Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 79 Waving your sleeves without taking away a cloud

The broken army smiled and broke Zhang Fengchen's mind. He stared at Liu Qingshan coldly, "Why, Qingshan, do you want to do the opposite?"

Liu Qingshan saved time and situation and came out. "General Quan, the matter of Xihe is too arbitrary. I think, are we..."

"Bullshit! I don't know what you think. Liu Qingshan, I knew that you were rebellious. Fortunately, I still treated you as a good brother. I didn't expect you to come with outsiders to trap me in injustice today. I should have listened to Chen Yang's words and killed you with a knife!"

Liu Huifeng shook his head secretly when he heard this, thinking that Zhang Fengchen's royal subordinate was indeed far from Liu Qingshan. Didn't he force Liu Qingshan to fight back when he said this? Unless it is such a loyal person who will not respond after listening to these words, otherwise no one will be disappointed by this. What's more, his words also exposed that Chen Yang had secretly stumbling Liu Qingshan. This is to tie Chen Yang and others to his chariot!

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Fengchen's words, Liu Qingshan and Chen Yang's faces changed. Liu Qingshan first became angry and laughed: "Okay, Zhang Fengchen, you finally admitted it! Thinking of me, Liu Qingshan, has been conscientious and self-contained since he followed you. How have you ever been two-hearted? If you treat me wholeheartedly, how can there be today? But you are not only suspicious, but now you are aggressive. If I don't go back, you will get the position of emperor of heaven, and I will be the first to get rid of it!"

He took a breath and said, "Today I just want to tell you clearly the position of this emperor, you! I can't sit down!"

"Hahahaha!" When Zhang Fengchen heard Liu Qingshan's words, he laughed angrily, "I can't sit down. Do you want me to sit down?" Is it ridiculous?!"

"It's not ridiculous at all," Liu Huifeng said, "If I choose between you two, I don't think he is more than twice as suitable as you!"

"Presumptuous! Li Feng, what's your identity and where is your place to speak here!" Chen Yang hurriedly shouted, "You are just a little general. It is an unimaginable blessing to be able to enter the hall today. How dare you be impetuous here!"

Liu Huifeng shrugged his shoulders speechlessly, "You'd better save it." After saying that, he ignored him and said to the broken army, "General of the broken army, how's it going?"

The broken army nodded, "The place controlled by Zhang Fengchen has been taken over by us. What he has now is just these forces in the hall!"

When the broken army said this, the whole hall was in an uproar. Since the broken army can stand here, what he said is naturally true. Everything Zhang Fengchen has done with a lot of effort now seems to be so ridiculous. It's really hard work, but he married for others.

"Zhang Fengchen, what else do you want to say?" On the contrary, Liu Qingshan is now in high spirits. He looks at Zhang Fengchen, just like a winner looking at the loser. "The general trend has gone, and the people have betrayed their relatives. The result you get today is the retribution of what you have done in the past!"

"Retribution, hahaha, I, Zhang Fengchen, just don't believe in fate. What's the use of saying so much? Don't forget that you are still in my hands!" As soon as he finished laughing, his face changed and said, "Li Jing, do it!" And he also rushed towards Liu Qingshan.

Gao Bingguo, who had been guarding Liu Qingshan, ignored Zhang Fengchen who rushed to Liu Qingshan after seeing this situation, but rushed straight to Li Jing. The four of them divided into two pairs and started to fight on the hall.

When the broken army saw this situation, it waved its hand and immediately rushed into the hall and fought with the soldiers led by Chen Yang, Zhang Tai and Meng Meng. The three of them were Zhang Fengchen's loyal. At this moment, if they did not fight, they would die, and they would fight with all their strength, but they were blocked by the seven kills and the greedy wolf.

Liu Huifeng stood together with the broken army at this moment. The two watched the situation on the battlefield and whispered, "Zhai Jianyu has controlled all the soldiers and horses outside Liu Qingshan. He still doesn't know about this matter. The turmoil in the whole divine world has calmed down, but although he tried his best to control it, countless heroes still left us. .

Liu Huifeng comforted, "Don't be sad. After all, they are all gone, but how to deal with this ending? Who will inherit the throne of the Heavenly Emperor?"

When the broken army heard this, his face changed, "I never believe that the Emperor of Heaven will die like this, but his whereabouts are unknown. In short, let's solve these chaotic ministers and thieves first, then comfort the gods and slowly find the Emperor of Heaven."

Liu Huifeng nodded. The throne of the Heavenly Emperor is not something that anyone can sit on. The broken army does not want to sit, but also knows that he is not suitable for this position, so he can say so. He thought for a moment and said, "It's just that you have to clean up the ending."

The army laughed and said, "Are you concerned about your identity? Ha, you have made such a great contribution today that no matter who inherits the throne of the Heavenly Emperor in the future, there is no need to worry about your identity.

As Liu Huifeng spoke with the broken army, the battle between the two sides had also come to an end. Gao Bingguo and Li Jing originally had equal cultivation, but Li Jing shot the sun bow in his hand, and Gao Bingguo was no match at all, so he gradually fell behind; while Liu Qingshan, who originally thought he could quickly solve Zhang Fengchen, was I was surprised to find that I tried my best but could only draw with Zhang Fengchen. I didn't expect that his cultivation was better than usual. I really underestimated them.

As soon as he turned his head and saw that Li Feng seemed to be coming to help him, he shouted, "Xiao Li, go and help Xiao Gao. I can still stand it!"

Liu Huifeng heard this and looked at the broken army. Seeing him slowly nodding, he also made it clear in his heart that Li Jing was the descendant of Xieyue. Although he did not know the reason why Xieyue supported Zhang Fengchen, Xieyue was their enemy at this moment, so he jumped up and fought against Li Jing with Gao Bing.

As long as you come into contact with it, you will know the horror of shooting the sun bow. Liu Huifeng now understands why Xihe, who originally planned to fight against the water, surrendered decadently after seeing this bow. It is worthy of the artifact used by the ancient gods. The bow he once unearthed in the wilderness is indeed rare. The divine soldier, but compared with the back game shooting the sun bow, it's really... Liu Huifeng can't figure out what language to describe it. There's simply no way to compare it.

Fortunately, the power of the sun bow is also limited by the cultivation of the user. As the god said, "The power depends on the master". Obviously, Li Jing's cultivation is not enough to fully play the power of the sun bow, so that the two can block it. In fact, Liu Huifeng knew in his heart that if he had the light of the moon or the sunset phantom in his hand, he could stop Li Jing alone, but now it is not the time for him to exert all his strength, and hiding is obviously his best choice now.

The soldiers brought by the broken army are all prepared. Under the calm command of the broken army, Zhang, Chen and Meng were defeated. Originally, the three people wanted to rely on their power to turn the table, but the seven kills and the greedy wolf joined hands. Their cultivation was only higher than them, and the three were also helpless. He, we have to fight and retreat.

"General Quan, we can't do anything. Let's withdraw first, leave the green hills, and don't be afraid of firewood." Mrs. Zhang gradually approached Zhang Fengchen and said to him. Liu Qingshan's eyes lit up, "It's not that easy to leave!" Originally, he was always wanted to defeat Zhang Fengchen and help Gao Bingguo, but now he has seen that Gao Bingguo has been helped by Li Feng and has reached a draw with Li Jing. He is not in a hurry on his side. Instead, he keeps pestering Zhang Fengchen and preventing him from leaving.

"If you die, you will die. Why do you talk so much!" Zhang Fengchen is really a little heroic at this moment, but I don't know if his heroism can save him.

The broken army roared at this moment: "Zhang Fengchen, do you still want to resist stubbornly! Even if you are not afraid of death, do you still want to pull these countless soldiers and divine soldiers to die with you? You are shouting for heaven. Is this your way?

"Don't talk nonsense. It's useless to talk more. If you have the ability, you will defeat me. If you don't have the ability, don't scream there!"

"In this case, then..." The broken army saw Zhang Fengchen say this. Although he couldn't bear it, there was nothing he could do. He was about to order the soldiers brought by Zhang Fengchen to be destroyed in one fell swoop, but someone suddenly said, "Wait!"

"Hmm?" The broken army looked at the place where the sound came, and saw a dignified middle-aged man slowly come out of the crowd, and the people in front of him also made way for him. As he walked, his clothes were windless and made people feel that he looked down on the world.

"Evil Moon!" With the calmness of the broken army, he couldn't help exclaiming. What appeared in front of him was the evil moon that had been famous as early as Fuxi established the divine world. Compared with the evil moon, there is really a considerable gap between the famous generals of the broken army.

Hearing the sound of the broken army, Li Jing, who was fighting with Liu Huifeng and Gao Bingguo, suddenly shook, jumped out of the regiment and shouted, "Shut up!"

Liu Huifeng and Gao Bingguo looked at each other and stopped. Liu Qingshan was also shocked to see the evil moon appear. He supported Zhang Fengchen. He appeared at this moment. Is it really unbearable and want to go to the front desk from behind the scenes?

"Evil Moon, do you also want to support Zhang Fengchen?" The broken army and the evil moon are also a little confused in his heart. The name of the tree and the shadow of people have changed since the appearance of the evil moon, but he still insists that he can't let the divine world fall into the hands of people like Zhang Fengchen.

"No, I came for the way of heaven!" As soon as Xie Yue opened her mouth, she stunned the broken army directly. What does this mean? Did he also abandon Zhang Fengchen?

"Then what do you mean by asking Li Jing to help Zhang Fengchen!" This sentence was not asked by the broken army, but by Liu Qingshan. Xie Yue listened to his mouth and smiled, "Good question, Li Jing, do it!" He waved his sleeves and didn't take away a cloud.