Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 296 Prisoner Treatment

For Reeves, it is very easy to get what A Fei thinks of, which is basically a matter of a phone call. It's just that he didn't want to nod, because what A Fei said was obviously for leaving, which was contrary to his original intention.

Reeves is a very purposeful person. Once he recognizes something, he will not change easily. The task he accepted was to investigate A Fei's identity. If it was beneficial to country A, he would leave them and get rid of them.

He himself prefers the former. Maybe he was still observing and making choices at the beginning. But now, he has been tied into zongzi, and his men have been thrown in one by one, and there are many of them. This confirms Ah Fei's strength from the side, and there are many people above what they think.

How can such people let them leave?

A Fei used ships and feeds, not to mention the quantity. Reeves felt that if these things were given to them, they would disappear silently. Country A now has the so-called rescue, but the rescue is not the most general purpose of the government. What they want most is the virus.

In fact, it is not wrong at all to say that they have recovered their scars and forget the pain. At the presidential palace in Jincheng, after receiving that the danger of Huacheng had been relieved and saved, they were relieved in advance and felt that things had turned perfectly. In their opinion, if there is a rescue, it means that the matter will be solved and there is no need to worry.

So he lost interest in saving and continued to cove the virus and vaccines.

These two things are a threat to the whole world. Once you have it, even a virus will become a threat to the whole world. Although Country A is recognized as the world's largest power, it also has a large number of advanced weapons in its hands. It can be said that it can fight whoever it wants to fight and fight against whoever it wants.

It's just that their weapons are only relatively advanced and not unique. Many countries also have nuclear weapons. Although they are not comparable in power, they are not used for nothing.

The V series of viruses is the same. Its power has been recognized by the world, and its influence is far away. Once a country really has this thing, it will be the peak of the whole world and control everyone in their hands.

The feeling of seeing the mountains is very beautiful. Who doesn't want to be the world's number one and let others look up at themselves? As for Country A, it has always been the first place. Because of the virus, their economic, military and all aspects of strength will regress for many years. If they can't get the virus, their first position is not guaranteed. It's only a matter of time.

Therefore, high-level officials urgently get the virus to keep their place, whether it is their own position or the country's position in the world.

For A Fei's request, Reeves decided to make a delay first and stabilize A Fei for the time being. After he went back, everything was still in his hands.

After almost only a few minutes of consideration, Reeves nodded and agreed to the conditions proposed by A Fei. And it seems to ask Fei what kind of ship he needs, what specifications of supply and weapons. At first glance, he has compromised, but Fei doesn't think so.

If he doesn't agree, although he will use some means, he will feel that he is real. Although he threatened to kill a few of them if he didn't agree, Reeves's current compromise was reasonable, but this kind of compound cleaning on others may not arouse A Fei's suspicion, but Reeves' performance was a little too enthusiastic.

A Fei said his request and sneered in his heart. He could guarantee that Reeves would not remember his words, because he was simply perfunctory and wanted to get out as soon as possible to find another way to deal with himself.

Hey! It's nonsense again! If you know that the other party won't remember, you have to say it, isn't it nonsense? A Fei was depressed again, but he still talked about his needs.

"Sir, I can agree to your request. Now, can you let us go?" John smiled flatteringly and cooperated well with Reeves, who agreed to the request, and John began to fight for a chance to leave.

"Will I let you go? OK, no problem!" A Fei said with a smile and nod to Luo Zi. She just didn't play. Now she is holding the ice water and splashing who! It's better to find someone to splash her, otherwise she may come to splash herself later, which is not fun.

Luo Zi smiled, and as soon as the cup turned, a glass of cold water spilled out. However, her target was not Reeves and John, but his men piled up on the ground, brought by the two of them.

The two people who were splashed, woke up, did not immediately open the situation in front of them, but instinctively struggled.

A Fei reached out and took out a piece of paper, walked to the two people and said:

"This is a list of things I need. Go back to your head and ask them to prepare everything. The time is three days. Three days later, I won't get what I want. The two of them are two bodies.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan came over and let go of one of them. A Fei handed the paper to the man and asked him to leave.

Revis was speechless for a while. Fei was so cautious that even if he agreed to his request, he would not let them go. He agreed to A Fei's request, which was just a stopgap measure. Could it be that he saw that he was perfunctory?

"You two are still wronged. Stay here before we get something! However, you are not useless. I will ask you to contact your superiors to confirm what you agreed to give. Thank you!" After saying that, A Fei took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan away. Xia Fan still knocked on the computer. It seemed that they were guarded by this person.

Unexpectedly, the door of the restaurant opened again. Four teenagers came in with a smile and looked at the people on the ground as if they didn't see it. They walked in while talking in Chinese.

Four people? Only four people took down all their men? Reeves secretly scolded his incompetence, but four hairy kids actually cleaned them up. How dare you claim to be well-trained masters! After going back, you must gather a real master.

The rookie returned to his place of residence, but Guan Qilei and Pei Yufeng never came in. The two of them took over the rookie in the two sniper positions and ambushed outside.

A Fei is afraid that Reeves will still have a backhand. This person is very suspicious. Although he is a little arrogant and arrogant, he is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. In case someone else follows him and they don't take precautions, they will still be hit.

Everyone went back to their room. After a while, A Fei came back and tossed around for a long time. Now it's not early, and it's time to eat.

It's good to stay in a restaurant. They don't have to eat canned food. Although there is not much stock here, it is all in the cold storage and needs to be frozen, but it is much better than canned food.

After A Fei got into the kitchen, he began to prepare dinner. Soon Luo Ziyi also followed him to help prepare dinner. No matter who passed in front of Reeves, they didn't seem to see it, and they were indifferent to their accosted, pleading and even ridicule.

They are determined that they don't want to listen to Reeves' nonsense, just live a normal life according to their own life pattern. It's just that they didn't eat in the lobby, but went to the top. Liu Qi and Kang Zheng replaced Xia Fan. The two of them ate and laughed while eating, and the people sitting on the ground could only watch.

The cans disliked by A Fei and others came in handy. Just add some water and heat it up, and it will become Reeves' food.

Reeves and John are very average. They don't have the confidence to escape, so they can only compromise and eat tasteless canned soup.

Liu Qi and Kang Zheng boldly untied their shackles, stared at them silently watching them eat, and tied them back after eating.

A Fei calculated how to arrange them, and finally came up with a good place.

There is an attic on the top floor of the restaurant, which is not even a window. It is used for debris. Before going to bed at night, four rookies pressed them to the attic and locked them in.

What you want is about to get, well... In fact, there are still some twists and turns in the middle. It will take a little time to complete their goals...