Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 204 survived

In the conference room, except for the beginning, everyone else stopped their affairs and sat silently in the conference room, waiting for further news.

Xia Fan's eyes have never left the computer. According to his investigation, the senior military officials of country A have issued many orders to the Leiyin team to withdraw. But as if they hadn't received the order, they turned a deaf ear to the words of the senior management, did not evacuate or reply, and ignored everything.

The most strange thing is that the Leiyin team tracked them to the Philippines, which is not a serious matter. The senior military officials should be able to understand and support their actions. But why haven't the people of the Leiyin team returned to the senior management? The high-level officials of the military of Country A also have an abnormal attitude, and the tone of giving orders is more and more severe.

Afei has also been thinking about this. His idea, this strange phenomenon, may have something to do with the team itself. The composition of Leiyin's team is very complicated, including military people, mercenaries, and Huiman people. These people act together, needless to say, they are all first-class, but they have some opinions that will not be unified.

Since there may not be a unified opinion, why do you have to disobey the orders of the superiors? What is the purpose of these people chasing them to the Philippines?

Xia Fan has been staring at the movements of the Leiyin team. Their actions are very bold. They clean up the zombies in the way and attack directly. They are not afraid of attracting more zombies at all. The four gunners on the top of the container pointed their submachine guns at the zombies on the road ahead, constantly pulling the trigger, and sometimes there are * greetings.

If A Fei and others dared to move so blatantly in the Philippines, I'm afraid they would have been besieged by zombies and unable to move.

After more than half an hour, the Leiyin team finally broke through the obstacles of the zombies and reached outside the church in a very strong way.

However, Xia Fan found that they did not seem to want to settle down there, because they began to attack the church as soon as they got out of the car.

The special team in the Philippines has been evacuated, which shows that their mission has been completed. Now there are no survivors in the Philippines except for the later Afei. Leiyin's team entered the Philippine City with great fanfare and did not trouble its own side. Instead, it fell to the church and looked like it was going to fight.

Is there something in the middle that they don't know? Or did the Leiyin team make a mistake in intelligence and thought that they had settled in the church?

Originally, after Luo Ziyi and others came back, they found that Leiyin's team had entered Feicheng. Everyone thought that it was for them. But it doesn't seem to be like this. Ah Fei and the others suddenly felt that they were being affectionate, and they didn't have a bird at all!

The more strange things are, the more they can arouse people's curiosity, and Xia Fan's gaze at the screen has also changed from vigilance to sexual taste. If the Leiyin team chased all the way to Feicheng, not for their group, what is the purpose?

Xia Fan boldly assumed that Feicheng was out of his group of people, and there were other survivors. The team that came to Feicheng did not observe them, or did not get specific information, and left these people behind. Leiyin team came...

No, no, the number of teams coming to the Philippines is more than in several other cities, and their intelligence system should be unified. The Leiyin team can be prepared to grasp the situation in Kancheng, and there must be no problem with the intelligence of the team in Feicheng.

There is another possibility that there are survivors in Kancheng, who, like Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, escaped from Kancheng smoothly, and happened to walk the same road as themselves and came to Feicheng. The action of the Leiyin team was not to track down his group, but another survivor.

But the question is, how powerful can this be to pass through the zombies and reach the church so far away?

Looking at the waiting appearance of the Leiyin team, I guess it's not a good stubble. What kind of person will be more powerful than A Fei? When he went out with Guan Qilei yesterday, it took him a long time to return. I heard that there were many dangers along the way, and the process of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan going to the store was not smooth.

In such a dangerous city of the Philippines, unless you have the same ability, it is absolutely impossible to reach the church smoothly?

Xia Fan judged that if there was really such a person, or a group of people, they must have arrived first. After they entered the Philippine City, he paid attention to the movement in the Philippine City all the time. If they were later, he would definitely find out.

He whispered his guess to A Fei, but after listening to it, he didn't say anything. What Xia Fan said does make sense, but there is another possibility, that is, something hidden in the church.

A Fei asked Xia Fan to carefully consult the church materials, and the two began to study.

The church was built a little later than the Princess Theatre. It was built more than 100 years ago and took more than three years to officially complete. Originally named Booth Church, he was the mayor of the Philippines at that time. Later, it was changed to the Philippine Cathedral, which continues to this day.

The construction coincided with a very serious racial riot in Country A. The designers made a lot of modifications to the drawings and added a lot of underground structures to allow workers to temporarily take refuge.

After the church was built, these underground buildings became the storage rooms of the church, most of which were abandoned.

Looking at these relevant information, A Fei asked Xia Fan to continue to monitor the every move of the Leiyin team. By this time, they had tried to enter the interior of the church, and some people continued to clean up the nearby zombies around.

"I think... their equipment should not be as advanced as ours!" Xia Fan ordered a few people who kept shooting and looked at A Fei beside him.

Nod, A Fei also agreed with this and whispered:

"If their equipment also has protective functions, they will not be afraid of zombies approaching." With such advanced equipment, the people of the Leiyin team can move beyond a certain effective distance without any impact. But they are now standing at the door of the church, more than ten meters away from the zombies, using the most stupid kind of protection.

"How about it, your plan is..." Xia Fan looked at A Fei's thoughtful face with a smile and guessed his thoughts.

smiled, and A Fei asked:

"What do you think? What do you think I will do?" A Fei stood up straight and looked at the Leiyin team that had entered the church on the screen.

"Wait! There will be a result soon. At the speed of their action, if the opponent is not as good as you, it is estimated that there will be a result in 20 minutes!" Xia Fan smiled confidently, and then continued to stare at the screen and carefully monitored the activities of the Leiyin team.

A Fei turned his head and saw Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan monitoring their weapons and ammunition. At the beginning of his sleep, he also sat up in a daze. Guan Qilei and Mu Jia were explaining something. After getting along with each other for a long time, even A Fei, who is thinking about jumping, will make them form a habit.

When to react and how to cooperate with A Fei's actions, this kind of thing called tacit understanding makes A Fei feel very comfortable, because it can save unnecessary nonsense.

Fifteen minutes later, Xia Fan saw that the people of Leiyin's team seemed to have received some instructions. The people who cleaned up the zombies outside all entered the church. The zombies slowly rushed to the gate and blocked the door.

Xia Fan felt that it was time. He nod to A Fei, then closed the computer without turning it off. He took his weapon and stood beside A Fei.

"Mujia, the four of you stay behind, don't go to the rooftop. Qi Lei and Yufeng stayed behind, and there were enough people. You may have to solve the lunch and dinner by yourself, and I will be back late. If something happens to us, remember, don't come to save us. We will figure it out ourselves, okay?

After A Fei's simple explanation, he took Xia Fan, Luo Ziyi, Gu Hengxuan and Hechu out of the conference room and quietly walked out of the theater from the gate.

The initial ability needs to be used at a critical moment, so the road through the square is still opened by Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, rushing all the way.

The Princess Theatre and the Philippine Cathedral are just south and north, in two directions. It takes about an hour to walk in a straight distance between them. A Fei not only walked, did not reach it in a straight line, but also had the problem of being tested for zombies, which took more than twice as much as in theory.

It was not until nearly three hours later that they approached the church. Along the way, they are all marching in a hurry, but it is already very fast to deal with zombies that jump out from time to time, or bypass places where there are too many zombies.

It's still dawn, and there must be a surveillance post in the Leiyin team. Fei did not swagger close to the church, but prepared to wait until the evening.

I found a relatively high building near the church, and several people quickly entered the interior of the building. At first, there are few zombies in this building, and the main entrance of the church is opposite, which is very beneficial to their surveillance.

At the seventh floor of the building, A Fei chose a room, and several people began to wait for the night to fall.

The telescope in Afei's hand has been facing the direction of the church, but he can't see anything inside except the zombies surrounded by the main door. Xia Fan was only able to use satellite maps to observe the situation around the church.

"If only there was thermal energy detection, and what they are doing will be clear at a glance." Xia Fan stretched out and sighed that his equipment was not good enough.

"Friend, do you think you are still in the military? We are fugitives. Your computer has been very helpful. What else do you want? Afei's eyes did not leave the main door of the church. There were too many zombies gathered at the door. If they wanted to go through the main door, they would definitely be found by the people inside.

"I will definitely arm myself if there is a chance. We have too little equipment!" It would be perfect to have a car with all kinds of advanced equipment.

The people in the room smiled. Xia Fan's idea was too idealistic. As long as they could continue to live, it would be rare. Who else did he want to fight?

The target of the special team is not them! This brings good news to lucky people, and also brings more questions. What is their purpose of entering the Philippines...