Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 141 Runaway

Looking at the three neighbors tied into Zongzi, A Fei just shook his head and shook his head again. I didn't want to argue with them, but I just want them to learn a lesson. You can't be so rampant!

It's okay to be rampant, but it's better to figure out what the other party's strength is before being arrogant.

Jesica and others didn't figure out the number of people, weapons and personal strength in the villa, so they came to rob. It's really... The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

However, when it comes to newborns, there are also many in his family, six! Why aren't they so stupid? It seems that it is still a matter of the way of education. He is really proud. The rookie he taught is much better than Jecca and others.

I know that there were originally four of them, but now there are only three, and one has not appeared. A Fei asked and found out that the self-righteous Jenny, who was arrogant, was left at her residence and didn't come with her.

It seems that they are not too stupid! Knowing that the girl is not enough to fail, it's right not to take her with you.

After asking a few more questions casually, A Fei threw them aside and went back to his second basement to rest.

I slept for more than a day and just woke up. As soon as I got out of the room, I heard Pei Yufeng and Liu Qi talking about their neighbors. She consumed too much power and slept for a long time. She didn't know anything about her new neighbor.

After asking clearly, she just smiled coldly and went to find something to eat. In her opinion, Luo Zi alone is enough to deal with those neighbors, not to mention Gu Hengxuan?

When he ate something and came down with a glass of milk for the first time, A Fei had gone back and watched several strange dumplings sitting on the sofa on the ground floor.

As soon as Luo Zi changed her clothes and came out of the room, she happened to see the first standing on the stairs drinking milk, sneering inexplicably. Turning her head and looking at several neighbors, Luo Ziyi suddenly felt that they were also quite pitiful.

If they are not thinking wrongly and want a villa, they won't become zongzi, staring at others eating and drinking, but they are starving.

When she came to Chu, Luo Zi smiled and said that she wanted to go up to get snacks, and the two beautiful women went to the building on the ground together.

Jesika saw that there was no one around and began to find a way to break free from the rope on her body. But she tried several times and found that the knot was getting tighter and tighter, and finally her hands began to hurt.

It was Guan Qilei who tied them up. He used a special knot and learned it when he was in the military. If the kidnapped person does not move, it is easy to find a place or a knife. But if you struggle, it will get tighter and tighter.

On the first floor of the basement, although there is all kinds of furniture, everything is still very complete, but there is nothing sharp, not even a fruit knife.

Jesica finally gave up because she found that the rope was about to be strangled into her meat. Looking up at the surrounding environment, I never found anything to help them.

After a while, Luo Zi came back with Chu and saw that they were frightened, and she could guess what they were doing just now.

But she didn't care. Even A Fei didn't care whether they would run away. What did she worry about?

As soon as her eyes turned, Luo Zi looked at Jieka and the others again, as if she thought of something. She smiled and then pulled away.

It's time to make up your mind! She can no longer be protected. She wants to prove to all people that she is not a greenhouse flower and can be beaten in the wind and rain outside without human protection.

pulled his room for the first time. Not long after, he fell asleep again, but Luo Zi still had no sleepiness after more than two hours.

Lying for a while, Luo Zi got up gently, took her equipment and pistol, and ran to the bathroom. After dressing up, she returned to the room and found the writing paper. After writing something on it, she got up and quietly left the room.

Jesika and the others are very tired, and they are still hungry. They are caught by others. They don't beat or scold, and they just put them here. Is it possible that they want to starve them to death?

When Luo Zi came out, she happened to hear their whispered conversation, which was nothing more than how they ran away and their other friend who stayed at her feet.

Her movements were so light that she didn't even disturb Jessie and the others when she closed the door. After listening to them for a while, she felt that it was meaningless, so she swaggered to the stairs to the top.

Luo Ziyi's sudden appearance scared Jecca to stop their mouths, dared not make any more sound, and even held their breath. After seeing clearly that it was a person, they relaxed a little.

He didn't care about their screening at all and walked straight up. After getting some bread and water from the kitchen, Luo Ziyi returned to the basement.

Jica and the three of them stared at her tightly... The food in their hands made Luo Zi feel uncomfortable.

Put the bread on the table, she untied the ropes on Jecca's body one by one, and then sat opposite them, signaling them to eat quickly.

I don't dare to believe that Luo Zi will give them food later. Jessie and the others have never dared to move.

"Eat it! It's not poisonous." Sitting leisurely, Luo Zi looked at their suspicious look and didn't care.

"Why?" Jecca asked. Why is she so kind to them for no reason? There must be a conspiracy.

"Because you are human beings, if you are zombies, I will give you not bread, but bullets!" Luo Ziyi really doesn't know why she is so suspicious. Is it safe to give them a conspiracy to eat what they rob themselves?

I don't know whether they believed Luo Ziyi or were too hungry and had no resistance to food. Jiesica and the others finally picked up the bread and devoured it.

"Don't you have another person? It's not safe to leave her alone in the small town. Luo Zi's thoughts are steaming, and these four people are the most important part of her plan.

"We are also in a hurry, but now..." Ben was very worried about Jecca, but now they are prisoners. They look at them with guns and can't go back!

"Eat it quickly. You can leave after eating. Go back and have a look. Although there are not many zombies near the town, they are not extinct. She is very vulnerable to attack alone.

Luo Ziyi did not scare them. The zombies around the town basically died that night, but she also said at the beginning that she only mobilized most of the zombies, and a small number of them were not dead.

Human smell will lead zombies. Their noses are very sensitive. Without equipment protection, they will become zombies' dinner.

"You... are you going to let us go?" Chris asked with an incredible bite of bread. At a glance, I knew that they were leading the person who spoke very meanly. Luo Zi said that she would let them go, but she didn't see that person come into contact with her. So she made the decision without authorization?

So... will they be caught by others before they go far?

"Don't worry! The resources here are also limited, and it is impossible for three more idle people to share food. If you don't believe it, I'll go with you to ensure your safety. Luo Zi smiled and seemed to have a similar reaction to what she thought.

"Do you want to protect us?" Looking at Luo Ziyi's fully armed appearance, it's really like that, but after all, she is a girl. Depending on her age, she should not be older than them. Isn't it a little...

to ask such a girl to protect herself?

"Yes, I'm really curious about how people like you crawled out of the zombie pile. It's a miracle that the gun can't be held firmly!" Luo Zi told the truth, these are all her true thoughts.

If they are in Yuanzhou, it is estimated that they will not survive even three days. Fortunately, in Country A, zombies are not very concentrated, otherwise they would have been eaten long ago.

"You..." Jiesica saw that Luo Ziyi was not hostile, but her words were as angry as A Fei.

"Have you finished eating? Let's go after eating!" Luo Ziyi didn't want to hear what they said, just for her plan, preferably with them.

Walking out of the basement door, Luo Zi closed the door well, took a deep look, then straightened the whole body's equipment, and then resolutely turned around and walked to the town with three trembling people.

They walked for a while, and the door of the basement was opened again. A figure looked inside and followed Luo Ziyi's footsteps and ran to the town.

A Fei leaned against the door of Lao Ma's laboratory, but his eyes were staring at the ground and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is this really good? Is it dangerous to let them out?" Lao Ma was busy analyzing the tissue samples of zombies on the experimental platform and asked Fei softly.

"There are dangers everywhere. Even if we stay here all the time, there will be dangers. I don't know if this is good or bad, but this is what she wants. Let her venture out by herself! Maybe...maybe it's really good for her."

Afei is a little depressed because of the rebound of the people he has been protecting because he has protected so well.

When Luo Ziyi left, A Fei kept watching at the door. It was not until the second figure followed him that he felt a little relieved.

He is an orphan, has no relatives, and has never experienced family affection. It is rare to have a sister who wants to protect her mood. Everyone can see it, but it is unacceptable to Luo Zi.

Maybe, let her learn to grow up by herself is what she wants most.

"Have you ever thought about telling her the truth and letting her know how you are feeling, so that she may not rebound?" Old Ma is still busy, but his mouth is not idle.

"I can't say that I don't want to destroy the beauty in her heart. She should grow up carefree, not..."

Shaking his head impatiently, A Fei really didn't know what he had done wrong, which made Luo Ziyi feel that his protection was a kind of pressure.

A rookie with long wings flies, but there are still two at a time. People in the villa may worry about this for a long time. Maybe she left this time and won't have a chance to come back, but there are still people here praying that they can be safe...