Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 167

Xiao Luo lay down for a few hours and unconsciously fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was already evening. There was no sound in the room. Xiaoluo slowly sat up and stretched his sore body.

Don't wonder why he was bleeding and looked like he was about to die before, but his face was rosy. In fact, the previous phenomena were deliberately caused by Xiao Luo, in order to make Caidie and Liu Shui chill!

Stretch your body, and the feeling of soreness has dissipated a lot. Xiao Luo is a little strange why the yard is so lonely now? Shouldn't Sister Xia He and Dongyu be embroidered outside now? Lifting the bedding, Xiao Luo casually picked up a fox coat and put it on his body and walked outside.

Obviously, someone forgot that she was pretending to be a half-dead poisoned person at this moment.

Opening the door outside, Xiaoluo was surprised to find that she was the only one empty in the west courtyard. This too quiet atmosphere gave her a very bad feeling... The wind in the courtyard roared and drooped the dead leaves from the branches, circled several times in the air and finally fell to Xiao Luo's feet.

Looking at the fallen leaves at her feet, Xiaoluo gave birth to a sense of sadness for no reason. This emotion is unclear. I don't know whether it is sad for the fate of the leaves or sighing about her own life.

"Miss?" A voice of uncertainty and surprise came from behind.

Xiaoluo slowly turned around and saw the winter rain standing at the gate of the courtyard. He looked in a trance and unbelievable and stared straight at himself, as if the person in front of him would disappear with a blink of an eye.

"Miss? Is it really you? Are you awake?" The winter rain was full of joy, and her tone was mixed with a trace of choking. She slowly moved in from outside the yard. Step by step, she did not even dare to make too much noise. She was afraid that she was dreaming. As long as the movement was a little bigger, she would wake up, and then the cruelty of reality would tell her that the young lady had not wake up at all!

Step by step, he finally arrived in front of the young lady. Dongyu wanted to reach out his hand to see if the young lady in front of him was breathing, but his outstretched hand trembled uncontrollably. Miss, tell the maidservant that this is not a dream, tell the maidservant that you are really fine, you woke up..."

A line of tears slid down from the eyes, dripping down the dust along the cheeks, blooming flowers.

Xiao Luo's heart ached fiercely. What on earth is she doing! Why should people around you worry so much about her? Sister Dongyu... What's wrong with you!" Xiaoluo reached out and grabbed Dongyu's trembling hand and held it tightly. Only then did he find that Dongyu's hand was not only trembling, but also extremely cold.

Feed the temperature in the palm of her hand, and Dongyu finally believed that she was not dreaming, but this wish came true too quickly and she couldn't accept it. Ouch!" In order to prove that she was really not in a dream, Dongyu cruelly twisted her thigh and told her that this was really not a dream! Miss is really awake!

"Miss, that's great! You finally woke up!" The weeping winter rain didn't notice some fundamental problems at all. In the morning, the young lady only bled and almost eliminated the fragrance and jade damage. Even Dr. Zhang said that it would take some time to be sure to detoxify the young lady. In just a few hours, the young lady actually woke up by herself, and she didn't look as horrified at all.

Xiao Luo coughed awkwardly a few times. She must not tell Sister Dongyu and Sister Xia He about pretending to be poisoned. They are so worried about her. In the end, if they knew that they were pretending, they would be very sad. Sister Dongyu, what happened?

For today's plan, Xiao Luo only pretended to know nothing and asked with a confused face, and his still red face would also turn a little pale.

"Oh, I really deserve to die. I almost forgot that the young lady was recovering from a serious illness. How could she stand outside and blow the wind! Go in, go in!" While talking about winter rain, he helped the young lady walk towards the room, helped the young lady sit down on the tablecloth and pour a cup of hot tea, then folded her body and closed the doors and windows one by one, turned over the charcoal in the brazier, and raised the temperature. Then she stood beside Xiao Luo at ease.

"Sister Dongyu, what happened?" Xiao Luo's head continued to drink tea and covered her little face. She really had no face to lie to the winter rain...

Dongyu is not surprised why the young lady asked this, because in her opinion, when the young lady was poisoned, it was sleeping, and it was completely normal that she did not know that she was poisoned and almost died. Miss, you were poisoned. You were poisoned in the morning, which scared the maidservant and Xia He.

Although Miss woke up now, she still remembers the terrible scene of seven orifices bleeding in the morning, and the winter rain is still a little frightened when I think about it. Miss, why did you get poisoned for no reason? Could it be that Mrs. Caidie secretly poisoned the blood swallow in the name of sending blood swallows?

Miss's meals have always been tested for poison by her and Xia He. Every time they returned to the kitchen, the meal was sent to the lady after they tried it. Only the blood swallow sent by Mrs. Colored Butterfly had not been tested for poison by them. Dongyu naturally thought that the poison was given by the colored butterfly.

However, it is obvious that the winter rain is right!

Poisoning? Why don't I have any impression!" Xiaoluo's face was full of surprise, as if he didn't believe that he was poisoned at all and almost died. Sister Dongyu, you are not fooling Luoer, are you?

"How could a maiden fool a lady with such a thing! If you don't believe it, you can ask Xia He when sister comes! In addition, the old lady has also been here before, and Dr. Zhang also gave the young lady a pulse, saying that it was quite troublesome to solve the poison..." Saying this, Dongyu looked at Xiaoluo suspiciously. Miss, if you want to say that it would be dazzled in the morning, but Sister Xia He also saw it. Dr. Zhang also said that the poison was very troublesome. Why did Miss be fine in a blink of an eye?

Xiaoluo, who was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Dongyu's penetrating eyes, was suddenly choked by the tea. Cough... Sister Dongyu, Luo'er didn't mean that..." The guilty little Luo naturally dared not look up at Dongyu, so he had to rub his forehead and pretended to be dizzy.

"Miss..." Dongyu felt more and more strange, and the young lady's reaction was also very strange!" You're not pretending to be poisoned, are you? I don't know why Dongyu suddenly came up with this idea, and her mouth couldn't help saying this sentence.

"Puff...!" A mouthful of tea sprayed out of Xiaoluo's mouth so bluntly, and coincidentally sprayed Dongyu's face. Sister Dongyu! Luo Er didn't mean to. Go and change your clothes and don't catch a cold!" Xiaoluo stood up in exclamation and hurriedly wiped the tea off his face for Dongyu.

The winter rain was stunned for a moment, and she always felt that the young lady was intentional!" Miss!" Dongyu called sadly and had no choice but to go back to his room to change his clothes.

Looking at Dongyu's departure, Xiaoluo breathed a long sigh of relief. Today's sister Dongyu is really too smart! Not only did he randomly guess that the poisoned person was Caidie, but he also almost exposed the fact that he pretended to be poisoned... Fortunately, he interrupted her in a hurry, otherwise it would be difficult to keep talking about it.

Sure enough, Dongyu's intuition is right. The tea on his face was really deliberately made by the young lady!

After sending Dongyu away, Xiao Luo quickly got up and walked out of the west courtyard and walked towards the south courtyard. She has accompanied them for so long. It's time for the end of this poisoning scene. He lightly avoided the maids who were working and came to the south courtyard. Xiao Luo exerted his light skills to the extreme and floated into the south courtyard in an instant.

The concubines chatting in the yard only felt a gust of wind blowing, and it seemed that a figure flashed in front of them. When they looked carefully, they disappeared again, as if they were their own hallucinations. Have you ever seen a figure floating by?

The woman sitting closest to the entrance of the courtyard will count her true feelings. Because Xiao Luo wants to go into the yard, he must pass by her.

Several other women nodded at the same time with great tacit understanding, and their beautiful eyes were full of horror and fear. What does the figure you see look like... What I see seems to be a white shadow, but the face is blurred, or there is no face at all..."

At this moment, she sat on the right side of the woman before. When Xiao Luo floated in, she happened to face her...

"What I saw was also a white figure..." Another extremely tacit sentence, and everyone was sure that they saw the same figure.

"Do you think that thing is a human or... or a ghost?" I don't know whether it was afraid that the voice would be loud and scary, or if it was afraid of being heard by the white figure of the general, a woman whispered.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, your beautiful little face is full of horror and fear. Which one of you saw the figure and floated where it went? It was a tacit understanding. Everyone moved the stool to the middle, and several people surrounded them side by side.

"It seems to have entered the house of the colorful butterfly."

"No, it seems to have entered Muqing's sister's house..."

"You went into the princess's house, right? Sister Muqing is so low-key that it's great for us. Even if something appears, she shouldn't go to Muqing's sister..."

Everyone nodded, what they said makes sense! In this yard, except for the colorful butterfly's arrogance and domineering all day long, the rest of the people are the masters who don't go out of the door, and most of the time they just gather in the yard and chat.

"Guess if that thing is coming to avenge Caidie?" Everyone has now defined the white figure as a ghost.

If Xiao Luo knew that he was misunderstood as an wrongdoer when he went to the South Courtyard this time, he didn't know whether he should be happy or angry.