Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 131 Crisis Resolve

The sky is spinning in front of me, and there is a buzzing sound in my ear. Although the power of * is not very great, such a close explosion still makes A Fei a little uncomfortable.

Lying on the ground, looking at the stars in the sky and the dark night sky, a lot of pictures flashed through A Fei's mind...

When he was born, he only had his mother. It is said that his father did not know that he existed at all. It doesn't matter. It's good to have a mother who loves you.

At the age of six, my mother remarried, but my own procrastination became their obstacle. His mother did not give up on him, but she often quarreled with her stepfather because of herself.

This marriage did not last long. Two years later, the often quarreling stepfather and mother divorced, which was also a sign of the end of Afei's dark childhood. He felt that it would be better to let his stepfather and mother quarrel endlessly than to separate earlier...

Not long after, the weak mother died in the hospital less than a year after the divorce. After that, he became an orphan and was sent to an orphanage.

But I don't know if A Fei was very unlucky when he knew it, or for some other reason, the orphanage closed down soon after he lived in. Then he became a ball between the orphanages and was often kicked around.

This kind of life lasted for about half a year, and then the ball career ended, and some people were willing to adopt their group of orphans.

Originally, A Fei thought that he should be able to live a stable life at that time. However, life is stable, but the content of life is really unacceptable.

Endless experiments, the syringe shakes in front of you... painful torture, every night, the body will be in severe pain...

The people who came in with themselves disappeared quietly one by one, and then never appeared again. There are also people who can't stand the pain brought by the experiment. They don't commit suicide or want to escape, but they are caught back and accept more painful experiments.

At that time, A Fei really didn't know how long he could hold on. He just knew that he couldn't die and wanted to live well!

It's not for fame and fortune, not for great expectations. He just wants to live, be a living human, live an ordinary life, have a simple family, and finally leave the world quietly when he is old.

In order to live, he silently endured all the pain brought by the experiment. When others were about to collapse, he could only grit his teeth. After surviving many days, one day, a person he had never thought of appeared - his biological father!

At first, he didn't believe that that man was his biological father, and that person was obviously the same. He didn't believe that he would have such a big son.

But DNA is not deceptive. When the elegant man stared at him unbelievably, he still had a DNA test report of the two of them. The report indicates that their relationship is indeed a biological father and son.

At that time, A Fei couldn't understand any DNA report at all, but the man in front of him gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy. This feeling from blood cannot be explained by a report, nor can anyone deny it.

Unexpectedly, his biological father appeared, and A Fei was dragged to continue the experiment before he could be surprised. And his biological father is actually one of the researchers in the magic cave.

Later, his father tried his best to rescue A Fei, but he couldn't take him in, and his biological father entrusted him to a friend.

By chance, A Fei met his master and became his successor to inherit the manor. And he also left his biological father's friend and left with his master.

However, no matter how many years, he has been in touch with his father and has never been interrupted. After that, he soon learned that he had a very lovely half-sister.

He has been just looking at her photos. It was not until he gave up his career as a killer and wanted to live an ordinary life that he ran to the city where his father and sister lived and became their secret guardians.

The experience of the first half of his life, like a movie, was played from beginning to end in Afei's chaotic mind. Is he going to die? Some people say that only when he is dying, he will see his life experience. Has his life come to an end?

Don't you want to die? Yeah, who wants to die? He hasn't seen his sister live a peaceful and stable life, hasn't saved his father, hasn't let all his friends leave the danger, and dies like this. He will really feel unwilling.

"Brother! Brother..." Luo Zi rushed to A Fei's side and looked at his black face. She immediately pulled him up, then shook hard and kept shouting "Brother".

He was already a little dizzy. When he was shaken like this by Luo Zi, he cleared his mind a little and began to faint again.

"Xiao Ziyi... Don't shake anymore... I'm... I'm about to vomit..." A Fei tried his voice to be louder so that she could calm down and not let him, who survived the disaster, be shaken to death by her.

"Brother!? Brother, are you all right? Luo Ziyi finally stopped shaking and looked at his face in surprise.

"It's okay, but if you shake it again, I'll be fine!" A Fei sat upright on his body, supported the ground with his hands, shook his still dizzy head, and then looked at Luo Ziyi with a concerned face.

He raised his hand and rubbed her hair and looked at whether there were any zombies around him. After making sure that there were only a few zombies left and could not threaten them, he asked Luo Ziyi to help himself up and go to the villa.

"Gu Hengxuan, stinky boy, watching Xiao Zi fight against me alone, why don't you come and help quickly!" A Fei pointed to Gu Hengxuan a few meters away and complained about his intimateness.

has been named, why don't you want to help! Gu Hengxuan walked to the other side of A Fei and helped him fly back with Luo Zi.

"I thought you were dead. Who would have thought that it was really a disaster for thousands of years, * it won't blow you up!" Gu Hengxuan was actually very happy that nothing happened to him. It's just that this kind of joke still needs to be played, otherwise the atmosphere will become very depressing!

"Don't worry, I still have to watch you. You stinky boy, you coveted my little purple. Do you think I don't know? If I die, you son of a bitch, why don't you turn Xiao Zi away!" A Fei's physical strength is gradually recovering. Although he still has no strength, he thinks he will get better soon.

"You can see this! Let me tell you, it's useless for you to look at it. Zi will be abducted by me all morning and night. You'd better save some energy and don't hinder me and Ziyi. We are a natural couple and are destined to be together!" Gu Hengxuan said, reaching out and touching Luo Ziyi's little face, and then proudly provoked A Fei.

"Ky! Pay attention to me. You dare to do this when I'm here. If I'm not here, will it be okay? Xiao Ziyi, you remember, you must not be too close to this boy. A boy of his age has no determination. If you are not careful, you are likely to lose your life!"

A Fei turned his head and looked at Luo Ziyi very seriously and said very seriously.

"Hey! Brother Fei, you are very insidious! Ziyi and I are good friends. What do you mean by not letting her get close to me?" Gu Hengxuan patted A Fei on the back and was very afraid that Luo Ziyi really listened to A Fei's words and really ignored him.

"I said, can you two talk about my affairs in front of me, okay?" Luo Ziyi finally couldn't help shouting. One flirts with her, and the other warns her. What do the two of them think she is? Does she also feel good?

"No more, no more! Don't be angry, I won't say it." A Fei smiled flatteringly and watched Luo Ziyi's face improve, and his heart was much clearer.

"Yes, where's the monster?" Gu Hengxuan suddenly thought of that guy. Later, they were far away and didn't see it very clearly. He didn't know how A Fei cleaned it up.

"It's dead! I think I have put * into its mouth. If it can survive, it will be too strong!" Ah Fei said half jokingly.

Afei did not see his head blown up with his own eyes, but under such circumstances, if the monster is not dead, then Afei will really kill himself! Such a strong thing is really desperate. He looked back at the messy place, but it was so dark that he didn't see anything.

Let's wait until dawn!

The three walked back to the gate of the villa, when the rookie and Guan Qilei were waiting for them at the door.

"How's it going? Aren't you dead yet?" Guan Qilei replaced Luo Ziyi and helped him fly to the door.

"Don't worry, you won't die! What about Xiaochu? Is she all right?" Every time she uses her strength, she will become very weak and will have to sleep for a long time to recover.

"She...she fainted, and Mu Jia has sent her back to her room to rest." Guan Qilei said softly.

A Fei nodded and said nothing more, so he followed them back to the villa.

Back to his room, A Fei was thrown to ** by Guan Qilei and Gu Hengxuan. Tired, he didn't even have the strength to turn over.

Just lying on ** like that, A Fei can't wait to fall asleep now, but he is still very clear-headed and should not be able to sleep for the time being.

"No! Mr. Fei, the Iron Man, how can you be so tired? Although Guan Qilei said so, he still reached out to help A Fei turn over to make him more comfortable.

"It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. Next time you encounter such a thing, I'll let you go alone to find a monster to fight alone. You can try this feeling!" A Fei's strength gradually came back, and when he spoke, he also had strength.

A crisis has been resolved, but in such a world, zombies are rampant. Who can guarantee that the same thing will not happen tomorrow? Maybe in a few days, a more powerful monster will appear, making them have more headaches...


p.s: Jimo is on a business trip, and the time to code words is very limited. I'm sorry, everyone, I'll be home in a few days! I will continue to type well. I hope you can forgive me!