Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 84 Rainy Night Attack

In the night sky in the suburbs, there is no city light, and you can see the stars that are difficult to see in the city. The sky is thick and black, dotted with stars, like pearls on black satin, shining with a touching light.

Under the starry sky, in the wasteland beside the road in the suburbs, a bonfire is still burning, but there are only two people sitting around.

Luo Zi said that she couldn't sleep and volunteered to take on the vigil. Of course, it was Gu Hengxuan who was with her. The two sat next to the fire and chatted without saying a word.

No matter what he said, Gu Hengxuan just didn't dare to bring the topic to Mei Ning. Because of Mei Ning's death, Luo Ziyi was not in a good mood on this day. She said that she couldn't sleep. In fact, she just remembered Mei Ning's appearance before her death and felt uncomfortable.

The two talked. Time passed quickly. Just as they were about to hand over with Kang Zheng and Liu Qi, the sky suddenly began to be cloudy.

It looks like it's going to rain. Gu Hengxuan reminded Kang and Liu that if it rains, it's better to go back to the car. Then he opened the door and got in.

At first, he was still asleep in the back seat, and A Fei was also putting down the driver's seat, wearing a dress on his body and his eyes closed.

After the two got into the car, Gu Hengxuan persuaded Luo Zi to rest quickly, and the two fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the dense clouds began to move, and the clouds became thicker and thicker. From a distance, there seemed to be thunder and lightning flashing in the clouds.

Kang Zheng and Liu Qi looked at it and it seemed that it was really going to rain. Sure enough, before long, the raindrops began to hit the ground and hit the two poor rookies on the vigil.

Before it rained heavily, Kang Zheng and Liu Qi hurriedly got into their car.

Bean-sized raindrops became denser and denser, and the bonfire was quickly extinguished by the rain. The raindrops knocked on the roofs and glass windows of the three cars, and also knocked on the hearts of sleepless people.

Luo Ziyi finally fell asleep, and the sound of rain was getting louder and louder, which also interfered with her dream...

... The bitten body, dull eyes, dead gray face, and the blood of the wound kept dripping down, as if it were an open faucet. Before long, the body began to rot, and the originally cleaned face had turned into a piece of blood, with more and more staggering pace, and the mucus began to ooze from the bleeding body.

It raised its white bone hand, as if it wanted to grab something. It didn't look at the fleshy jaw and kept shaking. On the face full of purulent blood, an eyeball left the eye and hung on the face. As it moved, it trembled...


Luo Zi sat up, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood. With a big gasp, she looked at where she was and what people were around her!

It's okay, it's just a dream!

Her shout woke up Fei and Gu Hengxuan. Looking at her, they knew that she had a nightmare.

Ask her what she dreamed of and scared her like this. But Luo Ziyi just shook her head and said nothing. Having been in Yuanzhou for so long and seeing so many monsters in Buyang, she should have adapted to this kind of life, but she has just dreamed of Mei Ning...

turned around and looked out of the car window. It turned out to be raining!

The dense fog covered the window. Luo Zi reached out and wiped the window so that she could see the scenery outside.

The scene in the dream just now really shocked her and made her want to fall asleep. Looking out of the car window, a darkness mixed with the sound of rain, weaving a strange music. The jumping notes made Luo Ziyi's heart gradually calm down, but the dream scared away her sleepy.

"Don't think about it. You may see more horrible scenes in the future, which is much scarier than today. You have to get used to it." A Fei took out the cigarette, but when he took a look, he found that the cigarette box was empty. Flatten the cigarette box, open the window and throw it out. He brought a lot of cigarettes, but they were all in the back.

Luo Ziyi did not answer, but nodded and continued to stare out of the window.

After more experience, people will naturally grow up. A Fei knows that the literal persuasion is futile and many things require her to figure it out and see it clearly.

Originally, I just looked out of the window in a daze, but after looking at it for a long time, Luo Zi suddenly found that some dark shadows were shaking in the distance. Originally, I didn't see what it was. I thought it was the shadow formed by the wind blowing the weeds. But the shadow was slowly approaching their car, and Luo Zi found something was wrong.

At the beginning when I was sleeping soundly in the back seat, I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up. Gu Hengxuan didn't fall asleep. He suddenly got up, shocked him and looked at her inexplicably.

"There's something outside, Brother Fei, look!" Luo Zi wiped away the fog on the window of the car and pointed to the dark shadow in the distance for A Fei to see.

"It's a zombie!" I didn't see it at first, and I knew it just by feeling.

If she hadn't been too tired and slept a little heavily, she would have found them before they were so close!

A Fei looked around carefully. It was too dark outside. Coupled with the rain, the sight was not very big. But A Fei visually measured that those dark shadows were at least 30 years old.

"Xiaochu, can you confirm the quantity?" There is an expert who can not only determine the quantity, but also another security guarantee for them.

I bowed my head for a while and looked up and said:

"About 40!"

A Fei nodded and asked Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to prepare for the battle. But what about the other two cars? Will they find out?

No matter, as long as they shoot, they will definitely find out, and then there will be time.

"Afei, these forty are not all. I vaguely feel that there are still some in the distance! It's like... migrating!" At first, I felt it carefully and found that a large number of zombies were approaching, as if they were coming from the direction of Buyang.

"What? Migration? Ha ha! Is it getting more and more interesting, zombie migration? Are they going to a warm place to escape the cold winter? It's not that Fei doesn't believe Chu, but the situation is so strange that he laughed.

"Maybe! However, it is impossible for zombies to migrate by themselves. Someone should deliberately lead them forward!" At first, she didn't care about A Fei's words, so she had other ideas in her mind.

"Is there anyone else who can control zombies besides you?" A Fei stretched out his hand and pressed down the window and looked out in the rain to see what was going on around him.

The shadow has surrounded their car. It seems that there is no other way but to break through. If there are still zombies in the distance, as soon as he shoots, it will be empty, and the sound of gunfire will come far away, not all of them.

But you have to call Guan Qilei and others. How can I inform them? They were all carrying walkie-talkies, but in the evening, who drove it?

"Brother Fei, I'll call them!" Luo Zi thought of this simplest method. She had a protective suit. Two meters away, zombies would not find her. With the current dark shadows still more than ten meters away from them, she moves quickly and will definitely succeed!

"Let me go!" Gu Hengxuan was worried about her, but he still felt that it was better to come and could not put her in danger.

"Then...let's go together!" After saying that, Luo Zi opened the door and quickly got out of the car without waiting for Gu Hengxuan to react. Gu Hengxuan also followed him as soon as he saw it.

The two braved the heavy rain and went to the other two cars, reached out and knocked on their windows, told the others about the matter, and made them ready to escape.

Just as she was about to go back, Luo Zi turned around and was suddenly stunned - in the dark, she faintly saw a bereaved dog with fangs less than five meters away from her!

Like the bereavement dog she saw in Buyang City before, it has many wounds on its body, and some can even see bones. Some of the rotten meat has fallen off, but there is still some skin hanging on its body. There is also an object on its mouth. It's too dark to see it clearly, but Luo Zi automatically thinks of it as a piece of meat, human flesh!

Slowly retreating, she did not dare to move. She has seen the power of this bereavement dog. Even the car can catch up with it, which shows its speed. If it sees herself, she knows how many chances she has to escape.

subconsciously put his hand on the dagger, and Luo Zi retreated little by little. When she was ready to go further, she ran back to the car.

Wang Xing in the car saw her situation in the reversing mirror. He didn't know what was wrong with Luo Ziyi because of the dark. So he opened the car door to see what was going on.

As soon as the door opened, it made a faint sound. Luo Zi subconsciously reached out and pressed the door, but at the same time, the bereaved dog found herself.

When he found the existence of Luo Ziyi, the bereaved dog immediately moved and rushed to her.

Luo Zi was able to dodge and avoid the attack of the bereavement dog. It did not hit the target, hit the car, and even hung a piece of skin on the doorknob.

The impact made a loud noise, indicating that it used a lot of strength. After hitting like this, a normal dog would definitely lie on the ground and scream in pain, but it had no feeling. After falling to the ground, it turned its head and saw Luo Ziyi's figure. It opened its blood basin and was drooling out, and rushed over again!

Luo Zi turned around and ran away, but because of the rainy day, the ground was very muddy. She slipped and fell to the ground with a bang. The bereaved dog behind her immediately rushed up, and a disgusting smell of carrion hit her nose.

However, Fortunately, as soon as Luo Zi fell like this, the bereaved dog rushed over her head, just over her head and fell in front of her.

Luo Zi didn't have time to celebrate, so she immediately got up and ran to her car. The bereaved dog was hit, turned around and whined twice, and chased Luo Zi again.

Looking back at the mourning dog, I found that it jumped high. This time, it should not be empty, right? Luo Zi felt a burst of despair. Will she die here?

The crisis came quietly under the cover of heavy rain. People were attacked in their sleep. Tomorrow, can they still go far away alive...