Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 39 Silver Light Dance Troupe

Ren Jingcheng and others walked into the competition venue, and Su Yuqing and their beautiful women were ready to wear game clothes. Several boys glanced over, fell in a trance again, and their breathing became heavy.

For the convenience of movement, the game company uses high-elastic fiber materials when making game clothes. In addition to the convenience of movement, it is more important to be extremely slim and comfortable, and can also play a role in lifting the body.

Su Yuqing was originally tall and exquisite. With this tight game suit and her face, she was like a top model on the runway. When she fell into the eyes of Ren Jingcheng's boys, she only felt blood rolling all over her body and almost spit out a basin of nosebleeds.

"Cough, Xiaoqian, don't do it. I'll do it this time!" Sun Jianyang coughed pretentiously and licked his face and said to Ye Xiaoqian.

"Oh, how can that be! Earlier, who said that he would not play when fighting with the fire machine? He said it so hard. It's not enough to fight with the fire machine. I dare not bother you. Ye Xiaoqian turned her eyes, held her arms and looked at the ceiling, and said strangely.

"Playing jokes, just jokes." Sun Jianyang rubbed his hands and said, "How can I be a member of the team? Let me do this game, let me do it."

Ye Xiaoqian was funny in her heart and felt that these boys were really naive. Su Yuqing's silver light dance troupe is obviously using beauty tricks, and these boys still look like they are willing to be hooked, which is really angry and funny.

Forget it, let them suffer a loss and be a good boy. Anyway, isn't there a substitute for her when he dies in battle? If he really loses, he can't blame others. Ye Xiaoqian turned her eyes and made up her mind.

"Well, you go, I'll be a substitute." Ye Xiaoqian nodded and said with a smile.

Sun Jianyang was very happy, but he also knew that he could not show any flaws in front of Ye Xiaoqian, and his face was full of righteousness and serious.

Su Yuqing was not far from them, and all this naturally fell into her eyes. She turned around and smiled at several teammates, looking proud of a successful conspiracy.

"The battle will start in five minutes, please be prepared."


Donghua District WarGame Competition Group C Group 3, passers-by A team VS Silver Light Dance Troupe, map: Death Spider Forest.

Ren Jingcheng couldn't help frowning when he heard the announcement. This map is a little troublesome.

The Death Spider Forest is a standard 3VS3 map. Most of the map is covered by withered trees, and the name Death also indicates that the light of this map is dark and cold, but these are not the biggest problems on this map. Its biggest problem is that there are hundreds of spider webs, large and small in the forest and The blue-backed spider inhabits the web.

When introducing this map on the official website, spider webs and blue-backed spiders are specially marked in red font.

Blue-back spider web: The tool used by the blue-back spider for hunting is extremely sticky and corrosive. If the player touches the spider web, it will cause the entanglement effect and armor corrosion. Slowly absorbing the energy value of the player's armor will also weaken the defense force.

Blue-backed spider: If the blue-backed spider web catches the prey, it will disturb the blue-backed spider living on the web. The blue-backed spider will chase the prey and use spider silk to attack the prey remotely, causing penetration damage. The armor of the blue-backed spider is ordinary armor, and its defense energy value is 8000.

The above passage has fully demonstrated the danger of the dead spider forest. In addition to the spider webs that hinder the player's actions, they often unconsciously weaken the player's armor and armor energy, while the blue-back spider is even more excessive, and penetration damage will cause damage to armor. If it is hit by the player, it will cause twice or even three times the damage.

Such characteristics of the Death Spider Forest have created the reputation of the map with the highest turnover rate in WarGame, and there are countless examples of using spider webs and blue-back spiders to make a shocking reversal. Players on this map have to be cautious and careful not to fight until the last person can win.

With the "Fight" sound from the headphones, the battle officially began.

The dead spider forest does not see sunshine all year round, which is gloomy and horrible, and the deeper the forest will be filled with thick fog. The best way to be here is to slowly push forward, clean up layer by layer, and deliberately disturb the blue-backed spider to collect fire and kill it, and then eliminate the cobwebs. Only in this way can there be enough space to fight without interference.

Otherwise, it would be very bad to be entangled by spider webs and besieged by blue-backed spiders!

Ren Jingcheng and the three of them set up a triangular formation. Lu Xinxin were in front, Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang were behind. Because the blue-back spider is an ordinary armor, although it has an OP value of 8,000, it is difficult to live for 15 seconds under the fire of the three people.

After moving forward more than ten meters, the fog in the woods became heavier. From time to time, the ice blue cold light in the eyes of the blue-backed spider flashed around. Suddenly, Lu Xinxin, who was walking in the front, stopped and raised her hand, signaling Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang behind to stop moving.

Ren Jingcheng was about to ask what was going on when he saw several dazzling silver rays burst out not far from the woods. The light flashed and disappeared in an instant, and then the hiss of the blue-backed spider came to his ears.

"It should be them. What should we do now?" Lu Xinxin said.

"They came this way and ambushed them." Ren Jingcheng looked in the direction of Yinguang, thought about it again, and said.

"There is a tree 60 meters behind me that is suitable for blocking. I'll go there."

Sun Jianyang said, turned around and ran to the blocking point he saw earlier.

Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin cleaned up a place from left to right and lay on the ground* and hid themselves.

Su Yuqing's code name is Venus, and her other two teammates are code-named Cupid and the other code-named Isaiah. All three of them are balanced characters, which is rare in today's powerful game environment.

Su Yuqing and the three also adopted the method of gradual promotion all the way. Coincidentally, their direction coincided with Ren Jingcheng and others, which was discovered by Ren Jingcheng and others.

Their travel speed is a little slow. After all, although girls know it's a game, they still feel a little nervous when they look at the grinding disc-like blue-backed spiders in front of them.

"Here, pay attention!"

As soon as Su Yuqing's figure appeared, Ren Jingcheng hurriedly reminded him.

When he saw the three people clearly, Ren Jingcheng immediately understood why their team was called Silver Light Dance Troupe.

I saw the three girls shining with silver and dazzling light from head to toe all over their bodies, not because of their clothes. The dress is tighter than the game suit. The whole piece is made of silver scaly thin sheets. The clothes are directly covered from the feet to the head. Except for revealing the eyes, the whole body is covered in it without revealing any skin, and the shoes on the feet are also short boots made of the same material.

Although this dress can't be seen in the eyes of boys, it is far more charming than their whole body**, which can atract from other people's desires. It is mysterious, beautiful and strange. Together, these factors make Su Yuqing and others have a fatal attraction, just like putting out the fire. The moth is willing to face the threat of death.

"Desert Block Target 3, Black Shark blocks Target 1,2, and give me No. 1!"

Ren Jingcheng took a deep breath, calmed down, and quickly gave instructions.

The desert is the code name of Sun Jianyang. Hearing Ren Jingcheng's instructions, Sun Jianyang did not hesitate to shoot at Cupid on the left behind Su Yuqing.

The gunshot sounded, and the bullet broke through the air and roared. Before Su Yuqing and others could react, they bit Isaiah's shoulder in millisecond. Although it didn't hurt, Isaiah still cried habitually and delicately.

"There is a blocker, 52° ahead, 82 meters away."

Sun Jianyang's shot hit Isaiah, and Isaiah's radar immediately showed a reading, and Isaiah hurriedly reported the data loudly.

"Be careful!"

As soon as Isaiah's voice fell, Su Yuqing screamed again. In the scream, a dark shadow suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed to him, slapping Su Yuqing with a black ancient spear several meters long in his hand.

Su Yuqing was suddenly shocked by the attack and hurriedly tried to dodge, but Cupid, who had been standing on her right hand, reacted faster. She turned two silver daggers about 25 cm long and came to her hand and lifted it from the bottom to the spear.

Unexpectedly, suddenly the gunshots rose again, and several bullets flew towards her.

Cupid didn't care about saving people and "rolled" to the left to avoid the bullet, but as soon as he got up, he saw that the black spear that had hit Su Yuqing turned in one direction and stabbed her.

At this time, Su Yuqing was stunned because the spear actually bypassed her to attack Cupid.

This stunned gave Ren Jingcheng a chance. Ying Tong raised it, held the handle of the gun with his right hand, pulled the trigger, held his right hand with his left hand, and fired a shot at Su Yuqing.

The bullet just flew out of the muzzle, Ren Jingcheng fired another shot, and then fired one shot every 0.5 seconds, a whole ten shots, which is the special tactical skill for light firearms: "targeting shooting".

"Aiming and Shooting": For light firearms, ten bullets are fired at an average interval, and the damage of each bullet will increase by 50% with the damage of the previous bullet.

"Aiming shooting" is a very powerful tactical skill, but it is also the easiest tactical skill to flash, because it is too rigid, the same shooting route, exactly the same shooting interval, and the shooter cannot move before the ten bullets are fired.

This defect makes this tactical skill very simple and will be hit defensively by the opponent, so it is generally used in cooperation with teammates. If Su Yuqing hadn't suddenly been in a daze, Ren Jingcheng would never have chosen this opportunity.

Unfortunately, Su Yuqing had woken up when the first bullet hit. Although the other two bullets still hit her, the remaining bullets were still flashed by her.

Su Yuqing's OP value was immediately reduced by 700, but the DP value of Yingtong in Ren Jingcheng's hand also decreased by 700.

Ren Jingcheng was stunned by the extraordinary data shown on the radar and instantly realized that the silvery armor on Su Yuqing's body was not only decorative, but also had a stronger anti-shock effect than other armor.

"Be careful, their defenses are strange."

Before Ren Jingcheng's voice fell, Su Yuqing had crossed the silver shadow at a speed beyond his imagination, jumped up and kicked Ren Jingcheng.

"I can't continue to block it. The weapon's DP value has dropped a lot." At this time, Sun Jianyang suddenly shouted through the headphones.