Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 48 Li Xiao's unintentional words

Although the game was over, most of the audience did not leave. Except for some people who could not accept the defeat of the madman team for a while because they were fans of the madman team, they also wanted to hear how Li Xiao commented on the game.

"'Clapsing Mountain'? Isn't it because the madman and the mad knife saw that the madness was out of the game? Xiaofeng first expressed his surprise and doubts about Li Xiao's words.

"Of course, the 'mountain collapse' move of the chariot may not seem to look special on the surface. The madman and the mad knife seem to have been hit because of distraction. In fact, it is not true. The reason why they were hit is that the 'mountain collapse' of the chariot is too fast, and the speed of the move has almost reached a fast journey. Degree."

"Is this... possible?" Xiaofeng whispered in disbelief.

"Of course, this is not a difficult skill for professional players to master, but it's the first time I've seen such an operation in amateur games. It's really surprising!" Li Xiao smiled and said.

"It can surprise Li Xiao, a professional player. I think the imperial team is really promising!" DJ Xiaofeng sighed.

"Hehe, yeah, I'm looking forward to their performance in the championship." Li Xiao said with a smile.

"Well, in the end, we still want to congratulate the Imperial team for advancing to the finals. Congratulations!" Xiaofeng applauded and continued, "The second round of the quarter-finals of the Donghua District WarGame Competition will be held in half an hour. Please take a break and don't go far. See you in half an hour."

As Xiaofeng's words fell, the audience on the audience got up one after another and temporarily left.

Ren Jingcheng and the fire machine led the team's companions back to the lounge, but they saw that Sun Jianyang did not know when they had come back, or they were sitting in the corner just now, dazed.

"Are you all right?" Ren Jingcheng went over and pushed Sun Jianyang and asked with concern.

Sun Jianyang raised his head, looked at Ren Jingcheng, and slowly shook his head.

Ren Jingcheng looked at Sun Jianyang's appearance and understood that he would not want to say anything. He sighed and sat next to Sun Jianyang in the chair and accompanied him in a daze.

When Ye Xiaoqian and others saw this scene, they knew that it was not the time to talk and did not disturb the two of them. The fire machine was also very interesting. They glanced at Wang Jun and Ma Chao, and the three of them left the lounge together.

After about 20 minutes of silence, the young man who had led Ren Jingcheng and others to the audience came in again.

"The game time is coming soon. Please be ready." The young man did not ask why there were only four people in the room, and said directly.

"Okay, we know." Ye Xiaoqian smiled and nodded and agreed.

When she turned her head, she saw that Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang had come over.

"I'll go!"

Sun Jianyang stopped, spit out two words coldly in the ears of several people, and took the lead in walking out of the lounge.

Ren Jingcheng and the three looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

After wearing the game suit and waiting for the game notice, Ren Jingcheng began to feel nervous for some reason. He subconsciously looked at Ye Xiaoqian beside him, but saw that she was also worried and nervous. Ren Jingcheng smiled and pulled Ye Xiaoqian's hand.

Hand in hand, Ye Xiaoqian felt the temperature and heartbeat in Ren Jingcheng's hand. Her cheeks were slightly red and she dared not look at Ren Jingcheng.

At this time, the audience around the stadium is more lively. Although the rapid team is only an emerging force in the amateur team in C City, the fire engine is too famous in Donghua District. Whether it is his personal charm or solid technology, it has won the support of many fans.

The appeal of the fire machine in Donghua District is not comparable to others. Maybe professional players are more popular, but the same professional players are too far away from ordinary players. On the contrary, amateurs such as fire machines can be seen on the street from time to time, and they are closer to ordinary players, making them The fire engine is more acceptable.

"Friends, I'm DJ Xiaofeng. We met again. Time flies. I just drank a glass of water and it took half an hour."

There is still some time before the game, Xiaofeng's lively voice has sounded in the stereo.

"The second round of the quarter-finals is about to begin, and another place in the championship will also be created. I'm really looking forward to it."

"The two teams are the passers-by team and the Rangers team."

"The name of the Rangers team is very new. I believe no one has heard of it before this competition, but when it comes to their members, everyone must be extremely familiar with it. Especially friends in Donghua District, if you don't know them, you will be fooling around in Donghua District.

"Come on, everyone, don't worry, let's shout out their names together..."

As soon as Xiaofeng's excited words fell, the sound of shouting the names of the three fire engine resounded deafeningly throughout the world, mixed with the excited screams of girls and the crazy howls of boys, and almost the main stadium was blown away by their infinite enthusiastic voices.

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone really knows it. Yes, they are the fire machine - Zhang Fan, Tianhu - Ma Chao, Magic Eye - Wang Jun, the three captains of the rapid team." Xiaofeng shouted loudly and re-introduced the three people of the fire engine.

"I believe I don't need to say much about this team. I'm afraid many friends know them better than me. If you really have friends who don't know, ask the people around you and I believe you will get the most detailed answer. What I know is hearsay. Most of them really see it with their own eyes.

"As for the passers-by A team, ha, it's really a coincidence. This team has also been a new team, and the registration time has only been one month. It's really rare that two teams in the top four are newcomers! Li Xiao, have you ever seen this situation? Halfway through Xiaofeng's words, he suddenly asked Li Xiao.

"No." Li Xiao replied with a smile, "I'm also an old man among professional players. I'm well-informed and have explained many games in our C city, but this is the first time I've seen this situation. A few days ago, Lao He also complained to me that there are fewer and fewer good seedlings now, and he was worried that the team would be weak in the future. Now it seems that he is really unfounded.

Li Xiao's words caused a lot of laughter in the audience. Most of them felt that he called himself an "old guy" was a very humorous thing, but many older people thought of another hot topic that made people worried about being hyped recently because of Li Xiao's unintentional words.

Game competition is a very young profession. Li Xiao is 26 years old this year and will retire at most after playing one season. Even the media speculate that he will announce his retirement during the winter break of the league. Although Li Xiao's Jiantian City Club tried its best to refute the rumors, it turned around in the summer. It is an indisputable fact that Jiantiancheng Club is frequently looking for a replacement for Li Xiao in small and medium-sized teams.

In today's increasingly mature WarGame League, few clubs have tried their best to cultivate ace or core players as in the early days. Generally, they buy some second- or third-tier professional players who are a little famous and match their own clubs directly in small and medium-sized clubs.

In this way, the purchased players can handle it after a season of training, and with publicity, it is a new cash cow. If you completely use new people as a replacement for famous players for a long time, the cost of training is also surprisingly high, and there are still two things to say whether you can grow up in the future. In case of failure is equivalent to all the money you spent before. Although this situation also occurs among buyers of mature players, the probability is much lower than that of training new players.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer rookies in the professional circle. After all, professional players are only four or five years old. Those with better qualifications, such as Li Xiao, may play seven or eight years, but that is because the starting age of talented players is younger than others, so they play for a long time. It is not that they have achieved results at a certain age. The sliding club still retains them for retirement.

WarGame League has been playing for 12 years, and the new season is 13 years. In just over a decade, the longest-serving professional players in the league are the third generation of the league. Most of the first generation of professional players have retired after the first World Cup, while the second generation The last one also said goodbye to the professional league two years ago.

The third generation of WarGame players who entered the professional circle were at their peak because the previous two generations of players were too bright and bleak. In the end, only three people got contracts from the rich club. Others either fell to the third-rate team or retired early after playing one or two seasons and made another living. .

Li Xiao belongs to the fourth generation. By that year, the first generation of professional players had retired, and the second generation declined due to different degrees of age problems. The third generation has no dazzling star to support the world, so the fourth generation has become popular. .

Although their strength is not enough to become a ace player of the club, the club has begun to create new team characteristics with them as the core, but under the strong publicity offensive, the fourth generation of professional players play a more role as idols than their professional players themselves.

And now the glorious past of the fourth generation is about to come to an end, but when the major clubs select new heirs for them, they find that they are almost unavailable.

It's not that the popularity of WarGame has receded after more than a decade, but because most young people who want to join the professional circle have recognized a reality after so many years, that is, when you are not a genius in this industry and have not come out at all.