Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 252 When We Reunion

Jesica took Luo Zi repeatedly from another road and returned to the square in front of the municipal government building. At this time, the motorcade had moved aside and did not wave in the square.

Now the rest of the car are A Fei and his group of people. The people who were originally picked up on the road have already left. Originally, they just took a ride and had already arrived in Lac City, and they had no reason to rely on others.

Of course, Afei did not make a sound to drive people away. These people were very consciously walking, because when A Fei drove the car aside and stopped, he turned the door*, just as bright and wide open. Isn't this obvious? The door is here, and your legs are on you. Raise your legs and walk out of the door. Get out of the car and become strangers from then on.

One left first, and the rest were embarrassed to stay. After repeatedly thanking A Fei, these people got out of the car one after another and began to find a place to settle down in the most famous city in Country A.

Afei and they rested in the car very leisurely. Only two of them were uneasy. One was in the tanker, Luo Zi's boyfriend, Gu Hengxuan, and the other was her blood brother, Shouyi.

The two were in different cars, but they were doing the same thing, that is, they kept looking at the direction Luo Zi left, anxiously waiting for her return.

When Luo Ziyi and Jiesica appeared in everyone's sight, there were still many people in the square and didn't want to attract too much attention. Gu Hengxuan almost jumped out of the car to greet her.

Naturally, Fei saw her come back and didn't move, but there was a walkie-talkie to inform everyone that she was ready to leave.

When Luo Ziyi and Jecca approached, A Fei's car had already started. Luo Ziyi did not return to the tanker, but got on the bus. After the two girls got on the car, Jica saw familiar faces, only stopped on Shouyi's face, looked up and down quickly, and stopped looking at him.

Walking to A Fei sitting in the driver's seat, Jecca pointed him to her current residence.

After arriving near the old building just now, Jecca asked them to park their car in the open space behind the building, and then took a group of people to the building.

Jesica gave the first floor of the building to Fei, which was enough for them to live in. As for the upstairs, A Fei is not interested in exploring for the time being. After all, when she just arrived here, it's a bit of a rush. The secret that Jecca doesn't tell will always be her secret. It's not convenient for them to know.

And this is not a quarantine area. Without the threat of zombies, she will follow Jecca, but she chooses to believe her. After all, now there are people behind her, which is still very dangerous. Huiman's claws will be stretched out at any time and give them fiercely.

It is entirely because Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are saved by their lives. If it weren't for their young couple, no matter how able they are, it would be impossible for them to escape from the quarantine area intact...

If Jenny's hand is not a loss...

After arranging everyone's residence, Jiexi Kalai was in Luo Ziyi's room and looked at Gu Hengxuan who had been around the door for a long time, but did not come in. He smiled. Pull Luo Ziyi's sleeve and let her look out of the door.

Gu Hengxuan, Luo Zi, who giggled, rolled his eyes - they are all acquaintances. Are you still embarrassed? Why did you scare Jiesika when she dared to force her into her room in front of Fei?

She pulled Gu Hengxuan into the room, threw his dirty bag next to her backpack, and began to look for clothes. Her cleanliness fetish has improved a lot, and she can stand it even if she doesn't take a shower for a few days. On the way, many things are uninvoluntarily. But as long as there are conditions, the first thing she does is always to take a shower!

However, Jiesica is here. It's not easy for her to leave her to Gu Hengxuan, who can't speak A Mandarin. After finding the clothes, she sat next to Gu Hengxuan. The two were close to each other and chatted with Jecca.

"... By the way, I have informed others to come here, and maybe I will see them in a moment." Jecca suddenly thought of Jenny and couldn't help laughing.

Leaving the quarantine area, Jenny has now become a celebrity in Lac City, but she still often thinks of Luo Ziyi and said that if it were her, she would have said better than herself.

Jesica laughed at Jenny's innocence. Not to mention that Luo Ziyi was not with them at that time, even if she was there, Luo Ziyi would not agree to show this limelight.

She doesn't think that Luo Ziyi is afraid of death or anything, but she once mentioned that they can't be outside the quarantine area, because it is more dangerous. Jecca's intuitive danger is not related to Luo Ziyi or Gu Hengxuan, and will involve many people, including them. Therefore, she could understand Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan's persistence at that time.

If Luo Ziyi hadn't told them a lot about Huiman when she was in Kancheng, she would not have thought of a way to put pressure on the government of Country A through the power of public opinion, so that Huiman would be indirectly suppressed and become the target of public criticism.

"Jexica, Chris is here..." A tall white man knocked on the door and whispered to Jecca. As soon as the words fell, the man dodged and let the people behind him in.

"What's the big deal with me? Still in such a hurry...Gu? Luo? Oh, my God! I'm not mistaken, am I?" When Chris's round and fat body came in quickly, he looked at the young couple sitting side by side and couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise. He said that he was obviously divine and rescued the two of them from the quarantine area.

Luo Zi laughed. Although Gu Hengxuan didn't understand, he also felt ridiculous when he looked at Chris's dull appearance and laughed.

Walking over quickly, Chris gave Luo Zi a big hug and almost kissed her twice on the face. Of course, the regular boyfriend around him was absolutely not allowed, so he rescued Luo Ziyi from the bear hug. Gu Hengxuan hugged Chris fiercely and patted him twice on the back.

It was not easy to escape from the destruction of Gu Hengxuan. Chris looked at the two of them, who seemed to have a good relationship and couldn't help laughing. Then he asked:

"How did it come out? It won't be really obvious. You will be transformed out with a bang, will it?" Chris picked up a place to sit down, looked at the two of them, and asked curiously.

"Hehe! No, we drove out of the gate of the blockade line generously!"

If Luo Zi said that they were really saved by the gods, Chris and Jecca would not react. At most, they would smile. But her words completely stunned the two people. Is this more mysterious than myth? Are the defenders on the western blockade of country A crazy? How dare you let people out?

Luo Zi smiled, and she knew that she would scare them by saying so. Just as he was about to explain, the tall man just knocked on the door again. This time, he didn't make a sound, but looked very carefully behind him and let the two people behind him in.

"Isn't there a meeting only in the evening? It's dangerous so early!" Ben deliberately lowered his voice and mysteriously pulled Jenny in.

"Is there any danger if they are there?" Jecca said very leisurely, looking at the new couple who entered the door with a smile.

"What are they? They are...who...ah..." Ben looked at the smiling Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, who endured the smile next to her, and didn't respond for a long time.

And the next second, Luo Zi was attacked. A dark shadow quickly enveloped her and threw her down**.

"Luo..." Thousands of words turned into this call. Luo Zi lay on ** with a smile and looked at the one-handed girl lying on her body and wiping tears.

"I said big star, if your fans see you like this, they will be disappointed!" Luo Zi said with a smile that Jenny's reaction was too big!

"It's okay. I don't care what kind of face I have been exposed! Luo, it's great that you can come out!" Jenny continued to cry and choked.

Luo Zi stretched out her hand and helped her up. Looking at her hand, Luo Zi restrained her smile. Thinking of that person, she felt that she couldn't calm down. Sooner or later, there would be retribution.

The plan is about to begin. The city with human beings makes this group of lucky people who are used to living in the quarantine area a little trance. Maybe it's just a dream. Open your eyes tomorrow morning, and everything is everything in the quarantine area. How long can the real scene last? If it's a dream, please don't wake up...