Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 42 The Disaster of Gunshot

It's not the first time that Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi have done this kind of thing. Every time they are like this, they find a group of zombies first, and then rush over and raid them as quickly as possible. At first, A Fei encouraged them to do so. At first, they were also very careful, but later they played more and got used to it.

It's just that they used to be very careful about the siege of the rest of the zombies, and the two needed to pick a small group of zombies. Now with this equipment, they don't have to be afraid of zombies two meters away, and the two of them are even more unscrupulous.

The figures of the two people rushed to the edge of the zombies almost at the same time, and they each killed two zombies in an instant. Their movements are very fast and synchronized. It seems that the two are fighting separately, and the space reserved between them is always about the same size, which will not only not hinder each other's movements, but also facilitate rescue when the other is in danger.

Afei did not teach them this, but what they found out in actual combat and peacetime training. From the beginning of the cooperation, it seems that they have been partners for many years.

I don't know when they had two more daggers in their hands. Maybe they felt that the speed of their bare hands was too slow, so they chose a slightly faster way. With the knife, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi were a pair of zombie necks, and their strength was not small, and almost every one cut off the zombie's neckbone.

Black and red blood is constantly splashing. Unlike ordinary blood, the blood of zombies is semi-coagulated or coagulated. Ah Fei said that zombies are actually dead. Since they are dead, the blood does not belong to the living.

Gu Hengxuan's movements are very neat, with the unique courage of boys, and Luo Ziyi, who should be born with strength, is mostly to fight against the enemy with ingenuity. Afei has formulated different training courses for their two different situations, and the methods of exercising them are also somewhat different.

For Gu Hengxuan, strength training is stronger, focusing on strong combat methods. On the contrary, the strength of Luo Ziyi's strength is slightly weaker, paying more attention to dexterity and body skills.

However, although the two people are different in many aspects, there are many similarities, that is, they strive to kill with one blow, and they will never show mercy.

Without those previous concerns, Luo Ziyi's skills have been carefully cultivated by A Fei, which is no less than Gu Hengxuan. Sometimes I can even draw with him, or even win.

Two people with tacit understanding solved some of the zombies with the cooperation of their equipment. However, during this period, there were gunshots again. More than once, the zombies could not see Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi and walked in the direction of the gunfire. The two of them killed a lot of zombies, but most of the zombies were still walking in the direction of the gunfire.

The two looked at each other. Should they think of something? You can't follow the back buttocks of zombies like this. Their equipment can protect them, but they can't attract the eyes of zombies either.

Okay! The current situation of the two of them is really strange. It has confirmed the use of the equipment. Yes, it is a magical effect. Zombies really can't see them. But now Mu Jia and others obviously want to compete, otherwise why do they want to shoot?

A Fei once said that if he could not shoot, he would try not to shoot. Because the sound of gunfire will attract not only zombies, but also people who may be peeping at them. Therefore, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi are very obedient. They use daggers and their fists. Anyway, they can use anything, but they rarely shoot.

"Ziyi, what do you think? Do you still want to continue to kill alone?" Gu Hengxuan felt a little bored, which was not as exciting as when he was no longer equipped.

He doesn't know that Gu Hengxuan has always regarded the current situation as a game, a wonderful and exciting game full of adventure and death; a real game that will give his life at any time. With this attitude, he even faces the current life and uses this attitude to face zombies.

It should be said that in this world, except for his father and Luo Ziyi, he treats everyone and things as a game attitude.

Game life is to describe people like Gu Hengxuan.

"This is not the way. Let's go around and kill them before they reach the target!" Luo Zi didn't want to always follow the zombies and make some small movements. It's not interesting, is it?

Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Ziyi with a smile and found that she had really changed. In the past, she would ask herself what she had for her opinion. She was very obedient and regular. Now that you have learned to have your opinions, it's a good idea.

nodded, the two looked at each other with a smile, and then returned along the same road, trying to move from the gate to the direction of the canteen.

Pei Yufeng is still a little depressed, but he still hasn't lost two people. Just as he returned with Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi, Guan Qilei's voice came to his ears.

[Call Yufeng, call Yufeng, I'm in an emergency situation, and I'm about to be surrounded by zombies. Support quickly, support quickly.] These are their micro walkie-talkies. Every time they come out in actual combat, they will take them with them so that they can contact each other.

When Pei Yufeng received Guan Qilei's call, he immediately stopped Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi. After he replied to receive the call, he told them that Guan Qilei needed support.

"What? Need support? Really, I got into trouble, I can't deal with it, and I need other people's support!" Although he said so, Gu Hengxuan did not hesitate and continued to run with Luo Zi.

When they arrived near the canteen, the three of them saw zombies almost full of height, crowded into the canteen.

"No! If you don't choose a vast place, you have to go into the canteen! Didn't this block the door for the zombies?" Gu Hengxuan looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help complaining.

"Ok, there is no difficulty task. Are you willing to challenge it? Now there are two choices, sneaking into the support and leading the zombies away, which one to choose? Luo Zi patted Gu Hengxuan on the shoulder with a smile. Although she also felt that there was something wrong with Mu Jia's actions, she didn't want to complain about anything. It is more important to save people. After all, this is a real battle, and the target is still a zombie, and his life is in danger at any time.

"Attract the enemy! If you sneak in, you and I still have life, but there are others, I'm afraid that people won't be saved, and the two of us will go in!" The last thing Gu Hengxuan wanted was that Luo Ziyi might be in danger, so of course he chose a safer method.

Luo Zi smiled and did not act immediately, but turned to Pei Yufeng and said:

"Tell Brother Lei not to shoot for the time being, and deal with nearby zombies with bare hands, or find a place to hide!" After saying that, Luo Zi turned around and ran away. Feeling almost away, she stopped, turned around with a gun, aimed at the head of a single zombie, and gently pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire came out crisply. After waiting for no reaction, Luo Zi closed the gun and ran back to the place where they had just hid.

The zombies attracted by the gunshot slowly turned around and walked slowly in the direction of the sound. When they all began to move and no longer blocked the door of the canteen, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi smiled at each other, and then began to sneak to the door quietly.

A small number of zombies, the two partners didn't pay attention to it at all. Using the method of forced penetration, the two killed a bloody road and entered the interior of the canteen.

After all, this is their school, and they know more about the structure of some buildings than anyone else. Let Pei Yufeng ask Guan Qilei about their location. It turned out that they ran to the second floor. There were still many zombies in the canteen. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi pulled out their daggers again and waved to the zombies.

It is reasonable that Pei Yufeng should take action at this time, because Guan Qilei has sent out for help and should have admitted defeat, so there is no need for Pei Yufeng to insist on the responsibility of supervision. But the present situation is that there is no use for him at all, but Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi have done a good job, no worse than their professions!

Therefore, Pei Yufeng still followed the two people silently and marched to the second floor little by little.

Finally, I went to the second floor of the canteen. There were not many zombies on the second floor, but they were concentrated in front of a door, constantly pounding the door panel. If it hadn't been for the good material of that door, it would have been well done by them. Even so, the door is about to hold on.

It seems that they are hiding inside! Gu Hengxuan roughly counted and roughly estimated that there should be about 20. If you can distract them and let them leave the door, then Guan Qilei and others inside can come out. Guan Qilei and Luo Ziyi should not be a problem to deal with more than 20 zombies!

"I'll attract them. You are ready to support me at any time. When the people inside come out, these zombies will not be a problem." Gu Hengxuan lay in Luo Ziyi's ear and said.

Luo Zi nodded to him, and he got up to be a bait, but Luo Ziyi grabbed him and said to him with his lips, "Be careful!" Gu Hengxuan's heart trembled because of these two simple silent words, and a warm feeling hit his whole body from his heart to mouth.

Be careful, this is not the first time Luo Ziyi has said these two simple words, but this time, it inexplicably moved Gu Hengxuan. Because what was in her eyes was no longer a reminder between ordinary friends before. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it was a wonderful feeling that made him happy!

Gently nodded, Gu Hengxuan turned around with a smile, and then walked firmly to the corner of the lobby on the second floor.

Walking to the corner, Gu Hengxuan looked around, picked up a chair and fell to the ground fiercely. The sound was amplified a lot in the empty hall, and the zombies who smashed the door immediately reacted.

In the direction of Gu Hengxuan, the zombies moved slowly, while Gu Hengxuan did not move and stood still, waiting for the zombies to approach.

The crisis continues, and what we saw in front of us is just a part of it. What are the variables in this actual battle? Can they leave Yuanzhou before the sunset? Everything is unknown...