Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 231 Keep a capricious

First, I gave A Fei a proposal to start from some industries around Huiman.

On the surface, Huiman is still a research institute for making new drugs, and his career in this area is still relatively large. It's just that people around the world no longer care too much about whether cancer can really be cured. They are concerned about whether zombies can be cured.

Even if they are not cured, can the living have a little hope? If they are bitten by zombies, will they choose to commit suicide, or can they buy drugs that turn back to human beings?

However, Huiman lost the first generation and lost the samples of stored viruses and vaccines, and many studies have to start from scratch. According to their available information, it will take nearly two years to make another first generation.

After playing, the life expectancy of zombies is about half a year. When they make a new generation, zombies will starve to death, not to mention human beings.

Because the research progress in this area of vaccines is not very smooth, Huiman still has to survive, so he can't sit in the mountains! Besides, they rely on funds from governments around the world, and now these governments are no longer optimistic about them and have no other choice. Huiman is also very difficult to take the money reluctantly.

Therefore, Huiman Research Institute around the world still invests a lot in manufacturing finished drugs. After all, there are still people who are alive. If they are alive, they may get sick. If they are sick, they may take medicine. So their business is still at a loss.

But even Huiman himself doesn't know how long this situation can last. It can only last day by day. Even if governments withdraw their investment, this group of senior researchers raised by Huiman, especially the core personnel of virus manufacturing, will not starve to death in front of zombies.

The initial meaning is that if Huiman is transferred, the pharmaceutical factories around them and the place where the normal research drugs are located will take action in advance. These facilities are Huiman's own private money, which belongs to them, and in A, they are non-tax-free organizations, and the profit is quite considerable.

If Huiman wants to run, these surrounding facilities will also follow, and may be earlier than the crazy people who studied Huiman's virus. Since Huiman Research Institute has not made any movement in the field of virus manufacturing, they might as well start from the surrounding facilities first.

As soon as A Fei heard the first proposal, he felt very reasonable, so he asked Xia Fan to start investigating these matters as soon as possible.

He has never paid attention to the rest of Huiman's surroundings, because he has always been a cover for anything, and there are not many things that are really useful.

But he was taught a lesson at the beginning of this time. It seems that his understanding of Huiman is far less than that at the beginning.

For the time being, Xia Fan's task was set. When A Fei saw that everyone had nothing to do, he was ready to explain to Gu Hengxuan about Shouyi. However, at the time of the meeting, Gu Hengxuan clashed with Shouyi.

The reason is that Shouyi learned from his appearance, took Luo Ziyi's hand, and kept pulling her away. Originally, Gu Hengxuan would get crazy from time to time these two days, and he just went crazy with Luo Zi for a while. Seeing Shouyi's more and more excessive behavior, the fire in the bottom of his heart kept going up and finally reached the time of the outbreak.

forcibly pulled Luo Ziyi's hand out of Shouyi's claws. He refused to let go, which made Luo Ziyi's hand almost peel off. Seeing Luo Zi's red wrist, Gu Hengxuan couldn't calm down.

The first person to be in trouble is not Gu Hengxuan, who has been insane, but Shouyi who has been forcibly pushed away.

He has always been a silent person, and no one knows why he doesn't talk much. Whether they don't say it or don't like to say it, they are just guessing and never have an answer.

But I remember that the great man once said that he did not break out in silence, but became abnormal in silence. Shouyi's strength was perverted enough and did not need to change more, so he chose to explode.

It was just one hand. He gently pulled it. Gu Hengxuan flew up like a feather, drew a beautiful arc, and then fell to one side.

When everyone didn't react, Shouyi took Luo Ziyi's hand and looked at the red marks on her hand.

Gu Hengxuan was so thrown that he couldn't get up. He didn't even have the strength to roll on the ground. He wrinkled his face and couldn't shout. The first to react was A Fei, who hurriedly jumped to Gu Hengxuan's side to see if he was injured.

After checking, it was found that he was just thrown too suddenly and unprepared. His back fell to the ground and hurt like that. He did not hurt his muscles and bones or his head. A Fei stood up and looked at Shouyi with disapproval.

But Shouyi, who was glared at by everyone, just cared about the injury in Luo Zi's hand as if nothing had happened. He knew that he was making trouble for no reason, but Gu Hengxuan always didn't let him get close to Luo Ziyi. He had put up with it for a long time. He didn't want to put up with it today, so he took action.

Shouyi has no concept of right and wrong, no sense of right and wrong. He takes Luo Ziyi as the first priority, and others are doing things based on his intuition.

This is a little wayward and too casual, but this is the education he has received since he was a child. Except for Luo Ziyi, everything else is casual. This makes him a lot less burdenless and doesn't think much about anything.

The first thing Mu Jia came to her senses was to pull out her pistol and point it at Shouyi's head. Liu Qi and the three of them also drew their guns one after another. They could shoot this guy at any time!

"Shouyi..." Luo Zi frowned at him, looked at Mu Jia and others, and shook her head at them, signaling them not to mess around. Turning his head to look at Shouyi with an innocent face. She just wanted to say a few words about him, but after touching his simple eyes, she couldn't say anything.

How much can you be angry with a wayward child? For Luo Ziyi, although Shouyi is an adult, he is a child. What he comes into contact with now is the process of his learning. However, it was very surprising that before Shouyi learned to get along with others, she consciously learned to be jealous!

Just as Gu Hengxuan doesn't like him sticking to himself, Shouyi doesn't like her to be close to Gu Hengxuan. At first, it was not so serious, but during this period, Luo Ziyi obviously found that as long as he had some intimate time with Gu Hengxuan, he would be very depressed and then ignored people for a long time.

taught him this. Luo Ziyi felt very bad. He was not an ordinary person. A Fei had already said it, and she also saw with her own eyes how perverted Shouyi's ability was. How could Gu Hengxuan be his opponent?

You should know that Gu Hengxuan is also 1.8 meters big. After long training, he has good muscles. Mu Jia and Kang Zheng have joined hands and have never played Gu Hengxuan. He is definitely the first among the six rookies in their group.

But Shouyi just waved his hand gently, like throwing garbage and throwing Gu Hengxuan aside, but Shouyi didn't even frown.

A Fei quickly asked Lao Ma to help see if Gu Hengxuan was really okay. At this time, he still didn't make a sound, wrinkled a bitter face, and couldn't get up on the ground.

Walking to Luo Ziyi's side, A Fei pressed her shoulder. He knew that Luo Ziyi was very embarrassed, and her life had been difficult during this period. Fei has wanted to tell the truth for a long time, but he has never found a suitable opportunity.

However, he doesn't say that he can't do it in today's situation. Shouyi has taken action. After Gu Hengxuan recovers, he will definitely not count it like this. Shouyi himself has no feeling about life or anything. In his world, Luo Ziyi is the only one.

Let Mu Jia and others put down the gun. A Fei advised them not to be too impulsive. There are some things that can't be solved by bullets. Ask Mu Jia and others to help Gu Hengxuan up and look at his dull twilight. Ah Fei shook his head and sighed, signaling Lao Ma Duoduo to take care of Gu Hengxuan.

When gathering the crowd again, A Fei sighed and whispered:

"Do you remember Xiao Ziyi's father's email?"

Everyone looked at A Fei, who asked questions in surprise. Does he have to open the topic in this rotten way under such circumstances?

"What I said is related to today's events. To be precise, it is related to Shouyi's identity."

The identity of the strange child has been mysterious for a long time, and it may be revealed today, but it's hard to say what the result is...