Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 49 Rookie Plan 1

The next morning, Mu Jia told Guan Qilei that they wanted to go out to find gasoline. Recently, they have been dispatched frequently, and there is not much stock of gasoline. Guan Qilei mentioned this a few days ago, but he didn't have time to go out for a while.

After dinner yesterday, Guan Qilei and the four began a cold war with Mu Jia and other rookies. They didn't say good or bad. To be precise, they don't pay attention to them at all, all if they are air. Therefore, when they mentioned going out after breakfast, none of them objected.

No, it should be said that none of them reacted.

Mu Jia and others know that if they don't make some achievements, Guan Qilei and others should never admit that their four are their apprentices.

When they arrived at Afei's villa, Afei and the others had just finished breakfast and were preparing to go to the rooftop for training. After proposing to go out for a few days, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi looked at A Fei, who had no reaction and just bowed their heads and thought about something.

After thinking about it for a while, A Fei said that he had no objection and said that they really needed to go out to practice independently. He and Guan Qilei can't be their nanny forever, watching their every move. If a rookie can only act under their care, he will always be a rookie and cannot be an independent adult.

With Ah Fei's consent, the rookies were very happy. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi packed up their bags, said goodbye to A Fei and Chu, and drove into a pickup truck. Six rookies happily left the villa area.

As soon as they drove away, Guan Qilei and the four of them came to Afei's villa. Xia Fan's computer has been on, and there are six light spots on the screen that keep moving.

A Fei looked at the four people with a smile and didn't say anything. He just nodded. With the beginning, several people went out of the villa together.

Gu Hengxuan drove a pickup truck without stopping all the way and went straight to Yuanzhou.

They were still wearing special black equipment. Along the way, they were studying their actions for a while and checking their guns and ammunition. Luo Ziyi didn't dare to take her*, afraid that it would be difficult to explain when A Fei asked. Wu Tian and Liu Qi are in the back of the goods, doing their monitoring work.

Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi have been listening to their plans and have not expressed any opinions. It's not that they have no idea, but that their role today is not a participant, but basically an official.

There are still many loopholes in the plan of the four Mujia, but even if they say it now, it is useless, because they may not be able to listen to it. Only when you really go to the battlefield, face the enemy, and really implement their so-called plan, can you find something shortcoming.

Practice to get true knowledge! Just let them see what their strengths are, or what they can't do!

Mu Jia talked for a long time, but Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi did not speak, but occasionally nodded and smiled, but did not say anything. He was a little embarrassed. He thought that the two of them would give more or less advice, which would help their plan.

But these two people clearly don't want to talk too much, so let the four of them play by themselves!

and Kang Zheng looked at each other, and they found that Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi were becoming more and more like A Fei! The same mystery, the same deep hidden. Although the two of them have not yet cultivated A Fei's joy and anger skills, they already have his shadow.

Without their guidance, Mu Jia and others had to maintain their original plan first, and there was no surprise on the way to Yuanzhou.

Outside the gate, the pickup truck stopped steadily. After getting out of the car, Gu Hengxuan greeted everyone to hold a temporary combat meeting in the cargo bucket. Six people gathered in a circle in the cargo bucket. Gu Hengxuan looked at everyone and whispered:

"I know your plan and roughly understand what you mean. Everyone knows the distribution of buildings in a high area, so I don't need to say more. Zombies are now mainly concentrated on the exterior of each building, with the two positions of the playground and the gate as the most. According to your plan, I will follow Kang Zheng and Liu Qi, and Ziyi will follow Mu Jia and Wu Tian. You can judge the specific actions by yourselves. The two of us are just to ensure your safety.

Gu Hengxuan had no doubts about their plan, but only assigned the tasks of him and Luo Ziyi.

"Guarantee our safety?" Wu Tian took a look at Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi. He admitted that he was abnormal yesterday, but after a night of psychological construction, he promised that he would not have any more problems. But Gu Hengxuan's meaning is that they can't do it yet, and they also need the protection of Luo Ziyi!

"Yes! Because you didn't seem to kill a zombie yesterday. In order for you to come out safely, the two of us are protectors. Gu Hengxuan said it normally, as if he were saying that the weather is good today.

However, his words still had a certain impact on the hearts of the four people. Boys are a little competitive. It's shameful to ask for protection. Mu Jia and Wu Tian still want a girl to protect them. How can they not be awkward?

Although the four people are unconvinced, the fact is in front of them. The two of them do have strength, and the four of them...

However, they all swore in their hearts that they would not be looked down on today and handed in an examination paper that surprised Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi!

Looking only at the expressions of the four people, Gu Hengxuan knew that his stimulation method had worked. This is a good phenomenon, but he is still a little worried that if they force themselves to face what they didn't want to face, even if they do it in the end, will it cause any shadow in their hearts?

Looking at Luo Ziyi beside her, Gu Hengxuan saw that she seemed to have the same worry. But now everything you say is superfluous, and everything has to come to a conclusion in practice.

Six people got off the pickup truck and flipped over a high gate. The rookie special action team returned to their school again.

It was automatically divided into two groups. Gu Hengxuan took Kang Zheng and Liu Qi to take charge of the zombies at the gate, while Luo Ziyi and the remaining two were responsible for the playground.

Their task today is very simple. Within two hours, they will clear the zombies in front of them as quickly as possible. Without much delay, both groups began their mission.

Mu Jia and Wu Tian quickly moved in the direction of the playground, but on the way, they met scattered zombies. Both of them hesitated, stopped and turned their heads to look at Luo Ziyi.

What are you looking at me for? Hengxuan said that you should make your own judgment. If you don't want to deal with each other, just go around!" Luo Zi looked at the two of them strangely and said softly.

The two looked at each other and chose to avoid the zombies. The two moved little by little against the wall of the teaching building, taking advantage of the particularity of the equipment to avoid the attention of the zombies.

Deduct points! Luo Ziyi said in her heart that although there are only a few zombies wandering here, the two of them actually want to avoid them, but they don't choose to test them. When they see a large group of zombies, will they also avoid them?

Looking at a few zombies, Luo Ziyi walked over generously. As long as you keep a safe distance of two meters, you don't have to be so careful. This is the experience she got yesterday.

Gu Hengxuan's situation is not much better. Facing several zombies nearby, Kang Zheng and Liu Qi looked at them for a long time and did not move, but looked at Gu Hengxuan. The latter just sighed helplessly, saying nothing and doing nothing, just waiting for the two of them to react.

The two had no choice but to carefully approach the nearest zombie, but stood four or five times away from it and stopped, looking at the zombie in a daze.

What are you looking at? Can you see it to death like this?" Gu Hengxuan came over and asked the two people in a low voice.

" the dean!" Liu Qi pointed to the zombie and said hard.

Gu Hengxuan looked up at the zombie. It was now facing him sideways, covered with blood on his face and making a sound of hunger in his throat. It seems that he is really the director of the teaching department, and his surname seems to be Wan! Gu Hengxuan took a look at the two people and pulled them back to the door. After a very safe distance, he slightly let go of the volume and said:

What's wrong with the dean? It is now a zombie, and it will not punish you for copying the school rules or standing again! Aren't you still afraid of him? Isn't that right? How harsh it was to you before. Isn't it time for revenge? What's the dilemma!"

Kang Zheng and Liu Qi looked at each other, and then turned their heads to the dean. That's right! They were punished a lot before. It's not a big deal. He will be punished severely. Now it has become a zombie, and they came here to eliminate zombies, which is not just right...

Thinking of this, Kang Zheng and Liu Qi swept away their hesitation and turned to the teaching director firmly!

Soon entered a safe distance, and the two did not have the fear just now. What Guan Qilei taught played a role at this time. After being beaten as sandbags by instructors for more than a month, they have learned a lot in the process of being beaten. In addition to their great strength, zombies have no skills to attack people at all. As long as they are careful, it is not a problem to deal with them.

The dean felt their proximity to the ** of food, which instinctively pounced on fresh flesh and blood. But one of its food dodged, dodged its attack, and kicked its buttocks fiercely. And the other, while it staggered, pulled out the dagger and cut it down to its neck.

At this time, the strength of the teaching director cut off its cervical spine. The central nervous system was cut off, and its pathetic life ended.

Watching it fall, Kang Zheng and Liu Qi stared in surprise - it turned out that killing a zombie was so simple!

The teachings of the instructors are correct. They don't know themselves. They only know food. They are not terrible, as long as they are not afraid of them!

turned his head to look at Gu Hengxuan. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. With a good start, it will not be difficult to connect. As long as they dare to face it, the initial goal will be achieved. How many zombies are eliminated is not the key. The key is that they no longer treat zombies as normal people.

Looking at the direction Luo Ziyi and the others have just taken, Gu Hengxuan hopes that Mu Jia and the two will not cause her too much trouble, let alone let her fall into crisis!

The rookies who began to act did not notice that in the surrounding buildings, there were several pairs of eyes chasing their figures in an instant, and the muzzle in their hands was also aimed at the zombies that would pose a threat to them, ready to save the rookies at any time.

Having the idea of growing up is a gratifying thing for these rookies. But only the beginning is not enough, and what happens next is the real test...