Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 210 Virus, Vaccine

Slowly injected the white ** into Xia Fan's body, pulled out the needle gun with a first smile, then walked to the edge of the box, put the needle gun back, and closed the box.

When Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan saw the things in their hands, they couldn't help laughing. They had seen this thing, but it was rare!

At the same time, the two turned their heads and looked at the box given to them by the priest, which was full of the same glassware and two different colors. After looking at each other, both of them laughed incredibly.

A Fei waved to Gu Hengxuan. This is not a place to stay for a long time. You have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the people preparing for the Leiyin team will be surrounded later.

Luo Ziyi found another first aid kit, simply bandaged Xia Fan, and then pulled him out. Now that Xia Fan is in no danger, all they have to do is run away, quickly return to the theater and gather everyone. They may embark on the road of escape again.

The initial sleepiness has been driven away, and she herself also knows that they want to go back and ask her to help. Although it is okay to sneak back all the way, the speed is too slow. The Leiyin team may find them at any time. It's better to go back quickly.

Put out his breath, and the zombies outside the door did not dare to move in an instant. A Fei and Gu Hengxuan carried the box out, hurriedly followed, and finally pulled Xia Fan's Luo Ziyi.

They shuttled through the zombies. They just stared at them hungry, but none of them dared to jump on them. When Xia Fan and Luo Zi at the end walked out more than two meters of the zombies, they regained their freedom and continued to wander looking for food to eat.

It was indeed a little difficult to control the zombies while walking. As soon as Luo Zi saw her walking slowly, she quickly caught up with her and wanted to carry her on her back. Xia Fan pulled away Luo Ziyi, reached out and picked up Chu, allowing her to lie on her shoulder, and then strode to catch up with the two of them.

After Luo Ziyi Hall, he looked alertly at everything around him. Although the zombies were initially controlled, there was also a thunder sound team, which was more dangerous than zombies. They must go back as soon as possible before Leiyin found their traces.

With their initial ability, their speed has improved a lot. It took more than three hours to come here, but it took less than half of the time to go back.

When she returned to the scope of the Princess Theater, she was about to be unable to support it. As soon as Luo Zi saw that she was about to faint, she immediately pulled out the dagger, surpassed Xia Fan in a few steps, and ran to the front of A Fei. Killing all the way, the zombies fell down one by one. In order to ensure A Fei's safety, she did not dare to go too fast and looked back at the situation behind her from time to time.

Finally arrived at the gate and arrived at a safe place. Luo Zi pushed the door open and let everyone in. After carefully looking around, no one from the Leiyin team came after him, and Luo Ziyi walked into the gate.

Guan Qilei, they were all in the conference room, waiting anxiously. Afei and the others have been gone for almost a day without any movement. By the way, it is impossible for them to get their news from Fei without contact tools.

Hearing the noise outside, in addition to sleeping in the dark greetings, the rest of the people took out their weapons and were on guard at the door of the conference room.

Everyone hopes that A Fei will come back, but it may also be the people of the Leiyin team, so they are still very careful.

When A Fei kicked open the door of the conference room, he did not go in, but stood still. The next second, four guns stretched out at the same time and aimed at Ah Fei's head.

Smiling and sighing, Afei said very dissatisfiedly:

"It's not easy to come back, just use this to welcome us?"

The familiar figure and the familiar voice, Guan Qilei breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew his gun, gave up the position at the door, and let A Fei and the others go in.

"Pack up and get ready to go!" After entering the conference room, A Fei picked up the water on the table and drank it. He put down the water, touched the smoke, and lit one. A Fei was adjusting his breathing.

"Pack up quickly and gather in five minutes!" Guan Qilei didn't even ask the reason. He directly asked to do it and let everyone start cleaning up.

Luo Ziyi was so tired that they sat on the sofa on one side and rested.

I didn't feel it when I was just injured, but now I feel relieved. Xia Fan feels that his arm is very painful, and the cold sweat on his forehead is coming out.

Lao Ma's nose was very keen, and soon he smelled blood. He turned his head and looked at the five people who came back. Lao Ma asked:

"You...who is injured?"

Xia Fan looked up at Lao Ma and said frankly:

"It's me! Bitten by zombies!"

A stone shocked a thousand waves. Xia Fan said a word, and the whole room stopped moving in their hands and turned their heads to look at Xia Fan with a calm face.

Bited by... by zombies?

It also means...infected with...virus?

Guan Qilei suddenly rushed to Xia Fan's front, pulled him up and walked out, saying as he walked:

"Brother, I'm sorry!"

Xia Fan smiled helplessly and let Guan Qilei pull him away without explaining anything. He knew that this guy's reaction must be like this. It's fun, isn't it?

"Qi Lei, don't be impulsive. Xia Fan must be fine!" Lao Ma reacted the fastest and quickly shouted at Guan Qilei.

stopped, Guan Qilei turned his head coldly and looked at Lao Ma and silently asked the reason. And A Fei, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan just laughed. At the beginning when he was exhausted, he also slightly picked up the corners of his lips.

"You are stupid! The infection time of the virus is 40 minutes. If he is bitten beyond this time, can you still see him? If it's still within this time range, we have a vaccine in hand. Just give it to him. Why are you in a hurry!" Lao Ma looked at the funny A Fei and felt that there must be something strange in it.

"Xia Fan is fine. Let's continue to clean up. We don't have much time. We have to leave the Philippines as soon as possible." A Fei did not explain, but urged everyone to speed up the movements in his hands.

Everyone recovered their affairs, and Lao Ma walked to Xia Fan's side, carefully removed the cotton from his wound, and looked at his wound.

On the surface, it seems to have been bitten, which is beyond doubt, but it is a little strange!

"Afei, do you have the vaccine on your body? That's not right! Didn't you give me both the virus and the vaccine? How come..." Lao Ma looked at A Fei puzzledly. I took out my medicine box and opened it. I saw that two groups of unused viruses and vaccines were there, and another group of vaccines he had used to do experiments, which was much less.

Na Xiafan's infection is...

A Fei still just smiled and didn't say anything. He got up and concentrated his things on the conference table.

"Old Ma, what do you mean?" Guan Qilei asked inexplicably. Why did he listen as if Xia Fan's infection had been lifted?

"Xia Fan was indeed bitten and should have been bitten by zombies. However, in general, the blood of wounds caused by zombies will be thinner, bleeding, and the color of snow will be lighter. But his wound, the blood has stopped, and there is no sign of infection at all. There can only be two explanations!

First, he was not bitten by zombies, but by humans, so there is no such phenomenon; second, he was indeed bitten by zombies, but... he has been vaccinated. What I can't figure out is that all the vaccines in our hands are in my hands, unless they still have vaccines!"

Lao Ma explained while treating Xia Fan's wound. The people in the conference room also heard what he said. However, they only have three vaccines, which is something that everyone knows. The vaccine to save Xia Fan is...

Afei is still smiling, but this time he is going to give you an answer. He walked to the metal box, squatted down and opened the box. Then he stood up and took two steps back to let the people around see what was inside clearly.

" there probably hundreds of groups?" Mu Jia made a rough estimate.

"Hmm! Almost!" Liu Qi nodded and looked at the things in the box in surprise.

The inner part of the box is divided into two spaces, with a metal partition in the middle, which divides the box into two halves symmetrically. On the left are glassware with red **, and on the right, they are all white. There are also two metal shelves on both sides with two needle guns.

"Where did you get it? Didn't you step into the warehouse of Huiman Research Institute?" Lao Ma looked at A Fei in surprise. This is a priceless treasure! From now on, his experiments will not have to be so careful!

"Church, Leiyin's team came to Feicheng at all for us, but because they knew these things and were hidden in Feicheng Cathedral, so they came to Feicheng." A Fei saw that everyone's things were almost packed, so he closed the box, let Mu Jia and Liu Qi carry them, and took everyone out of the conference room.

"Afei, we... We have been old friends for many years. Look, you have enough resources now, can you..." Walking beside A Fei, Lao Ma said flatteringly.

"Can you give you a few more sets of samples to do experiments?" A Fei answered and then looked at the smiling friends around him.

He nodded hurriedly, and he knew that A Fei was the person who knew him best.

"All right! Of course it's okay!" The thief smiled and looked at the old horse beside him. He almost jumped into the sky because of his words, and then added another sentence.

"Of course, one group is enough!" After saying that, he quickly walked away.

As soon as Lao Ma heard this, A Fei gave him a group and quickly chased after him and shouted:

"Hey! Why have you been a friend for many years and treat me like this? No, at least give me half of the box... Otherwise, one-third will be OK! A quarter...five points..." The old horse carried his big bag, chased A Fei's footsteps, and discussed with him.

Not long after everyone stopped in Feicheng, they were about to embark on a journey of escape. If nothing unexpected happens this time, the Leiyin team should really keep an eye on them. However, they don't have much information. They know too little about this group of people, and there is little hope of catching them. However, nothing is absolute, you say, isn't it...