Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 35 Inexplicable Encirclement

The living room of the villa was so quiet for the first time ever. Eleven people were surrounded by small laptops, but no one made a sound. The huge living room is so quiet that it can be heard, and strange anger is permeated.

The picture on the screen is still jumping, but the content displayed in it is much the same - the zombie parade!

Now in Yuanzhou City, almost half of the zombies are gathering in one place. All the survivors in the city, whether they are dozens or only a few, have been hidden and dare not even come out.

Last month, the group of scum attacked by zombies was also medium-sized among the survivors. But if Guan Qilei and the others hadn't suddenly come out and stepped in, I don't think it would have been long before it would have become a lunch for zombies! Although Yuanzhou is now a situation where there are few zombies, this matter has not been submerged and has become a horrible legend in the hearts of survivors.

Since Yuanzhou became a world of zombies, people have become very small. In order to survive, they almost do everything.

In such a dilemma, people also learn to grow up and begin to observe what monsters they are facing. Even if none of the survivors knows very well about zombies like A Fei, there are many smart people who can infer the habits and weaknesses of zombies through their own observations.

It is unprecedented and sensational news for zombies to suddenly besiege a gathering place of survivors. In such a Yuanzhou, it has still become a well-known hot spot. For a period of time, many survivors were even too scared to go out. It was not until there was similar news that they began to be active again.

But tonight, the same thing happened again! Moreover, in terms of scale, it is much more grand than the previous one. Therefore, the survivors, not to mention looking at the place where the zombies passed, did not even dare to breathe. I can't wait to shock myself for a while and wake up after these monsters.

In Afei's villa, everyone's mood began to be heavy and...fear!

When the zombies crossed the border for the first time, they were immersive and took action with them. They seem to have wisdom, no longer just to eat people for cannibals, they seem to have some conspiracy. At first, A Fei thought that they seemed to break through these survivors one by one and destroy all the survivors.

However, since that scum incident, they have returned to their former appearance, doing their own affairs, wandering and looking for their own food.

But this time...

A Fei narrowed his eyes. Although this sudden zombie* was not aimed at them, it also frightened him. If their target is them, how sure are they to survive?

After switching all the satellite lenses, Xia Fan thought about it, took the computer, switched a software, and opened another interface.

This software is researched by Xia Fan himself and is specially used to invade the monitoring system. In the past, when he was in the military, he accidentally found this very convenient way when he hacked into the military website with his computer in the dormitory. In the main server of the military, there are actually surveillance cameras distributed throughout Yuanzhou.

Xia Fan easily left this line for himself and saw what was interesting in the city when he was free.

Today, this line is in good use.

Almost all streets in Yuanzhou are equipped with surveillance cameras, which can be seen anywhere. Everyone looked at the black and white screen on the computer screen, and the moving zombies were speechless for a moment.

What is their purpose? I don't remember the survivors there. What are their targets? Finally, Guan Qilei, who couldn't stand it, broke the silence in the living room.

"Who knows? I'm not a zombie!" A Fei still looked at the screen with great interest, and he didn't understand the situation in front of him more and more. I thought they had wisdom, and the next action should be to continue to attack the survivors, but they inexplicably went to a no man's land! This is very incomprehensible.

"This situation is too strange. I think everyone should take a rest first and be ready to deal with emergencies. I'm not going to sleep tonight. I will keep staring at the computer. Any changes will wake everyone up. Xia Fan kept clenched his hands and then let go to relieve his mood.

"Okay, you don't have to go back today, just do it here! Xiao Ziyi, go back to rest! Xiaochu is alone in the room. I'm afraid she will be afraid. Afei left everyone behind and only let Luo Ziyi go to bed. Girls don't have to stay up late. Don't stay up. Afei is only worried about her health.

"Well...okay! Then I'll go to bed first. What's the matter?" Luo Zi also wanted to wait with everyone, but A Fei was right. There was still a beginning in her room to let a child sleep by herself, especially the child who managed a lot of things. She couldn't rest assured.

Everyone watched Luo Zi go upstairs and turned their eyes back to the computer.

To be honest, they can't sleep. At present, they have goose bumps in their hearts, as heavy as a stone. In this mood, who is in the mood to rest?

And among these people, except for Mu Jia and the four rookies, even Gu Hengxuan has the ability to stay up late. If they don't sleep for a night or two, it will not have any impact on them.

The picture on the computer screen was cut back to the satellite image and did not change again. It also stopped at the place where the zombies gathered.

It is not far from the first blockade line, and there are no buildings around it. The sudden gathering of zombies makes people feel puzzled.

Everyone is guessing the purpose of the zombies, but no one can have an accurate answer. However, the answer was solved at this time.

The zombies on the screen suddenly moved and gathered together under the first blocking line. At the top of the blockade line, there seems to be an unmodified figure.

The rope was thrown down along the metal wall of the first blockade line, and then the heavily armed men in black quickly pulled the rope down. There are about 100 people, and they seem to be equipped with a lot of powerful equipment. However, because of the personnel fighting, they do not have heavy weapons and are not equipped with vehicles.

"Military people?" A Fei looked at the person in the image and asked Guan Qilei. Why does he think that these people's costumes don't look like military?

"No, absolutely not! There are signs on the military's equipment, but they don't. Moreover, the military will not use this advanced weapon!" Guan Qilei saw at a glance that the weapons used by these people were not the military standard.

"Interesting! If you are not from the military, who else can have such a powerful armament? Is it them? Yes, and it is possible! They definitely have such strength. A Fei had a positive answer in his heart, but he did not make a sound, but continued to look at the screen.

"Didn't they fall into the zombie pile?" Pei Yufeng pointed to these people and said. Haven't they seen such a large-scale group of zombies?

"I think they seem to be fearless! Obviously, I saw the zombies, but they still came down!" A Fei suddenly smiled mysteriously and said calmly.

"What? Aren't they afraid of death?" Xia Fan said with a smile. This is impossible!

"Have you ever thought about how those who make zombies can protect themselves?" A Fei put his hands around his chest, leaned against the back of the sofa, and said with a smile.

"You mean they..." Guan Qilei pointed to the people in black equipment and asked in surprise.

A Fei nodded and signaled that he had guessed correctly.

Everyone was silent again. The military did not have such equipment, and these mysterious people actually had it. It seems that it is specially made for zombies, that is to say, they are prepared for a day or two!

"Wait, it doesn't seem like this!" Xia Fan suddenly shouted and turned everyone's attention back to the computer screen.

Afei's guess seemed to be wrong. The zombies did not ignore those people, but quickly surrounded them after they reached the ground.

Those people also seemed to be surprised and hurriedly equipped to attack. But it's still a little slower, and the zombies have surrounded them.

The fire tongue is swallowing, and the guns of those people in black have fired at the zombies and attacked them indiscriminately. Because there are too many zombies, they have no time to aim.

Afei and others looked thrilling, because they felt that if they were surrounded by zombies, they should not have any good results. So how good will these people end up?

The movement speed of zombies limits their attack. When their rows have fallen, they are still some distance away from those in black.

But the zombies win in quantity! Several times or even dozens of times higher than the number of opponents, these powerful people in black are also under great pressure. The guns in their hands keep changing their magazines, but they can't stop the zombies' footsteps. They are still approaching step by step with absolute numerical advantages.

"They are hopeless!" Guan Qilei made a concluding speech and sentenced these people in black to death!

"I'm starting to be a little curious about other things now. What do these desperate guys do? Why did they come to die?" A Fei frowned. Since these people were dead, he began to think about what was behind them.

"What did you think of? Are there any special discoveries?" Guan Qilei asked.

"Remember that Xia Fan intercepted the secret order?" A Fei suddenly mentioned a past tense thing.

Everyone is thinking for a while, and the secret order is to end their group. But what does it have to do with those people?

"The executor of that secret order may be them!" A Fei's words woke everyone up! That is to say, their group was saved by zombies!

The trajectory of fate has deviated from people's imagination. They thought they could never be friends, but they saved themselves! The ironic feeling also makes everyone more confused...