Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 261 The opening of the second act

Lark City has now formed a habit. At about 10 a.m. every day, their goddess Jenny will continue to expose Huiman's conspiracy in the municipal government square.

Such days have lasted for about a month, and every day, what Jenny said is different, which not only deepens people's indignation with Huiman, but also makes them have an inexplicable worship for this mysterious goddess of broken hands.

She is not afraid of Huiman's revenge and the pressure of the government. She is at the gate of the municipal government, every day. The people working inside could only shake their heads at her, but they couldn't move her. Her prestige is getting higher and higher now. If the people of the municipal government want to attack her, they have to consider the consequences.

Citizens are good to incite, and now Jenny is the best tool to incite them. The government tried several times to attract Jenny, but they were resolutely rejected. The answer to them is that they can't be Jenny's friends if they don't give an explanation to all innocent people.

There is no way. Now the people of the municipal government can only look at each other and let her publicize Huiman's atrocities in the municipal government square, and they just watch it as a lively scene.

The people above can't control it, and these little people are even less able to control it, don't they?

But today's situation is a little different. Jenny was almost kidnapped last night. If it hadn't been for the discovery of people sleeping in the square, their goddess would have been captured by Huiman.

The people who participated in saving the goddess last night were all proud and told the people around them about their heroic actions yesterday, which made those who did not have the opportunity to intervene and sighed why they did not sleep in the building in the distance.

People gathered in the square, and the reporters also arrived. However, they didn't have much hope, because Jenny has been in a coma since she was rescued last night, and then she was directly picked up by her friend. Whether it was her followers or reporters who went to report that night, they were not sure about her situation.

gathered here just because she is used to it. Jenny has always been a dragon. No one knows where she lives. Every day after she finishes what she should say, she leaves mysteriously. Everyone is very curious about her origin, but no one can keep up with her.

It is also because of this that no one is sure whether the goddess worshipped by thousands of people will appear after the kidnapping and will respond to what happened last night.

But even if she doesn't say anything, people have determined that the man in black last night was Huiman. I heard that there is still some favorable evidence in the hands of the reporter.

I heard that it was a crowd of onlookers last night. They took pictures with their own cameras, and they clearly saw the Huiman logo on the man in black's equipment.

Onlookers are looking forward to their goddess appearing on time today, but they are also worried about her physical condition. If she is injured, they don't want her to work too hard.

The reporters only interviewed the street sleepers in the square last night. They also wanted to interview Jenny, but she ran too fast. Jenny had been picked up before they arrived. For journalists, their sense of smell is very sharp. What happened last night was enough for them to write a close-up and caused a great sensation.

As for whether Huiman will be crushed because of this, or whether Jenny will be more severely retaliated by Huiman, it has nothing to do with them. They just want news, big news!

Jenny's appearance is not very fixed every day, so after ten o'clock, she did not appear, and the believers and reporters were not anxious. She doesn't understand anything. No one will say that she is playing big or something, and no one will blame her for being late.

At 10:10, Jenny, with a pale face, slowly appeared on the square under the escort of Ben and two men. As soon as she appeared, the sharp-eyed person saw it. Like a tide, cheers formed a wave in the square from back to front. The reporters held their cameras and video cameras and kept taking pictures of Jenny, who lowered her head slightly.

After Jenny approached, everyone found that her mental state was not very good and she looked a little tired. There were several minor bruises on her fair cheeks. Although it is not very serious, it can be seen that it is a new wound.

The cheering people gradually calmed down. People closer to Jenny couldn't help clenching their hands when they saw her with her head down all the time. Their goddess, a girl who is not afraid of power and brazenly confronts Huiman, was scared by Huiman's people like this. Although she was saved, there are two such things. Who knows what shameless Huiman will do?

Jenny was kidnapped last night, and most people speculated that she would not appear today. Anyway, she had to adjust her mental state to continue to fight, right?

But she still came. Although she was usually accompanied by herself, it was reasonable for two people today.

Everyone thinks that Huiman will not let her go, because she knows too much, not only to know, but also to let everyone know. Huiman is under a lot of pressure now. Without Jenny, they will be much better.

The crowd was very quiet, and everyone automatically gave Jenny and others a jump road so that she could walk up the steps. The reporters also cooperated very well and did not ask questions too motivatingly.

Jenny trembled slightly. She was really scared last night. She thought she was dead. Unexpectedly, she was saved.

In the distance, Jessica and Luo Zi came and saw Jenny's appearance. The two looked at each other with a guilty heart and spit out their tongues. Should Jenny know the truth of what happened last night?

Jenny didn't know about the kidnapping last night. To be precise, all of them knew what was going on, and only Jenny was kept in the dark.

This is Jessica's suggestion. She said that Jenny is a rectal and can't hide things on her face. If she had known in advance that Huiman's people were pretending to be A Fei, and the kidnapping was just a conspiracy, I guess she could not be so real now.

and Luo Zi walked into the crowd together and mixed with the people around them, and the two girls became very inconspicuous. Only Luo Ziyi's obvious oriental characteristics made many people look sideways.

Jenny stood firmly on the steps, took a few deep breaths, then looked up at the person below for a week, looking at the flashing scattered lights, and finally whispered:

"Everyone must know what happened last night. First of all, I would like to thank my friends who worked so hard to save me and the bad guys of Huiman. Thank you!" With that, Jenny bent down and bowed deeply.

Raising her head, she cut her hair with her intact hand, and then continued:

"This happened because I had a very important document of Huiman. They wanted to shut up and know the source of the document, so they planned the kidnapping.

How important is this document? Huiman, who has been silent, can't help but take action because of this?

The file involves a plan called 'Save', a top-secret file from Huiman. Don't get me wrong. What they want to save is not us, but themselves.

The rescue plan is a study of a new reagent, which was successfully developed by Huiman a few years ago to kill such an immortal zombie. But instead of putting it into use, they destroyed the reagents at that time.

But just some time ago, this plan was put forward again. They are not going to save the world. Huiman's purpose is..."

Jenny didn't say it directly, but looked at the people below and took a deep breath before she said:

"The purpose is to protect the vicinity of Huacheng Huiman Research Institute from zombies when they are about to arrive in Huacheng, while other places are allowed to be destroyed by zombies.

Imagine if zombies pass through Huacheng and turn more people in Huacheng into monsters, and then what? Then there will be Lac City, and then the whole country A will be occupied by zombies, and fewer and fewer people will live, and we will become food. Where was Huiman at that time?

They shrink their heads and wait in a safe turtle shell. After we all die, they become the only survivors. They can create a new world, because they have viruses, vaccines, rescue reagents, and they can monopolize the world..."

Everyone was scared, and Huiman's intentions were really sinister. This is the second act. The protagonist is playing at a critical moment...