Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 51 Rookie Plan 3

Kang Zheng and Liu Qi's performance is getting better and better. Gu Hengxuan walked leisurely behind them, just like walking, without any pressure.

A lot of things are like this. Once you can see through them, that's it. Originally, they were a little taboo about zombies. They were not only afraid of such a monster, but also made them hesitate. It was a high-level zombie, and many of them were their classmates. Wasn't yesterday's gunshot incident because Wu Tian saw his friend?

Since the dean was killed at the gate, Kang Zheng and Liu Qi have much less scruples, and they have much less consideration in the face of zombies.

There has been no movement on the playground. Gu Hengxuan is still a little worried about Luo Ziyi. The girl looks quite quiet on the surface, but she is a very vigorous person in her bones. If Mu Jia and Wu Tian do something that makes her dissatisfied or idiotic, she will definitely not give face. She will directly pull the two people aside and rush to deal with the zombies by herself.

Gu Hengxuan looked at Kang Zheng and Liu Qi's more and more flexible movements, and the more he felt the skills in the Vietnam War, and his worries finally became less. And the purpose of their arrival today has finally been achieved.

Now let's wait for the two rookies to get tired. They will take a break and go to see Luo Ziyi's situation. Looking at the watch, the original time has passed 40 minutes. I don't know how Luo Ziyi is doing? Let's go and have a look later.

The original time limit of these two hours was casually said. The original purpose was to let them see the essence of zombies, distinguish them from human beings, and stop doing stupid things in the future. He didn't care about this time. As long as he can achieve his goal, ten minutes is enough!

So as soon as Gu Hengxuan saw Kang Zheng and Liu Qi on the right track, his heart began to float towards Luo Ziyi.

There are not many zombies at the door. Yesterday, their group came to fight and killed many zombies, and some of them were led to the teaching building or the canteen. Now there are only about 70% of the original ones wandering outside. At the door, there are only half of the zombies left, and they are not concentrated, and they are seriously scattered at the gate.

Although Kang Zheng and Liu Qi have put down their fear of zombies, they dare not be too arrogant. They just work together to deal with one.

Although it is too careful, it is also commendable. There is always nothing wrong with sailing the ship for ten thousand years.

It's almost an hour, and it's time for an halftime break! Gu Hengxuan quickly ran to Kang Zheng and Liu Qi, grabbed their back collar and pulled back. After quickly retreating to a distance of two meters away, Gu Hengxuan dragged the two people to a distance away from the zombies and asked them to have a rest.

Kang Zheng and Liu Qi were a little tired. Gu Hengxuan pulled them over, and they could just take a breath.

It turned out that they thought the zombies were terrible. After several actual combat outside, they mostly used guns to fight with guns. However, the feeling of close combat and long-range killing is completely different.

As long as the gun is aimed at their heads, then pulls the trigger and watches the zombies fall in the distance, the impact on the heart is much smaller.

But close to you, you have to face the zombies, be ready to see some familiar faces, and after seeing them, the next second you don't take action, it will kill you first. This feeling is unmatched by sniping with a gun, which is more real, more shocking, and more... cruel!

However, if you are not cruel, it is impossible for zombies to understand what cruelty is. Isn't there a saying that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself?

So, when things came to the end, they still chose to survive.

Gu Hengxuan has always been stress-free, and even took out a cigarette and smoked leisurely there. Kang Zheng and Liu Qi were frightened, for fear of attracting the attention of zombies and being besieged by these monsters.

"Let's take a break and see Mu Jia's situation!" Gu Hengxuan looked at the road to the playground and said to them unintentionally.

"Isn't it only been an hour? The task has not been completed yet. What are they going to do to see Mu Jia? Kang was sitting on the ground and asked Gu Hengxuan with his head up.

"Nothing, there are not enough zombies here. I'm going to find a more objective place!" Of course, Gu Hengxuan can't say that he is worried about Luo Ziyi. Wu Tian's performance yesterday, but his attitude towards Luo Ziyi, Gu Hengxuan felt that he should be a hidden danger for Luo Ziyi.

The reason why he was placed beside Luo Ziyi was that he could resolve the vague mischief with Luo Ziyi. It's hard to say, but he believes that Luo Ziyi's intelligence will definitely solve this problem. What he was worried about was that Wu Tian did not appreciate it, but caused trouble to Luo Zi.

When Kang Zheng and Liu Qi heard Gu Hengxuan's words, they were fooled, and an ominous foreboding hit their hearts - this guy really hates that the world is not chaotic! The two of them are already reluctant to deal with scattered zombies, and he still wants to find a place with more zombies! Doesn't this make them exhausted?

However, now he is the boss, so he can say whatever he says! Fortunately, Gu Hengxuan said that he would protect their safety, so they should be able to do it boldly and leave the safety issues to Gu Hengxuan.

After a ten-minute rest, Gu Hengxuan greeted them and went to Luo Ziyi. It's not for convergence, just to see what's going on their side.

Gu Hengxuan is a fake public benefit. He went to see the people he was worried about, but others couldn't say anything.

I saw several scattered zombies on the road. Gu Hengxuan was surprised. Why did Luo Ziyi survive where they passed? Didn't they take this road? That's not right. He watched the three of them come over. There is no other way here!

They solved these zombies casually, and Gu Hengxuan and others cautiously walked to the playground.

Originally, Luo Ziyi should be in the same form as Gu Hengxuan and others. Luo Ziyi is a protector, so there is no need not to participate in the war. But what Gu Hengxuan and others saw was that three people were fighting with the zombies!

Why did Luo Zi take action? Is something wrong? Gu Hengxuan rushed over to help without thinking about it.

Originally, the situation of Mu Jia and Wu Tian has also improved, and the addition of Wu Tian has also improved the progress of the two people. But yesterday's incident happened again when Wu Tian saw his classmates.

Although he did not want to have sex with the zombies as he did yesterday to see if the zombie would regain his humanity and become a normal person. But he actually watched the zombie attack Mu Jia and did not stop him. If Luo Ziyi hadn't been prepared and not far away from them, he would have taken action in time, Mu Jia would have been injured by now.

As soon as Luo Zi raised her foot and kicked down the zombie, she slapped Wu Tian. No matter what his reaction was, Luo Ziyi participated in the war.

After Wu Tian was beaten, he was extremely angry, but they are now in the zombie pile, and he can't continue fighting. The zombies at close range kept rushing at them, and it was not easy for him to withdraw.

Gu Hengxuan's arrival won the space for them to withdraw. Together with Mu Jia and Liu Qi, who followed, the six of them solved the zombies in front of them, and then retreated alternately until they withdrew from the range of the zombie attack. They all gathered under the corner of the teaching building.

"Ziyi, what's going on?" Gu Hengxuan pulled Luo Ziyi, who was a little angry, and asked in a low voice.

"Ask him! I have nothing to say!" Luo Zi turned her head angrily and sat aside. She sulked and didn't look at Wu Tian or talk to anyone.

"Wu Tian, aren't you talking about feelings with zombies again? Haven't you remembered yesterday's lesson? Do you have to let the zombies bite you to death before you understand that they are already monsters, not people? He can't understand what you say!" Gu Hengxuan probably guessed Wu Tian's situation, and he didn't even listen to Guan Qilei's words, let alone him and Luo Ziyi!

"I just don't want to kill my friends. I don't want to be as human and feel like you. Don't you feel that your behavior is no different from that of zombies? I can't be cold-blooded and ruthless. I don't think there is anything wrong with me!" Wu Tian still felt that he was right and retorted Gu Hengxuan.

Before Gu Hengxuan said anything, Luo Zi jumped up, rushed to him, pulled his collar and said angrily:

"Are you right? Am I cold-blooded? Am I ruthless? OK! You are loyal, and you don't want to take action against your friends! Didn't you just see what it wants to do? It is going to kill Mu Jia! You would rather let you become a zombie friend and kill your living partner. Your friendship is really great! Is it because your friend is hungry and let us who are irrelevant to make food for it?

Luo Zi pulled Wu Tian's collar and kept shaking, gritting her teeth and shouting.

I remember that when she first fought in actual combat, she almost killed Gu Hengxuan because she had too many scruples. Although Gu Hengxuan did not blame her for this matter, she has always been worried about it.

Seeing Wu Tian, who had the same problem as herself, aroused her self-reproach, and I also hoped that Wu Tian could get out of the misunderstanding and no longer have any feelings for zombies. Seeing that he was willing to participate in the battle today, she thought he would change, but she didn't expect that he was so stubborn that he almost killed people, but he didn't think he was wrong!

Luo Ziyi was really angry. She didn't know that she could talk to others like this, speak harshly and angrily. But today, Wu Tian really angered her and made her good temper gone!

"Ziyi, come on, we are still coveted by the zombies. If you have anything to say, go back!" Gu Hengxuan pulled Luo Ziyi's hand down and calmed her mood.

He knew that Luo Zi and his couple were still very concerned about the last time. When he saw someone like her, he didn't calm down! But the current situation is not the time for them to quarrel. If you want to quarrel, you have to find a safe place to quarrel loudly!

But if you want to persuade the parties to fight, do you also need to cooperate? Luo Ziyi was silent, but Wu Tian began to shout at them!

"Who do you think you are? Why do you teach me? Are you awesome? Or can you kill all the zombies? Because of excitement, Wu Tian did not control his volume. His voice successfully attracted the attention of the zombies, and the zombies felt the smell of food and came this way.

Luo Zi looked at the zombies and stared at Wu Tian. When she wanted to say something more, the walkie-talkie she was wearing suddenly rang.

When they came out, they all brought walkie-talkies, but when they were together, no one would use it?

[Afei called Xiao Ziyi, Afei called Xiao Ziyi, and now all the staff immediately withdrew from Yi Gao. Repeat, now all members withdraw from a high! Over!] It was A Fei's voice. Everyone wondered how he knew that they were in Yigao and asked them to evacuate at this time?

Although surprised, Luo Ziyi still took out his walkie-talkie and answered that he received it, and then walked to the door without looking back.

Who said that where there are people, there is war, and where there are people, there is no peace. People's ideas are different, so it is difficult to adjust. Although they have the same goal and want to escape from Yuanzhou, it seems that some people have questioned the current practice. How should these lucky surviving people coordinate...