Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 177 Urgent Travel in the Forest

As Luo Zi expected, the second half of the road is much more difficult than the first half.

Not only because after going deep into the forest, the road is very long and uneven, but the speed is not as fast as in the first half, but also because zombies appear from time to time, which hinders their progress.

At that time, when the number of zombies gradually began to increase, Luo Ziyi finally found that he had made a big mistake.

When she came to explore the way, she didn't meet many zombies because of her equipment. It was only because of the fire that she attracted a few.

This time, she didn't come by herself, but also brought a lot of people. There is nothing wrong with Gu Hengxuan. Their equipment is the same, and there will be no problem.

The problem lies with Jessica and the four of them.

They don't have such magical equipment. It's not their fault or Luo Ziyi's fault. But completely ignoring this point is Luo Ziyi's miscalculation.

Although they have tried not to make any sound when they move forward, the instinctive response of zombies to food is very strong. As long as it is suspected to be the smell of food, they will not let it go.

They have been walking in the forest for so long that the smell of Jessica and their bodies has been emitted, and the zombies, following the smell, gathered around them from all directions.

Fortunately, their speed was not fast enough. The zombies closer to their path soon appeared, and then they were solved by Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. The slightly farther ones followed them far behind them.

Although this is a mistake, which Luo Ziyi did not consider in advance, it is not a blessing. Even if their speed is slowed down, with this group of ready-made baits, Gu Hengxuan's action of catching baits should become much easier, right?

I can't control too many problems. They have entered the forest and have come so far. There is no reason to give up their previous efforts here, right? In any case, Luo Ziyi must send Jessica and the others out today. Once the opportunity arises, he must seize it. Otherwise, if he wants to wait for the same opportunity, he doesn't know when.

Continuing to walk forward, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan's attitude towards zombies is not as serious as the beginning. Observe the surrounding environment more carefully. As long as there is something wrong, one of them will definitely check it.

Jessica and the others are very tired. They have been walking for more than two hours under the leadership of Luo Ziyi. Although the speed is not as fast as in the morning, the four people who have never walked so far have been forced to hold on and did not fall down.

Jenny has not been in good health because she lost her arm and lost too much blood. Although walking is not a high-intensity exercise, it is also a very heavy physical work for her.

Ben helped Jenny, who could fall at any time, and tried to lean her weight on herself to make her feel more relaxed. But the effect is not very good, and her face has begun to turn pale.

Jessica is slightly better, but her clothes have been wet with sweat. If it hadn't been for the relatively low temperature in the forest, she would have fainted long ago.

Chris and Jessica support each other. Fat Chris is much more tired than Jessica. The sweat on his head keeps flowing down like an open faucet.

Even if they were exhausted, the four people had never asked Luo Zi to stop and take a rest. They all relied on their own perseverance and continued to move forward.

Luo Ziyi, the leader, saw the mark he left on the tree and recalled the scene when he came that day. It is estimated that in more than two hours, they will reach the blockade line.

Turning around and looked at the four people behind her who were almost to the limit. She looked at her watch. It was 3:40 now, so she should let everyone have a break.

Walking to Jessica and the others, Luo Zi, who was gasping, said softly:

"Take a 20-minute break and leave on time at four o'clock." After saying that, she walked to Gu Hengxuan and worked with him under a big tree.

"Luo, we...huh...we can still hold on, continue...continue to walk! Otherwise, it's dark... I can't reach the blockade before!" Although it's hard to talk, Jessica still doesn't want to waste time.

Their hope was won by Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. They can't be ruined because they are not good.

"Take a rest! You are so tired and can't walk fast. It's better to have a good rest and keep moving forward! There is not much left. It will take more than two hours to get there. Don't worry!" Luo Ziyi smiled at them and made them rest at ease. She knew that it would not be delayed for a long time.

The so-called sharpening knife does not miss the firewood cutter. It's better to walk faster than they are tired of crawling forward!

After listening to Luo Ziyi's words, Jessica and the others were relieved. They fell to the ground one by one and lay on the ground with their forks, and they didn't even want to move.

Luo Ziyi is also very tired, but much better than Jessica. Always at this time, she unconsciously began to thank Fei and Guan Qilei. If it hadn't been for their strict training, she would have been as tired as Jessica and others.

After a rest, everyone drank some water. Jessica and the others even had a feeling of rebirth, as if they had died once.

Gu Hengxuan's situation is better than them. Although he is also tired, he still has room to deal with the sudden appearance of zombies.

This time, he and Luo Ziyi did not guess, but consciously cleaned up the approaching zombies so that everyone could rest more at ease.

After 20 minutes and a short stop, Luo Ziyi took Jessica and the others and continued on the road and headed towards the blockade line.

Jessica and the others still helped each other, but after resting, their physical strength recovered a little, and they walked much faster, and they could keep up with Luo Ziyi's footsteps.

Zombies appear a little frequently. Although it will cause a little obstacle to their progress, Luo Zi thinks it is a good thing, which shows that they are getting closer and closer to their destination.

The sky gradually began to darken, and the change in the forest was not very large, because since it came in, most of the sunlight was isolated outside the dense branches and leaves. Looking at the following table, it has been more than an hour. Luo Ziyi identified the marks she left more carefully and became more and more excited.

They are faster than she expected, and there is not much distance from the blockade line.

Tell the news to Jessica and make them excited as if they had chicken blood. With hope, they also walked faster.

After walking for more than half an hour, Luo Zi at the front suddenly stopped and waited for the people behind to follow.

Jessica and the others quickly followed and raised their chins forward, signaling everyone to look over. Looking in the direction pointed out by Luo Ziyi, you can faintly see a scene different from the forest about 200 meters in front of them.

Although it is not very clear, Jessica and they all know that they have arrived! The blockade line is the blockade line! They finally arrived.

If Luo Zi hadn't covered Jenny's mouth in time, she would have screamed loudly. The free world is 200 meters away. As long as they go a little further, they will leave the quarantine area!

"Don't be too complacent. We just reached the blockade line and didn't cross it. Is the game over yet?" After talking to the excited Jenny and seeing her nod and signaling that she would not scream, Luo Ziyi put down her hand.

"Don't speak too loudly. It's not far from the blockade line. It's the tent of the garrison of Country A. If it's too loud, they will find it." Luo Zi lowered her voice, told them a few words, and then squinted at the situation in the distance.

The sky has darkened and the light in the forest is insufficient, so she can't be sure of anything.

Turning around, Luo Zi asked everyone to sit down and rest. No matter what the situation is over there, they take a break first, and then they have nothing left to wait.

The crowd began to have dinner with excitement. Because they were afraid of attracting zombies and being discovered by the defenders, they did not make a fire and ate cold cans.

But Jessica and others, who are getting tired of eating this kind of food and feel that they are about to vomit, suddenly feel that today's canned food is extremely delicious, like rare food, and everyone eats it with relish.

"There are still zombies around. Can you deal with them alone when I'm away?" Gu Hengxuan asked Luo Ziyi beside him while eating canned food.

The latter ate the tasteless can, smiled gently, and then lowered his voice and said:

"I have come up with a good way to deal with zombies. However, it is also a stopgap measure. When you come back, you have to guide the gathered zombies to the blockade line.

"Good way? Let's talk about it." Anyway, he is fine. He will be temporarily separated from Luo Ziyi in a moment. Take advantage of this moment to talk to her more.

Luo Ziyi didn't say anything, just pointed to it, and then continued to eat the can. Gu Hengxuan looked up inexplicably. There were dense branches and leaves above his head. There was nothing else!

Looking at Luo Zi's confident appearance, Gu Hengxuan looked up again and finally understood what she meant. Oh, Gu Hengxuan rubbed Luo Ziyi's hair, and the girl became smarter and smarter.

Soon after dinner, Gu Hengxuan rested for a while and was ready to leave.

However, before leaving, Gu Hengxuan helped Jessica and others climb the branches of several big trees around them, allowing them to avoid it. Even if the zombies gathered around, they could only shout under the tree and could not climb up.

Luo Zi just pointed to the top, which means to avoid climbing the tree. Fortunately, there are many of them, otherwise it would be really difficult for Jenny with one hand to go up.

When they are all settled, Gu Hengxuan will also set out. Luo Zi didn't go to the tree, and she was suddenly reluctant to let Gu Hengxuan go.

But no matter how reluctant she is, she can only let Gu Hengxuan set out. She has reached the last level of the game. She can't declare failure because of her!

At this time, Luo Ziyi, in addition to a sentence of "be careful", suddenly became poor and didn't know how to express her mood.

Gu Hengxuan just smiled and kissed Luo Ziyi's lips, said nothing, and turned around and ran to the distance.

The game has finally reached a critical moment, and whether these people can pass the level depends on whether they can pass the next level. Things may go on smoothly as they planned, but they are not screenwriters, scripts, or in their hands...