Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 165 Prepare for a rainy day

The person who was hit by the door had blood on his face and couldn't raise his head in pain. Gu Hengxuan kicked him without looking at him. The man suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Gu Hengxuan called Ben's name and asked him to come and help. The man pointed to Gu Hengxuan's head has been saying something, and his voice is very sincere. However, Gu Hengxuan couldn't understand what he said, and finally thought he was too annoyed, so he gave him a moment to shut up.

When Jiesica and the others came over, they saw such a picture.

The four people tied all three people and pushed them back to their resting place. Gu Hengxuan took the remaining two people and concentrated on the place where they rested.

Retake out the candles from under the bed and light them one by one. The small space was illuminated by the candlelight in an instant. There were four people lying on the ground, three people in total, a total of seven people, and none of them ran away.

Of course, the work of interrogating them will be handed over to Jessica. Gu Hengxuan will retire at this time and become the head of the prison, specializing in taking care of the prisoners.

With the candlelight, Jessier saw clearly several people on the ground, led by a middle-aged uncle, a typical A native. With half-length hair, the stubble on the chin is already very long, and there seems to be no time to sort it out.

One of the two people around him is blonde hair, which seems to have not been washed for a long time. They are entangled together. The bangs blocked most of his face and could not see his appearance clearly.

The other one is a black man, with a tall figure, a bald head, and there seems to be some pattern on his scalp. He was the one who was injured by Gu Hengxuan. At this time, his nose was still bleeding.

Jesica first observed them for a while and never asked anything. She doesn't know what Gu Hengxuan thinks, but she can't communicate with him. Isn't it a little too amateur to study what to ask with him now?

After thinking slightly, Jecca was still silent. There was Jenny beside her, who also followed her inexplicably silent, just staring at those people. In fact, Jenny is very depressed. She doesn't know what Jecca is looking at or what she is looking at.

Frank, the leading uncle, sat on the ground and looked at Jecca's exploratory eyes, playing drums in his heart. I never thought that all seven of them fell into the hands of several little ghosts.

However, the appearance of these little ghosts, who has just knocked down everyone, should be the oriental-faced boy sitting aside and smoking with a sneer. Frank guessed that this oriental boy should be the one who killed several survivors a few days ago.

Turning his head to look at the blonde man beside him, Frank began to doubt his partner's eyes. Didn't he say that he saw this man leave with his own eyes? But why is he not only there, but also caught all of them, and now he is smoking with his legs crossed!

The blonde young man kept his head down and didn't say anything. He was also thinking about it. Did he sneak back when he was not paying attention?

He has hardly left this neighborhood. Why, why can he come back unconsciously?

There is only one answer, that is, there is definitely more than one person wearing this dress! In retrospect, they drove two cars into Kancheng, and there were only five people in front of them. Will there be another one?

It is futile to think about these now. Most survivors, especially those caught by each other, will not have a good end. Because if you don't kill them, there is no other way to go. There will be danger after letting them go. Do you still have to support them if you don't let them go?

I hope the little ghosts in front of us won't be too cruel. If you want to kill them, just don't push them to zombies.

Jesica thought for a long time and finally decided to ask some questions. After sorting out her thoughts, she looked up at Frank in front of her.

"Can you answer me a few questions?" Jecca's attitude is very peaceful and has no intention of threatening people, but anyone can see that if Frank does not answer or let Jecca see the flaw, Gu Hengxuan's muzzle will immediately point at his head.

Nodding, Frank looked up at the young girl in front of him, hoping that she could listen to herself after asking, because they were not only seven people, but also...

"Name, where do you live for the time being, why do you know that we are here and what the purpose is?" Jecca felt that he would not be able to remember such a simple question, so he asked it all at once.

sighed, and Frank looked at the young faces of the children opposite him, especially Gu Hengxuan, with a silent and cold look and a little cruel smile at the corners of his mouth. He really couldn't believe that he would overturned the boat in the hands of such a few little ghosts.

"My name is Frank, and I am currently living not far from here. This is Jack..." The blonde young man lowered his head again. Frank continued, "He is George. We are all survivors of Kansas City. For some reasons, we didn't leave Kansas City in time before the blockade line was set up."

After a pause, Frank continued:

"Today... we are here for food! We have more than a dozen people, and we don't have much food. If we can't find food, we will starve to death. Before, when you came to Kancheng, you had been targeted by many survivors. The people who attacked you before were one of them.

Jesica looked up at Gu Hengxuan. The other day, he said that five people wanted to steal their car, which was solved by him. It seems that he still shows mercy and doesn't kill everyone.

Although Jecca is not a murderer, sometimes it is troublesome to stay alive. The few people in front of us should have found those people and got information about themselves.

Gu Hengxuan smoked leisurely on one side, smoking one after another. He couldn't understand what they were saying. He could only think nonsense, but after thinking about it, there was still only one person in his mind, a face - Luo Ziyi!

"Do you mean, are those people who told you our situation?" This is Jessica's guess, but she always feels that some important things she missed are related to their safety.

"Yes, they are a very large group of survivors, about 40 people, but the station is far away. They suddenly appeared in this neighborhood and attracted our attention, so we followed them to have a look. As a result, outside the basement of a building, we heard gunfire and we didn't dare to go in. We didn't find them until two cars drove out.

Frank feels that he doesn't need to hide anything. If he knows, he will say it. He may die happily.

Jesica frowned, thought for a moment, and then asked:

"They... why do they cooperate so well and tell you the truth?" Jecca felt that she was about to catch the point. She was a little uneasy and was afraid that something would happen when Luo Ziyi was away.

"There are conditions. Several of them are not dead. If we let them go, they will tell the truth."

Jesica held her chin, frowned, and thought for a long time. Suddenly, she stood up, ran to Gu Hengxuan and said to him:

"We are in danger! Those people you didn't kill must have gone back to move the rescuers! Frank said that there are more than 40 of them. If they all come, even you may not be able to retreat completely!"

After talking for a long time, Gu Hengxuan could understand few words, but looking at her anxious appearance, he knew that there must be something very important.

"Sister, I know I don't understand, can you express it in a clearer way?" Gu Hengxuan was also anxious, but he still didn't understand, did he? There used to be a clear person around him, but he is not here yet. He and Jecca are anxious, but they can only be anxious.

Jesica really wants to have magic at this time. With a click, Gu Hengxuan can understand the language of A. With only one day of learning a foreign language, it is impossible for him to understand what he means...

Inadvertently turned his head and saw Gu Hengxuan's backpack. At this time, the computer left by Luo Ziyi showed an edge, which seemed to remind Jecca of something.

Reached out and took out the computer, and Jiesica opened it on the dining table. Fastly connected to the network, Jecca found a software on the Internet. The software is very simple, which is an ordinary translation software. After adjusting the language of A to Chinese, Jecca crackled into what she wanted to say, and then clicked to confirm.

Gu Hengxuan looked at the familiar words and felt very kind. Thanks to Jessie's quick reaction, he actually thought of this method.

Looking at the words on the screen, Gu Hengxuan is still a little difficult. This translation software may be relatively mechanized. In Gu Hengxuan's opinion, the translated sentences are not very smooth, and there are many meaningless words and sentences. But he still guessed the general meaning and knew why Jecca suddenly reacted so much.

If this is true, those few dead guys will go back to find helpers. They are so many people, and their own strength is absolutely impossible to fight against them.

So there are only two ways in front of them now. One is to walk and leave here. As long as they find a place nearby, they can still survive.

But what should I do as soon as Luo Zi comes back? She will be very worried if she can't find them when she comes back. And if she comes back and bumps into those people, it must be a big war, and she may not fall into benefits.

Second, don't leave, deal with those people here and wait for Luo Zi to come back. But this risk is very high. When those people come, how can they ensure themselves and let them retreat at the same time? This is almost impossible!

sighed and gestured to Jecca a few times, indicating that he had something to say. Jecca adjusted the software again and asked Gu Hengxuan to input text.

[We are going to leave here and start preparing as much food and water as possible.] It took Jecca a little time to analyze the translation. Although there are many language problems, she can still basically understand it. After nodding to Gu Hengxuan, Jecca just turned around and turned back and typed a sentence on the computer.

[Luo, what should I do? Don't wait for her? This is Gu Hengxuan's most worried question. How can he contact Luo Ziyi and let her know where they have moved?

Seeing Gu Hengxuan's embarrassed appearance, Jecca patted him and entered another sentence.

After the translation, Gu Hengxuan laughed, nodded to her, and then began to make everyone move. They don't have much time, because they don't know when or whether the other party will do it or not.

In a word, it's better to plan ahead!

The night is still spreading, and different things are happening in different parts of the city. But one thing is certain, that is, there will be a good show to be staged...