Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 81 Nightmare Cave 3

Five people slowly walked in while looking at those horrible creatures. In terms of the general human cognition of various animals, they are really not creatures, but complete monsters!

Surrounded by **, their skinless bodies make them look smooth and greasy as if they have a layer of mucous membranes on it. Without a huge head, you can see the beating of brain nerves from time to time. At the jaw of each monster, there is a tube, and sometimes something enters their jaws through the tube.

Luo Ziyi kept frowning, which made her inexplicably uneasy, and a kind of unprecedented fear filled her heart. When she faced zombies for the first time, she was also afraid, and this time, it was much greater than seeing zombies.

Maybe it was instinctive that her hand had been on the handle of the gun. She admitted that she was afraid of these sleeping monsters, afraid that they would rush out of the glassware and pounce on herself the next second.

Gu Hengxuan saw her expression, reached out and held her, using his body temperature to give her a little peace of mind. Although he also had a fear from the depths of his soul, he was still very calm and did not show it like Luo Ziyi.

The first expression was very calm. It was not the first time she saw these low-level things. Even when she saw them for the first time, she was not surprised. Huiman's group of crazy people can't do anything, and she has seen more disgusting things. According to her feeling, these things are much more lethal than zombies.

However, these monsters are not the most horrible in Huiman's research, because the most horrible one is her!

It's about ten meters away. As A Fei walked, he thought about how to kill these things. According to his observation, this is a "U" type laboratory, and what they see now is only one-third of the whole laboratory. It is estimated that there are nearly 50 monsters here, that is to say, there are at least 150 monsters in the whole laboratory!

With such a large number, they are not carrying large-scale lethal weapons or explosives. It is not so easy to completely destroy this place.

Looking around, A Fei's attention is no longer focused on those disgusting monsters, but to see if there is anything that he can make use of it.

If he is asked to kill, he can come up with more than a hundred ways in a second. However, these things in front of him not only don't look like people, but in his opinion, their bodies are also much stronger than human beings. To kill them, you must use some extraordinary means!

A Fei looked at it for a long time and found that there seemed to be a room in the innermost place.

signaled everyone to go and have a look, and A Fei took the lead. A large glass window is inlaid on the wall, and the inside is dark. Only by the outside light, you can barely see the outline of some experimental instruments. There was a door next to it, and A Fei didn't want to think about it, so he walked over.

When he opened the door carefully, A Fei did not walk in immediately, but waited at the door for a while before slowly entering. As soon as I entered, the lights in the room automatically turned on, illuminating the room.

leaning against the window is an experimental platform. In addition to the microscope, there are also some scattered documents. After several people came in, they separated inside and began to walk around.

The files on the table are all related to the V-series virus. After a closer look, A Fei found that the content was very attractive to him, and it was some very specific research data. It seems that the people here either left in a hurry and didn't have time to take away these materials, or they were too confident in their security facilities and felt that it was impossible for anyone to come in.

Put away the information, and A Fei feels that this trip is worthwhile!

As for the monsters outside, Fei still has no idea how to deal with them. Turning his head and looking at Mei Ning, since she is a goalkeeper, will she know some inside information?

"Miss Mei, are you an employee of Huiman or the goalkeeper here? Do you know if there are any self-destruction procedures here?" This method is the fastest, but Fei just wants to think about it. Mei Ning herself said that her level is very low and she may not know too much.

Meining thought for a moment and said hesitantly for a long time:

Self-destruction program? I didn't hear it from above, but the old bird who took me to train me said when chatting with others seemed to have an emergency plan to deal with emergencies. However, my level can't reach that plan yet, so I don't know the specific content.

Meining did not hide it and told the truth. Now that we have decided to help them, there is nothing to hide. Solve it as soon as possible, so that they can leave as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Mei Ning's emergency plan should be stored in the main computer here. The question now is, where is the main computer?

"Xiaochu, do you have any clues?" A Fei looked up and asked softly when he saw the beginning of doing nothing.

"I haven't been here, and I don't know much about the specific situation, but the plan she said should be in the computer of this laboratory. You can look for it!" The first look was very calm, and I couldn't see any emotion. The monsters here may be terrible for human beings, but for her, they are just ridiculous gadgets without any threat.

"In this case, let's look for it separately!" At Afei's order, everyone began to look for something similar to the main computer.

Meining knows about this place. She once came in, but she didn't dare to be sure whether the room in her memory was the main computer room.

Walking to the room in his memory, Meining gently opened the door, and the room was also dark. When she walked in, the room lit up.

Sure enough! This is it! Mei Ning looked at the large unit in front of him, made sure that there was nothing wrong with his memory, and shouted to everyone to come over.

Everyone ran to this room and was happy with Mei Ning's discovery. However, it was not found that several monsters in the glassware outside had abnormal movements because of Mei Ning's loud shouts.

After A Fei entered the room, he immediately began to sit in front of the computer and start the main computer. In fact, the main computer is always on, and it controls all the automatic programs of the whole underground laboratory. Temperature induction electric lamp, monster's vessel tank switch, food supply system, replacement nutrient solution system, ventilation and exhaust system...

and so on, these things are not artificial, but controlled by this computer.

Soon, the main computer started, and Ah Fei quickly tapped on the keyboard with both hands, searching for the so-called emergency program in the computer.

Tick, tick...

In addition to the sound of A Fei tapping the keyboard, suddenly came the sound of water droplets. Gu Hengxuan, standing at the door, faintly heard the sound. Seeing that everyone did not respond, he did not move.

Tick, tick, tick... The sound sounded again, and Gu Hengxuan looked outside, but there was nothing else around except the monster only in the glassware. Are those glassware leaking?

At the beginning when he felt very bored, he yawned and watched A Fei busy there. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked out of the door with a wary face. Seeing Gu Hengxuan's different expression, she walked to his side, pulled his trousers pocket, and then asked in a low voice:

"Do you find anything wrong?"

Gu Hengxuan looked outside uncerily, and then whispered:

"It seems to be the sound of dripping water. I'm not sure, but... it seems to be dripping all the time!"

At first, I walked out of the main computer room and slowly walked towards the glassware. Gu Hengxuan was not at ease. Although she knew what kind of generation she was and seemed to be very powerful, after all, she was a child. In such a place, he could not let Chu walk around alone.

The two walked to a piece of utensils one after the other. They didn't know what they saw and suddenly stopped. Gu Hengxuan felt something wrong and immediately walked over. Following the first sight, Gu Hengxuan saw an empty glassware!

"They are out! Not one, I feel like there are four! Go back and tell everyone." Chu hurriedly turned around and wanted to go back.

Before she took two steps, a shadow fell in front of her.

After instinctively taking a step back and seeing what was in front of her, she picked her lips and sneered.

It turns out that these monsters have mouths, but their mouths have no lips, just a seam. When they are in glassware, they are asleep, so they can't see their mouths. At this time, it wakes up and feels the existence of food. Naturally, it reveals its sharp teeth and shreds all the food, which is the only purpose of its survival!

Something that doesn't weigh itself! To me, you dare to show your fierce appearance! At the beginning, he sneered in his heart and narrowed his eyes to look at the monster in front of him.

When Gu Hengxuan saw the monster, he subconsciously pulled out his gun and pointed it at the monster's head. Looking at the beginning of his breath, he whispered:

"I'll deal with it, go back quickly!" In his consciousness, he was still a child. Although she was the first generation and he had seen her skills, he still subconsciously wanted to protect her.

"It doesn't matter. I'll deal with one. I'll pester it. Go back and tell everyone that these guys have taken action!" Chu suddenly took a heavy step forward, and strangely, the monster actually retreated. Without a facial features, you can't see what it looks like.

"Go quickly, don't worry, in another 100 years, it won't hurt me!" At first, she urged Gu Hengxuan to report the news quickly, and she felt that the remaining three were concentrating here. Although she can deal with them, it is difficult for her to deal with four at the same time.

Gu Hengxuan saw that the monster did not move, but only retreated a little relieved. When he raised his hand and shook it suddenly, the monster seemed to have been caught by something. When he got into mid-air, he was thrown down fiercely.

Taking advantage of this gap, Gu Hengxuan quickly ran to the main computer room.

The monster who was thrown to the ground stood up tremblingly, shook his head, and roared angrily at Chu.

"Little guy, you have my blood on your body. Do you still want to resist me?" The first pupil dilated little by little, and suddenly shrank when she raised her hand again.

The monster seems to be tied to something, with its limbs constantly contracting, and its huge head has been lowering on its chest and unable to lift anything.

Unwillingly roared, the monster kept struggling, but it was still bound by invisible things and could not be free to say anything.

Someone may be able to subdue these monsters, but God is not omnipotent, not to mention that man is not a god! No one can predict the next crisis, and can these five people safely get out of this underground demon cave? Can they achieve their goals...