Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 123 A Little Hope

After looking in the room, A Fei found several boxes in the corner, which seemed to be used for medicine. However, it is still not suitable to install these glassware.

After turning over for a while, he found a lot of waste paper. A Fei played around for a long time and spread the paper under the box. Looking at it, he felt that it was still not safe. He walked out of the room again and wanted to find something useful in another room.

As soon as the door was opened, a zombie rushed up, which really scared A Fei. He instinctively hid back, and the next dagger was in his hand. Raising his hand to the zombie's neck was a knife, and the dark red blood splashed out. Ah Fei turned around and didn't let the condensed blood stain his body.

Watching the zombie fall to the ground, A Fei dragged his body out of the room. Seeing that the door was closed, he began to look for something useful.

I walked through a few rooms and found a lot of doctors' coats, as well as some sheets and so on. With these things, I'm not afraid that those fragile goods will be broken.

Back to the room just now, Afei put the recovered clothes and sheets on the experimental platform, disassembled the bottles and cans one by one, then wrapped the clothes and sheets layer by layer, and put them into the box with waste paper.

There are not many things, but such a package enlarges their volume many times. A box can hold four to five vessels at most. Looking at the three boxes and most of the utensils that have not yet been installed on the experimental platform, A Fei is not thinking about whether the boxes are enough, but how to get them back to the villa.

Although his villa is not far from the town, he will go back if he moves back a few more times. It's just that the current situation is very special. There are zombies outside. If he is not careful, he will not be dangerous. It is difficult to say these experimental supplies.

While continuing to think about how to transport these things back, A Fei continued to pack these things.

After thinking for a long time, A Fei still felt that if he wanted to transport it back to the villa, he still had to drive over and bring a few more people, otherwise he wanted to get it back unless he gave birth to three heads and six arms.

The number of boxes is not enough, and A Fei has found a lot, as well as sheets and so on.

After tossing for a long time, A Fei finally packed all the utensils in a box. Looking at the boxes all over the ground, he smiled bitterly. It's better to go back and drive first. If you have a car, it will be much easier.

But another problem immediately jumped into A Fei's mind - driving over, the movement must not be small, and the zombies will definitely be attracted. How to solve it?

The best way is to bring the first generation. In A Fei's view, the use of the first generation is to drive away zombies. But if you want to bring her words, with her curious personality, won't you ask clearly?

Afei doesn't have to hide it from them, but whether this matter can succeed is still unknown. If they know first and have great hopes, but they can't do it at that time, won't they be very disappointed?

After thinking about it, A Fei decided to tell them. More people know that it may help a lot. Besides, the person who knows Huiman best at the beginning must know more about a lot of information than Huiman's researchers, so she needs her help to make the vaccine research successful.

made up his mind, A Fei turned around and walked out of the room. Following the way, he returned to the safe passage, went out of the safety door of the hospital, and prepared to return the same way.

As soon as he walked out of the security door, A Fei looked up and saw several people standing at the back door of the hospital - Luo Ziyi, Guan Qilei and Chu! Looking at it again, outside the back door of the hospital, I listened to the broken bus bought by Lao Ma.

Looking at them in surprise, A Fei didn't understand why they knew they were here. However, when he saw Luo Ziyi's proud smile, A Fei suddenly understood!

This girl must have found that she looked different and let Xia Fan monitor her. No wonder before entering the hospital, he always had a feeling of being monitored. It turned out that Luo Ziyi was playing tricks.

"Afei, are you sick? How about it? What did the doctor say? Guan Qilei leaned against the wall, wrapped his hands around his chest, and played A Fei's joke.

A Fei laughed and walked to them. First, he knocked on Luo Ziyi's head, and then turned to Guan Qilei and said:

"I'm just right here. I'm worried that no one will help me work!" Pulling up Guan Qilei, A Fei walked to the hospital. Just now, I was thinking that there is no hard work, and now I will automatically send one to my door. There is no need to use it.

Luo Ziyi and Chu did not move anywhere, but stayed in place and laughed.

Just half an hour ago, Luo Ziyi was still in the villa, staring at Xia Fan's computer, because A Fei had been in for a long time and had never come out. She was a little worried.

But Xia Fan said that with A Fei's ability, even if he entered the pile of zombies, he could retreat completely. Moreover, he won't do anything without a purpose. He must be looking for something when he goes to the hospital.

When Luo Zi heard this, she immediately had an idea. After putting down Xia Fan's baby computer, Luo Zi ran out of his room to find Chu.

A Fei is looking for something, which must be very important. He wants to safely transport it back to the villa from the hospital, and there must be many obstacles in the middle. If you want to transport it back in the fastest way, of course, you need a car, and if you don't want to provoke zombies, you can only do it at the beginning.

She found Gu Hengxuan and Chu. She was about to go out, but before she set out, she was stopped by Guan Qilei. He was worried that a few children would not be able to cope with the sudden situation, so he followed.

Gu Hengxuan drove and was responsible for opening the road to disperse the zombies. The four people soon arrived at the back door of the town hospital.

Guan Qilei climbed over the wall and entered the backyard of the hospital, opened the small door, and let Luo Ziyi and Chu come in, while Gu Hengxuan stayed in the car.

The three waited for a long time before A Fei came out of the hospital. As a result, Guan Qilei immediately became his laborer and was responsible for helping him carry things.

A Fei and Guan Qilei moved out large and small boxes from the hospital one after another. Luo Zi called Gu Hengxuan, and the two of them began to move to the car regardless of what was in the box.

After tossing for a long time, A Fei and Guan Qilei finally moved out all the boxes and several people got into the car.

"Afei, what are you doing? You won't let go of the hospital. What's in this box? Guan Qilei found at the beginning that the things in the box were not very heavy, but A Fei had repeatedly told him to handle it gently. He was curious about what was the treasure inside.

smiled, but Fei still decided to sell the secret first and didn't tell them the truth, but just urged Gu Hengxuan to drive quickly.

At the beginning, she was still responsible for opening the way and used her unique power to disperse all the zombies and prevent them from following the car back to the villa. Soon, the bus left the town and returned to the outside of the villa.

The boxes were moved out of the car one by one. A Fei greeted the people in the villa to help move them in. It was best to move in quickly without causing any trouble.

When everything entered the villa, A Fei looked around and found that there was no trace of zombies, so he let everyone enter the door of the basement.

"Brother, what are these? Up to now, are you still not going to say it?" Luo Zi tilted her head, looked at A Fei's mysterious expression, and said with some dissatisfaction.

A Fei smiled and rubbed Luo Ziyi's hair, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he went to Lao Ma's room and called him out.

"Look, can these things be used? It took me a lot of effort to get it back. Afei pulled the old horse out, opened a box, took out a tightly wrapped thing inside, and handed it to the old horse.

Quickly removed the outer wrapped rag, and the old horse looked at a glassware in his hand.

"It works, it's so useful! However, there is still a problem. It takes a lot of space to assemble and place these things, and I also need a laboratory for experiments. He meant to give him a separate room and let him concentrate on these things.

A Fei smiled and said that it was easy to do. He could choose the room in the villa as he liked.

In fact, there are not many rooms for Lao Ma to choose. The buildings on the ground are empty, but their food and some daily necessities are piled up, so there are almost no vacant rooms.

The basement floor is also full, and Lao Ma's own room is not big enough. Where can he choose?

Lao Ma thought for a long time, and finally chose A Fei's arsenal, which was spacious enough and there was a ready-made experimental platform. It takes a little time for Afei to remove all his weapons.

However, A Fei was not ambiguous. As soon as Lao Ma opened his mouth, he immediately agreed. With Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, he went downstairs and began to clean up his warehouse.

"Brother Fei, are those things for the old horse? What is he going to do? Gu Hengxuan put all the bullets on the table into a canvas bag and asked A Fei.

Laughing, A Fei reached out and took down a * hanging on the wall and whispered:

"Remember those viruses and vaccines in our hands?"

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan nodded together, and they didn't quite understand why A Fei suddenly mentioned this.

"Lao Ma is a medical genius. I want him to study it and see if he can make a vaccine!" A Fei said his thoughts lightly and then continued to pack up his things.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan both stopped their movements and looked at the busy A Fei in surprise - he... Is this whimsical?

Not to mention that they are just a few viruses and vaccines, nothing else, but Lao Ma is the only one. Can they study them? What a huge team Huiman has taken many years to develop the virus. There is only one person, which is... What is this whimsms?

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Fei knew what they were thinking. As he continued to pack up, he whispered:

"This is just an attempt. It's good to succeed, but there's nothing we can do. But I hope it will succeed, and I also believe in Lao Ma's ability!"

A hope may be just a hope. Some people think it will succeed, while others think it's incredible. What can we do? If tomorrow is destined to be the end of the world and let them have some hope today, can they say goodbye to the world with a smile...