Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 32 Storm in the court

"The emperor is here!" The shrill voice echoed on the Jinluan Hall. Mo Cheng wore a golden dragon cannon and stepped into the Jinluan Hall with great momentum.

"Hangtray, my emperor!" A senior minister in the court knelt down and shouted long live.

"All the loves are flat." Mo Cheng sat on the dragon chair and motioned the little Zhangzi beside him to speak.

Little Zhangzi was satisfactory, pinched his throat and coughed a few times, "If you have something to do, leave the court if you have nothing to do!"

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!" As soon as Zhang Gong's words fell, Liu Hen stood up. It's not easy to wait until the emperor's early morning.

Above the court, there was a row of civilian generals. Lin Feng saw Liu Hen standing up, and his heart was a little bad.

"Liu Taishi, just say it directly if you have something to say."

Liu Hen had a sister who went to the palace as a concubine. After a period of time, she gave birth to a throne for the emperor and was canonized as the Empress. Her daughter recognized the emperor as her godfather, and Liu Hen still held 100,000 elite soldiers in her hand. Her position was extremely stable. Even the emperor gave three points of courtesy in the court.

"Told back to the emperor." Liu Hen worked hard and did not salute in the court, "I want to play General Lin's book!"

Lin Feng and Liu Hen also called the two generals of the Mo Dynasty, Wenwu, and the emperor gave them three points of courtesy. When they heard that Liu Taishi wanted to play General Lin's book, they couldn't help but have a headache. "Liu Taishi, I don't know what to say."

Lin Feng frowned slightly. I'm afraid Liu Hen will talk about the two women's comparison.

"Your Majesty, your goddaughter is also a minister Liu Shuihan, who is the first talented woman in the world personally canonized by the emperor. I wonder if the emperor still remembers it?"

"Shui Han is talented and excellent in literature. I remember that when Shui Han was six years old, I personally won the title of the first talented woman in the world. But what does this have to do with General Lin? Mo Cheng said this, which is to recognize Liu Hen's words.

"Rong Chen said this slowly." Liu Hen glanced at Lin Feng, and his thin face flashed with a vicious look. "General Lin has a daughter called Lin Xiaoluo. At the age of three, she gave birth to a serious illness and became a dementia. General Lin, there is such a matter."

All the officials in the court knew about this matter, and they were a little confused when they heard that Liu Taishi asked General Lin about it.

"I'm going back to the emperor, there is indeed this matter, but..."

"Miss Lin has been demented for many years. General Lin has not invited him to teach at home, but there is such a matter." Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Liu Hen took over the words and asked another question.

"Yes." Lin Feng knew that Liu Hen would definitely use this to frame himself, so he stopped talking and saw what tricks he wanted to play.

Some of the generals can't stand it anymore. "Liu Taishi, since you have something to tell the emperor, why don't you hurry up and talk about General Lin's family affairs!" Rao Kun, the deputy general who has been following Lin Feng for many years, stood up.

"What I want to say is naturally related to General Lin's family affairs."

Lin Feng has the same power as Liu Hen's court. The civil servants are on Liu Hen's side, and the martial arts general is brought out by Lin Feng. Naturally, he is on Lin Feng's side.

"I beg the emperor to order and prohibit others from interfering in this matter!"

"It's accurate." Mo Cheng is very clear about the situation in the court. Neither party can afford to offend him. If one side quits the stall, I'm afraid that his emperor will do it soon.

It was very gratified to see his subordinates stand up and Lin Feng, but he still shouted back Rao Kun, "Rao Kun, you step back first."

Rao Kun knew that the general did not want to become a thorn in Liu Taishi's side and caused the disaster of death, so he had to retreat angrily.

"General Lin, since you haven't asked your daughter to teach you, you must not know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." After the court returned to calm, Liu Hen opened his mouth.

It turns out that this old fox is tripped here. If he admits that Luoer can't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, then Liu Taishi will definitely say that Luo'er was cheating in that test. Taking the title of talented woman awarded by the emperor by cheating is also equivalent to deceiving the emperor, which is guilty of the crime of bullying the king and will be beheaded all over the house.

Lin Feng didn't expect that Master Liu's plan was so deep that he wanted to kill his family. I returned to the emperor that although my daughter had been sick and became dementia since she was a child, she had recovered half a month ago. The current minister's daughter is intelligent, and she can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at a little. She is no longer the stupid appearance at the beginning.

Since Liu Taishi used this matter as a fuse, he simply told it out first.

Liu Hen's face turned blue, and he didn't expect that Lin Feng, a martial artist, could guess what he was thinking. What General Lin said may not be a little fantasy. It's hard to believe that I have suddenly recovered from dementia for many years. It's unbelievable that I can learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting so profoundly in just half a month!"

Liu Hen doesn't think what Lin Feng said is true. The person who competed with Shuihan that day was definitely not Lin Feng's daughter! I'm afraid I'll send her to fight. As long as you grasp this point tightly, it is the crime of bullying the king. Even if Lin Feng works hard, he will suffer a lot.

The civil servants standing in Liu Taishi's camp listened to Liu Hen and Lin Feng's words and immediately whispered. The content was nothing more than agreeing with Liu Taishi's words. What General Lin said was too fantasy.

And the general was disciplined and did not speak recklessly before the master's order. Previously, Rao Kun stood up angrily. At this time, when he saw the general's face calm and no panic at all, he knew that the general must be sure.

"Quiet, quiet." Seeing that the civilian officials were talking more and more loudly, Zhang Huairen hurriedly stopped him, "Liu Taishi, go on." Although Zhang Huairen is the person around the emperor, he has also received many benefits from Liu Hen in private, and naturally favors Liu Taishi.

"When I returned to the emperor, half a month ago, the day after General Lin's daughter recovered from a serious illness, I competed with my daughter in the drunken incense building in Kyoto. The judgment at that time was Gu Wenqi and Gu Taifu! It is said that Miss Lin won the beautiful picture of the minister with a pair of plum blossoms. General Lin must know it?

"The little girl is not talented, just slightly better than Miss Liu." Lin Feng's face did not have any waves, and he replied calmly.

The comparison between General Lin and Liu Taishi has long spread all over the streets and alleys of Kyoto, and the officials in the court also know one or two. Although he had also doubted that his official rank was not as big as a general, so he could only doubt it in his heart.

Mo Cheng was a little interested when he heard this, "What Master Liu said is serious?"

"The sentence is true."

"It's just a competition between children, and it's normal to win or lose. I don't know what it means when Master Liu mentioned this in the court? Both sides can't help, and it's very difficult for Mo Cheng to stand in the middle.

"When you return to the emperor, your skills are not as good as others, and you deserve to lose. But this matter is not as simple as it seems. General Lin also said that Miss Lin recovered from her condition half a month ago. No matter how qualified she is, a person who has never learned calligraphy and a brush can't be so proficient in calligraphy and painting in a day. I don't know how General Lin will explain!" Liu Hen's face shows pride, let's see how you explain it.

"Yes, even Miss Liu was so proficient in learning step by step. How can anyone become a talent every day?"

"What Taishi Liu said, this thing seems unreasonable."

The civil servants began to whisper to each other again.

Lin Feng's face changed slightly, and even I don't know how to explain this matter!

Liu Hen has been staring at Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng's face had changed, he was very proud and thought that he had exposed Lin Feng's lies. Emperor, I believe that the person who competed with the minister that day was not the daughter of General Lin, but someone else! General Lin committed the crime of deceiving the king!"

"General Lin, how do you explain this matter?" Mo Cheng rubbed his temples, which was really not easy to do.

"To the emperor, I won't make any explanation for this matter."

As soon as Lin Feng's words came out, the court instantly calmed down. Not only the civil servants were surprised, but also the generals looked unbelievable.

"General Lin, did you acquiesce to what Liu Taishi said?" Mo Cheng frowned. If so, it would really be a crime of bullying the king.

"The person who competed with Liu Taishi's daughter is indeed Lin Xiaoluo." Although Lin Feng also doubted it, he finally firmly believed that it was his daughter.

Throughout the court, the civil servants whispered, and the general frowned. Liu Taishi was proud, and Lin Feng's face was slightly blue. The emperor sighed in his heart, "Since she is the daughter of General Lin, she will enter the palace tomorrow. Liu Taishi will also bring Shui Han and try again."

"Your Majesty, that woman is by no means the daughter of General Lin..." Liu Hen did not expect that the matter ended with such a result.

Mo Cheng's face darkened. The struggle between Liu Hen and Lin Feng was not once or twice. "This matter has been settled, Xiao Zhangzi, retreat." As soon as the dragon robe was swinging, he came out of the Jinluan Hall with a gloomy face.

"Retired!" Zhang Huairen shook the dust in his hand, and his sharp voice sounded.

"Hangtray, my emperor!"

"General, we all believe in generals." After the emperor left, Rao Kun and other generals surrounded Lin Feng one after another.

Lin Feng's pale face improved a little. "The clear man is self-clear, and he is not afraid of the shadow slanting."

"Ha ha, I hope General Lin can still laugh so confidently tomorrow, but don't let down these men who trust you." Liu Hen came forward and looked at a general with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Liu for reminding me. However, Liu Taishi still worries more about himself. If the little girl doesn't win the daughter tomorrow, Liu Taishi will bear the crime of slandering the important ministers of the court. Although Lin Feng is not a general and has been fighting on the battlefield all year round, he also knows some of conspiracy strategies.

Liu Hen's face changed, and instead of framed him, he made a stup for himself. I still have something to do at home. Say goodbye first!"

"Hahaha, the general is really powerful, and the old man is so angry that he can't speak." Everyone looked at the figure of Liu Taishi leaving angrily and laughed loudly.

"Rao Kun." Lin Feng did not smile, but looked at everyone with a serious face, "Today's event, there can't be another time!" Otherwise, it will be disposed of by military law."

"Yes, General!" The generals knew that the general was thinking about themselves and others, so as not to offend Liu Taishi to provoke the murder.

Lin Feng is very clear about what his subordinates are like. These people have made a lot of contributions to the battlefield. Lin Feng does not want to hurt others because of the struggle between himself and Liu Taishi.