Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 17 Practical Opportunities

and Guan Qilei reached a preliminary consensus, and they became A Fei's neighbors.

Early the next morning, Guan Qilei took his own people out to look for food and picked up Fei's pickup truck. In the afternoon, they returned with a full load. What made Fei the happiest was that they brought back several barrels of gasoline. You should know that cars are difficult to walk without gasoline.

Although Guan Qilei and others found it, they did not hide their private interests and gave half of it to A Fei.

Three days later, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi entered the practice time. Every morning, Afei called them up early and jogged around the villa. After running, I will teach them some simple fists. Gu Hengxuan's learning is naturally decent, but it is a little difficult for Luo Ziyi.

However, A Fei did not give up at all, but taught Luo Ziyi more carefully.

After punching, it is time to learn guns. A Fei didn't know where to find out two simulations*. Although the power can't be as big as *, they just practice and don't need to waste bullets. Moreover, the sound made by * is much smaller and will not attract the siege of zombies, which can be said to be many benefits.

A Fei has never been in charge of Gu Hengxuan, because he expected that Master Gu would definitely use a gun, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but focused on teaching Luo Ziyi.

After lunch and taking a break, Fei will teach them some close combat skills. Although Luo Ziyi was not strong enough, A Fei taught her a lot of clever moves, so that she could subdue people without much strength.

For Gu Hengxuan, A Fei taught him more one-kill moves, in order to make him a person who can be alone and protect Luo Ziyi as soon as possible. Gu Hengxuan seemed to see A Fei's idea and learned it very seriously.

After teaching the fighting skills, the two can choose whether to continue to practice or do equipment exercise.

Usually, both of them stay alone and continue to practice with A Fei, and the other goes to do equipment. Then after a certain period of time, the two will change again.

At the beginning, Luo Ziyi asked A Fei if he would not be able to stand the continuous training. And Afei just smiled and said: Just you two little guys, another ten wheel fight, I will be fine!

Since he said so, Luo Ziyi didn't say anything more. Even when he was still practicing, he deliberately made some small moves, which made A Fei unprepared.

After dinner, Afei will give them theoretical lessons, such as some basic structures of the human body, telling them where they will hurt and where they will not be able to move for a while. However, this is all aimed at human beings. For zombies, A Fei still said the same thing, headshot! Try your best to hit your head!

After the theory class, it is free time, and they can do whatever they want.

Luo Ziyi usually went to Afei's study to read books. A Fei read some information on the Internet in the study, while Gu Hengxuan was worried that A Fei and Luo Ziyi were alone, so he soaked in the study together.

During this period, A Fei found something, and Yuanzhou's network became a little strange.

Theoretically, such a thing happened in Yuanzhou. Since the senior officials knew that there were still many survivors in it, they should cut off the Internet and telephone of the whole city. Even the signal of the mobile phone needs to be cut off.

But Afei found that the network was not completely cut off. Ordinary civilian networks can be browsed, but they cannot be contacted by any means. You can't upload, E-mail, or even use any instant messaging software. That is to say, even if the computer in Quanyuanzhou has a network cable connection, it is equivalent to a mid-range machine, which can only receive and cannot be released.

A Fei logged in through his laptop and foreign servers to trace the current situation in Yuanzhou and found that there are also individual IPAddresses that can be contacted by the outside world. Moreover, the contact is still very frequent, and there is almost constant data exchange.

How can such a strange phenomenon not attract A Fei's attention? However, for the network, Afei also invades the internal network of some enterprises and steals some commercial secrets. These IPs used very special encryption methods. He did not dare to remove them without authorization for fear of alarming the other party.

Originally, A Fei thought of Guan Qilei's men, named Xia Fan, who could easily invade the military's secret database. If he got the information and was not found, he could see what this person was. However, A Fei felt that the relationship with the other side was not very close to each other, so he pressed this matter. Anyway, he communicates with the outside world, has other ways, and doesn't have to use the Internet.

More than ten days have passed, and the progress of Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi is obvious. A Fei tries his best to teach them every day, with the intention of cultivating them one day earlier.

On this day, after the morning class, A Fei suddenly said that he would take them out, but he didn't say anything to do. Although Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi don't know why, what A Fei said is now the same as the imperial edict, and the two of them are obedient.

Duke the SUV, A Fei took Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi all the way to the long-lost urban area.

A few days ago, I heard Guan Qilei say that they walked around the city several times and found several survivors, but without A Fei's words, they did not dare to take these people back to the villa area.

Nowadays, the urban area of Yuanzhou has been almost completely occupied by zombies. There are many zombies wandering on every street. They are looking for food. Unfortunately, their food is either eaten or scared away, or they become them, and there is less and less food to eat.

Even without the support of adequate food, these zombies still did not starve to death. They are still dragging like soulless bodies, wandering in the streets and alleys of Yuanzhou, hoping to meet one or two lifeless human beings when they are lucky.

Afei did not drive into a very close place in the city, but stopped in a very remote place.

"I brought you out in a few days, and I arranged a real battle for you." A Fei got out of the car and said to the two of them.

"Actual combat?" After hearing this, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi said with one voice.

"Yes, actual combat! Scope: From here, a circular area with a radius of 100 meters; Goal: all the zombies you see; Mission: Destroy it, no one left! Time: an hour and a half. Do you understand? If you understand, it will start now!" A Fei didn't care what their expressions were. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and was ready to press the button to time.

"Wait a minute, why do you suddenly have to fight? We haven't fully mastered what you taught us yet. At this time, we have to fight. You don't want us to die!" Luo Ziyi has no confidence in herself. She has only learned for a few days. All she knows is basic things. Now let her come out and make a fool of herself. Isn't that driving ducks on the shelves?

And she and Gu Hengxuan have been studying together, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't catch up with Gu Hengxuan's progress. This made her very anxious. A Fei was still giving her * at such a time, not for what she was.

"You can't master what I taught you in the villa all your life, that's why I brought you out. Without a real battle, you won't grow up in your life!" A Fei began to smile, but the last sentence actually had a long meaning, which made Luo Zi not understand.

"Afei is right. Whether it is shooting skills or fighting skills, it is impossible to fully master without practical practice. Don't worry, let's act together and everything will be fine." I will always protect you! Gu Hengxuan added a sentence in his heart.

Luo Zi pouted and looked at the firm A Fei and Gu Hengxuan. She was alone and could not fight two alone. She had no choice but to tidy up her weapons and clothes and stood next to Gu Hengxuan.

"You are a little confident that the place Afei chooses will definitely not exceed your ability." Gu Hengxuan tilted his head and whispered in Luo Zi's ear.

Luo Zi glanced at him and said nothing. She just felt that her heartbeat was gradually accelerating, and she was so nervous that she had almost run 1,000 meters. She has never been so nervous. Maybe it's because she grew up in good terms. She doesn't know what it feels like to face death.

and A Fei are indeed learning to save their lives, but she thinks that life-saving and taking the initiative are two different things. Ah Fei obviously let her take the initiative to attack today. She... In the final analysis, she is still a little afraid.

It's one thing to shoot at the target, but it's another thing to shoot the living thing.

A Fei didn't say anything more, but whispered, "Prepare...begin!" After that, the timing button on the watch was pressed.

Although Luo Ziyi was a little hesitant, when A Fei said "start", she ran forward with Gu Hengxuan.

Looking at Luo Ziyi's back, A Fei smiled and turned to take out a black box from the trunk. Walk towards a relatively high building next to it.

Take them out to practice, but A Fei did enough homework before.

Xia Fan, a computer master, is indeed very powerful. Fei came to him and explained the situation. In less than five minutes, he found the most suitable place. Then the surrounding building divisions, the number of zombies and the risk factors are all listed.

This highest point is also suggested by Xia Fan. After Ah Fei arrived, he observed that this is indeed the best position. The military is the military.

He took the box to the top floor. A Fei first took out a GPS from his pocket and looked at the two moving light spots on the screen. He opened the box again, took out a gun and looked down to find the location of Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi.

After a while, he found two people, who were carefully approaching a convenience store.

"Not bad, I found it!" A Fei continued to stare at their every move with a gun and said.

After looking for a while, A Fei put down the gun and GPS and assembled the other things in the box. It was a *. After A Fei assembled *, put it on the edge of the rooftop, and finally installed the gun on the gun. Then he held * and continued to observe Gu Hengxuan's actions from the gun sight.

The flowers in the greenhouse are finally going to experience the first storm of their lives, but the flowers that feel that they are already strong can really live in the storm...