Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 175

"Miss, I almost forgot to tell you something." After Xiaoluo's honest explanation, Dongyu suddenly remembered something. Miss, Mrs. Caidie, she...she is dead." She didn't feel sorry for Caidie's dead winter rain at all. Instead, she was very happy. Who made Caidie want to poison her own daughter?

"Is the butterfly dead?" Hearing the news, Xiao Luo suddenly stood up and looked at Dongyu and Xia He with a stunned face. When did it happen?" Isn't it such a coincidence that I just scared her last night and she died today? Is it possible that he was scared to death by himself?

"It seems that it happened last night. It was seen by a little maid who moved firewood in the morning in the miscellaneous yard." Xia He recalled and said all the words of the maid who had been reported before. It seems that Butler Li doesn't know what happened when Miss woke up. Do you want to go to the front hall to have a look?

Did you die last night? And died in such a remote place as a miscellaneous courtyard? Xiao Luo's intuition must be that there must be something hidden in this matter. No, remember not to tell others about Luoer's wake-up. Mrs. Caidie's death must be strange.

Xiaoluo originally wanted to scare Caidie, make her in a trance for a period of time, and then took the opportunity to involve Liu Shuihan, but she didn't expect Caidie to suddenly die, which disrupted all her plans. However, Caidie's death is so sudden that there must be another inside story. Maybe this inside story is more convenient for her to involve Liu Shuihan.

"It's Miss, I understand."

"Sister Xia He, go to the front hall and tell Luoer as soon as you can." Now a lady has died in the royal palace, which is not an ordinary maid. It must be the imperial concubine Liu Shuihan who does not solve this matter so in the palace. If the death of Caidie is related to her, then she will definitely find ways to turn the matter into a big thing into a small matter.

Xia He received the order and didn't say much. He got up and left the West Courtyard.

When Xia He arrived at the front hall, the wife of the South Courtyard and Princess Liu of the North Courtyard had arrived. They sat in the front hall one after another, led by Liu Shuihan. Xia He quietly went to the maids aside for fear of attracting Liu Shuihan's attention and hid her figure in the pile of servants.

Li Tian knew that the strange poison in Princess Lin had not woken up, so he didn't say anything from the people in the West Courtyard at this moment. Princess Liu, early this morning, a maid found that Mrs. Caidie died in the miscellaneous yard. The villain has sent someone to come, and the autopsy turned out to kill him.

Li Tian stood in the middle of the front hall and bent down to tell the results of the autopsy. As soon as Li Tian's words fell, there were bursts of discussion in the silent front hall.

When the other nine ladies in the South Courtyard heard the maid's notice, they were scared and couldn't help thinking of the white shadow they saw in the evening. Everyone guessed whether the death of the color butterfly was caused by the white shadow. At this time, they heard Butler Li say that the death of the color butterfly was caused by others, and their thoughts were inevitably even worse.

"Do you think it's really the wrongdoer to find Caidie for revenge? Otherwise, why did a person who was alive yesterday die in the miscellaneous hospital today? The woman who spoke was called Zhitao, the woman sitting at the entrance of the courtyard yesterday.

Zhi Tao looked at several sisters beside her with a taboo face, and her eyes were full of panic.

"Who said no? I really don't know what Caidie did. Now she has died so miserably." The woman who responds is called Mu Qing, who lives in a room with Zhitao, and two other women who live with them, called Man Wen and Chuxia, are now sitting on the right side of Zhitao.

Among the ten ladies, in addition to Caidie, the remaining nine ladies are divided into two factions, one is Caiqing Lianyue and Bailing, and the other is Zhitao, Muqing, Manwen, Early Summer and Erlan. Although he lived with Caiqing and others in early summer, he preferred to stay with Zhitao and others.

Last evening, it was the five of them who were laughing in the yard. When they talked about the terrible white shadow, everyone's faces were full of fear. Caiqing and the three of them did not see any white shadows. When they heard the news of Caidie's death, they were surprised and had no extra expression.

At this time, when he heard Zhitao talking about the white shadow ghost, Cai Qing asked doubtfully, "Sister Zhitao, what are you talking about just now?" Cai Qing's voice was not small, but it just attracted the sight of Liu Shuihan and Li Tian.

Zhi Tao was talking with the sisters around her in a low voice. Liu Shuihan and Li Tian did not deliberately pay attention to them, but they didn't expect Caiqing's question to attract their attention. Zhitao couldn't help staring at Caiqing with resentment. Sister Caiqing is really good-earing. She can hear what she said in such a low voice.

Zhitao is very uncomfortable with Caiqing. Although she also doesn't like Caidie and feels that Caidie's nature is too arrogant, after all, the badness of Caidie is visible on the surface, but this Caiqing is like a deep pool, which is deep and impenetrable.

"Caiqing just heard what Zhitao's sister was saying about white shadow, wronged ghosts and so on..." The disdainful Caiqing in Zhitao's tone heard it clearly. At present, he smiled faintly and ignored it, but entangled with the previous questions. Listening to the meaning of several sisters, it seems that the sisters saw any white shadow yesterday?

This time, not only Zhitao, but also Mu Qing and others stared at Caiqing with resentment. Didn't she obviously push them to the limelight?

"Madams, I'm talking about Mrs. Caidie now. I hope you don't lose your skills in front of the princess with the overall situation." Seeing that several ladies were about to pinch each other, Li Tian opened his mouth calmly.

Zhi Tao and others knew that Li Tian was deeply trusted by the prince. To offend Butler Li was equivalent to indirectly burying his stable life, so he closed his mouth very smartly, but he still stared at Cai Qing with hatred.

Caiqing only pretended that he didn't see anything and sat in his seat quietly tasting tea.

Liu Shuihan, who sat in the first place, looked very ugly. She didn't expect Li Tian to find an autopsy so soon, and the result of the autopsy was that he killed himself and did not commit suicide. Sister Zhitao, did you really see the wrongdoer? Have you ever seen the face of the white shadow?

The reason why I suddenly remembered that the color butterfly went crazy last night was because I saw Lin Xiaoluo's ghost. Is it true that Lin Xiaoluo is really dead? Or is she pretending to be ill all the time? Pretending to be poisoned and pretending to be poisonous and unconscious? Thinking of this, Liu Shuihan couldn't help but feel uneasy. Is everything an illusion deliberately made by Lin Xiaoluo?

Zhitao didn't want to talk about this, but the current question is the imperial concubine Liu Shuihan. Unless she doesn't want to stay in the royal palace, she must tell the truth. Back to Princess Liu's words, the slave family and others talked in the yard last evening and indeed saw a white shadow floating by, but they couldn't see her face..."

Zhi Tao got up and walked to the central station of the front hall, lowered her head and replied respectfully.

As soon as this word came out, the maids standing outside the front hall began to talk about it one after another. Is the white shadow a ghost? Is there a ghost in the Seven Kings Mansion? At this time, a subordinate suddenly said loudly, "No wonder Mrs. Caidie kept shouting about ghosts and ghosts last night. It turned out that it was really a ghost!"

The maids who knew what happened last night also agreed. Mrs. Caidie's behavior last night was really abnormal.

Li Tian was not in the royal palace last night, so he didn't know what happened at night. Hearing this, he quickly walked to the front hall and asked those servants. I learned that Mrs. Caidie shouted in Princess Liu's courtyard last night and shouted crazily, "Don't look for me, everything is done by Liu Shuihan!"

Knowing this situation, Li Tian couldn't help but look at Liu Shuihan with a trace of suspicion. Princess Liu, I don't know why Mrs. Caidie went crazy in the princess's yard last night?

Liu Shuihan frowned. Li Tian has always hated himself. Although he has become the hostess of the Seven Kings, he still has a lukewarm attitude, which really makes her resent. At present, he uses a questioning tone, and Liu Shuihan is even more angry.

"When I was resting last night, I heard Mrs. Caidie's voice outside the house, saying that Luo'er's sister died and went to seek revenge on her. I thought that maybe Mrs. Caidie had done something wrong, and there was a ghost in her heart, so she went crazy.

"I don't know how Princess Liu should explain the sentence Mrs. Caidie said, 'Don't look for me, everything is done by Liu Shuihan's instructions'?" Suddenly hearing Lin Xiaoluo's name, Li Tian's heart thumped. Has Princess Lin's situation deteriorated?

"I don't know what this means. Housekeeper Li, you should know that what a madman said is not credible, just like Cai Diefu shouted that Luo's sister was dead. Does Housekeeper Li really think that Luo'er's sister has gone? Liu Shui said coldly with a smile.

Li Tian was speechless for a moment. How can he believe what a madman said?

Seeing that Li Tian had nothing to say, a trace of pride flashed in Liu Shuihan's eyes, and then said again, "Sister Zhitao also said that they all saw a white shadow entering Mrs. Caidie's room. According to my concubine's opinion, Mrs. Caidie must have done something wrong, and she was suspected that the dark ghost scared herself crazy."

"Does Princess Liu mean that there is really a wronged soul in the Seven Kings' Mansion?" Naturally, Li Tian doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, and the white shadow mentioned by those ladies may just be wrong for a moment.

"Housekeeper Li can not believe it, but I want to know how Housekeeper Li explains the white shadow your sisters saw? How to explain why Mrs. Caidie is so crazy? As long as Housekeeper Li can give me a reasonable explanation, then I will believe that this matter is not done by the wronged soul.

Liu Shuihan said loudly with a gloomy face.

Li Tian can't explain all this at all, but if it is really the work of the wronged soul, he will never believe it.

"Well, now that the matter is clear, Butler Li will bury Mrs. Caidie as soon as possible. After all, she has always been the prince's." Liu Shuihan held her forehead, and there was a trace of fatigue in her words, as if she was very sad.