Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 310 Investigating the Northern Language

China, a country with thousands of years of civilization, ranks among the top five in the world and is known as the lion of the East. Economy, culture and military are the best in all countries.

After thousands of years, after several world wars, this country still stands proudly in the east, has developed peacefully for hundreds of years and ranks among the world's powerful countries.

Ancient civilization is far away and smooth, modern times are bumpy, and modern times are developing rapidly...

Such a young and energetic country is so beautiful and reassuring. People who once lived in this land thought that they would always be happy like this.

However, this is already the past, the dream of the past, like a bubble, gently punctured by a needle called reality.

Today's China is called the dead land, the country of zombies, and the source of nightmares by people who are still alive...

and other names have nothing to do with the original beautiful and young country. From the satellite map on Xia Fan's computer, it can be easily seen that the city in front of them is the northern language that left a few months ago. The whole city is full of traces of zombies, and the difference is only how many.

In other cities in China, the situation is the same as that of Northern Chinese, so now China is a hotbed of viruses, a country of zombies, and a well-deserved death place.

Looking at Xia Fan's computer, a group of people coming out of China have different thoughts, but their looks are very solemn. That's their country, and now it's already their country! If possible, they want to kill all the zombies and bring the country back to its original peace and peace.

It's just that what's the use of zombies dying now? Chinese people have already...

A Fei smiled slightly and looked at everyone's heavy expression. He couldn't help saying that as long as Liu Jingqian died, there would be an explanation for these people who became zombies!

Everyone was still silent, but their hatred for Liu Jingqian became stronger.

A good country has been made like this by him, and he is also a capable person. It's just a pity that no one worships such a capable person. Except for a stronger hatred, he gets a faster mood to kill him.

But even so, he still lives freely, has no regrets, and may not even feel enough. He hopes that the whole world will become a zombie, and then he will become a true god.

I'm sorry, uncle, you were not a real god at that time, but you really wanted to become a few pieces of meat that were not enough for zombies. Don't you really think that all human beings will die and you can live by yourself? Don't be funny. Primary school students know that people are gregarious animals. You want to live freely in the zombies unless you are new to control zombies.

After a few days of sea life, they are finally about to arrive at Beiyu. But Afei did not let Hans get directly close to the coastline of Beiyu, but stopped far away.

The current Northern language is different from when they left. At that time, the infection had not yet come here, and the Northern language is still the human world. But now it's much more complicated.

The distribution of zombies, the choice of their landing site, and the situation in Beiyu City must be investigated repeatedly. If they can't go ashore, they can only rely on Xia Fan's technology to let them know a general situation. Even such simple information is better than blinding like a headless fly.

Xia Fan's investigation was very careful, and he found all the information he could find, as well as the recent developments in the Beiyu Secret Research Institute, which did not escape his eyes.

The cautious Afei felt that this was not enough. Seeing the black eagle sent to them by Reeves, Afei decided to investigate on the spot. Anyway, the plane is in the sky, and zombies can't mutate and fly!

With Xia Fan, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, A Fei asked the temporary driver Guan Qilei to take the lead. The five of them went to Black Hawk and soared away.

Just in case, Afei brought some rescue and virus vaccines, which they brought when they left the cave base for a rainy day. It hasn't been useful during this period, but it's better than nothing. In case something happens, no one can guarantee that it will happen.

Guan Qilei didn't know how to drive a helicopter, but in order not to waste such a good thing, he specially learned it for a while. Driving skills are not so superb, but there is still no problem to fly to Beiyu for a walk around.

The black eagle was very fast and soon reached the coastline of Northern languages. There are not many zombies by the sea. They don't jump into the sea, but just wander on the shore.

They will come in directly by helicopter, so they don't stay on the edge and go straight to the city.

Northern research said that they had been here. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan's memory was very vague, because they fainted and had to run for their lives when they came out, and did not pay much attention to the surrounding environment. At that time, they would not have thought that one day they would come back.

circling around the research institute a few times, Xia Fan recorded the situation one by one. Several people stared at the building below and couldn't wait to kill it immediately.

The secret research institute of Beiyu, the above-ground building is a nursing home for Huiman's retired employees. But this is just a cover-up. Although the building below cannot be compared with Huacheng Huiman, it is also very impressive.

At this time, the situation here is much better than other places in Beiyu. The wall of the nursing home is still strong, and there is no living atmosphere in it. The zombies around are just wandering and do nothing to the wall.

The situation has been seen clearly, and A Fei signaled Guan Qilei to return. Tomorrow, they will be ready to take action.

The helicopter roared away, and its movement was not small, but the people underground were so unaware of it. Thinking that there are few people, Lord Liu Jingqian won't help. There are only five guards around him. If you want to follow him all the time, it is inevitable that you have to give up many things, such as monitoring the movements outside.

Since Liu Jingqian arrived in Beiyu, he didn't know what he was studying. He locked himself in a laboratory all day and pounded his bottles and cans. But the Beiyu research institute has been abandoned for a long time, and some things will be incomplete. At this time, he will begin to get nervous.

It won't hit people and destroy things. He just circled in the laboratory, like a milled donkey. He didn't feel dizzy. If he changed the way of turning like others, he would have vomited long ago.

His guards are thinking all day long about how long the food can last, and how long they can live without assistance. These things are all about life and death, but only the guards will care. Liu Jingqian just needs to be his donkey in the laboratory.

It is reasonable that people like him should be afraid of death. After arriving in Beiyu, they should contact his cronies to pick him up and go to a safer place.

He did contact, but no one answered. They seemed to be forgotten in this corner and lived a life of fate.

The five guards were very satisfied. Huacheng Hui became a zombie laboratory overnight, and there were several unknown masters chasing them... No, it was Liu Jingqian.

If they stay there, the consequences will not be good. Huiman's behavior has made people all over the world angry. Even if those masters do not kill them, those angry people will not easily let them go.

Finally, they chose to run out with Liu Jingqian and hide in a safe place. Originally, they thought that Liu Jingqian would find a place where Huiman could still survive and avoid the pressure from country A.

But he didn't expect that he would insist on coming to this secret laboratory. Yes, that's right. This place is relatively hidden. As long as the helicopter they are flying is hidden, basically impossible for anyone to know their whereabouts in a short time.

But this is the northern language of China. There are zombies everywhere. They can't go out. The zombies around the nursing home are enough to have fewer people. As long as they are reasonably planned, they can live longer.

is only for a period of time. After all, there are too many zombies outside. Even if they are equipped, they can be invisible to zombies within two meters. But if the zombies are too dense, their scalp will be numb. I don't think the transfer equipment on my body is very reliable.

Finally, the day is coming. They have been waiting for too long and have lost their patience. It's better to make a quick decision...