Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 235 Destruction and Salvation

[The late update~ Jimo apologized to everyone and dared not oversleep any more... Please, don't take it again!!!]

People said that it was only one month in the mountain, and the world had been thousands of years. After A Fei and others entered the cave, they lived such a free life.

Although they are isolated from the world, they still pay attention to everything outside. Including the expansion of the eastern quarantine area, what action did the western defenders do to their group of people who escaped?

However, in general, their life is simple. There is no escape, no chase, no zombies, no danger. Their lives have returned to the days in villas, but some people are still immersed in their own world, no matter what happens outside.

For example, congratulations, such as Lao Ma!

He sent a message and fell in love with a game given to him by Xia Fan. Recently, he has been seriously completing the customs, and Lao Ma, his virus vaccine is his favorite, and he even forgets to eat. Every day, A Fei goes to his room to take him to eat.

Other people either go to the shooting range in the base to practice shooting skills every day, or several people practice their skills together. Life is simple, but it no longer makes people have boundless nightmares.

They can continue to be free, but obviously they don't want to, because A Fei is actively preparing to expose their actions before Huiman escapes.

Xia Fan is undoubtedly the hardest one. The signal in the cave is neither good nor bad. Basically, there is no signal to speak of. The equipment left here is very old and can no longer be used. If he wants to collect information on the Internet, he has to go outside the base and find a higher place.

This reminds Gu Hengxuan that there used to be a Chinese mobile phone, and the signal is very poor. Not to mention the line, it is not good to receive letters. At that time, it was often said that with XXX in hand, standing in the wind and rain, changing the left hand to the right hand, the right hand can't get through! Looking at Xia Fan holding his baby computer and sitting in another place from time to time, it's really a little interesting.

But even so, under Xia Fan's superb technology, a lot of information has not escaped his eyes.

But the strange thing is that they think that Huiman should have moved now, but whether it is Huiman's main research room or the serious pharmaceutical factories around it, it still maintains normal operation and has no intention of leaving.

The result surprised A Fei and others, and the initial judgment seemed to be fulfilled. She said that the reason why Huiman didn't move is that they haven't chosen a place yet, and the other reason is that they are already fully sure.

Afei and they don't think it's the former. Although Huiman's people are crazy in research, it doesn't mean that they are fools. Didn't you say at the beginning that they are all very life-threatening people? Since this is the case, it must be the latter.

It's just that even if they are ready to move to a safer place, why hasn't there been any movement yet? Although the expansion of the eastern quarantine area is not very fast, it is still gradually approaching Huacheng. According to the current data, in less than two months, the quarantine area will be outside Huacheng.

If they were in Huacheng, Afei would have taken people away at this time and would not stay there waiting for the zombies to find him! However, that's what Huiman did, let alone migrate. Their daily life has not been disturbed by anything, and the surrounding pharmaceutical factories have not stopped work and have been carrying out their work smoothly.

A Fei was completely confused by Huiman's behavior. He neither left nor did he have any evacuation. Didn't they think that they could study viruses and vaccines within two months, or that they could study things that killed zombies on a large scale?

Wait, nothing else is possible, but in the end...

After a total, A Fei also overturned his idea. If there is such a thing, why didn't Huiman take it out for use in Country A? It's impossible that the two sides have not negotiated the price. This is not doing business in the vegetable market, but also bargaining!

Or is such a thing still under research and development, and Huiman is confident that this thing will be made in two months?

If this is the case, then their behavior is explained. Thinking of this, A Fei quickly got up, ran outside, drove out of the cave, and went to find Xia Fan.

Yes, drive out. Because Xia Fan spends a long time outside every day, it takes a long time to go from the main control room to the outside, and Xia Fan has to walk, so he always drives out. And Afei is fast. Anyway, they have a lot of cars, so it may be convenient to drive out to find someone.

Xia Fan sat on a stone in the mountain pass. After a few days of experience, he found the place with the strongest signal, that is, his current position is relatively stable, and there is still a place to sit.

Hearing the car body, Xia Fan subconsciously looked at the clock on the computer. It's only after nine o'clock, and it's not time for lunch. No one should come out to bring him food! The pickup truck appeared at the gate blown up by them, and Xia Fan saw the car drive towards him quickly.

It's a good car. A Fei jumped off the car and ran to Xia Fan's side. A Fei said his idea, hoping that Xia Fan could find relevant things in Huiman's database.

Xia Fan now enters Huiman's database, which is no different from entering his own room. He has gone to Huiman's database several times to steal things, and now he has entered no one's land.

After looking through the information for a long time, Xia Fan did not find anything relevant in the conventional information. He ran to Huiman's confidential file library and finally found such a document in a small corner.

[Destroy all the reagents. The unfinished product will no longer be processed and destroyed together.]

The rest of the text is useless. Only these two sentences meet A Fei's requirements. However, Xia Fan looked at the time and found that the release of this document was four years ago. Less than a year after the outbreak of the virus, that is, before Yuanzhou became an experimental field, the so-called "destruction" reagents no longer exist.

A Fei sighed and thought to himself: Destruction...? Obviously, many people in Huiman have become zombies in the process of experiment. This number is very objective, and there are not many zombies left by Huiman as samples. So have the rest been destroyed?

But looking at this document, it was four years ago, so why did Huiman destroy it after making something that could kill zombies?

There is a problem! Fei thinks there is definitely something wrong with it. However, does the problem he found now have anything to do with Huiman's current abnormality?

"Afei, come and see!" Xia Fan suddenly interrupted A Fei in his thinking and asked him to look at the screen.

"This has just been found. It seems to be the same plan as 'destruction', but the name has been changed. This is called salvation! It's ridiculous. Huiman won't take herself as the savior, will she? Xia Fan downloaded the file and then read it again. There was nothing useful, so he disconnected Huiman's server.

"They have always thought they are gods, thinking that they can change the world. Even if they destroy it with their own hands, they can save it! Look at what the document says. A Fei sneered and said that he never thought he was a hero, but others should not pretend to be a hero in front of him.

Save? This name is too much to complain about. It would be even more funny if it was a plan to destroy. It used to destroy your experimental results, but now it's used to save others and yourself?

Do you really treat yourself as a god, or do you feel too good about yourself? Who caused the collapse of the world? Who made the zombies and released them? Do you want to be a hero now? Bullshit!

Xia Fan clicked on the downloaded file and read it with A Fei.

[Restart the 'destruction' plan and change its name to Rescue. Suppress the spread of the virus outside Huacheng.


... Reagents are only used in Huacheng and will never spread.]

A Fei sorted out these two sentences in many words. The first sentence confirmed that Huiman's rescue plan was the destruction plan, and the second sentence began to puzzle A Fei.

Why not use it elsewhere? Why do they just want to save themselves? Aren't they afraid of A's pressure on them? Why on earth did Huiman restart the destruction plan and make reagents for others?

Do you mean...

Afei shook his head quickly. No, they are crazy, but they are not crazy to this extent, are they? He sincerely hopes that it is not what he thinks, no, it shouldn't be!

"What's wrong? Did you think of anything?"

A Fei looked at Xia Fan, who asked the question. What he said would scare people to death, and it was still his guess. If you want to know if it is true, you still need to continue to wait and see.

The mysterious research institute is doing things that people can't figure out. What else do they have to do to the world? How long the living people can survive in the sun is unknown...