Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 99 on the bridal chamber candle

Today is New Year's Eve~ I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve in advance! I wish you all the best in the new year, happy love, sweet friendship, long-lasting family and harmony!

By the way, it's the New Year's Eve. Please ask for a ticket to collect it~ Hey hey, it would be great if you had the encouragement of support.

------Gorgeous dividing line---


"Haha! This hall is worth the trip today! Seventh prince, since you and I have no chance to become confidants, we can only be opponents. The so-called differences do not work together. If the Seventh Prince really responds to his proposal, Yechen may lose interest.

Mo Yuche said nothing. The city in front of him is quite deep, and the background is extremely complex and mysterious, especially the temples under his command are even more mysterious.

The victory and defeat have been divided. Ye Chen put away his murderous intention and went to Situ Ling and gently picked him up, as if he were holding the most precious treasure in the world in his arms. Today is the day when the Seventh Prince is happy, and this hall will not be beautiful. Say goodbye.

The martial arts of this seventh prince is not under his own, and the martial arts of Mochen and Shilang are even more unfathomable. If he insists on it, he may not get it.

Ye Chen is not afraid of losing or death. He just can't rest assured Situ Ling and the person he has been thinking about for so many years.

Yechen left with the woman in red. Mo Yuche did not stop her. On the one hand, he respected his opponents, and on the other hand, he did not stop him when the master and uncle left.

After Ye Chen left with Situ Ling in his arms, the originally quiet and empty alley became more and cold. Mo Yuche stood still and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He raised his right hand and gently wiped the blood stains off his mouth, and his dark eyes were gloomy. When the two fought before, there seemed to be no big movement. The two separated in an instant, but Mo Yuche obviously felt that Ye Chen's hand quickly patted his chest and then took it back.

"Lord of the Temples, night? I have written it down!" Raising his hand and looking at the blood stains on his eyes, Mo Yuche smiled coldly and immediately turned around and walked towards the house.

And Ye Chen held Situ Ling and did not go far, only three streets away from the alley at the back door of the Seven Kings. Poof..." A mouthful of blood sprayed on Situling's blood-red clothes and slowly penetrated down.

Ye Chen resisted the wanton rolling breath of his chest and made his right hand to point a few acupuncture points on his chest before he felt a little better.

"Seventh Prince, Mo Yuche? I have written it down!" Looking down at Situling, who was still asleep in his arms, Ye Chen said secretly, I'm afraid this revenge is difficult to repay.

It turned out that while Ye Chen injured Mo Yuche, Mo Yuche also took action! The two were so fast that others thought that they were just passing by.

Looking at the blood stains on the red man, Ye Chen smiled. How many years has it been? Have you never been injured? Maybe he was so excited that Yechen couldn't help spitting another mouthful of blood.

The disordered breath in the chest is also getting worse and worse. Fearing that he would faint and fall down, Ye Chen held back his breath and walked to Zuixianglou with Situling in his arms.

After Xiao Luo was sure that the man had left, Xiao Luo walked back to the table carelessly and sat down to pick up a cup and continue drinking tea. It's just that no matter how delicious it is, no matter how fragrant it is, it is just water. If you drink too much water, you can't beat it.

"Why hasn't Sister Dongyu come back yet? The kitchen is not far from here?" Xiaoluo stayed in the royal palace a few days ago, and naturally knew that the kitchen was not far from the west wing.

It is true that the winter rain has gone so long ago that she should have returned to the west wing. Unfortunately, she wanted to go back, but some people refused. Miss Liu, my lady is still waiting for the maidservant to go back.

It turned out that the way to the kitchen in the west wing had to pass through the north yard, and this north courtyard was where Liu Shuihan's new house was located. Liu Shuihan went to the north courtyard room with the help of the maid. Seeing that the yard was half smaller than his original yard, he couldn't help but be angry.

It happened that Chunxi saw Dongyu coming towards this box and went forward and said to Liu Shuihan. Liu Shuihan naturally knew that Dongyu was Lin Xiaoluo's personal maid. As soon as he turned his mind, he took Chunxi out of the yard with Shuixiu and waited in the corridor.

When Dongyu went back, he met Liu Shuihan, still holding a food plate in his hand. Seeing Miss Liu standing at the end of the corridor in a wedding robe, he couldn't help saying that it was bad. The maidservant met Miss Liu.

Although Dongyu pretends to turn a blind eye, she is a maid and she is the master. If she goes there like this, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for her daughter, so Dongyu has to salute Liu Shuihan with a smiling face.

Liu Shuihan did not respond, but signaled Chunxi next to him to open his mouth. Chunxi secretly complained when he received the master's eyes. The master wanted to find Miss Lin's bad luck. Why did he sing the black face?

Seeing that Chunxi did not speak for a long time, Liu Shuihan hurriedly pinched Chunxi. Chunxi happened to stand on the right side of Liu Shuihan, but Dongyu did not see this action.

Naturally, the master did not dare to get up without opening his mouth to be a subordinate. Dongyu had to hold the food plate tightly to avoid falling out. It was just that the posture had been maintained for a long time, and his calves would inevitably be a little unbearable. Dongyu was afraid of falling face to his daughter in front of Miss Liu, so he had to endure the sourness of his calves from trembling.

The waist was suddenly pinched, and Chunxi almost exclaimed in pain. At the sight of the young lady's hand, she hurriedly swallowed the pain that came to her throat. Bold maidservant, my daughter is now the concubine of the seventh prince. How dare you call her Miss Liu! Didn't your master teach you the rules?"

Chunxi knew that if she didn't speak again, the young lady would punish herself afterwards. It's better to die early and later than to offend other girls than to offend your own girls.

Dongyu knew that Liu Shuihan was waiting for nothing good here. After listening to Chunxi's words, he couldn't help but feel a burst of contempt, but on his face, he showed sincere fear, "Princess her anger, the princess is angry! It was the maidservant's fault that the maidservant's clumsiness made the princess unhappy. Princess, you must be as beautiful as a fairy. Don't ruin your body because of the low popularity of slaves.

Although she called the princess in her mouth, Dongyu did not regard her as a real princess at all. In Dongyu's heart, the seventh princess is her own daughter! That praise was also made by Dong Yu with disgust.

What Liu Shuihan wants is this feeling of being superior and being praised. Seeing that this little maid is so knowledgeable about current affairs, he can't help but feel better. Of course, I won't argue with you about this little thing. Don't give me a gift.

Dongyu was secretly relieved when she heard Liu Shuihan's words. If she couldn't help it, she couldn't stand it. Thank you, princess. Dongyu got up and stamped his sore legs slightly. If he had squatted for a while, he would have fallen to the ground.

"What's in your hand? Show it to me." Liu Shuihan has not eaten anything since he got up early. Then he smelled a little heart and realized that he was a little hungry.

The winter rain doesn't scream well. Why does Miss Liu have so many things? If you go back to the princess, it's a peach pastry. Dongyu went to the kitchen and saw that the cooks had just made peach pastries. He thought that the lady might have never eaten it and served a plate.

The winter rain opened the brocade on the food plate, and suddenly a sweet and greasy smell spread away.

Liu Shuihan was a little hungry, and he couldn't help but be more hungry when he saw the small and exquisite snacks. Is this peach cake? But it's made of peach blossoms?" Liu Shuihan won't directly say that he is hungry, so shameless.

How can Dongyu not know Liu Shuihan's mind? He must be hungry and wants to eat the peach crisp in his hand by himself. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Miss is still waiting to take her some snacks back.

"If you go back to the princess, this peach cake does add peach petals. It's just the peach petals that fell to the ground... It was made by the cooks to eat by themselves. When I saw the exquisite peach crisp, I asked for a stack..." Dong Yu thought about it and came up with a way. I said that this peach cake is made of fallen peach petals. You don't want to eat it, do you?

"But the petal cooks have been washed and scalded with hot water, which is also clean. If the princess likes this peach cake, the maidservant will give it to you. Just think that the maidservant has made the princess unhappy. Dongyu smiled secretly in his heart, how could he be so smart?

Liu Shuihan really wanted to eat this peach crisp, but when he heard that the peach petals fell to the ground, his face suddenly became a little ugly. How could he eat such dirty things?

"I just smelled the fragrance and asked curiously. These snacks are too sweet and greasy. I have never liked things that are too sweet and greasy." Since it was cooked by the cooks to eat by themselves, the little maid was also greedy for a pile of food, not for Lin Xiaoluo.

Dongyu smiled secretly. This Miss Liu is really easy to fool. Damn it, I don't know that the princess doesn't like sweet food..." This is what the young lady said!

"Okay, I'm in a good mood today and don't care about you." Liu Shuihan waved his hand. The maid's mouth was quite sweet and clever enough, much better than the maids around him. Today is also a happy day for your daughter. I don't know which yard she lives in?

Dongyu took a secret breath. If you are in a good mood, you won't deliberately block here to look for my bad luck. No, you want to find my young lady's bad luck!

Dong Yu had long expected that it would not be easy for Liu Shuihan to wait for himself in the corridor. Sure enough, he asked the key point! Back to the princess, my lady lives in the West Wing. Speaking of this, Dongyu vaguely knows why Liu Shuihan wants to find the misfortune of the young lady today.

This is the closest to the north courtyard. I think the prince must have let her live in the north courtyard, while the north courtyard is the smallest of the three courtyards, and the west wing is the largest. If it were, everyone would be unbalanced. Dongyu nodded, afraid it must be because of this.

Sure enough, when Liu Shuihan heard that Lin Xiaoluo lived in the west wing, his smiling face instantly became gloomy. She actually lives in the West Wing! Liu Shuihan doesn't know how big the West Chamber is, but it must be bigger than the North Courtyard. Do the concubines live in the south courtyard?

The east courtyard is inhabited by the prince, and the west courtyard is Lin Xiaoluo. He lives in the north courtyard, and the south courtyard is for the ten concubines.

"If you go back to the princess, the ten ladies live in the south courtyard. The prince said that it was spacious enough, and the ten ladies would not feel that there was not enough space to live in." Seeing Liu Shuihan's face change in an instant, Dongyu almost laughed out loud. Miss Liu was really funny.

Liu Shuihan's face became colder and colder. The yard she lived in was not as big as the yard of several concubines. If this spread out, what would her face exist!

The peach crisp in his hand is about to cool down. The cook said that the peach crisp should be eaten while it is hot to have that it tastes crispy. Seeing Liu Shuihan changing his face while performing there alone, Dongyu swallowed and tried to make his expression look submissive. "Princes, I have to go back to serve the lady. If it's too late, I will definitely punish the maidservant."

Liu Shuihan is easy to understand. People like Dongyu also understand Liu Shuihan. She just likes others to praise her and belittle herself to elevate her.

Liu Shuihan has never heard that Lin Xiaoluo will punish his servants. Hearing Dongyu's words, he is not interested. "You mean that your young lady will punish you? I heard that your young lady is kind to her servants.

Of course, my lady is fine, but she has nothing to say about her good! Dongyu said in his heart with great agreement, but on his face, he was embarrassed. "Princess, it is very disrespectful to talk about the master behind his back, and I still want to live a few more years..." This sentence undoubtedly made Liu Shuihan more interested.

Seeing that Dongyu's embarrassed look on his face did not seem to be pretended, Liu Shuihan was happy. Could it be that Lin Xiaoluo's usual actions to treat his subordinates were deliberately made? If so, as long as you grab her and go to expose her in front of the prince, the position of the imperial concubine will be...

Liu Shuihan suddenly felt how right it was to stop the maid!

"I will decide everything for you, as long as you tell me completely. If your young lady really punishes you wantonly, I will definitely get justice for you in front of the prince!"

To get justice? Dongyu won't believe that Miss Liu has such a good heart. He wants to slander my daughter in front of the prince so that he can sit in the position of the imperial concubine, right? Princess, the maidservant broke her mouth and talked nonsense. In fact, my young lady is indeed very good to her servants..." Needless to say, Dongyu's appearance made Liu Shuihan more and more convinced that Lin Xiaoluo deliberately showed his kindness.

Liu Shuihan knew that if he was forcing her to ask, she would make the little maid suspicious. Seeing that she refused to say Liu Shuihan, she simply stopped asking. Since you don't want to say it, I don't force myself. After all, she is your master, and you still have to serve her in the future. However, if you can't stand it one day, just come to me. What I just said will always be valid.

Liu Shuihan is not in a hurry at this time. As long as he captures the little maid's mind, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to catch her Lin Xiaoluo's handle!

Dongyu hurriedly showed a grateful look, and suddenly his big eyes squeezed out a few tears! Thank you for your success, and the maidservant has retired now.

Seeing Dongyu's grateful appearance, Liu Shuihan's vanity was greatly satisfied. Go ahead and remember what I said today.

Dongyu had wanted to leave for a long time. She blessed Liu Shuihan and said that she would definitely remember her words, and then left quickly with the food plate. She was afraid that she would take a step slower. Miss Liu's family would have another moth.