belong to those who do not receive public food.

Seeing that the four people were silent, the passenger immediately said that they were scared by the name of General Quan and said proudly, "Do you know that you are afraid now? If you beg for mercy, I will be polite to you?"

When Liu Huifeng saw this man's face, he couldn't help but feel disgusted. How can there be such a person in the divine world? Who said that the divine world is fair and strict? With the existence of such a person, it can be imagined that General Quan is not an easy person.

"If we beg for mercy, will you let us go?" Liu Huifeng suddenly opened his mouth, which surprised the man. Among the four people, Li Yan was impulsive and had always been negotiating with him. The other three were silent, but Li Gang clenched his fists and obviously restrained himself. However, Li Jing and Liu Huifeng looked light, and they guessed that the real person in charge should be the two of them. Now when they see Liu Huifeng talking, and Li Jing is still like an old god, it is suddenly clear in their heart. It seems that that that guy is their head.

"Of course not. How can I go back to the selfishness and turn the law when I work for General Quan?"

"Then why do we ask for mercy?" Liu Huifeng looked at him like an idiot and said this.