Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 168 Who confessed first

Luo Zi looked at a person squatting next to the trash can five meters away and suddenly had the impulse to cry.

Gu Hengxuan! The reason why she has been insisting for more than four days!

I may not have felt so strongly when I didn't see him. They have never been separated. They have never been separated for more than a day. Luo Ziyi never knew that she not only liked him.

Missing is a very interesting thing. In the past few days, as long as Luo Zi is empty, Gu Hengxuan's figure and the pictures of the two people getting along with each other in the past, like a movie, fly through her mind.

From Yuanzhou to Country A, it has only been a few months. He has been by his side, but in what the situation, he supports himself. He never said he liked it, but melted his heart into action and gave her enough warmth and care.

Why did I find out that I also liked him before leaving him? Perhaps, in my life for more than ten years, there has never been a person who can give himself such a feeling, so I realized it later!

However, Luo Ziyi was still very lucky, because he still found out and didn't know his intention until he died. It's not too late, is it?

Gu Hengxuan leaned leisurely against the trash can and looked at Luo Ziyi's crying and smiling face. He found that his heart followed her when she left, and when he saw her, his heart also returned to its original position.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to be hurt, but she seemed to have lost weight. The face is also dirty, as if it hasn't been washed for many days.

The most unbearable thing about Luo Ziyi, who is a little obsessed with cleanliness, is that she is not neat enough. But now she has completely lost her original cleanliness.

Looking at the supermarket and leaning down, Gu Hengxuan quickly came to Luo Ziyi's side, looked at her and smiled, then took her hand and left the original position.

Following the original road, Gu Hengxuan pulled Luo Ziyi out of the main door of the supermarket. The two ran all the way to the building where Gu Hengxuan and others were hiding at the fastest speed.

The wind flew back to their ears. Except for the sound of the wind, all that was left was their footsteps as light as possible and breathing almost synchronously.

Soon, the two returned to the building. During this period, the two did not talk. In fact, the two did not need to talk anymore. It seemed that they had the same heart.

When they ran into the parking lot, Jecca and the others had almost moved their things into the car, and there was not much left. Seeing Luo Ziyi running in with Gu Hengxuan, Jecca and Jenny both ran over, and the three girls hugged each other.

Gu Hengxuan let go of Luo Ziyi, walked to the car, and began to move things to the car. While busy, he looked at several girls, smiling happily, but did not say anything.

Luo Zi looked at them busy, pulled Jecca and Jenny, and also came over and joined the moving.

Soon, they packed up everything. As soon as Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi got into their car, Jiesika and the others quickly got on the car and started the car.

The engine buzzed and was magnified several times in the empty underground parking lot, echoing around.

Without any estimate, Gu Hengxuan stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the underground parking lot at the fastest speed. Ben drove the car and followed closely behind.

The sound of the two cars soon spread to the opposite supermarket, attracting the attention of the survivors. However, Gu Hengxuan had no time to care about their reaction, because Luo Zi came back.

has been driving towards the city center, believing that those survivors should not have the courage to chase them. Luo Zi remembered that there were many signs of hiding place in A Fei's message to them. She pointed to Gu Hengxuan driving on the street.

Looking at the rearview mirror from time to time, the survivors did not follow except for Jecca's car. They should be safe.

However, Luo Ziyi did not choose a place close to the supermarket, but took a little risk to get close to the downtown square and chose a very inconspicuous building.

Gu Hengxuan stopped the car, and the car behind him also stopped. Everyone got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him.

"Be careful, this is not like the supermarket, it may be dangerous. Don't go in for the time being and see what's going on." Luo Zi pulled out the pistol and looked around warily.

Gu Hengxuan was beside her, but there was nothing else in her eyes, only Luo Ziyi.

After waiting for a while, a dark shadow staggered out of the dark corner of the building. Luo Zi turned her head and smiled coldly.

Gu Hengxuan moved before Luo Zi took action. A few steps in front of the zombie and punched it on the head. The punch was so hard that he directly thought of the zombie's head and turned it to the side. The sound of bone breaking came, and Gu Hengxuan shook his hand, turned around and walked back to Luo Ziyi.

He doesn't want to waste time and doesn't want anyone to interrupt his reunion with Luo Ziyi.

"You stay here, and I'll go in and have a look. Be careful, you should be very tired." Gu Hengxuan said to Luo Zi with a smile, and then quickly ran to the door of the building, raised his leg and kicked the door open without any scruples.

"Luo, it's good that you can come back!" Jecca walked to Luo Ziyi and whispered.

"Yes! If you don't come back, Gu will starve to death!" Jenny took Luo Ziyi's hand and smiled very happily.

"Luo, I have to say that Gu's ability to learn languages is really..." Ben's resentment is very heavy. Who made him the person responsible for teaching Gu Hengxuan!

Luo Zi smiled and leaned against the car. The attention is still focused on the surrounding situation. There should be zombies nearby. Gu Hengxuan's recent kick should attract them.

They will stay here for a day or two, preferably solve all the crises at once.

"He doesn't like learning, let alone a foreign language." Luo Zi said with a smile. From behind Jiesica and the others, two zombies were approaching. She got up and walked slowly. The dagger was held in her hand at some point. A few steps in front of the zombie, Luo Zi fell with a knife in one hand, and the zombie fell down.

Jesica and others have seen her take action, and Jica herself has personally felt it, but when they saw Luo Zi's hand, they felt that she seemed to be a different person.

More sharp action, no hesitation, accurate angle of shot, one blow will kill.

The first one was solved. Luo Ziyi did not stop, and the other hand waved a punch in the face of the zombie behind him. The body rotated, and the dagger in his hand pierced the back of the second neck.

After pulling out the dagger hard, she did not come back, but rushed into the alley next to her.

Jesica didn't follow him, but stayed where he was. In the alley over there, there was a clear sound of fighting, indicating that there was still danger there.

After waiting for a while, he finally regained his silence before he saw Luo Zi come out and returned to them with a smile.

"I have changed!" Jecca looked at Luo Ziyi and found that she was really different.

"Oh? Is that getting better or worse? There was no sense of danger around for the time being. Luo Ziyi stood back to her original position and asked casually.

"It's getting worse! I have seen you take action before, but I always feel that you will hesitate a little, and the force will be very light, whether it is for people or zombies.

Luo Zi raised her eyebrows one by one. Jecca's observation was as high as her IQ, and even her little uncertainty was seen by her.

In the opposite building, a window on the second floor suddenly opened from the inside. Gu Hengxuan poked his head and waved to them, indicating that they were safe inside.

A group of people walked into the building and looked at the mess on the ground. When I came to the second floor, there were two bodies on the ground, which were ignored by them.

This is an ordinary residential house with more than ten floors. Of course, Gu Hengxuan does not go up layer by layer. Maybe there are zombies on it, but it is slightly safer inside than outside. Gu Hengxuan has seen the first and second floors and let them come up first.

settle down Jiesica and the others. Luo Zi asked them to lock the door and don't come out. Now they have to check it layer by layer. Otherwise, they would be attacked by zombies in the middle of the night, and they don't know yet!

The pace is not fast. After the two of them went up to the third floor, they walked side by side like a walk. They didn't seem to be in danger at all and had no sense of crisis at all.

"Didn't you...don't you say that you have something important to tell me when you come back? Actually, I also have something to tell you!" Gu Hengxuan put his hand behind him, kept holding his clothes, peeking at Luo Ziyi's expression, and whispered.

"Oh! I... I haven't figured out what to say, or... you say it first!" Luo Ziyi was a little embarrassed. She only saw it in TV series, and more boys confessed to girls. When it came to the end, let her take the initiative, and she really had some stage fright.

"Ah... actually... actually... I'll think about it first!" For Gu Hengxuan, he is also a novice. The girlfriend he has dated before seems to have never confessed!

What should she say before she promises herself?

Although both of them are absent-minded, the work to be done still needs to be completed. Pushing the doors on both sides of the corridor, they have to go in and have a look at everything that is unlocked.

In the first few rooms, only one door could be opened. Fortunately, there were no zombies in it. The third floor was quickly finished by them, but the two of them didn't say a word.

Then to the fourth floor, before opening the security door, Gu Hengxuan heard an unusual sound inside.

pushed open a gap, and Gu Hengxuan looked in through the gap.

Luo Ziyi was beside him, secretly looking at his face, and was stunned. Suddenly, she reached out and pushed the security door open, and Luo Ziyi rushed in directly.

"I like you!" While walking in, she gently left a sentence and stunned Gu Hengxuan on the spot.

Luo Ziyi had rushed to the zombie, and Gu Hengxuan reacted and smiled stupidly. He looked up and said to Luo Ziyi:

"This is what I want to say. Why did you steal my lines!"

Maybe in Kancheng, love can't be found, and the relationship between the two of them is not true love. It's just that there is such a small flower in hell, which is also a kind of happiness...