Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 14 Mo Yuche's beautiful man's plan

Xiao Luo slept drowsily for a long time and woke up in the evening.

The winter rain came in several times in the afternoon, but I didn't bother to see that the lady had been sleeping. Miss, do you feel better?

"Well... it's much better, but my head is still a little dizzy." Xiao Luo rubbed his sleepy head and said, "What time is it?"

"It's almost time. Sister Xia He came over and said that the master had something to do with the young lady."

"Well... maybe it's for the matter with Miss Liu."

"Miss is going to get up?" The winter rain poured a cup of hot tea. Drink some hot tea. It's better.

"En..." Xiaoluo was really uncomfortable. He took the tea cup and drank some hot tea, and then he felt better.

Put on your clothes and add an extra shirt to the winter rain, which made Xiao Luo go out of the door.

"'s so cold!" Winter is approaching, and the evening breeze also looks a little cool. Xiao Luo shrank his neck and went out of the yard.

Oh, there's someone! As I passed the plum garden, a black figure suddenly flashed from inside.

In this yard, Sister Dongyu said last time that his father strictly prohibits his servants from entering and exiting. Looking at that figure, it doesn't look like the stinky old man. Isn't it a thief?

Xiao Luo came to his senses, took up his long skirt and tied it to his waist, gently pushed open the door of Meiyuan and walked in. This is when the sun sets, and the afterglow is scattered on the peach blossom trees, coating the pink peach blossoms with a layer of golden brilliance.

It's so beautiful! Xiaoluo has loved peach blossoms since he was a child, but unfortunately he lives in big cities and rarely sees peach trees, not to mention peach blossoms.

Xiaoluo came under the tree, a gust of wind blew, and the peach blossoms on the branches fell down one after another, like flower elves flying around Xiaoluo.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiaoluo circled happily, "Cyanqian must also like this scenery!"

Mo Yuche stood in the room and watched Xiao Luo circle happily under the peach tree with great interest. The afterglow of the sun scattered on the peach blossoms and Xiao Luo, shining against each other.

Isn't this the girl I met this afternoon? Seeing the face of the woman under the peach tree, Mo Yuche found that it was actually the little girl with teeth and claws before.

The arrogant appearance faded, less frankness, and more girls' gentleness.

It was a little dizzy after turning more circles. Little Luoyi stopped with the peach tree and smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms. His little face blushed and fluttered very cute.

"Oh... it's a pity that a lot of petals have fallen!" Seeing the peach petals everywhere, Xiao Luo shook his head with regret.

"Pick it up and ask Sister Dongyu to make peach blossom soup!" He pulled off the purse around his waist, squatted down and carefully picked up the petals and put them in the bag.

"There are so many more, forget it! It's better to turn into spring mud to protect flowers. The purse was full, but there were still many petals on the ground. Xiao Luo looked at it sadly. There was no extra purse on his body, so he could only find a reason to comfort himself.

Mo Yuche didn't expect that this little woman was quite cherished. That sentence turns into spring mud to protect flowers, which reflects the character of those fallen flowers.

"Ah... By the way, I came in to catch the thief!" After playing enough, Xiao Luo remembered the purpose of coming in. Carefully tied his purse, patted the falling petals, and Xiao Luo got up and walked towards the room in the courtyard.

Thief? There is only me in this yard. Could it be that I am the thief in the little girl's mouth? Mo Yuche stood behind the door and watched Xiao Luo approach step by step.

"Squeak..." Xiao Luo gently opened the door, "Why... why is there a sign?" Looking up and seeing the card in the middle of the room, Xiao Luo walked up curiously, but did not see Mo Yuche behind the door.

Is this girl's vigilance too low? Mo Yuche was stunned to look at Xiao Luo passing by in front of him, but he couldn't see himself.

"The position of mother Zhao Meixiang? Who is Zhao Meixiang? Seeing the words on the card, Xiaoluo was a little puzzled. There seemed to be no Zhao in the house.

"Wow... so beautiful!" Xiao Luo found that this painting was still hanging on the deck. Looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but be surprised. How beautiful is she than her mother? Is she Zhao Meixiang?

"Well..." Seeing that Xiao Luo was not aware of his existence at all, Mo Yuche had to remind him.

"Ah... there is a ghost!" When Xiaoluo came in, he looked around to see if there was no one. He suddenly heard a cough and took it for granted that there was a ghost.

The little girl shouted that there was a ghost without even looking at it, which made Mo Yuche a little angry. I'm a man, not a ghost.

"'s you! Why are you here..." Xiao Luo secretly narrowed a crack and saw the handsome man he met in the afternoon. "When did you come in? Why don't I know?" Xiao Luo was relieved and thought he had met a ghost.

"I've always been here."

"Who are you fooling? I've been here all the time. Why didn't I see you when I came in?"

"I just stood behind the door."

"Well...behere of the door? I really don't think I've seen the door?" Xiao Luo tilted his head and thought about it. It seemed that he really didn't pay attention to the back of the door after coming in.

"Cough... I can't say this first. You haven't said yet, why are you here? Why are you here?"

Mo Yuche came out from behind the door. My mother's concubine is worshipped here. Why can't I be here?

"Are you really a prince?" Xiao Luo secretly said that if this person hadn't had a problem with his head, he would really be a prince. Prince, you are still so handsome, hey hey...

"I said it from the beginning." How dare this little girl never believe that she is the prince?

"If you are really a prince, your mother should be the queen, right? That is, the emperor's wife, how can she be worshipped in my house? This is a flaw, let's see what you say!

"What does it have to do with you?" Mo Yuche doesn't want too many people to know about his mother's concubine.

"If you worship it in my house, of course I have the right to know!" Humph, I don't think you can make it up.

"Your home?" Uncle Lin's daughter has been dementia since she was a child. How can she have such a fangs?

"Of course it's my home. Is it still yours?" Oh, it's white and blind. The beautiful man is an idiot!

"If the king is willing, this can naturally be my home."

" Come on, the guy with serious paranoia..." Xiao Luo waved his hand. This beautiful man is very sick, very serious!

"You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this. Do you know... What will happen to those who offend me?" A trace of danger flashed in his deep eyes, and his beautiful thin lips rose slightly, with an evil smile.

"You, you... don't mess around! I know martial arts!" Xiaoluo swallowed his saliva, and this guy changed whatever he said.

"Didn't you claim to be the daughter of a general? As far as I know, the general's daughter has not only dementia since childhood, but also can't do martial arts.

"Can't dementia be cured? Can't you learn martial arts?" This guy, even if the idiot has paranoia, he still doubts his identity!

Well, although this soul is indeed not the daughter of the general, but Lin Xiaoluo, at least this body is indeed the daughter of the general!

"I was still an idiot a few days ago. Is it better these days? Which magic doctor healed it? Tell me.

"I...I... I fell by myself. Why, I can't!" The momentum is too powerful. Is this guy really an idiot? It looks very uncertain now!

The smile at the corners of his mouth was even worse, and Mo Yuche raised his feet and walked towards Xiao Luo. Did you fall by yourself? Is there such a strange thing in the world?

"You...don't come here! I can fall well, which means I'm lucky! God favors me, this... you can't be jealous." When the beautiful man took a step closer, Xiao Luo took a step back and soon retreated to the corner with no way back.

"You mean I'm jealous of you?" Mo Yuche was tall and had long legs, and he stood in front of Xiao Luo in a few steps. I don't know where you can make me jealous?"

"Don't...don't think it's handsome, I... I'm reluctant to beat you!" Xiao Luo clenched his fist and beat him as long as the beautiful man made a move.

Mo Yuche lowered his head and put his handsome face in front of Xiao Luo. Is I handsome?"

" you seducing Miss Ben!" In addition to watching dramas and climbing mountains, Xiaoluo's biggest hobby is watching beautiful men and all types of beautiful men.

At present, the beautiful man is automatically sent to the door, and Xiaoluo is struggling in his heart.

"Color temptation? Is that so?" After saying that, Mo Yuche blinked, and his slender eyelashes gently wiped Xiao Luo's cheek.

Ah, is this guy really an idiot or pretending? It's so shameful to be cute!

"Far away from me!" Xiao Luo was afraid that he couldn't help but throw the beautiful man down on the spot. But I'm only seven years old. What can I do?

"What if I don't? What do you want?" Instead of leaving, Mo Yuche got closer. Xiao Luo even felt the heartbeat of the beautiful man's chest.

"You!" God, help me! The beautiful man can't move in front of him, and he will live a long life! Xiao Luo was silent in his heart. Why didn't he wear it into the body of an adult? In this way, he could flirt with beautiful men!

"How about me?" Mo Yuche didn't understand why he made these moves, but when he saw the girl's little red face, he couldn't help teasing her.

" calm down, everything is floating clouds! I am a simple and innocent seven-year-old doll. Although I have a 20-year-old mind, I am now a child! Calm down! Be sure to calm down!"

Xiao Luo closed his eyes and kept hypnotizing himself in his heart.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

The lazy voice sounded in Xiaoluo's ear, and a warm breath sprayed on Xiaoluo's small earlobe, making Xiaoluo itchy.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Open your eyes and look at me!" Looking at the pink mouth in front of him, Mo Yuche had an impulse to kiss.

"Buddha, Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, this is really not Xiaoluo's impure thoughts! This is obviously a beautiful man seducing Xiao Luo. The crisp and numb feeling came from the earlobe, which made Xiao Luo's little heart flutter.

Qianqian, come and collect this evil for me!