Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 239 What's the intention

The two people in the kitchen fell into a stalemate. Luo Zi gasped and looked at the expressionless A Fei, while the latter just looked back very plainly.

Finally, Luo Zi announced her retreat and said, "You are so weird today. I don't want to quarrel with you, so I turned around and ran out of the kitchen door.

Gu Hengxuan outside the door frowned, looked at A Fei a few times, shook his head, and turned to chase his lover. Shouyi didn't figure out the situation at all. All he knew was that Luo Ziyi seemed to be sad and he wanted to accompany her. He tilted his head strangely and looked at A Fei, and he also followed him to chase people.

Picked up the unopened can again, and A Fei continued to cook dinner without saying a word. After opening the can, A Fei suddenly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Even if Luo Zi hates him like this for a while, he must let her stay. This time he went to Huiman, he had the consciousness of death and definitely let Luo Zi follow him. He won't let her do everything that will endanger her life, including himself.

He can't let Luo Ziyi be in danger because of himself, which is against his original intention and his heart, which is absolutely not allowed.

A Fei knows that his method is a little stupid, but this is the best way. As long as Luo Ziyi hates himself and feels that he dislikes her, he will never leave here and cause him trouble.

The tightly clenched fist began to whiten the knuckles, but A Fei couldn't let go, so he kept holding it, getting tighter and tighter...

Half a sound, he breathed a long sigh of relief and continued to cook everyone's dinner as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the situation just now, it seemed that what he had done was not enough. Luo Ziyi calmly stopped the quarrel between the two and did not let the matter expand. But this is not enough. He has to go a little too much so that he can make her sad and let her stay.

Sad... Hurt Luo Ziyi's heart... Hurt that person who has always been regarded as the most precious treasure in the world, caring, cherishing and true love...

If there was any other way, he would definitely not do it. Just looking at Luo Ziyi's expression, he felt that he couldn't support it. He apologized to her and said that what he said was a joke, just teasing her. In the end, he still resisted. If Luo Ziyi didn't blame him for his death, he would rather be hated by her.

It was not surprising that A Fei simply prepared dinner. He didn't see Luo Ziyi, Gu Hengxuan and Shouyi on the table. Everyone was surprised. Mu Jia had to find someone, but was stopped by A Fei. There is no explanation, but who can not listen to Fei's words?

Xia Fan covered up his face by bowing his head to eat. It turns out that this is the method that A Fei said! Just saw Luo Zi run back to the room with a crying expression on his face, and Gu Hengxuan and Shou followed him immediately. Xia Fan was definitely a little wrong. Looking at A Fei's performance during the meal and his frosty look, he guessed some clues.

However, Xia Fan does not agree with A Fei's approach. If it were him, he would rather explain it clearly to Luo Zi than use this stupid method.

It's just right. Luo Zi will be fooled and stay obediently. There will be no danger. If it is not done well, it will be counterproductive. Why is A Fei such a smart person confused about such a trivial matter?

However, Xia Fan didn't show anything. First, everyone is there. If they say it, they won't agree. Second, although A Fei's method is stupid, he has his style of doing things and is also a measured person. Xia Fan feels that he must be able to handle it.

A dull dinner ended like this. Luo Zi and the other three never showed up and left them a meal, and A Fei asked Mu Jia to send it to them. After watching Mu Jia leave, A Fei began to clean up the table.

Everyone saw A Fei's strangeness and worried about Luo Ziyi's situation for a long time. She has always been a strong child and rarely shows that expression. Her face, which wants to cry and endures, swings in everyone's mind and is curious about what happened to her.

Obviously, it has something to do with Afei, otherwise he doesn't have to put on a stinky face and engrave eight big words "in a bad mood, please don't disturb" on his face.

Since they met A Fei, these people have never seen him. Usually, he is smiling. He always smiles at anything. The difference is just a smile and a sneer, or a sarcastic smile. But today's smile left the corners of Afei's lips, with a slow chill.

Everyone suddenly remembered his original identity - the killer! Yes, this is the expression that the killer should have. He is indifferent to everything, and there will never be any emotional change!

It's just that what on earth made the former killer who cheated and retired show such an expression again? Did A Fei offend Luo Ziyi, or did Luo Ziyi make him angry?

There is no solution, because the person involved is in the room, cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks in front of him... No one dares to ask!

Everyone thought that if they wanted to know the answer, they had to wait for Mu Jia to come back. He went to the front and should have first-hand information.

While packing up, A Fei observed everyone's expression. His expression was so obvious that he believed that they should have seen it. This is good. Let them know that he and Luo Zi are deadlocked. No matter how far they go, he knows that they will help Luo Ziyi, because things are completely unreasonable.

Without paying attention to everyone's eyes, A Fei took all the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen. Now he needs to find an opportunity to continue the unfinished quarrel with Luo Ziyi, making things irreparable. It can not only make Luo Zi give up the idea of being with her peers, but also make everyone have no room for persuasion.

If you don't do it, do it and do it the best! A Fei didn't want to soften his heart for a moment. If he could come back safely, he would apologize to Luo Ziyi and tell her that he had no choice but to do these things and hoped to be forgiven by her. Even in the end, she was still angry, and he just tried to coax her.

After washing all the dishes and chopsticks, A Fei turned back to his room. As soon as he arrived at the door, he found Xia Fan standing against the wall outside his door.

He came to plead guilty! A Fei saw Xia Fan's purpose at a glance, because he didn't bring a computer! There are only two situations when Xia Fan doesn't bring his baby. One is that his baby is out of power. When he came back at night, A Fei saw that his computer still had power.

The second situation is that he wants to say something more important and doesn't want to be distracted by the computer. As long as there is a computer in front of him, he may not pay attention to it. So he wants to find someone to talk about something that doesn't need a computer, so he won't bring his baby out at all.

A Fei thinks that Xia Fan's current situation must be the latter, and he also knows that what Xia Fan wants to say is related to Luo Ziyi.

"Let's talk about it! I can understand, but I don't know the specific development. Can you tell me when I'm done gossip?" Xia Fan was direct and didn't let A Fei open his mouth at all. Seeing him coming, Xia Fan immediately opened his mouth.

Afei smiled helplessly and let Xia Fan enter his room. The simple room is no different from when he first came here, just that the deposited dust is gone. The others are a backpack of Doafei and a box containing *.

"I have explained my intention, and now I want to hear what you mean. Do you really think that if you do this, Ziyi will not follow you because he is angry with you? Xia Fan casually picked up a place and sat down. He looked up at A Fei with a calm smile. He frowned slightly.

"Are you still laughing? Just now, Mu Jia said that after Zi returned to the room, she nestled herself in the corner of the wall and no one spoke. Mu Jia said that she didn't look angry, but seemed to reflect.

Xia Fan looked at A Fei's smile and was a little unhappy, as if everything was expected by him. Fei obviously doesn't like to control everything, but no one will like the feeling of being controlled.

"That's right, this is Luo Ziyi..." A Fei smiled proudly, as if he had been praised.

"I don't know what else you are doing, but I hope you can control yourself and don't want to be an enemy again, right?" Xia Fan reminded Fei not to make a fire.

"No, I know Xiao Ziyi, and she will figure it out!" It's not good to deal with smart people. It's especially difficult to hide something. But it is also beneficial that many words do not need to be made clear.

No matter what the result is, he is trying his best to make things go as he hopes. But can he really control everything, including people's minds? This should be something that God can't do, and will a miracle happen...