Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 69 Accidentally promoted

Liu Huifeng and Zhai Jianyu walked together and asked, "Is it just the two of us?"

Zhai Jianyu shook his head, "And General Guo Yi, he asked me to come to you first. Li Feng, I didn't expect that you could live in the mansion of the general of the broken army. It seems that he is really good to you!"

When Liu Huifeng heard this, he immediately became alert, "It's just that the general can't stand it and I have no place to go."

Zhai Jianyu shook his head, "Even if you no longer belong to the general of the broken army, he still does the same to you, but my general, alas..."

When Liu Huifeng heard this, he couldn't help but wonder why he was still quite envious of himself when he heard Lao Zhai's tone? If he envies Po Jun's attitude towards himself, doesn't that mean he has a problem with Liu Qingshan?

"Lao Zhai, you mean..." Liu Huifeng asked tentatively, this is a good opportunity. If you can start from here, you may have an unexpected harvest.

"Ah, nothing, nothing, hehe, hehe." Lao Zhai covered it with a smile. Liu Huifeng frowned slightly. Lao Zhai obviously concealed something, but he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he had to keep this in mind for the time being and talk about it later.

"Li Feng, here, General Guo Yi is in front of me, so I won't go there." Lao Zhai pointed to a tent in front of him and said to Liu Huifeng.

"You won't go there?" Liu Huifeng looked at him strangely. According to reason, he should meet the general as a subordinate. Is there really a gap between them?

"Well, I still have something to do. Anyway, I have brought you here. I'm sure General Guoyi won't blame me. I'll go first." After saying that, he hurriedly left without waiting for Liu Huifeng to answer. Looking at his back, Liu Huifeng was more and more sure that there must be any conflict between him and Liu Qingshan.

Zhai Jianyu went to a deserted corner and was secretly sad. He couldn't help but remember what he saw in the army that day. When he saw a figure that could not appear here, he directly chased after him in a trance. After seeing that the man got into Liu Qingshan's room and no longer came out, he was worried. After struggling, he still defeated reason. Thinking that Liu Qingshan was discussing big things with his beloved generals in the big tent at this time, he gritted his teeth and broke in.

After entering the house, Lao Zhai vowed that he would never forget it in his life. He saw a figure that he could never forget. He was busy in the room and saw someone coming in. The familiar figure turned his head. At the moment he looked at Lao Zhai, he was stunned. The two looked at each other. I have been speechless for a long time.

"Flying swallow!" Lao Zhai suddenly rushed up...

Thinking of what happened later, Lao Zhai sighed and was speechless. Zhao Feiyan's words still echoed in his ears, "Lao Zhai, go back. I'm his people with him. You are still under his hands. If he knows it, you will definitely not be hated by him. We two have not... Maybe."

"Feiyan, you lied to me, didn't you? In fact, you didn't like him at all. He forced you, right? Tell me, tell me!" Lao Zhai shook Zhao Feiyan's shoulders like crazy and roared loudly.

Zhao Feiyan endured the pain and said, "So what, not so!" Can you still openly confront him? The situation is better than others, Lao Zhai. I hope you can face the reality. We'd better not meet in the future. Go!"

Lao Zhai sighed again, picked up the wine pot next to him and took a sip. He looked forward with his drunken eyes, his head tilted, and he was not awake.

"Are you here?" Seeing Liu Huifeng arrive alone, Liu Qingshan frowned, "Where's Lao Zhai?"

Liu Huifeng said, "He said that he had something else to go first, so he wouldn't come!"

"Well, you Zhai Jianyu, now is getting more and more disciplined. Is there a general in his eyes? If it weren't for something else, I would have him..." Suddenly realized that Liu Huifeng was still in front of him, he stopped and waved his hand, "Forget mention him. How are you ready? "

Liu Huifeng arched his hand and said, "Everything is ready."

"Very good, we need talents like you. Come with me." Liu Qingshan seemed to be very satisfied with Liu Huifeng's performance and praised him rarely.

"Where to go?" Liu Huifeng asked, he was very puzzled where it was that only the two of them could go.

"Moon Palace." Liu Qingshan said lightly.

Liu Huifeng suddenly stopped talking. Since he was going to the Moon Palace, the purpose was obvious. Wangshu Fairy, known as the most inhuman woman in the divine world, "Xiao Gao is already waiting for us there. Let's hurry up."

"Yes!" Liu Huifeng held his fist and saw Liu Qingshan waking his hand and called a colorful cloud. He couldn't help but move. It seemed that Liu Qingshan's strength was not weak. Judging from this hand, he was no longer under the Gao Bing Kingdom. So it seemed that Liu Qingshan was usually hiding. But what does it mean that he shows his strength in front of himself? Is it solicitation? Or is it intimidation?

However, in retrosantly, Liu Huifeng still stood on the colorful clouds with him and went all the way south. The Moon Palace was in the south of the colorful clouds.

"General!" What surprised Liu Huifeng was that the speed of the colorful cloud was too fast, even his full-speed sword was slightly inferior, not to mention Liu Qingshan's calm appearance. He thought to himself that if Lao Zhai really had a conflict with him, he was afraid that Lao Zhai was really not the opponent of the person in front of him.

As soon as he arrived on the ground near the Moon Palace, Gao Bingguo came out of nowhere and bowed to Liu Qingshan. He didn't even look at Liu Huifeng, as if he didn't exist. What's more, there are such subordinates. Although Liu Huifeng didn't mind, he couldn't help looking at him and thought to himself.

"Xiao Gao, why don't you say hello to Li Feng? They are all your own people. Don't be so indifferent." Hearing Liu Qingshan's words, Liu Huifeng was slightly stunned. What does Liu Qingshan mean? There is something wrong with his performance today. There is no need to show himself like this? The so-called abnormality must have a demon, which has to be dealt with by him.

Yes! Hello, General Li Feng!" Gao Bingguo seemed to obey unconditionally as long as it was Liu Qingshan's order and did not ask the reason, but the tone was still cold, which made people sound very uncomfortable.

"General?" Liu Huifeng thought that Gao Bingguo would not see anyone called a general, would he? He was thinking so, but Liu Qingshan suddenly patted himself on the forehead and said, "Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot. Li Feng, I have proposed to General Quan that you are brave and resourceful in battle, and you will take my position as a partial general. From now on, you will also be a general, haha, haha, if you are Xiao Gao If you don't mention it, I'm afraid I'll forget it.

What, I accidentally got promoted again? Now Liu Huifeng is sure that Liu Qingshan is indeed pulling him over. Is it out of Zhang Fengchen's instructions? No, I have made it clear with Zhang Fengchen yesterday, and there is no need for such additional rewards. That is to say... Liu Huifeng looked at Liu Qingshan. What did he want to do? Don't tell yourself that he also has conflicts with his boss like Lao Zhai, so he wants to expand his strength and hit his mind.

After thinking about it, this is indeed the only possibility. If this is true, Liu Huifeng can't help but feel that this divine world is too much. Such a group is so intrigued. You are not tired, and I'm tired when I look around.

In any case, in the current situation, he has only one choice, that is, to quickly show his determination to let Liu Qingshan know that he is willing to hang out with him. Although Liu Qingshan and Gao Bingguo may not be able to beat him together, it is not good to turn against him at present. On the contrary, it is in his best interest to follow him at present. After all, Liu Qingshan has not shown any quarrel with Zhang Fengchen. Even if he stands on Liu Qingshan's side, Zhang Fengchen can't say anything. On the contrary, if he tells Zhang Fengchen about this matter, they won't say it first. Even if they really believe it, it's just a few words. No one will catch the wind and catch the wind. Dry.

"Thank you to the general for your appreciation and cultivation. My subordinates will definitely die for the general in the future!"

Seeing Liu Huifeng's performance, Liu Qingshan was very satisfied. This Li Feng is very good on the road. I don't know how much stronger he is than Lao Zhai. Originally, this position was reserved for Zhai Jianyu, but Li Feng looked much better than him in any aspects. What's more, a beautiful figure came to his mind. Lao Zhai, let's do what we should do!

"Okay, I have another general. It's really gratifying. Xiao Gao, you want to be close to Xiao Li Duo in the future. You are the same with Xiao Li. Xiao Gao has followed me since I was young. You can't bully him, hehe, hehe."

Xiao Li... Liu Huifeng thought of this name and said that you had become really fast, and he nodded repeatedly first.

"Okay, let's go in." Liu Qingshan ordered, "Xiao Gao, Xiao Li, don't talk for a while. I hope Shu Xianzi has a strange temper. I heard that she doesn't want to talk to others, and even the Emperor of Heaven doesn't give much face."

Liu Huifeng nodded. He also learned about Wang Shu carefully and learned that this goddess, which has existed since ancient times, is famous and difficult to approach in the divine world, so she is still alone until now. Her beauty and temperament are as famous as her coldness. And her sister, Fuxi, had been the wife of Dijun as early as tens of thousands of years ago, and the ten suns of the game were transformed by three-legged Jinwu, which was born to her and Dijun.