Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 150 Mysterious Square Print

In the next two days, the Seven Kings Palace seemed to be very calm. Everyone seemed to have no doubts about the Seventh Prince's failure to return for a few days, and they still did their own things. Caidie also went to the kitchen to stare at the cooks stewed blood swallows for two days in a row, and then sent them to the West Courtyard in person. Every time Xiaoluo just politely said a few words and happily.

This is the third day, and it is the fourth day that Mo Yuche was imprisoned in heaven. The emperor still did not tell the seven princes of the world about the assassination of the saints, and the people of the Ministry of Criminal Justice were also idle.

Before Mao arrived, Xiao Luo had woken up and remembered that the old man had said that someone would come to visit her three days later to tell her how to save Mo Yuche. Although Xiao Luo showed that he looked very calm these days, his heart had already been anxious. Every time late at night, the scene seen in the nightmare in his head would involuntarily appear in his head, followed by insomnia all night.

It was not easy to wait until the third day. Xiao Luo also turned over and over for a long time. After squinting for a while, he was awakened by the dream again. I don't know when a crack was opened. The cool breeze penetrated through the cracks, and Xiao Luo found that he was in a cold sweat. Sister Dongyu, Sister Xia He?" After all, he couldn't sleep. Little Luo Suo sat up and tried to call a few times.

I didn't expect that Dongyu and Xia He could hear it, but as soon as Xiaoluo's voice fell, he heard a slight footsteps from the outer room, and then the sound of winter rain sounded. Miss? Why did you wake up so early? At this time, it's not Mao's time yet?" The young lady didn't sleep soundly these nights. Dongyu and Xia He were afraid that they would not be far away from her orders, so they simply lived in the outer room these nights.

As soon as the words fell, Dongyu and Xia He pushed the door in clothes and came to the bed. Miss, it's getting cold outside in winter. Why don't you sleep a little longer? Xia He came forward to ttle the bedding for Xiao Luo and put a fox coat on the lady.

I was still wondering how Dongyu and Xia He came so fast. When he saw the black shadow under them, Xiao Luo understood that he thought that the two sisters lived in the out house these few nights, right? Luoer has always been awakened by nightmares these nights, but the two sisters are tired.

Dongyu yawned uncomfortunately. Hearing the young lady say this, she waved her hand quickly and said, "Miss, I can't say this. Serving the young lady is originally a matter of slaves. How can it be involved?" Maybe because he didn't sleep well these few nights, Dongyu yawned uncomfortably after saying this.

Xia He rolled her eyes at the winter rain, turned around and went to the table and touched the teapot. After a night, the tea was already cold. Miss, it's not dawn yet. Are you going to sleep for a while? After not sleeping well for a few days, not only Xia Hedongyu's face was a little haggard, but his big watery eyes lost their luster, and even Xiao Luo was extremely haggard.

Xiaoluo waved his hand. As long as she closed her eyes these nights, there would be a nightmare in her mind. Mo Yuche's cut off head kept chasing her and asking, "Why didn't you save me? Why didn't you save me!" I can't sleep even if I lie down. I just get up and go out for a walk. Maybe it will be more comfortable.

Seeing that the young lady was really sleepless, Xia He stopped persuading, assigned Dongyu to dress the young lady, and specially told Dongyu to add more thick clothes for the young lady, and then took the teapot out of the door to boil hot water.

Little Loben didn't want to wear the thick and big fox's clothes, but Dongyu stubbornly said that if she didn't wear it, she wouldn't let her go out. What's more, she threatened to ignore her for three days if she didn't wear it. Thinking that Sister Dongyu was also kind, Xiao Luo had to put on the fox fur with a wry smile, and then was forced to wear a fluffy hat before he was allowed to leave the door.

The weather in winter is indeed unusually cold, especially near the end of the year, which is even colder. Xiaoluo went out of the door and was a little grateful for Dongyu's stubbornness. The winter wind blew on his face, as if he had cut the skin with a knife.

The winter rain couldn't stand the cold. He stood beside the young lady with frustration and waited for the temperature to warm before he dared to speak. Miss, is it windy outside, shall we go into the house?

Xiaoluo was a little reluctant. The room was so warm and quiet that she always hallucinated that she was in a dream, or the cold wind outside was blowing better. At least it could let her know that she was in reality, not in that terrible nightmare. If Sister Dongyu is cold, go into the house. Luo Er still wants to stay for a while.

Dongyu suffered from a small face, and his hands were put on his mouth more frequently. If the young lady doesn't enter the house, how dare she, a slave, leave the young lady alone to warm up? Seeing that the young lady unintentionally entered the room, Dongyu had to stand beside the young lady with the cold, and stood very considerately at the wind to block the cold wind for the young lady.

When he stood, he felt that the cold wind suddenly was not so cold. Xiao Luo turned his head and knew that it was the stupid girl Dongyu. Obviously, it was so cold that he had to stand at the outlet to block the cold wind for her. He couldn't help but feel a little moved and sorry. Sister Dongyu, let's go back to the house. Although he didn't want to return to the quiet environment, Xiao Luo couldn't bear to watch Dongyu catch a cold from the wind.

Seeing that the young lady opened her mouth to go back to the house, Dongyu hurriedly answered, afraid that she would regret it a second later. It's already so cold in my own home. I don't know what the prince will be like in prison. Back in the room, Dongyu suddenly felt a warmth filling his whole body, indescribably comfortable.

After listening to Dongyu's words, Xiao Luo was stunned. Yes, there is nothing like his own in the prison, but there is nothing! Now that the New Year is approaching, and the weather is cold and tight, he is not loved by the emperor, and he is afraid that he will not be good in prison?

Thinking about Xiao Luo and remembering everything he saw in his dream, his heart was inevitably tight. Will those jailers really torture him in private? Will it be harsh on his quilt? Could it be... The more he thought about it, Xiao Luo only felt a suffocation in his chest, as if he had covered his mouth and nose and couldn't breathe.

"Miss? Miss? How can you be distracted again?" Dongyu stood in front of the door and patted the cold air on his body before entering the room. As soon as he looked up, he saw that the young lady was shaking again. It occurred to me that he seemed to have mentioned the prince just now. Dongyu raised his hand and beat himself a few times. Which pot did he not open? The young lady could not eat well and sleep well for the prince's affairs. How could she still mention the prince in this weather?

Fortunately, Xiaoluo was stuck in her mind at this time, but she didn't see the simple look of Dongyu. When she came to her senses, Xia He had already brought in with hot water.

"Miss, I only think you are the first to get up, but I don't expect that there are people earlier than Miss." Xia He put down the wooden basin, soaked the silk handkerchief in hot water, warmed it thinly, and then handed it to Xiao Luo. Miss, the man asked to see the young lady by name, saying that he had something important to discuss with the young lady.

Xiaoluo's hand, which took the hand of the handkerchief, had not been withdrawn. Hearing Xia He's words, he suddenly looked up, and his bright eyes were full of surprise. Sister Xia He, do you think someone wants to see Luo Er by name? Do you also say that there is something important to discuss with Luo Er? Is that the person the old man said? If so, does it mean that Mo Yuche is saved?

Xia He, who was shocked by the young lady's sudden inquiry, was stunned for a while before carefully saying, "Miss, I just met the housekeeper Li when I went to the kitchen. Housekeeper Li said that an old man said in the front hall that he wanted to see you, and said..."

What else did you say? Before Xia He finished speaking, Xiao Luo had lost his veil and hurried out of the door and ran towards the front hall. Xia He looked at Dongyu inexplicably, and Dongyu also looked at Xia He inexplicably. Both of them looked inexplicably. Then they remembered something and hurriedly followed the things in their hands.

Xiaoluo ran all the way, afraid that the man would walk away if he couldn't wait. Running, he might feel that he was running too slowly. Xiao Luo used his light skills and ran to the front hall, regardless of whether the people in the house would see it. However, at this time, the maids in the house had just got up and had not yet come out to do anything, but no one could see Xiao Luo's flying eaves and walking on the wall.

When Xiaoluo stood in front of the front hall, the hour passed without half a cup of tea. Standing outside the door to calm his breath, Xiaoluo stepped into the front hall. As soon as he entered, Xiaoluo saw a man standing in the middle of the front hall with his hands behind his back, quite like a fairy.

"Dare you ask, this senior came to find Luoer?" The man in front of him is most likely the person mentioned by the old man, that is, the person who can save Mo Yuche. Xiaoluo didn't dare to put on the princess's airs. He stood three steps behind the old man and asked respectfully.

The old man didn't seem to hear Xiao Luo's voice, still with his back to her, with his hands behind his back, with a leisurely and comfortable look.

Xiao Luo was not angry, but his tone became slightly cold and hard. Luo'er respected the family teacher and called you a senior. I hope you don't put yourself on airs so that you won't fall down.

It seemed that he had just found a person standing behind him. The old man slowly turned around and looked at Xiao Luo from beginning to end with his exploratory eyes, and then opened his mouth. Are you Lin Xiaoluo? Old Mo's apprentice? Tut, I didn't expect it to be a half-large doll.

Xiao Luo didn't care about the contempt in his eyes. Since he had confirmed that the person in front of him was the person the old man said, Xiao Luo no longer circled around. He took out the square seal from his sleeve and spread it in his hand. He looked straight at the old man and said, "Luo Er has no intention of going around with the seniors. This square seal is a teacher's thing and wants to come to It's time to know each other."

When Xiao Luo took out the square seal keenly, the old man's face twitched a little, and then nodded slowly as if he had made a lot of determination. Since Old Mo gave this to you, he must have trusted you very much. Little doll, do you know what this square seal represents?