Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 154 It is better to offend the villain than to offend the eunuch

It was not until the carriage gradually left sight that Liu Shuihan cleaned up his disordered mind and turned around and walked towards the palace gate. When he came to the palace door, Liu Shuihan took out a waist card and handed it to the bodyguard guarding the palace gate. The bodyguard took the waist card and looked at it carefully. Then he smiled flatteringly and said, "It turned out to be the seventh princess. I don't know what happened to the seventh princess entering the palace so early?"

Liu Shuihan took the waist card handed back by the bodyguard and put it in his arms. Then he said, "I received an order from the emperor yesterday, saying that I would hold a palace ceremony tomorrow, and also said that I am now a member of the seventh prince. Naturally, I have to go to the palace in advance to get along with the women."

The guards naturally knew about the palace Banyan, but they were not suspicious when they heard Liu Shuihan's words. So that's it. Good job, Princess Seven!" Since there is an emperor's oral agreement to enter the palace and make friends with the concubines, there is naturally no reason for the bodyguard not to let her enter the palace.

Bending down and sending Liu Shuihan into the palace door, the guard waved his hand and asked the people below to close the palace door again.

Liu Shuihan has entered the palace many times, and she naturally knows the emperor's bedroom there. At present, it is early morning, and except for the eunuchs on duty, not even an idle person has seen it in the palace. Liu Shuihan hurried to the emperor's bedroom and stopped. Any manager can enter the palace, but if you want to meet the emperor, you need to pass it on. If you break into the emperor's bedroom without permission, it is a death penalty.

Liu Shuihan didn't wait long before he saw the emperor's holy driver slowly coming from afar, and the moment was close in front of him. When the saint drove close to the bedroom, Liu Shuihan went to the emperor and saluted, "My ministers, long live the emperor!"

Mo Chengda saw a man standing in front of his bedroom from afar. He thought it was the concubine of which palace, but he didn't expect it to be the princess of the old seven mansion. Who came to see me so early? It turned out to be Han'er!" Mo Cheng drove down and stood in front of Liu Shuihan. Why did Haner think of going to the palace to see me today?

Liu Shuihan smiled shyly, and the emperor seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that this trip was not in vain today. Emperor, I just got married to the prince a few days ago, and I couldn't get rid of a lot of trivial things. As soon as I was free these days, I learned that the emperor was going to hold a palace ceremony. I thought that there were some days before I came to say good to the emperor, so I came here.

The emperor is in a good mood, but this does not mean that he will always be in a good mood, so Liu Shuihan does not dare to mention the matter of the Seventh Prince as soon as he comes, and can only fool around other things.

Mo Cheng's slightly cloudy eyes moved, and the smile on his face faded a little in an instant. Han'er has a heart. Tomorrow is the day of the palace feast. Instead of preparing carefully in the house, Han'er came to see me in the palace, just because some days did not greet me? Mo Cheng is useless, but he can't even see such a superficial thing.

Liu Shuihan's body trembled, and the emperor's tone sounded a little unhappy? Did the emperor guess what happened when she entered the palace? Liu Shuihan's face couldn't help but stiffen a little. Your Majesty, because tomorrow is the day of the palace feuver, the emperor will be accompanied by many concubines and empresses. Even if Han'er wants to come forward, she won't be afraid.

"In this case, Han'er has also seen me, and Ann has invited me. Let's go home earlier. I still have a lot of memorials to see." As soon as the voice fell, he raised his feet and walked to the bedroom. The eunuchs standing aside quickly followed.

Seeing that the emperor really left, Liu Shui was anxious. The business of entering the palace today has not been raised yet. If you go back like this, won't it be a waste of time? Emperor, please stay. Han'er still has something to say to the emperor. Thinking that he couldn't go for nothing, Liu Shuihan hurriedly called out.

Mo Cheng did not stop, but sent Zhang Huairen around him to deal with this matter, and he went into the bedroom.

When Liu Shuihan saw the emperor enter the bedroom, he was anxious and wanted to walk in. After taking a step, he was stopped. Liu Shuihan looked up and saw that the person who stopped her was Zhang Huairen. Euke Zhang, I have something important to discuss with the emperor. Zhang Huairen looked like a monkey with a sharp mouth. When he first saw him, Liu Shuihan didn't like this old eunuch very much.

Zhang Huairen pinched his throat. When the little eunuch came back yesterday, he brought him a bag of silver, saying that it was a reward from the seventh princess, and said that he would come to the saint today to ask him to play some. Since he received other people's money, Zhang Huairen naturally has a good face. He flattered Liu Shuihan with an old face and said in a shrill voice, "The seventh princess must have seen the emperor for the affairs of the seventh prince, right?"

Liu Shuihan took a disgusting step back, and a trace of contempt flashed on his tender white face. However, at present, she wants to see that the emperor can't do without this Zhang Huairen. Even if she doesn't like it, she can only force a smiling face. Eunuch Zhang is a smart man, and I don't cover it up. This time, I entered the palace for the sake of the seventh prince. Euke Zhang is a red man in front of the emperor. I wonder if Euke Zhang can pass it on for me?

The fleeting contempt and the action of taking a step back all fell into Zhang Huairen's eyes. Originally, he thought about at least taking her money and kindly helped her pass it on, but now he was determined to have that. The seventh princess really elevate the slave. The slave is just a small eunuch next to the emperor. It's not popular or not.

Liu Shuihan, whose sharp voice, had bursts of goose bumps and suppressed his disgust and contempt, "Eunuch Zhang, don't be humble. Who doesn't know the emperor's reliance on the whole palace? If my father-in-law can spread a word for me, I think my father-in-law will not treat my father-in-law badly.

Who is Liu Shuihan's father? She won't say that Zhang Huairen will know. Liu Hen is a teacher of a country, and now he is also a relative of the emperor. If he knows it in his heart, he will definitely seize this opportunity to pay attention. Unfortunately, Liu Shuihan's calculation has gone astray, and Zhang Huairen does not care about this!

Zhang Huairen snorted coldly in his heart, and what about Liu Hen? What about a master? What about the emperor's relatives? It's just the family of an unfavored prince. How big waves can it set off? I am grateful for the emperor's trust, and my heart is naturally grateful. I have sworn that as long as I live for a day, I will serve the emperor wholeheartedly and not let idle people and trivial matters bother the emperor's heart.

Liu Shuihan's face has changed. Does this chapter mean that she is an idle person? Is the matter of the Seventh Prince a trivial matter? Thinking about this, Zhang Huairen didn't want to spread it for her at all. Liu Shuihan simply stopped smiling and said with a pretty face, "Is Grandpa Zhang referring to me as an idle person? Or is it a trivial matter for the Seventh Prince? I respect Eunuch Zhang as the old man beside the emperor, and I have left face for my father-in-law everywhere, but Eunuch Zhang is lawless if he really relies on the emperor's favor!"

That Zhang Huairen is an old man who has been rolling in the palace for decades, and it is not in vain to get to the position of the eunuch general manager today. Hearing the words, he just smiled and couldn't even see a trace of panic. The charge that the seventh princess deducted from the slave is too big. The slave is just loyal to the emperor. How can he be accused of lawlessness?

Liu Shuihan is a daughter raised in a boudoir. Although she has been infected with some conspiracy and tricks with her father, Zhang Huairen has lived for dozens of years in the deep palace that eats people and does not spit bones. In terms of scheming, she can't beat him.

He did just say it, otherwise the idle man's trivial things bothered the emperor's heart, and did not say that the idle man and trivial things were about her and the seventh prince. Everything was just her imagination. Thinking like this, Liu Shuihan was shocked. This was not Zhang Huairen's favor and pride, but her Liu Shuihan's trouble.

"Eunuch Zhang, you have lived in the palace for so many years, and I think I can't beat you. However, I hope Eunuch Zhang can understand that no matter how favor you are, you are just a slave. I have a family relationship with the emperor. Liu Shuihan could only hope to suppress him from his status.

Who knew that Zhang Huairen just smiled contemptuously when he heard the words, as if he were listening to some jokes. I understood that the seventh princess seemed to forget one thing, and the seventh prince was not favored by the emperor. Moreover, His Royal Highness does not seem to like the seventh prince. If His Royal Highness succeeds the throne at that time, I don't know if..."

Zhang Huairen didn't say anything. He just smiled with a sharp voice, and Liu Shuihan's heart was full of goose bumps.

Does His Royal Highness dislike the seventh prince? Does Zhang Huairen's words mean that the seventh prince will be removed after the crown prince succeeding to the throne in the future? The two beautiful eyebrows frowned tightly together, and Liu Shuihan looked at Zhang Huairen's proud face and felt depressed. Mr. Zhang, those who privately talk about the royal family are guilty of death.

"Oh, the seventh princess really forgot that she didn't say slaves!" Zhang Huairen looked panicked, and then suddenly laughed, and his thin cheeks were covered with sarcastic smiles. These are all slaves. As long as they don't say it, I'm afraid no one will know what the slaves just said.

Liu Shuihan hurriedly looked at the eunuch maids beside him and saw that they really looked dull with their heads down. Even if he heard it, he must have the right to hear it, right? Is Euke Zhang determined not to pass it on for me?"

Zhang Huairen looked like he didn't hear it. He reached out and pulled out his ears and then said in a shrill voice, "The emperor is in good health today and has rested. You all carefully checked the door for my father-in-law and don't let the idle people break in. After saying that, Zhang Huairen turned his waist and entered the inner hall quite **.

The eunuch maids who were still dull like clay statues instantly came to their senses and blocked the door of the emperor's bedroom.

Seeing that Zhang Huairen was so presumptuous, Liu Shui was furious, but this was a palace and she couldn't play tricks, so she had to secretly write down this revenge. Today, he came in vain. The emperor's face must not be seen. Liu Shuihan was not in the mood to continue to stay in the palace. He stared at the direction of Zhang Huairen's departure and turned to the palace gate.