Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 237 When to Decide

[It's a little late... Apologize, the reason is not explained, that is, Mo is not sleepy now...]

No matter why A Fei said such a sentence, everyone who heard it felt his eagerness and found his abnormality.

He has always been a person who is so calm that he can't believe. When he was bombarded by the helicopter of Country A a few days later, they didn't see such solemnity on his face.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan wanted to know what had happened. Obviously, A Fei would not say anything. When they looked at Xia Fan, he just shook his head. He only knew a little more than them. A Fei didn't say anything, just kept asking him to find information.

Put down the food in his hand, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan looked at A Fei and saw what he wanted to say. But A Fei has been immersed in his own world since then and hasn't noticed them at all. Looking at each other, the young couple wanted to ask something, but Xia Fan shook his head at them and asked them to be quiet and not to interrupt A Fei.

As soon as Luo Zi looked at Afei's face that could drip water, she felt uneasy and began to panic inexplicably. She doesn't know why, no matter how bad Afei's face is, she won't be like this!

Lunch was delivered. A Fei's strangeness made Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan vigilant. With Shouyi, they quickly returned to the interior of the base. However, the inexplicable uneasiness in Luo Ziyi's heart did not decrease, but became stronger and stronger.

A Fei is thinking now whether they should go to Huiman, and now the situation is becoming more and more subtle. Now, what can they stop, but they have to add a word, "may", but they may stop anything. He is not sure whether his guess is right or wrong.

So, now there are two results of going to Huiman. If you guess correctly, you will make Huiman's ugly face public. If you guess wrong, they will break into Huiman and save people.

No matter which of the above, A Fei feels that it is not very safe, and he is not fully sure. Fei is a person who does not fight an uncertain battle. If it had been in the past, when he was alone, or if it was something else, he believed that he had already made up his mind.

He doesn't want to think too badly of people. It can be said that his concept of right and wrong, good and bad, right and wrong is very vague. Only in one thought, he thinks it's right, and it doesn't matter if others say it's wrong. He doesn't matter. But this time, he felt that his idea was too dark. Could it not mean that at all?

A Fei felt that his thoughts were not clear for the first time, and his heart was also very confused. Looking down at his hand, he... Should he explore the way first?

As a former killer, A Fei seems to have been used to collective action and forget his solitude life. But this time the risk is too big, and it is easy to expose the target if there are too many people. Even if he wants to act by himself, he can only have sufficient intelligence and information.

He knew that Xia Fan had been collecting information about Huiman's research institute in Huacheng after getting the news that he was going to save people. I don't know if it was comprehensive, but A Fei felt that Xia Fan would not let him down.

Once again, Xia Fan, who was eating and searching for intelligence, asked him to show him all the information at hand of Huiman Huacheng Research Institute. Xia Fan chewed food tasteless in his mouth, and his hands crackled on the keyboard a few times, and a pile of things appeared on the computer.

There are drawings, structural drawings, maps marked with various red dots, and drawings marked with personnel configuration. Flat, three-dimensional, all kinds of drawings are presented one by one in front of A Fei's eyes, which is called a complete variety, that is called a wonderful, and that is called a dizzy look.

A Fei looked at Xia Fan, pointed to the various drawings on the screen, and said softly:

"Can we synthesize these into a drawing? Forget the three-dimensional picture, can you put a piece of flat one? A Fei's eyes are only sore. After looking at it for a long time, some drawings can simply be put together into one piece. Why must it be divided into so many pieces?

"Ha ha, I knew you would say that!" Xia Fan knocked a few more times and found a merged drawing for A Fei.

A Fei raised his eyebrows and thought that it was intentional just now! A Fei is very helpless. He recently found that these people's attitude towards him is getting easier and easier. Xia Fan, in particular, often jokes with him with his convenience of collecting information.

Xia Fan had already finished the drawing just now. He knew what he would say, but he deliberately let him complain. Looking at Xia Fan's proud face, A Fei was in a trance.

How long have you known them? It seems to have been a long time. If he is still a killer, he will never have such a long contact with anyone, including Luo Ziyi. He came to her side after getting rid of his identity as a killer and secretly protecting her.

I don't look like a killer anymore. I care too much about Luo Ziyi and for them. Now they are friends, partners, brothers who are born and die, and people who can entrust their lives.

A Fei, who used to be alone, established a very delicate relationship with them in danger again and again. It was inextricably linked and it was not easy to break it.

He was thinking about the scene when everyone acted together when the shadow appeared in Yuanzhou. For him, many times these people are a drag and a burden, but he was surprised to find that he would rather bear this burden and willingly let them drag them down. For him, this is happiness and happiness that makes him proud.

However, this time, he knew that he could not take them with him, and he had to explore the way by himself first. If things are really as he thought, then so many people will definitely be discovered by Huiman, and it will become more difficult to successfully contact Huiman's internal things.

He was distracted. Xia Fan reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said to him with a smile:

"Afei, no matter what you think of or what plan you have. I think you'd better take us, at least, take me, thinking that I can provide you with information and the most effective backup. Although I don't know what Huiman is doing, I can see that the rescue plan is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Looking at his solemn expression alone, he knew that things were absolutely not simple. A Fei was not a aimless person. Xia Fan felt the cold breath gradually emanating from A Fei. He wanted to take risks alone. Although it was a guess, Xia Fan was sure that he was right.

Looking at Xia Fan's serious face with slight surprise, he... What did he guess? His expression was so obvious that A Fei touched his face. In the past, he couldn't come back. He is now everyone's Afei, not the killer Afield!

"It's very dangerous. What I'm going to do may be life-threatening. You know, I don't want you to risk." Fei did not hide it. Since he had been guessed, it was not too fake for him to pretend again.

"I'm beg! Which of what we do is not dangerous and which one is not related to life and death? OK, I know, don't worry! I have my own moderation. But I still want to remind you that even if I don't say it, Ziyi and Hengxuan also felt it just now. Don't you really want to leave everyone and take risks by yourself?

After Xia Fan finished speaking, he continued to look at his computer. A Fei's loneliness made him notice the wrong place and guessed his mind a little.

"Yes, I want to go by myself. Many people will delay things." A Fei looked at the gate of the entrance of the base. Can he really go by himself?

"I advise you not to do it. You don't know Ziyi's personality. If you act alone, she will chase you with Hengxuan in less than two days. Oh, by the way, we need to add a guard now. Therefore, you'd better be careful." Xia Fan said with a smile.

It's not that I haven't seen it before. A Fei wants to act alone, but which time did it succeed? Luo Zi treats A Fei wholeheartedly like her own brother. Can she watch A Fei take risks by herself and be free in such a safe place? Gu Hengxuan listened to Luo Ziyi's words and would definitely follow what she said.

That Shouyi, even more so. Luo Ziyi let him stand, and he didn't even drive him. Let the girl know that he wants to fly alone, and he will definitely not wait for A Fei to come back.

Afei also knew what Luo Zi's reaction would be, but this time, he had a way to make her not follow him!

In order to live? Is this still the goal? They live a good life. As long as they continue to live like this, even if people all over the world die, they may not be fine. However, the change is so simple and rapid that a secret is about to be revealed...