Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 202 More words will be lost

The gun in his hand pointed at the zombies outside the door, and Luo Ziyi was very excited that the sound of the car represented the return of A Fei. But this is just her hope, and she hasn't lost her judgment.

If it is not the returned Afei and Guan Qilei, then it may be the Leiyin team. If she relaxes her vigilance, then their group may be completely annihilated.

told himself to calm down. Luo Ziyi did not come out with a night vision mirror. Except for the zombies two meters away, he could faintly distinguish them. The rest were shrouded in the darkness of the night and didn't see it very real.

The body was getting closer, and Luo Zi's gun in her hand was clenched and clenched again. She still really wanted to see A Fei's return, not the damn Leiyin team, but she refused to put down the gun in her hand and did not dare to relax.

After a while, Chu and Gu Hengxuan ran out of the theater.

When she was about to raise her hand and disperse the zombies outside, Luo Ziyi pressed her hand. The eyes did not leave the corner outside the theater. Everyone hoped that A Fei would come back, but many things had to be guarded against.

Gu Hengxuan also pulled out his gun and stood some distance from Luo Zi, with the muzzle facing the corner. By the way, Chu was blocked behind. Their group of people were very dangerous. Chu was the first generation of Huiman. Once they were found to have no good fruit to eat. And the two of them, as well as four rookies, and the so-called biochemical reactions are also what Huiman wants.

Although so far, whether it is Fei or Chu, it has not explained what this biochemical reaction is and why Huiman wants it so much. But since he and Luo Zi were arrested last time, it is not difficult to see that this damn reaction is very useful for their experiments.

Although they don't know much about Huiman, they will know what their experiments look like from an ordinary child to this. Coupled with the "heresy" plan a few days ago, the initial identity has been added. If Huiman has more secrets behind the virus, their danger will also increase.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, I couldn't help but be nervous at first. She has more perception of zombies than people, but she can barely distinguish people by smell. Unfortunately, the car hasn't driven close yet, and there is nothing she can do.

Three people were waiting at the door of the parking lot, waiting for the car to gradually approach.

The light of the headlights has appeared at the corner, and the sound will soon turn around. The dense zombies at the door of the parking lot will become an obstacle for the car to move forward. The color is already completely black, and the moonlight can't let Luo Ziyi, who has no night vision glasses, distinguish who is in the car.

Gu Hengxuan suddenly remembered something, holding a gun in one hand, continuing in the direction of the corner, and groping in his pocket with one hand.

When he just went back to call Chu, he brought out his night vision goggles and began to be a little nervous, so he forgot it. At this time, the sound of the car was close at hand, and he suddenly remembered. He handed the night vision mirror to Luo Ziyi, and his eyes did not dare to leave that direction.

Take the night vision goggles handed over by Gu Hengxuan. By this time, the car has turned around the corner and opened to the door of the parking lot.

I avoided the strong light of the headlights. As soon as Luo Zi saw the person in the driver's seat, isn't it A Fei? Guan Qilei on the co-pilot is constantly looking forward. And A Fei said something as if he were comforting him.

Hurry up and let Chu disperse the zombies. A Fei's car is about to arrive. It should have been seen several of them. A Fei deliberately slowed down a little and gave her time to drive away the zombies.

Receiving a strong breath and irresistible fear, the zombies began to retreat one after another and slowly made way for A Fei to drive the car smoothly to the door of the parking lot. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan also opened the door of the parking lot when the zombies began to retreat.

When the car entered the parking lot, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan immediately locked the door. After confirming that there would be no problem with the door, they withdrew their strength and restored the zombies who had begun to feel uneasy.

It is a medium-sized container truck, which seems to have a carrying capacity of more than twice that of the pickup truck. Only at this time, it doesn't matter if it can hold the whole world. Luo Ziyi and others finally saw A Fei and Guan Qilei, who appeared in front of them completely without missing arms and legs.

"Afei is right. When we went back, I was worried that no one answered here, and it was difficult for us to come in. A Fei waved his hand at that time and said that Ziyi and Hengxuan would definitely answer at the door. I didn't believe it at first! Fei, it's a pity that you don't set up a stall to calculate.

Guan Qilei patted A Fei on the shoulder and said with a smile. A Fei's understanding of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan is really extraordinary! He thought that someone might be waiting at the door because he was worried. But A Fei even thought of it, saying that Luo Ziyi would definitely ask Chu to help.

"I don't know how to tell fortunes, but I know too much about my little Ziyi. As long as there is a little dangerous possibility, she will automatically enlarge it infinitely. A Fei walked to Luo Ziyi and asked with a smile:

"Am I right, Xiao Ziyi?"

"Please, you two! What time is it? What does it mean to be infinitely enlarged with a little danger? With the skills and skills of you two, it took so long to do such a small thing, and it's suspicious no matter how you look at it! Do you still say that I'm worried? OK, I worry a lot, don't I? I don't want to worry about you in the future!"

After saying that, Luo Zi turned around angrily, stamped her feet heavily, and walked back to the theater.

"Oh, I'm really angry!" A Fei looked at Luo Ziyi's back and deliberately closed the door. He understood that this was not Luo Ziyi's petty, but the real anger.

"Afei, I really don't understand you. I know that Ziyi is worried about your brother, but she still said such a thing in front of her! You are really good! If it were me, I would have shot you!" At the beginning, he shook his head helplessly and shook his head again. A Fei is usually very smart. Why can't he see Luo Ziyi's worry?

"I'll go and see her. Let's talk slowly!" Gu Hengxuan didn't bother to say anything to A Fei. Luo Ziyi didn't eat much just now. He came back and wanted to persuade her to eat more. Looking at the current situation, it was probably impossible.

"If I were you, I would apologize!" Guan Qilei was beside A Fei, reminding him that it was better to admit his mistake. Luo Ziyi was stubborn and stubborn. It could be seen from the time she ran away from home without saying a word. Now the girl is angry. Why don't you apologize quickly? Maybe something will happen later!

"I know, you go to dinner first! I'll find her." A Fei was quick-mouthed for a moment and didn't listen to him. Now think about it, Luo Ziyi has been waiting for them to come back for a few minutes.

It's really hurtful to say that to my sister who is anxiously waiting for her safe return.

After getting along with each other for a long time, the jokes are getting more and more boundless. After all, Luo Ziyi is a girl, and many ideas and styles are different from boys. A Fei suddenly found that he didn't know enough about Luo Ziyi. Like the situation just now, he should touch her head so that she doesn't have to worry about it.

Oh... It's really sweet and difficult to have a sister.

After sighing, A Fei took a firm step and apologized to Luo Ziyi. He left Chu and Guan Qilei and looked at each other and smiled.

"Why is it so late?" Chu and Guan Qilei walked into the theater and asked softly. The situation in the Philippines is too complicated. If there is any danger, it is difficult to get out. Even if Afei's skills are like this, he will also feel very difficult.

"There are too many zombies. The two of us circled around like a maze. Fortunately, A Fei looked at the map twice when he went out, otherwise we would have lost our way. It took a little time to find a decent car, procrastinating, and it was this time.

Guan Qilei now recalls that he is still a little afraid. When he saw zombies go out collectively in Yuanzhou, he did not see hundreds of zombies gathered on a street. Thinking about it, he felt cold all over his body.

At the beginning, that's what happened. However, this is also a good thing! Since even masters like Fei and Guan Qilei find it very difficult, it is not easy for the Leiyin team. In this way, even if they follow their own footsteps and arrive in Feicheng, they may not have any good fruit to eat!

In addition to her own factors, even if the Leiyin team has the same equipment as Fei and others, which has a protective effect on zombies, she also has a way to invalidate their equipment.

Thinking of this, her initial worry was also much less. Seeing the truck recovered by A Fei, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan will go out alone tomorrow, but she must not be in a good mood today. If it affects tomorrow's action, there may be some danger.

I hope A Fei won't be too stupid and say something wrong, which makes Luo Ziyi even more unhappy.

On the rooftop of the theater, Luo Zi stood on the edge of the guardrail and sulked. What! It's really kind to respond to him with kindness and treat him like that! Next time, she will be stupid and stupid!

Gu Hengxuan stood behind her for a while, looking at her lonely back and suddenly wanted to laugh. Just now, when A Fei didn't come back, he was worried that he would go out to find someone. Now A Fei said that she was worried, and he became so angry. It seems that she hasn't changed at all. She is still that little girl!

walked to her side and stood side by side with her without saying anything. Gu Hengxuan was angry with her like this.

The night sets off the city of Fei. The light has been far away from the city. A few hours later, the living people will work hard to survive, but before that, the flame of anger should be extinguished...