Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 32 Hard Training

The first day of training was finally over, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan didn't feel anything. Afei's training for them is a gradual and gradual method, which aims to accumulate strength little by little.

But Guan Qilei's method is relatively simple, that is, to use hell-style training to make Mu Jia and others become well-trained soldiers in a short time.

In the morning, after two hours of heavy running, Mu Jia and others thought they could rest, but before they sat down, Guan Qilei replaced Pei Yufeng's and kicked them up and moved their bodies.

They gasped for breath before they brought them water to drink and let them sit down and rest. After letting them rest for 20 minutes, Guan Qilei picked them up again for elementary fighting teaching.

One-on-one, Guan Qilei and the four people taught Mu Jia very inhumane, cruel and fiercely, and kept beat them. A philosopher said: If you want to learn to beat people, you must first learn to be beaten. Guan Qilei and the four of them interpreted the words of this philosopher.

Although the four Mujia were beaten badly, they did not say anything to quit except for the pain. They know that they would not have become masters without such rigorous training. Therefore, they all clenched their teeth. Even if they were tough, they had to survive to the end.

Guan Qilei is still very satisfied with the performance of Mu Jia and others. Although they are all rookies, they have not received strict training before. To be precise, they used to be young masters and spoiled. But now these people are tired and beaten to them, and they don't tell them the reason, and they don't ask, just don't say much about what they do.

It seems to be very malleable, especially when they are not very old, and the future prospects are very objective.

After being cleaned up fiercely for two hours, Mu Jia and they felt that they were about to fall out. Tired, painful and hungry, they felt that this morning was longer than a year.

Although Mu Jia and others have been beaten so much that they can't move, they still struggled to get up and eat. Because there is still an afternoon, I don't know what Guan Qilei has to do, so they must have physical strength to hold on. Otherwise, you will definitely be tossed to death!

They had lunch in the villa next door, because four people were so tired that they walked to Afei's villa.

When Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are training on the rooftop of the villa, they often pay attention to Mu Jia's situation. However, after watching it, in addition to feeling lucky, they just felt horrible.

Especially Luo Ziyi, looking at Mu Jia and others being trained inhumanly, she suddenly felt that Pei Yufeng was right. If she participates in such training, she will not only be very slow, but also die on the way of running in less than ten minutes, or be directly killed by Guan Qilei.

Even at the beginning, I couldn't bear to look at it. I have been sitting obediently and eating snacks.

A Fei has been flaunting his kindness and said that he would have let Luo Ziyi and others have fun secretly. If he hadn't taught them, they would have been tortured to death by Guan Qilei and others.

At noon, of course, they had a good time. A Fei also said that after reading Guan Qilei's training methods, it also inspired his thinking. He was going to increase the amount and strength of training for Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan.

The two people who were named had no objection and nodded happily and agreed. To be honest, after watching Mu Jia's training, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan also felt that their days were too moist and needed to be more difficult. Otherwise, Mu Jia and they will soon surpass the two of them.

After dinner, Afei first found a few bottles of ointment, which, according to him, can relieve muscle fatigue. Mu Jia and other rookies suddenly received such strict training, and they will definitely not be able to bear it. They will definitely have muscle strained the next day.

In order that Mu Jia and the others will not be as flexible as puppets tomorrow and were tortured by Guan Qilei and others, A Fei kindly took out his ointment and asked Luo Ziyi to send it to them.

Luo Ziyi was very obedient, took the ointment and went to the next door. Originally, I wanted to follow her, but when I heard that I was going next door, I was a little afraid. Perhaps because she saw Mu Jia and the others being beaten, she was scared, so she refused to go with Luo Ziyi and sat obediently in the living room waiting for Luo Zi to come back.

Holding a few bottles of ointment in her hand, Luo Ziyi quickly came to the villa next door. Standing at the gate, you can see eight men wearing vests. Guan Qilei and the others are sitting on the floor of the yard. They don't know what they are discussing. Mu Jia and four others lay next to Guan Qilei and the others, motionless.

Pei Yufeng, with sharp eyes, saw Luo Zi as soon as he arrived at the door. He got up quickly and hurried to the door to open the door for her. As soon as Luo Zi came in, Pei Yufeng saw the ointment in her hand and thought it was for him, so he quickly picked it up with a smile. He thanked her and praised her for being careful or something.

As soon as Luo Zi saw that he misunderstood, it was hard to say no, so she said with a dry smile:

"Well... Afei asked me to bring it here. It should be easy to use! By the way, how are Mu Jia? Otherwise, use it for them, so that they won't be able to practice tomorrow. Luo Ziyi gently said his true purpose, and then looked at Mu Jia and others who were still pretending to be dead on the ground over there.

Pep Feng heard this and turned his head to look at Mu Jia and the others, smiling disapprovingly. Then he went back with the ointment and threw two bottles to Mu Jia and the remaining two bottles to Guan Qilei.

Luo Ziyi also followed. She wanted to see if Mu Jia and the others were still alive. Since she came in, they had been lying on the ground without even turning their heads. She was very worried that they were exhausted, and Guan Qilei and the others didn't find out, did they?

Squatting next to Mu Jia, Luo Zi reached out and poked his arm. Fortunately, his body temperature was still normal and did not get cold. Looking more carefully, they seemed to still breathe, so Luo Ziyi was relieved.

"Ziyi, what are you doing? They're fine, they're just tired and asleep. Pei Yufeng looked at Luo Zi's worried face and said jokingly.

"Hmm! It's okay, it's okay!" Luo Zi smiled dryly and made sure that Mu Jia and the others were fine and settled down a lot. She was really afraid that Mu Jia and the others would die of exhausting.

"Ziyi, Afei doesn't have enough training for you. I think you and Hengxuan will also come over and let us teach you." Guan Qilei shook the mineral water bottle in his hand and said to Luo Zi with a smile.

After listening to this, Luo Zi immediately sweated coldly and shook her head quickly to express her gratitude.

"No, I think A Fei teaches very well. I'd better learn from him. As for Gu Hengxuan, I think he should also feel that there is no need to change teachers. So, forget it!" Luo Zi was so scared that she almost ran out of the door. It was better to finish her words calmly before she got up to leave.

"Hey? Ziyi, why did you come and leave? Look at their training later. You will have a lot of ideas when you go back. Seeing that Luo Zi was about to leave, Pei Yufeng hurried to pull her and invited her to stay and visit.

"I don't think so! I can also see your training on the rooftop over there. I've been watching it this morning, and I've already had a lot of ideas!" Luo Ziyi doesn't want to watch the live version at close range! Looking at the long distance on the rooftop, she was already shocked!

" sit down for a while! Anyway, you have nothing to do when you go back, right?" Pei Yufeng took Luo Ziyi and did not let go of her hand to persuade her to stay a little longer.

Ah? No, I still have to go back..." As soon as Luo Zi refused, another voice sounded outside the door.

"Ziyi, A Fei asked you to go back to practice. He said he would teach you in the afternoon*!" It was Gu Hengxuan. At this time, he was standing outside the gate, with a cold face, and said loudly to Luo Zi.

"Oh! Here we go! Ha ha, Yufeng, I have to go back. If it's late, A Fei will be angry. Luo Zi pushed off Pei Yufeng's hand, then waved to them, and then quickly walked to the gate.

Walking back with Gu Hengxuan, Luo Ziyi quietly spit out her tongue. Pei Yufeng's excessive enthusiasm made Luo Ziyi a little at a loss. She didn't understand why Pei Yufeng was like this, but her intuition was wrong.

Gu Hengxuan looked back at Guan Qilei's yard and saw that no one followed him, so he took Luo Ziyi's hand and quickly walked to their villa.

It was also held by others. Gu Hengxuan made Luo Ziyi feel much more comfortable, not as aggressive as Pei Yufeng. Gu Hengxuan pulled her more than once. At first, she felt a little uncomfortable, but later it was nothing, and she naturally accepted it.

But when Pei Yufeng just pulled her, her only thought was to break free from him and get rid of him as soon as possible.

Looking at the person pulling herself in front of her, Luo Zi suddenly had a strange feeling, which was unclear. In short, it was a beautiful feeling.

Returning to the villa, Gu Hengxuan did not let go of Luo Ziyi's hand and pulled her to the rooftop before he let go.

A Fei stood on the edge of Tiantian and looked at what the people next door were doing. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan came up, and he also felt it, but did not look back.

"It seems that my Xiao Ziyi is very popular! Wherever you go, there are ministers under the skirt. A Fei teased Luo Ziyi, but he didn't think so. If he wants to get close to Luo Ziyi, he will use his strict audit network and filter it well. Only when he is qualified can he come to Luo Ziyi's side.

Gu Hengxuan has barely passed the test, this Pei Yufeng? No, it doesn't meet A Fei's requirements at all.

"Brother Fei, what are you talking about? What's the market? I'm not a commodity!" Luo Ziyi said to A Fei's back with dissatisfaction.

"Good, good! Let's not talk about this topic. Hengxuan, please continue your contact, Xiao Ziyi, come here. A Fei turned around and looked for Luo Zi with a smile and let her pass.

The hard training next door is still continuing, and A Fei's teaching of Luo Ziyi also has a new plan.

The tragedy of the city continues, while the people in the corner are still living their own lives, planning, struggling and breathing. Every dusk may be the end, but it may also be a beginning...