Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 12 Unpleasant People and Things

Lu Xinxin? Ren Jingcheng unconsciously frowned when he heard the name. He was by no stranger to the name, and even lived under the shadow of the name for a long time in six years of primary school.

The matter is not complicated. It is nothing more than bad students bullying good students. Good students tell the teacher that bad students double the childish and bloody story of bullying good students, but this kind of childish dog blood story that seems ridiculous now is not such a memorable and pleasant experience for Ren Jingcheng.

Looking back on the past, Ren Jingcheng couldn't help looking at Lu Xinxin several times. He was really curious about the virtue of the bad boy who had scared him and didn't dare to go to school for a week.

"Chenqian, who is this little white face? My mother said that you will be my daughter-in-law in the future. You can't be sorry for me and cuckold me!" Lu Xinxin put her thumb against the brim of the cap, rolled her eyelids, stared at Ren Jingcheng fiercely, and turned her head to Ye Xiaoqian and said to the scoundrel.

"Lu Xinxin, get out of here and be honest. Don't think that Aunt Zhao spoils you and I dare not beat you. It's really annoying that I can't take care of you!" Hearing Lu Xinxin's unobstructed bastard words, Ye Xiaoqian was really angry. She kicked Lu Xinxin's calf fiercely and shouted coldly.

It is not surprising that Ye Xiaoqian and Lu Xinxin are so familiar with each other. He heard that the two families were very related in elementary school. It seemed that each other's father used to be a comrade-in-arms on the battlefield and jokingly made a baby marriage, but no one was serious except Lu Xinxin. The reason why Ren Jingcheng was bullied by Lu Xinxin in primary school was that Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian were deskmates, and Lu Xinxin did not agree to change seats with him.

Later, in the fifth grade, Lu Xinxin beat a powerful child in the family. The Lu family was afraid of accidents, so they sent the villain to the countryside to avoid trouble. Since then, Ren Jingcheng has not heard any news about him, but once Ren Jingcheng saw him far away on the street in the second year of junior high school. A person seems to be him, but because the distance is too far to confirm, Ren Jingcheng completely forgot this person. If he hadn't heard the name today, I'm afraid Ren Jingcheng would not have remembered such an unhappy childhood in his life.

Now that I see Lu Xinxin again, Ren Jing* is not recognized at all. Except for the intentional forgetfulness in memory, it is more because 8 years is not long, and it is not short. It is normal that the child grows fast and can't recognize it. If you don't look at Lu Xinxin, you don't recognize Ren Jingcheng.

"I'm Ren Jingcheng, do you remember?" Ren Jingcheng introduced himself. Now he will naturally not be afraid of Lu Xinxin, but he is always uncomfortable when he thinks of primary school, so his tone is not good.

"Remember, remember, old classmate!" Lu Xinxin didn't know whether she really didn't hear the unhappiness in Ren Jingcheng's tone or deliberately ignored it. Her face was not obvious, and her tone was as plain as if she were facing a stranger.

Seeing Lu Xinxin's reaction, Ren Jingcheng couldn't compete with him because of what happened when he was a child. He was about to say something friendly, but he almost lay on the table with Lu Xinxin's next sentence.

"What are you doing here? Date! I can tell you that Qianqian will be my wife in the future. Don't think about her. Lu Xinxin raised her fist and shook it in front of Ren Jingcheng and said viciously.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiaoqian raised her hand and slapped Lu Xinxin on the back of the head, kicked him fiercely, kicked him to the ground, stood up, pulled Ren Jingcheng, who was stunned, and left the door of the restaurant. The whole action was completed in one breath, shaped like running water, and extremely skilled. Obviously, Ye Xiaoqian didn't know how many times she had done it.

Ren Jingcheng looked at Lu Xinxin, who couldn't hold his head and legs on the ground and couldn't hold his legs with a headache. He inexplicably felt that his back was a little cold.

"Don't pay attention to him. That bastard is too annoying. Relying on the fact that our two families are friends, they always pester me like flies and talk nonsense. Don't believe him..." Walking to the hall of the game hall and seeing Ren Jingcheng's strange face, Ye Xiaoqian suddenly panicked for fear that he would have any misunderstanding and quickly explained. Come on.

"It's okay. I didn't believe a word he said. I believe you!" Ren Jingcheng looked at Ye Xiaoqian's panicked appearance and wanted to explain clearly for no reason, and there was a strange sweetness in his heart. He gently moved the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"That's good!" Ye Xiaoqian took a breath of relief and said, "Are you hungry? Why don't we go out to eat and come back later?"

"I'm not hungry yet. Let's eat later. Let's try the machine first." Ren Jingcheng originally wanted to agree to eat out, but when he wanted to see Lu Xinxin's appearance, he might as well hide in the game room and wait for him to leave.

Ye Xiaoqian agreed and took Ren Jingcheng to the counter.

"Take this form to fill in first. As a player of WarGame, you need to register some information. It could have been done online, but suddenly you can only fill it out by hand now." Ye Xiaoqian said a few words to the little girl at the counter, picked up a stack of forms from the counter and handed them to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng sat down at the table not far from the counter with the form and picked up the pen to fill in. Ye Xiaoqian opened her mouth first.

"What game ID do you think of?" Ye Xiaoqian asked.

"Maroco!" Ren Jingcheng didn't lift it from the form and replied by the way.

"Maroco? It's so snoy. Why is it called this? Ye Xiaoqian felt a little strange. Ordinary people will find some easy-to-remember game IDs. How can Ren Jingcheng have such an unreliable ID?

Ren Jingcheng shook his head and didn't say anything, but a mysterious smile appeared on Ye Xiaoqian's mouth where she couldn't see.

WarGame has developed to many newcomers every year. Even if there are generally, they will choose to register online, so Ren Jingcheng's registration is unusually smooth, and the form will be completed in three minutes.

The little sister at the counter deposited the registration information into Ren Jingcheng's limited edition information card and gave him the use procedures of the game room before handing the information card and key to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian, who got the key to the game room, did not delay. They took the elevator to the third floor and entered the game room.

It is said that the game room is actually an empty house. Except for the white wall, the power supply and tile floor, and a small coffee table with a computer, there is nothing else in the whole room.

was connected to the power supply and tested the virtual generator according to the online sayings and instructions. The results work well and there are no defects. Although it is not as good as the optimized effect of those masters on the Internet, it is enough for them.

"Come and have a look at this!" Ye Xiaoqian held the laptop in her arms and called Ren Jingcheng, who was still testing the secondary data of the virtual generator.

Ren Jingcheng walked over and put his head to the computer and saw a PPT playing on the screen.

"This is the official new version of Tactical Regulations 101, which includes the basic techniques and common tactics needed in the game, and comments on some weapons. You will train this in a short time." Ye Xiaoqian pointed to the screen and said to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng nodded, turned over the content on the PPT page by page, and slowly read it.

WarGame is a very special game. Because it is played in a virtual environment in the real world, it is not like other games. It can be played well with a pair of Kuaishou.

WarGame has certain requirements for the player's physical fitness. Although with the help of the system, players can make many difficult actions that can only be seen on TV, these actions require players to make actions that meet certain standards before they can complete them with the assistance of the system. If you want to do something like juggling, players need to do some training at ordinary times.

And many game items such as avoiding the damage of the other party in battle, how to use weapons and tactical skills, hiding traces, fast movement and so on need training. After all, not everyone can access those things that seem to be used in war.

This kind of game is also in line with the theme of "sports and leisure" advocated by modern people, which is largely one of the reasons why WarGame has been popular for more than a decade.

For the training game company, there is a set of special software for the game. As long as the virtual generator is connected through the computer and then installed with the software, it can be carried out in a virtual environment. This is why players need to have a virtual generator privately, otherwise it is just a battle, the official game hall, players gather You can go anywhere, and you need to buy any virtual generators.

The combination of the official Tactical Regulations 101 and training software is recognized to enable players to get the best training effect. However, these skills are very basic, and advanced skills require players to explore and form their own style, which is also one of the charms of the game. Of course, there will be many masters who will develop some skills on the Internet for people to learn. However, everyone has their own situation. These skills are not suitable for everyone. groping their own path and forming their own style is the right choice to become a master.

Ren Jingcheng flipped through the PPT of Tactical Regulations 101. While recalling his battle with the fire engine that day, he found that the two techniques used by the fire engine that day were mentioned. In addition to the fan-shaped blockade, there was also a floating point shooting that hit him in the sky that could not fall into the sky.

Floating point shooting: Use the delay of the character model to land in the game to shoot from different angles until the opponent dies. ( Note: This skill requires players to conduct long-term training to master control by themselves, and the system cannot give any help)

Looking at the explanation of the floating point shooting, Ren Jingcheng finally has a clearer concept of the strength of the fire machine, and it is really not simple for him to shoot the fire machine. His "commant" was completed with the help of the program, but it is unimaginable that the fire engine can calculate a reasonable angle in a delay of a few seconds to keep him unable to move in the air. This requires not only professional training but also confidence in marksmanship and incredible experience. Ordinary people can master it.

In fact, even in the professional circle, there are not many people who master floating point shooting. After all, the conditions required for floating point shooting are really demanding, and the reason why the fire machine can play this skill for Ren Jingcheng is actually more because he is a rookie. The conditions of floating point shooting are too harsh, and a mistake will lead to the failure of point shooting, so it is not too difficult to break this move, but it is very strange for Ren Jingcheng now.

Put down the laptop in your hand and think about it. Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian discussed a little and began the first lesson in Tactical Regulations 101: rolling training.