Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 139 The Showdown Begins

Jesica and the four of them have a pistol on their bodies, and there are two shotguns in the car they drove. However, whether it is a pistol or a shotgun, there are not many bullets. They have collected them all the way, and they are absolutely reluctant to use them until they have to.

Back to the town, where they temporarily settled, Jecca took out two shotguns and all their bullets.

Except for Jenny, Ben and Chris knew what Jessier was going to do. They didn't say anything. They just silently followed Jessier back to their room and began to check how long their bullets could last.

For future safety considerations, they did not bring all the bullets, only a small part. Jecca felt that A Fei lived alone in the villa, and even if he had weapons, he would not have a lot of ammunition.

Moreover, there are four of them, and there will be no problem if they want to suppress him alone in terms of firepower. Therefore, they only took a small number of bullets and did not intend to take Jenny with them.

Because this brainless beauty, in addition to show off. In addition to coquettishness, she will only scream at the body and blood and act with her, which will only be bad things.

Jesica's idea is very simple. They say that they can't get through Afei, and it's impossible to enter his villa by the right way, so they can solve it by force. As long as Ah Fei is killed, the villa and the food inside will be theirs.

However, of course, this kind of thing cannot be carried out during the day. Several of them will eat something and rest and refresh themselves, so that they can deal with the action at night.

Jenny originally wanted to go back by herself and continue to seduce Ah Fei in exchange for safe accommodation and enough food. But she is a very timid person. Without Ben and Chris by her side, she almost dares not move. Even in a safe building, she dares not go outside the bathroom.

Everyone went to bed, and she didn't have the courage to go out, so she had to sleep with her.

A day gradually passed, and Jecca woke up after sleeping until three o'clock in the afternoon, but she did not wake up Ben and Chris, but sat on ** by herself, calculating what to do at night.

When wandering downstairs, she took a rough look at the front structure of the building. Although it looked no different from ordinary buildings, she keenly found that there was no place to climb the house on the front.

The designer seems to deliberately change some prominent buildings to places where people can start to a more hidden design. Ordinary thieves can't go up with their bare hands.

Jesica recalled that there were no tools around them, and when they were looking for food in the town, they didn't see anything useful.

Thinking this way, breaking into Afei's villa is their first difficulty.

She basically didn't even think about entering the main door. Since it is a place where people live, the gate will definitely be blocked in order to prevent the invasion of zombies. If you want to enter, breaking through the main door must be the most difficult, and even if you go in, it will alarm the people inside.

had more than an hour of contact with A Fei, and Jessieka knew that he must be a very cautious and careful person. If the sound they make is too loud, it will only make it more difficult for them to succeed.

After thinking about it, there is usually a basement in buildings in Country A, and the basement usually has independent doors leading to the outside. After thinking about it carefully, this door seemed to be their only hope.

Okay, let's start from this door first!

She must let him know who the really naive and naive person is! She is a praised genius with an IQ of 108! He will pay for his words and attitude!

After thinking about the basic plan, Jessica looked at the sky outside the window, and it was already dusk. Soon, it's time for them to take action.

She got out of bed and looked at Jenny, who was sleeping sweetly. She curled her lips disdainfully. The young lady was the eldest lady. At this time, she could still sleep carefree and even drooling!

There was a curse in her heart, but Jecca did nothing on the surface. After checking their remaining food, even one person's meal was not enough. If they can't succeed today, they will have to find other food in the town or just leave here.

She sighed helplessly. In fact, she didn't want to do this, but they managed to escape the infection, avoided the zombies, and didn't want to lose their hard-won lives because of hunger.

After a while, Jenny also woke up. She is actually a little nervous now. There must be someone around her when she sleeps, otherwise she will feel insecure. Even if she has been asleep, as long as she feels that there is no human body temperature around her, she will wake up quickly.

Looking at Jiesika tidying up, Jenny finally couldn't help asking her what she was going to do. And the answer she got was just the back of Jecca.

The sky was completely dark, and Jecca, Ben and Chris set out from their own feet.

Before leaving, Jenny went crazy. She didn't want to be left alone. She would be afraid. She screamed that she would never leave anyone behind, and then walked around the room hysterically, saying repeated words in a voice that no one could hear.

Finally, for fear of wasting time, she picked up her pistol and hit Jenny in the neck to calm her down.

Jenny was put in **, and Jessie and the others left.

Although Mu Jia and others on the roof of the villa only have a telescope for night vision, it is not very difficult to detect their neighbors to visit again after more than ten hours.

Liu Qi ran down to inform everyone that this night visit by neighbors is definitely not a good thing and prepare everyone.

After hearing the news, A Fei just smiled and looked at everyone standing beside him.

"Xiao Ziyi, you and Hengxuan will meet them! Remember, don't hurt their lives. Although they are foreigners, they are also the same kind. It's better to live if you don't die. A Fei is still very kind and doesn't want Jecca's life.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan looked at each other, then smiled, and then went back to their room to get the equipment.

They all brought guns. After all, the other party should also be armed. There is no need for them to be a target. Let's fight for others! However, they don't have insurance, and they won't use guns unless necessary.

The two have been partners for a long time, and their ideas are somewhat the same. Daggers and close combat are their main drama today. Three-to-two, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan have a very good chance of winning. Basically, they have no reason to lose.

After going out of the basement and closing the door, they all put on their night market glasses and looked at the green scenery. They were really not used to it.

After a while, they adapted to the vision of this color, and Jessie and the others also approached.

Standing in the corner and letting the darkness cover their figure, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan basically had no nervousness. Perhaps they are used to the scene of zombies running rampant. For the three human beings who are not plotting, they basically have no sense of crisis.

"Two men will be handed over to me, and the woman will be left to you." Gu Hengxuan put his hands around his chest and looked at the approaching figure in the night vision mirror. He assigned the task of two people.

"Whatever, if there is a fight, you can distinguish who is who?" Luo Ziyi doesn't think it will be useful if it is well distributed now. Because when they take action, basically both of them will be very involved and basically don't care how they are allocated before.

"Yes, but you must show mercy!" Gu Hengxuan took the lead out of the shadow and approached three neighbors in the dark with Luo Zi one by one.

Jesica is behind Ben and Chris. She knows that men are better at fighting. She is the brain of a partner, just responsible for coming up with ideas. And the two men also felt that it was not heroic to let the girls charge.

When they arrived near the villa, they found that the whole villa was dark. Whether it was on the second floor or the first floor, there was no light.

During the day, A Fei met them on the second floor, but the window was also dark.

Jesica thought for a moment and estimated the time. When they went out, it was after eight o'clock, and now it is nine o'clock at most. Can Fei have fallen asleep, and this is a good time for them to do it.

Quickly approaching the villa, they did not dare to approach it from the front, but chose a relatively partial side and went near the villa.

Quietly entered the fence outside the villa. Ben and Chris helped Jesica in. The three of them walked against the wall without making a sound. As soon as they turned to the direction of the main door, they found something was wrong.

At the door of the villa, there seemed to be two people, one standing against the door and the other sitting on the ground. Neither of them looked at their direction, as if they were looking up at the sky.

Ben, the leader, immediately stopped, turned his head to look at Jecca, and asked in the dark, what should they do?

"It came quite fast. I haven't sat down yet!" Gu Hengxuan stood up, stretched out, slowly turned his head, and looked at the direction of Ben and the others.

"Hey! They're all here, and you still don't do anything. Aren't you here to grab things?" Gu Hengxuan pointed to them and said.

"Please, they don't understand." Luo Zi took two steps forward, stood beside him, and said helplessly.

"Yes! Hey, comebaby!" Gu Hengxuan showed that he only could speak the A language, but Luo Ziyi still smiled, because he was not wrong.

A planned competition is about to begin, but the mood of the two sides of the competition is completely different. One side is leisurely to deal with it, while the other side has a conspiratorial heart. What is the result of such a confrontation? It's still confusing...