Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 269 Blocked Investigation

The demonstration is still so crowded, just for a day, and the number of people has changed.

Increase, constantly increasing. Almost the whole city has been concentrated here. At this time, everyone has almost forgotten their own life and family. What they want is just one purpose. Huiman, get out!

Now all over the world are shouting this sentence. Any superfluous language is useless, leaving only this sentence, which is inexplicably exciting. It seems that the louder they shout, the farther Huiman will roll.

In fact, everyone knows that even if they shout Huiman's building collapsed, it's just their roar, and they can't call Huiman's people to the sea. However, the sobriety did not last long after going back. The next day, they would still involuntarily come here and continue to shout the simple slogan.

A Fei and the others are still wandering in the crowd and are still crazy with everyone. However, they calmly know that only by taking action can Hui go far away. Otherwise, if you call you, they won't take it seriously, and it's useless for you to shout loudly.

No matter how many people demonstrate, the impact on Huiman is also pitiful. The outside guards block their ears tightly, otherwise they will be deaf if they listen to the crowd shouting like this at close every day, right? However, the virus researchers have basically not been affected.

They work in the underground part of Huiman every day, with good sound insulation and high confidentiality. Most people regard it as a joke about things outside. Only a small number of people feel that what they have done is conscienceless, but they can't stop.

Huiman's current researchers are not many, but there are fewer, but when copying documents, it's just a few fewer copies, which is convenient. If anyone is tired of living, he can lift the table, throw things away, and shout to quit. Then the next second someone will stand on you and meet the experimental products.

After that, you will still meet your colleagues, oh no, former colleagues, but you will lie on the experimental platform, and the topic will also be "Can you be lighter" or "No, please let me go" and so on when chatting with them?

The most affected is Huiman's above-ground building. Although there are also good sound insulation equipment and the building itself also considers the problem of sound insulation, there are too many people outside, and it is unlikely that they will not have heard it.

At this time, Huiman has no secrets for the people who are dedicated to drug research in the buildings on the ground. The crowd outside said it clearly. They usually read new articles. Everyone is tacit about what Huiman is doing behind it.

However, it's just tacit. Everyone knows it, but no one dares to say anything. Even at home in private, they dare not talk nonsense. They just work silently every day.

Huiman also knows that now that these people who build on the ground are all fake, and I don't think anyone will believe them. The whole world doesn't believe them. Do they still expect their subordinates who already feel a little about it to believe it?

Huiman's senior management is not hopeful about what is impossible, just waiting for them to turn over. When the rescue plan was exposed, Huiman was speechless and took the simplest and most negative method, and did not respond to any questions. The negotiators sent by the government of Country A wandered outside their gate for two days and left in dismay.

In order to suppress the situation for the time being, they want to start from Jenny. It's just that the dispatched personnel gave feedback that Jenny was not found in Lac, let alone find out who was behind her.

Jenny hasn't appeared these days, and there are rumors in Lac that she has been secretly captured by Huiman. However, some people also said that Jenny was safe and had not been arrested, but Huiman had sent someone to arrest her, so she had to hide for a few days.

As soon as this statement came out, Huiman photographed the people in Lac City and became difficult in an instant. Don't inquire about Jenny's whereabouts, but when she mentions her name, she will be unnatural and will be surrounded by the grass and wooded citizens.

So far, although their people have not withdrawn, it is basically impossible to gain anything.

Depressed, not only depressed, Huiman has not figured out the source of the information leakage so far, and Jenny has made no progress.

For a research institution like Huiman that has stood for many years... No, it should not be said that for this institution that has stood for many years and is used to disguise its kind side and bury all the despicable people under the ground, such a red fruit to expose their cards is undoubtedly a positive provocation.

More importantly, they are just provocative, but they can't fight back.

A Fei quickly slipped to the rear of Yihuiman, which was really big enough. A Fei once stayed in Huiman's main research institute in China. After coming out, he also paid attention to Huiman, but found that Huacheng Huiman was about twice as large as the main research institute in China.

Afei and four others broke away from the crowd one after another. After arriving here, Xia Fan took out his persecuted precious computer from his backpack.

Huiman's recent situation is relatively tense. Under the circumstances of insufficient manpower, they have installed a power grid on the wall and added monitoring equipment. There is something wrong with the shooting picture stolen by Xia Fan. A Fei and others still dare not be too impulsive. Let Xia Fan do some work first before they can act.

Guan Qilei and Pei Yufeng, one left and one right, A Fei and Xia Fan are busy in front of the computer.

"A lot of monitoring has been added, and there are almost no dead corners. If you want to enter, you still have to prepare in advance." Xia Fan looked at it for a long time and said this to A Fei.

"That's not going to work today?" Ah Fei tilted his head and wanted to go in and have a look, but he still had to wait.

Xia Fan shrugged his shoulders helplessly, looked at the monitoring distribution map just made, and sighed in his heart that Huiman was setting up a monitoring network on the periphery! Cross-dense distribution makes all points that may be invaded by the outside cover their eyes.

"Forget it, don't startle the snake. If they rush in and are found, it will only make them more defensive. Let's close the team! Let's continue to demonstrate." A Fei said leisurely, patting Xia Fan on the shoulder and making him start packing up.

At this moment, Xia Fan suddenly pulled A Fei's clothes and asked him to look at the computer.

This is the live broadcast he just saw, and the content is the grand scene at the gate of Huiman. In the crowd, the voice of the beautiful reporter was almost inaudible, and what Xia Fan let A Fei see was not the beautiful Western female reporter, but behind her, at the door of the main building of Huiman Research Institute.

Several people in white coats are walking out, accompanied by two Huiman guards. The person in the middle is a little familiar, as if it were the person named Liu Jingqian. I heard that this person is the head of Huiman's research team, and all viral and non-viral research is carried out under his auspices.

And several people behind him were all oriental faces, and one of them, A Fei's eyes widened.

He...he seems to be getting old. In less than a year, he had much more gray hair than the last time he saw him. The gently glasses can't cover the deepening crow's feet.

He is still very neat, his beard is very clean, his shirt collar exposed outside is neat, and his tie is very standard. However, his look was tired with anxiety, and his eyes were not as flying as before, full of worry.

You are worried about your daughter! Since she was born, he hasn't seen his daughter for more than a day, and he always carries her photos with him. Having such a beautiful daughter is his pride and his happiest thing.

Maybe, maybe occasionally, he will think of the unexpected son? Maybe, I never thought of it...

A Fei looked at the middle-aged man who came out of the computer, and his heart turned a thousand times, but it was all trivial things.

Wait! It won't be long before I can pick you up and meet your lovely daughter. You will have a family reunion. At that time, outsiders are superfluous and it's time to leave.

Xia Fan looked at A Fei's strange and calm face and looked at the middle-aged man on the screen. Well, not to mention, the mouth of the nose is really printed by a mold. Whoever wants to say that they are not father and son must have gone out without eyes.

That's right, the middle-aged man who made A Fei look at it was none other than him, but Luo Mingjun, the father of Luo Ziyi.

When I suddenly saw my relatives, my heart was not only the thought of admiration, but also more unclear things. They will meet soon, but I don't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate...