Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 16 The knot in my heart

Ren Jingcheng walked on the way home hesitantly and kept recalling Ye Xiaoqian's proposal to form a team. At that time, he agreed happily, but now he feels that it was too hasty at that time. This matter put much more psychological pressure on him than he thought.

Ren Jingcheng's personality is relatively soft and does not like to argue with others. Such a person is often easy to get into trouble in some aspects, and he is even more excessive among such a person.

From childhood to age, Ren Jingcheng is a model son in the eyes of parents and an excellent student in the eyes of teachers. All this is more or less deliberately created by him, because in his heart, he hates himself to become the "short board" in a certain group. He doesn't know when "becoming a short board means failure" The words have been deeply engraved into his bones.

In the team proposed by Ye Xiaoqian, there is no doubt that he had the shortest time to play the game, which undoubtedly made Ren Jingcheng unbearable, because he had no way to recognize himself, as if he had lost his direction when moving forward and was at a loss.

At this time, there are two ways in front of him. One is to refuse Ye Xiaoqian. Now that the team has not registered, he can quit at any time without any psychological burden; the other is to train hard and reach the same level as others within at least a month.

For these two roads, Ren Jingcheng can be said to be an incomparable struggle. If the first road is to disappoint the girl he likes, it is equivalent to breaking the hard-won connection between these two days. The second road is not good, and hard training means that the time can be freely reduced. The plan to use the summer vacation to self-study college courses has been ruined, which is likely to make him a "short board" in college.

Damn it! It is difficult to choose Ren Jingcheng holding his head and really wants to shout to express the entanglement in his heart.

Taking out the key and opening the door, Ren Jingcheng, who was still entangled in pain, walked into the door listlessly.

"Xiaojing, why did you come back so late?" Ren's mother stood up from the sofa and looked at her son who had just entered the door.

Ren Jingcheng looked up at the clock on the wall, and the pointer had begun to move towards eleven o'clock.

"I chatted with my classmates for a while and forgot the time." Ren Jingcheng picked up the cup on the coffee table, took a sip of water and said.

"What's the relationship between that girl and you today?" Ren's mother nodded, sat down again, and asked softly with a smile on her face.

"Classmate relationship!" Ren Jingcheng looked at his mother strangely and said.

"Is it really a classmate relationship?" Ren's mother still did not give up and asked.

"Of course, what else can it have to do with it?" Ren Jingcheng nodded affirmatively and replied.

"Xiaojing, it's not what my mother said about you. Now there are fewer and fewer good girls. You should do it as soon as possible. Today, the girl's mother looks good. If you are interested in her, you should do it early, you know!" Ren's mother shook her head unsatisfiedly after listening to her son's answer and advised seriously.

"Mom--" Ren Jingcheng shouted unpleauntedly, feeling that his mother was really a strange person. Others are afraid of the child's puppy love, but she is fine for fear that her son will take action late.

"I just called your father, but he said that he hopes you can take your girlfriend with you next time." Ren's mother ignored her son's helpless face and continued.

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard the words. If one couldn't do it, two came back. His strength seemed to be drained in an instant and he walked to his room dejectedly.

"Xiaojing, don't go back to the house yet. Mom hasn't finished talking yet!" Ren's mother didn't want to let her son go so simply. She quickly made a sound, but when she saw her son walking into the house without looking back, she shouted, "If you want to go to bed, take a shower first. Don't go to bed with a stinky sweat!"

"Good night, Mom!" Ren Jingcheng walked into the room, showed his head and said good night to his mother-in-law, and closed the door with a bang.

After the struggle in Ren's mother's heart, his depression was much lighter, and his shoes were not taken off. He threw himself into the quilt heavily, rolled him, rolled himself into a worm with a quilt, looked up at the ceiling, and somehow fell asleep.

The knock on the door came, making Ren Jingcheng, who was sleeping soundly open his eyes in a daze.

"You child, you said last night that you didn't take a shower. Why did you go to bed without taking off your shoes and clothes? How dirty!" With the sound of opening the door, Ren's mother's nagging voice poured into Ren Jingcheng's ears like a magic sound through his brain.

"Mom?" Ren Jingcheng was still not awake. He looked around doubtfully and muttered.

"Get up, mom is going to work. Breakfast is on the table in the restaurant. I may come back late today. You threw the toilet clothes and your sheets into the washing machine. I washed them when I came back at night. Do you hear me?" Ren's mother patted the cup wrapped around Ren Jingcheng again and told him.

"Oh!" Ren Jingcheng rubbed his eyes, sat up and promised.

"Damn it, Xiaojing, my mother didn't ask you because she saw that you were very tired last night. Did you have any trouble recently? You came back late the day before yesterday, and it was the same last night." Ren's mother suddenly said.

"!" Ren Jingcheng shook his head and said.

"Really? If you have something to say, tell your mother that since your father and I divorced, you have isolated yourself from the surroundings and never caused trouble for fear that I will worry. Although this makes me very relieved, you don't look like a 17-eight young man with no vitality at all. Ren's mother took a deep breath and said slowly, "People, young time is limited. Sometimes you still need to do something out of style to prove yourself. Xiaojing, don't let yourself be too tired to know!"

"Mom..." Ren Jingcheng didn't understand why his mother suddenly said this. Just as he wanted to ask, he saw that Ren's mother had walked out of the room.

"Xiaojing, Mom is going to be late. If you want to go out, don't forget to call me before dinner." Ren's mother's voice came to Ren Jingcheng's ears with the sound of the opening of the door. As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the door closing and locking had come.

Quarantine? Out of the grid?

Ren Jingcheng sat in ** and did not get up. Thinking about what Ren's mother had just said, he gradually fell into deep thoughts.


Time flies, and it's time to finish school again. Ye Xiaoqian packed up her things and replied a text message from Lu Xinxin. She was about to leave the classroom, but her mobile phone rang again.

Ye Xiaoqian took out her mobile phone and looked at the text message sent by Ren Jingcheng, which said: Wait for me at the school gate. I have something to ask you.

Ye Xiaoqian waited at the school gate for nearly half an hour before she saw Ren Jingcheng hurriedly running from the street corner.

"Sorry, the bus is stuck and I'm late!" Ren Jingcheng scratched his head with embarrassment and apologized.

"It's okay. It's inevitable to get off work. By the way, what's the matter with you?" Ye Xiaoqian smiled and shook her head to show that she did not suggest it.

"I thought of something today, and I want to ask you." Ren Jingcheng pondered for a long time before saying.

"You said."

"Xiaoqian, do you think it's difficult for me to get along with?" Ren Jingcheng asked seriously with a wink.

"Yes, you are difficult to get along with." Ye Xiaoqian looked at Ren Jingcheng's look and knew that this matter was very important to him. What he needed was not the comfort of others, but the truth. Then she nodded heavily and said directly without concealing it.

"Why?" Ren Jingcheng showed such a look and asked with a sigh of relief.

"How to say, I have been in the same class with you since I was a child, so I know you and know that you are not as arrogant as everyone says, and you can't see anyone but yourself. On the contrary, you are more like living in a box drawn by yourself, afraid that you will have any behavior, so you don't communicate with others, don't socialize with others, and live only in your own world, because in your world, you won't make mistakes or cause trouble, and everything seems to follow your rules. Isolated from everything around me, I didn't come out, and I was afraid that others would go in. Ye Xiaoqian lowered her head and thought for a moment, and then looked up at Ren Jingcheng, with a deep light in her eyes and said for a long time.

out of style? Quarantine?

Ren Jingcheng listened to Ye Xiaoqian's words and thought of the two words exactly the same as his mother's mouth. He trembled and wanted to deny something, but there was always a voice in his mind to dissuade him: Don't deny it, you are just like this...

"It's like last night, when I said to form a team, you promised, but I can see that there are still some scruples in my heart. Although I don't know what it is, you should put it down. Ye Xiaoqian saw that Ren Jingcheng didn't say anything for a long time and hesitated whether her words were too heavy and too real, but on second thought, she felt that since she spoke, it was better to say everything. This was what a friend should do.

"I feel that when people live, sometimes they need to break out of the barriers in their hearts and do something they think they will never do, which is not in vain." Ye Xiaoqian looked up at the sky, and the stars in her eyes were as empty as summer. Her voice was low and almost muttered, "It doesn't matter if we go the wrong way. Because we are young, we have the opportunity to make mistakes and correct him when we are young. If we want to take that safe road, we won't go when we are old. Late, because what we needed at that time was stability, and now what we need is risk.

"Do you understand what I said?" Ye Xiaoqian raised the corners of her mouth gently, smiled slightly, and said to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng nodded slowly, and his pupils were full of Ye Xiaoqian's figure. In a trance, he seemed to return to the day he entered high school and saw the girl as pure and beautiful as a small white flower.