Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 43 Playing with the Man in Black

Since that day heard that Mo Yuche was assassinated, Mo Chen left Kyoto and went to Liufeng Mountain, where Mo Yuche's master, Old Man Shi, lived in this mountain.

Kyoto is hundreds of miles away from Liufeng Mountain. Mochen is not in a hurry to ride his horse all the way to the west leisurely. Along the way, he has to stop and watch the bustle. It took only seven days to walk and stop.

"Ming, go and play by yourself." Mochen stopped his horse and stood at the foot of a mountain, and it was the dark horse in his mouth.

This horse is a rare sweaty BMW. A few years ago, Mochen passed by the sharp ridge and happened to meet Ming's mother and fell into the hunter's trap. The bottom of the pit was full of sharp bamboo thorns. The hen tried her best to push her limbs against the pit wall to prevent herself from falling down. However, although it was a sweaty BMW, it could not save itself. This is just a time to delay. That's all.

What Mo Chen saw was this scene. The hen's abdomen bulged slightly and he knew that he was pregnant with a pony. The sema sensed someone approaching and hissed sadly. She thought it was a hunter.

I don't know why I feel a sense of heartache when I see the desperate eyes of the hen. Hiss..." Maybe the ema, which had been consuming too much labor, finally couldn't help sliding down quickly.

Seeing that he was about to be penetrated by bamboo thorns, Mo Chen waved a silk belt around the hen's abdomen and secretly pulled her mother back.

The hen knew that she was saved on all fours. She staggered to Mo Chen and her limbs were soft, but she knelt down in front of Mo Chen.

Mo Chen was shocked. Could it be that this horse is not an ordinary wild horse? Thinking of this, Mochen couldn't help looking at the surprise discovery that he had saved a rare sweaty BMW!

You should know that the sweat-blooded BMW is not an ordinary horse. It knows people's hearts and travel thousands of miles by day. There are only a few people with sweat-blooded BMW in Wulin, but they didn't expect to sway at will to save a pregnant hamma!

After kneeling down, the hen stood up and walked towards the forest. As she walked, she turned around and hissed a few times at Mo Chen. Mo Chen thought for a moment and realized that the hen was afraid that she was going to give birth and let himself keep up.

When the uma saw the benefactor following her, she continued to walk into the forest and walked through a winding path and stopped outside a cave.

Mo Chen stopped. I'm afraid that the horse was going to go into production and ask him to guard the hole outside.

"Hose..." The hen hissed again before entering the cave. Mo Chen had nothing to do, just to the end. He really sat down at the mouth of the cave and guarded the door for the hen.

After Mo Chen felt something pulling the hem of his clothes, but looking back, the hen bit his clothes and pulled it into the hole. Mochen understood that this little thing wanted to see his child.

When he got up and followed the horse into the cave Mochen, he found that there was a different hole in the cave. There was a clean and huge stone bed, and there were teapots and cups on the roughly built stone table and stone stool. Obviously, someone had lived here.

"Hic..." The hen walked to the right side of the stone bed, and Mo Chen walked over and saw that a dark pony lay there, and his eyes had not even opened.

"Good job!" Mo Chen reached out and patted the hen's head and praised it. The horse rubbed his head around Mochen's neck as if he understood.

The newborn pony was very fragile. Mo Chen was worried and stayed in the cave to take care of the pony for the hen. Half a month passed, and the pony could walk by himself and was very healthy. Mo Chen planned to leave and continue to travel around Zhouguo when he saw that things had been settled.

After the pony was born, the first thing he saw was Mo Chen. The animal's memory was pure that he was his mother at first sight. When Mo Chen was about to leave, the pony sobbed and blocked the hole to prevent Mo Chen from going out.

"Hease..." "Wow... hiss..." The two horses hissed at each other, as if they were arguing about something, and stopped after a while.

It seemed that the pony had won, and his eyes flashed excitedly and ran to Mo Chen for a while, "his..." The mare hissed softly as if she was telling something.

Mochen has traveled around the world for many years and has had the honor to see the sweaty BMW once. He knows a little about the horse's words. Seeing Mo Chen's heart like this, does he want the pony to leave with him?

The robbery is the name Mo Chen gave for the hen, which means to escape the disaster.

Mo Chen guessed that the dialogue between the robbery and his son was indeed for this matter. He was reluctant to give up his son, but the benefactor was kind to him. It was not necessarily a bad thing for his son to follow him, so he agreed to leave with his benefactor.

After some communication, Mo Chen was sure that the robbery was to let the pony follow him, so one and two horses walked out of the cave and walked out of the forest.

At the edge of the forest, the pony ran to his mother's side and hissed a few times. Maybe he was reluctant to lick the pony's face and gently kicked the pony's hoof.

After leaving the pointed ridge, the pony has been following Mo Chen. Mo Chen named it Ming, which means to walk through the underworld.

The sweat-blooded BMW is smart and deliberately trained by Mo Chen, and it will be able to understand all the instructions of Mo Chen in a few years.

"Hist..." He looked up to the sky and roared, spreading his hooves and running into the distance. In recent years, Ming has been big and no longer follows Mo Chen every day. When Mo Chen is free, Ming runs out to play alone. As long as he hears the whistle, he will appear immediately.

Mo Chen also let Ming go out to wander. Ming is not an ordinary horse and doesn't like restraint.

Liufeng Mountain, as the name implies, is the most peak in the mountain. Standing at the bottom of the mountain and looking up at the peak seems to go straight into the clouds to the sky. If the endless mountains do not often enter the mountain, people will not be able to escape the surrounding peaks.

It was only when old man Shi took a fancy to Liufeng Mountain to hide. It was also an accidental opportunity to accept Mo Yuche as an apprentice, not to mention it for the time being.

After Mo Chen left, he set out and entered the mountain. At this time, it was close to the beginning. If the winter sun didn't set as soon as possible, he would get lost in this mountain.

After Mo Chen entered the mountain, a group of people in black also entered the mountain and followed Mo Chen closely. These people were so good at hiding that even Mo Che could not find it.

Since the death of the master, Mo Chen and the old man Shi have left the division to travel around the world. A few years later, the two retired from the martial arts together when they were tired of fighting and killing. Mochen has only been here three times, and after many years, I can't remember the way.

Mo Chen wandered around in the mountains, and the man in black behind him had to walk around together. At the beginning, I didn't notice that there was anything wrong with someone following Mo Chen, but after wandering around so many times, I couldn't find that Mo Chen's martial arts attainments were useless.

After the eighth circle, Mochen simply sat on a raised stone and rested. Seeing that it was getting late, the group of people behind him did not know whether they were enemies or friends. It would not be a good thing to bring them to the old man Shi.

Mo Chen stopped and the man in black also stopped to rest. People with strong martial arts will also be tired after such a long time.

"There are many mosquitoes in the mountains." Mo Chen spoke, and then threw a stone and flew to the hiding place of the man in black.

These people in black are the gang that assassinated Mo Yuche last time. After the failure of the last mission, Gundam and others went back to be punished, and they were all a little unconvinced.

I happened to hear that the owner of the second palace and the Dazuo envoy discuss the assassination incident. It happened that Gundam knew that the person killed was the person the owner of the second palace hated, so he came forward and asked the owner of the second palace to give him another chance.

As soon as the owner of the second palace mentioned the person he hated, he lost his mind and responded to Gundam's request. Gundam and others rode all the way and finally arrived at Liufeng Mountain in Mochen.

Everyone got off their horses and followed them into the mountain. They thought that their hidden kung fu was first-class and would not be detected, but in the end they failed.

"High Commander..." A thin man in black came forward and said, "Wasn't he found?"

"Don't panic" Gundam stared at Mo Chen's place for fear that he would run away. "He's testing us. Don't be fooled by him."

"Yes, Commander Gao."

Gundam is a cruel man. He kills people without blinking when he goes on a mission, because he has also practiced a violent atmosphere, so that his men never dare to shout loudly.

The current hidden figure is also three meters behind him.

Mo Chen waited for a long time and saw no one show up. He secretly guessed that these people were probably the same as the previous group of black people. Thinking of this, Mochen simply stopped going on his way. Although old man Shi's martial arts skills were not paid attention to him, what he liked most was that there were strangers to disturb his purity.

Mo Chen lay sideways on the stone, pulled down the wine gourd from his waist and pulled out the plug and took a deep breath of it. "Tut, the wine made by this old stone man is fragrant, and the smell is full of fragrance!"

"Not bad, my dinner is coming." The hand moved casually, and as soon as the voice fell ten meters away, there was the sound of the object landing. Mo Chen put down the wine gourd and ran to pick up the prey.

But it turned out to be a flying bird, which was stoned down by Mo Dust. At this time, the sun had set and it was getting dark. Mochen took out the fire fold and made a fire. He neatly pulled out the bird's hair and put it on the fire and roasted it.

It's cold at night in winter, not to mention in the mountains, which is several times cold. Gundam has been practicing martial arts for many years with internal strength that he does not feel cold, and he suffers from the cold shiver of those subordinates.

Mo Chen hummed while roasting the bird meat, and the bright flame licked the bird and made a sizzling sound. "It's really cold at night in this mountain. I heard from the people at the foot of the mountain that it would be a little colder in the middle of the night. It's really hard to warm the body without fire."

Gundam and his party rushed to Liufeng Mountain overnight without having a good rest. They had been tired and hungry for nearly two hours with Mo Chen. Now they have been blowing in the cold wind for half an hour, and several of them are about to stand it.

Although the internal force warms up, it is unbearable to consume it for a long time.

The smell of barbecue spread with the wind, and several thin men in black swallowed saliva at the same time, and there was a timely protest in their abdomen.

Mo Chen saw that it was almost roasted. He added some firewood and sat back on the stone and pulled off a bird's leg and nibbled it up. "Tut this bird meat smells so good!" There was a sound of satisfaction while eating.