Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 200 Temporarily Stable

Although the Princess Theatre has experienced more than 200 years of wind and rain, there is not much damage in appearance, which is very good for Philippine to maintain it. In the eyes of every Filipino, the Princess Theatre is their pride.

The exterior basically maintains the original appearance of the Princess Theatre, but the interior has undergone many changes. Its walls are reinforced, and the roof is also repaired once a year. Seats, stages and curtains also need to be cleaned, replaced and repaired regularly.

The back door leads directly to the theater*, there is no power supply, and the corridor is dark. The light of the flashlight lit up one by one, and A Fei walked forward carefully with Luo Zi and others.

At first, she was surrounded by everyone. Her current function is a detector. They must solve all the zombies in the theater, and none of them can be left behind. So at this time, the initial role is particularly important.

On the way here, she used her own strength to open the way for everyone, which has consumed her a lot of physical strength. Originally, she wanted to bring out all the zombies in the theater and solve them together. But A Fei considered her body and didn't let her do this, leaving her some physical strength just in case.

Long corridor, with walls on one side and rooms on the other side. They are all places for actors to make up and change clothes, and there are several lounges. In the middle, there is a relatively large room, which is dark and can't be seen clearly.

Cchu raised his finger to the room and stretched out four more fingers. Luo Ziyi, who had been pulling her by her side, immediately understood what she meant and waved her head to Gu Hengxuan, and the two silently walked to the door of the room.

A Fei ignored the behavior of the two of them and continued to walk forward with the rest of the people.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan both pulled out their daggers and bit their flashlight in their mouths. He reached out and pushed the door. The door was unlocked. Gu Hengxuan gently pushed hard, and the door opened. Luo Zi saw that everyone had walked to the door of the next room, so she kicked heavily on the door panel.

When the sound came, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan stepped back a few steps, left the door, and stood at the opposite wall, waiting for the zombies to come out by themselves.

Following the sound, zombies slowly walked to the door in the room. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan bit the flashlight. Although the light was weak, it also made the zombies find their target.

Opening his mouth dripping with mucus, a male zombie walked out of the door and rushed to the two people. Luo Zi raised her hand and punched the zombie in the face, stattering it, and just put her head in front of Gu Hengxuan.

Without being polite to it, Gu Hengxuan raised his hand and stabbed the zombie's neck. He kicked the zombie's abdomen and pulled out the dagger. He didn't even look at the zombie and let it soften to his feet.

The three zombies that followed came out were all the same. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan did not leave any affection, and they were all cleaned up.

I have to say that Luo Ziyi is much sharper than before. Before living alone in Kancheng, even in the face of zombies, she would be a little hesitant when she wanted to do it. Even if she knew that killing them was a relief for zombies and protection for herself, she still couldn't be cruel to these humanoid monsters.

After all, they were once human beings, but they were very innocently harmed by Huiman Research Institute. With this idea, Luo Zi went all the way from Yuanzhou to Country A, and when he returned from his dream at midnight, the killed zombies continued to haunt him.

She also knows that this is actually caused by thinking too much, but she still can't help struggling with such an idea. After passing through Kancheng, she finally figured out a simple problem.

That is, she is working hard for the living. Since she is already a zombie, killing them will make them rest in peace. Eternal sleep is better than surviving and continuing to struggle!

When she figured this out, she didn't have so many worries and no sense of guilt.

The bodies were pulled down, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan quickly caught up with A Fei. There are still a few bodies in the corridor, which were solved by A Fei and others. After a simple count, more than a dozen zombies have died at their hands. This is just the beginning. The Princess Theatre is very large, and their cleaning work will take a long time to complete.

At 4:30 p.m., Wu Tian ran out of the back door of the theater and waved to the people on the bus, indicating that they could enter. He Jiyu and Lao Ma just got out of the car and walked like a theater.

"How much?" Liu Qi walked beside Wu Tian and asked in a low voice. He is asking about the number of zombies in it. It is not difficult to imagine that the number of zombies around the theater is indispensable.

"About 40 or 50, not exactly." Wu Tian answered softly, then looked at Liu Qi and said:

"Ziyi and Hengxuan are getting more and more powerful. Neither of them needs to talk. That tacit understanding is like a partner for many years. With a look and a small move, you will know what the other is thinking. Seeing the interaction between Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, Wu Tian was very envious.

His four rookies have been trained for a long time, but the tacit understanding is still not enough. He can't cooperate seamlessly like Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan.

"What, are you jealous and hate? It's okay. If we work together with my brother, we can also have a tacit understanding!" Liu Qi looked good and put her arms on Wu Tian's shoulder, and her smile was very confident.

"Forget it, it's not with you to cultivate tacit understanding! Why do you have to find a beautiful woman!" Wu Tian patted Liu Qi's hand and looked at him with contempt.

"Beauty? Look at our group of people by yourself. The age of junior high school is not suitable. Sister Yi has obviously been fascinated by Instructor Xia. Who else can you find besides Ziyi? But not to mention that I didn't warn you, Hengxuan has been staring at Ziyi for a day or two. You'd better be careful. I won't help you when you are beaten by him!"

Liu Qi counted the women around them. Basically, it is impossible for them. She kindly reminded Wu Tian not to be fascinated by beauty and hate them for thousands of years!

Wu Tian also thought for a moment. It seems that there is really nothing to do. There are only a few resources around him, and it is obvious that he has been taken the first place. Hey! It's a pity that he is a young hero, but there is no beautiful woman to save!

The two rookies muttered for a long time, and Pei Yufeng on one side listened to their words. When it came to Luo Ziyi, his expression changed slightly. Yes! Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are about the same age and spend more time together, and their relationship seems to be no longer as simple as ordinary friends or partners.

walked into the back door of the theater and followed Wu Tian's footsteps to the very room.

This room is a conference room, and the thick curtains on the window have been opened, and the sunlight coming through the window illuminates the whole room. In the middle is a large rectangular table, and the scattered chairs have been picked up and put away by Luo Ziyi.

It is a circle of personal sofa against the wall, and I fell asleep on the innermost sofa. The rest of the people are tidying up the room and throwing garbage and some broken bodies outside the door.

The space here is large enough, and there are many sofas for everyone to rest. At the conference table, you can not only eat, but also sleep two people when the sofa is not enough.

After Lao Ma and the others came in, they joined the cleaning team and helped everyone tidy up the conference room together. There is no specific plan for the next step. No one knows how long they will stay here. There is a relatively good environment, which can also make them live more comfortable.

"You clean up first! I went around." Seeing that it was almost done, A Fei picked up the flashlight and stepped out of the conference room.

According to Xia Fan's investigation, the equipment of this theater is very comprehensive. Since it is very comprehensive, there must be what he is looking for. It's just that he doesn't have the drawings here and doesn't know where it will be. So Afei decided to look for it. If it is really the same as he thought, their life here can be better.

Finding the entrance to the basement, A Fei turned on the flashlight and walked in without hesitation. When they cleaned up the zombies before, although they didn't go to the basement, it was because they didn't feel the zombies below, so they didn't go.

According to A Fei's guess, what he is looking for should be in the basement. Since there are no zombies, of course he is a little presumptuous.

After walking down the stairs for a while, A Fei finally saw the end. Where the stairs no longer extended down, there was a pair of metal doors. The door was not locked and opened as soon as he pushed it.

I raised my handlight and walked in. Ah Fei smiled. It's really there!

Luo Ziyi and the others finally sorted out the conference room, threw the last bit of garbage into the corridor and clapped their hands. Just as she was about to turn around and return to the room, the corridor light above her head suddenly lit up.

The soft light illuminated the dark corridor and scared Luo Zi one by one. Feicheng and Kancheng should be the same. The power supply here has been paralyzed for a long time. How can there be electricity suddenly?

"Afei may have found the backup generator of the theater!" Xia Fan saw the light outside, came out to have a look, and explained to Luo Zi with a smile.

"Reserve generator?" Luo Zi repeated it puzzledly.

"Yes! The Princess Theatre is the oldest and largest theater in Feicheng. This kind of construction has never stopped since more than 200 years ago until the outbreak of zombies. How can you not have your own generator in such an important place? After saying that, Xia Fan walked back to the room.

Well, they don't have to live a dark life. If possible, they can eat more delicious food.

In Feicheng, where zombies are dense and headaches, these people try to make their lives better. Yes, if you think about pessimistic things all day long, it may be even more tragic. Optimism is the only thing they can do for themselves...